How To Act On a First Date

Advice || HIRING

Question: Hi so I'm going on my first date EVER and I have no idea what to do...I really like him... like how should I act? I'm so nervous! Please help!!


Ali: First dates are pretty scary! Especially if it's with a boy you really like. Here's a few tips to help!:

  1. BE YOURSELF It's going to be scary and you're going to want to impress him but be yourself. If you really want him to like you for you, that's the best thing to do so later if your relationship gets more serious and he finds out that you weren't what he thought you were, he's gonna be like "What the ?"
  2. GO WITH THE FLOW Don't rush into things too quickly. Like kissing, marriage, kids, your relationship. You can talk about that stuff later in your relationship NOT NOW. Also, if he doesn't kiss you right away, that's okay. Just go with the flow of things.
  3. DON'T TALK ABOUT EXES A big turn off is when you talk about exes. And if he brings it up asking you about your past relationships, don't go into detail about how he was a douchebag or how he cheated on you or something like that. Just say something simple like you both decided it wasn't going to work. 
  4. HAVE FUN Whether you're going out to eat, movies, theme parks, etc. Just have fun with it. Don't get to worked up about what you have to say and what you have to do. Just chill out and have a good time.

Those are some things I could think of. Hopefully that helped :)


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