✿ Surprise visit ✿

✿ Because You're You ✿

The sunlight beamed through the openings of the white curtain and it shined right on her. Jinhye groaned, furiously pulling the thick covers over her head, but now it only made her hot.

"Aish!" Jinhye annoyingly groaned while throwing the covers off of her. Mark who was already awake, saw her and laughed. "JB was right, you're like the hulk when you wake up." He teased. Jinhye only sat up and glared at her. She turned to the mirror that was next to her, then began to fix her bed hair. "Hurry up and get dressed. Manager-nim told the both of us to go buy things for the bonfire tonight." Mark told her. Jinhye quickly turned to him. Her eyes were wide open. "What? When was this? Why didn't I know sooner?" She asked, confused. Mark chuckled, "You were still asleep. We were discussing it in the car, on our way back." Jinhye made an 'O' with her lips. "I'll be waiting for you outside." Mark gave her a smile before exiting the room.

As she began to head out to meet Mark, she bumped into JB. Jinhye furrowed her brows as he gave her a cheesy smile and was crossing his arms. "How's it going? You and Mark." JB laughed. Jinhye jokingly scoffed and nudged past him, walking over to Mark.

When he saw her, Mark examined her face and pointed at her bright red cheeks. "Oh- you're blushing. What did JB say to you?" He laughed, teasing her. She just pushed his hand away, "Nothing! C-Come on, you said we had to go buy things." Jinhye stuttered. Mark watched as Jinhye walked over to the van, then at JB who was now with Jackson and JB. He just stared at him for a while, then continued to follow Jinhye.

"Jeez, what took you so long?" Jinhye scoffed, then moved over to the passenger's seat. Mark closed the door shut after getting in, and then began to start the car. She stared at Mark and waited for a reply, but there wasn't any. She just puffed her cheeks as an awkward silence filled up the car. Jinhye looked at Mark and sighed, "What's up with you?" She asked him. Again, Mark only stayed quiet. It annoyed her how he wouldn't respond to her. Jinhye scoffed and slouched back on to the seat.

When they finally got there, Jinhye immediately got out of the car, slamming the door behind her and then  walked ahead of him. Knowing that she was annoyed or pissed off, Mark sighed. He locked the car and waited for the beep, then jogged a little to catch up to her.

Mark nudged her arm, causing her to move a few inches and smiled at her when she glared back at him. "Yah~ Stop being mad." He even attempted to do aegyo, but she only scoffed. Mark let out a tired sigh, "Sorry.. I just have a lot on my mind." He apologized. When Jinhye turned her head, Mark frowned. Mark walked in front of her, causing the both of them to stop walking and pouted at her. "Mianhae~" He held both of his hands together and attempted to do aegyo again. Seeing him do aegyo for the first time made her crack a smile. Jinhye chuckled and then punched his arm for not telling her earlier. "Let's go." She said.

Mark grabbed one of the shopping carts and then pulled out a piece of paper that listed things that they had to buy. Jinhye tiptoed and struggled while trying to take a look at the list, but Mark only held it up higher to . "Yah!' Jinhye scolded him and raised her fist up. He laughed and stuck the list back into his pocket. "You go look for the ingredients for smores, and grab some snacks for the others. I'll go grab the food and beer and.. whatever else. Meet me at check out 8 afterwards." Mark ordered her. She furrowed her brows, "Okay? Give me the cart." Jinhye said, motioning for him to slide it over to her. Mark shook his head and stuck his tongue out. Jinhye's eyes widened as Mark disappeared with the cart before her eyes. "Y-Yah! You!.. Aish!" Jinhye cursed under her breath.

Jinhye literally cursed her way to the snack aisle. She forgot all about Mark when she saw all of the snacks though. Jinhye grabbed what she could and headed over to the candy aisle. She looked in every row for the chocolate and her eyes lit up when she finally found it. However, it was on the top row and she had to tiptoe to get it. Jinhye moved all of the snacks to her left arm to hold them and began to tiptoe. She grunted as she stretched her arms out and reached for the chocolate.

All of sudden, a hand reached up next to hers and grabbed the chocolate. Jinhye's eyes widened and she dropped all of the snacks that she barely managed to hold with her left arm. "Oh-" Jinhye stood there, surprised, and stared at the guy. "J-Jun K.." She stuttered. Jun K smiled and held out the bar of chocolates to her. "Here. You looked like you were having a hard time for these." Jun K chuckled. Jinhye took the chocolates, still surprised. When she snapped back into reality, she turned and bent down to pick up the snacks that she had dropped.

"Let me help you with that." Jun K offered, immediately bending over to held her pick them up. "O-Oh, no! It's okay-" Jinhye started, but he was already done picking them up by the time she even opened . "I'll help you hold these for now. Go on ahead and get anything else." Jun K told her. Jinhye shook her head, "I'm finished here. T-Thank you." She stuttered. Everytime she stuttered she cursed to herself in her head and clenched her teeth. Jun K laughed, "Cute." Jun K's sudden remark made her embarassed, but that feeling eventually went away as they walked together towards the check out.

Jinhye saw Mark and waved. She saw Mark's eyes widen a little before waving back and walked over to the two. "Hyung, what are you doing here?" Mark questioned. He watched as Jun K placed all of the snacks into the cart, then stood up straight again. "I came to give you guys a little visit. I heard you guys were going to be here for a month." Jun K said, in envy. "JYP didn't even let us off for vacation."

Mark laughed, "Did the others come with you?" Jun K shook his head. "They wanted to, but they're all busy." Mark nodded. His attentioned switched to Jinhye who was just standing there listening to their conversation. He motioned for her to come and stand next to him, and she did. "Hyung, this is Jinhye." Mark introduced, gently placing both of his hands on to her shoulders. Jun K nodded, "I know. I mean, who wouldn't after you suddenly confessed on live TV. You're all over the news, man." He laughed, then continued, "Well, I have to grab some things here and I'll see you two again at the bonfire tonight." Jun K said. They both nodded and said goodbye.

Mark turned to Jinhye whos cheek showed a visible pink. "Yah, were you flirting with hyung?" He said. Jinhye's eyes widened a little and she immediately shook her head, "No, I wasn't!" She argued. Mark jokingly scoffed and then he smiled. "Good. I was getting a little jealous." He said, making her laugh with him.

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DaisYeolPark88 #1
Chapter 25: Omg I thought she was gonna die
Chapter 25: yay she survived!! ^^
Chapter 24: stupid girls >=[
Chapter 23: WAAAH SO CUTE
kpoplover1020 #5
Chapter 21: Omg the last part doee~ update soon plss
Chapter 20: Food Coma all day everyday like no ragrets
Chapter 19: AHHHHH to cute to handle
Chapter 17: WOAH PLOT TWIST MARK can't stop but feel guilty anf stop the music ooh i hear a bell ringing with a SCANDAL coming up
iheartkpop01 #9
Chapter 17: Woah! Did not see that coming (the whole Mark stop dancing part) but still loved the update! Update soon pls!