Friendship Starts.

International Traveler

you are sleepy, because of the long trip , and you sighed.

Sungyeol: why?wae?

you: Why? what did i do?

Sungyeol: you sighed,

you: I was sleepy , because of the airplane trip.

Sungyeol: sleep, i will finish the dishes.

You: Are you sure? 

Sungyeol: yes, i have no schedule for Tomorrow  i can stay up late.

Sungyeol: when will your work start?

You: the day next to tomorrow.

Sungyeol: do you want me to tour you here in seoul?

You: i would love to.

Sungyeol: do you want to meet new friends?

You: Yes~ [ you being cute in a natural way]

Sungyeol: kyeoopttaa~ Cute!~ 

Sungyeol: Sleep Now, we will visit many places tomorrow.

You: i'm so excited i don't think i can sleep [ doing it in a cute way]

Sungyeol: You need to. * she is too cute, when she is happy*

You: good night

Sungyeol: good night

Sungyeol: prepare for tomorrow.

You: i will!


Narrator POV:

while you were sleeping, sungyeol just finished the dishes . you only have one bed so you need to share it.

you asked sungyeol at first that who will sleep in the bed. he said you will,

But you  sleep in the floor.

 when sungyeol went to your room.

he saw you on the floor , sleeping. hecarried you


sungyeol's POV:

haisssstt, i told her to sleep in the bed. 

wow, i never thought she is too cute.

especially when she is excited.

arrghhh, now i have to carry her to the bed, and i will sleep on the floor.

[ his done carrying you to the bed,]

he said, ~~~~~~~~ your cute, i hope you will stay here . [while poking your cheeks.]

then he went to sleep/



~~~~~~- means insert your name there.

What will happened to the trip?

you will finally meet new friends.

OTL, i'm getting tired of typing.

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