Summer: When I First Fell In Love




“In order to hear love’s words, you must allow love to approach.

However when it draws near,  we fear what it might say to us, because love is free and is not ruled by our will or by what we do.

All lovers know this but refuse to accept it. They think they can seduce love through submission, power, beauty, wealth, tears and smiles.

True love, however, is the love that seduces and will never allow itself to be seduced.

Love transforms, love heals. But sometimes it lays deadly traps and ends up destroying the person who decided to surrender himself completely. How can the force that moves the world and keeps the stars in their places be at once so creative and devastating?”

                                                                                                          -Paulo Coelho, the Manuscript Found in Accra


Summer: The warmest part of the year.

                 The season between spring and autumn



The cherry blossoms have begun to fall, and your guard is dropping with them. Admit it. You’re going to fall in love, this summer. Maybe not deeply and maybe not for long, but you will.


Summer: When I first fell in love







This story is pure fiction. I don’t intend to plagiarize so parts of this story which are similar to other fanfiction stories, novels, films or even real life stories are all pure coincidences.

English is not my first language so please don’t judge me if I have grammar errors and also sorry for the typos. I’m human, I make mistakes.

Thank you. Love you xx






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Chapter 2: exactly :))