Chapter 9

I Looked at You, Only You...

The stranger from a dreamy wonderland...


"Wa...wae?" I stepped a back slightly, wrenching my wrist out of his stronghold.

"Through you, I'll see the truth." he didn't break eye contact throughout his spoken words.

I tilted my head slightly, "What tr-?" before I questioned his phone went off.

I stood still lowering my gaze to the ground, brows knitted together in confusion.


He heard Ajumma aka his maid on the phone, "is she awake?" she questioned.

He kept quiet for a bit while looking over in your direction, "mmm" he answered turning away.

"Okay...what size is she?" she questioned down the phone. Jaejoong gathered what she meant, as she was hesitant to ask.

He leant against the table facing her, his gaze lifted up over to you slowly before answering, "32B" he said a smirk appearing on his lips as he guessed right by seeing your face light up in shock and anger.

"Yah" I bit my lip before storming off.

"Yah, Nappeun namja." he heard ajumma as she realized he lied as soon as she heard your voice.

He ended the call and walked after you, watching you walk towards the guest room and slam the door. He came to the door with JiJi near his feet, "~~~Shii" he mused at your childish behavior.

He heard you curse behind the door as you paced the room, "WAE?!" you came to a stop in front of the door.

He opened the door and you threw your shoes at him in pure rage but before you started throwing your fists at him, he picked you up over his shoulder.

"Yah....Yah!" He heard you scream as you tried to wriggle free from his grip, he slammed you down on to the couch to hard, the look in his eyes quieting you.


"If you want to survive then stick with me, if you want to know the truth then help me find the truth." You heard him growl slightly, the murderous look in his eyes was serious. He didn't let me speak as he continued, "Go about your normal job but after nights come here to do ajumma's job, then I'll repay you with answers to some of the questions that are still floating inside your head."

"And why should I believe you?" I questioned propping myself on my elbow.

"1,780,340 won a day....I'm serious when it comes to business." he spoke in a low tone as he looked down at me.

I lowered my gaze contemplating, "then ...Kim Jaejoong Shii" I spoke after a few seconds " can't let Yunho or Jessica come anywhere near me...araseo?" I waited for his reply.

"is that it?" he questioned leaning away. "Jaejoong." He pointed out.

"Ani.." I shook my head "Kim Jaejoong shii, your only like a loan shark to me." That's the closest thing I could describe him to seeing as he may change his mind and demand all that money back if I didn't fulfill my job...but the contract wasn't clear as to what I was supposed to do.


Two weeks had gone by and I was slowly becoming anxious day by day...every night I came back to help Ajumma with the chores and every night I tried to search through his apartment for anything that could link  to Mr.Kim or even give me a clue about Kim Jaejoong shii and what he truly was. I spent atleast until 3 in the morning in his apartment with Ajumma whilst he either slept or was out, he was turning out to be my worst nightmare...another stranger another shadow with no link.

The following morning, I dragged myself out of my apartment and made way for the restaurant. The mornings were getting chillier and that told me this winter wasn't going to be just rain or sleet. The Restaurant was quiet except from a person on the phone ...a familiar mumbled soft voice I heard every morning, a familiar face that always smiled in my direction. I never thought I would have said this but...he was one hell of a dreamy guy...someone that was meant to be in films... romantic films at that.


He could tell Jaejoong had left his stamp on her, she was beyond tired... the past few weeks he watched as she always pondered into a different world and hecould tell that Jaejoong was just getting started. He looked down at his phone and scrolled down to his name and pressed the call button. He picked it up like always but never said anything, "I can see ...your playing your cards hyung, I never wanted to go against you because you always kept your hands clean but right now...all I see is, you killing her and her blood on your hands." He quietened to see if it registered in his hyungs mind, he simply heard him smile...a content smile that he could picture. "The more I look at her...the more I realize how innocent she is, so before it gets worse ...stop before I -" before he could finish, Jaejoong ended the call.

...go against you....


I walked out into the garden for my break, one hand holding a bowl of instant noodles, the other a book Ajumma had given me. I walked over to the bench that encircled around the bald cherry blossom tree, I lifted my eyes from the book as they landed on a familiar figure...he was still here, I furrowed my brows wondering how much spare time he had. I continued in my path and sat down on the other side of the bench, placing the bowl of hot noodle on my crossed legs.

"If your looking for a sad ending...then you've got the right book...she doesn't survive." I heard his voice, I slowly tore my eyes away from the first chapter and looked over my shoulder. He was looking over my shoulder, my eyes turned wide in fright but I tried calm my crazy heart.

"Aah Mian." He spoke seeing me calm down slightly, and move away.

"Anni, Kenchanahyo." I spoke wondering if my frightened face scared him... I bet I looked like a psychotic panda.

He let out a chuckle...his head falling back as he rested his hands behind him, I blinked but that just made him his chuckle turn into a laugh....was I that funny. My features softened as a smile appeared on my lips, I was wrong in thinking he was the total opposite of his looks. Mian...

He let out a content sigh, "since when was the last time you laughed that much?" I mused turning away and eating the noodles.

"Are you normally that funny without knowing?" he questioned.

Anni...maybe it was me, who was surrounded by the devils rather than angels I thought.

He reminded me of someone...."Oppa..." I spoke as he looked over at me, abit surprised. I frowned...hang on did I just...I covered my mouth.

"Oppa's better than nothing..." he smiled ...

Yunho Oppa ....thats who he reminded me of.

An hour had passed, an hour that was refreshing and welcoming. Before he left, he had taken my phone from my hand and listed his name as 'Oppa no.1.' on my contact list.


Asa! Don't ya love a bit of Micky ;)

Its a refreshing moving on chapter, a chapter that will take another turn in the story...hopefully it was interesting to read.

What do you think of this Mysterious, Cold and Dangerous Jaejoong?

Thank you to my new subscriber juicy_evil x

Thank you sjlovessuju for the lovely comment, and I'm glad you like my story :D Keep giving my story love ;)

Oh and a nice lil video I found on youtube *melts* Credit Lusi1510

Hopefully, I'll be able to update tomorrow!


PS. Please do let me know if my Korean is wrong because I'm not fluent and I don't want to insult anyone x

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ForeverFive #1
Chapter 28: oh oh.........! Come on come on. I need to know more bout this. I am so excited for the next few chapters and i just can't wait. I seriously need to read and find out more. What's going on here.....?
amanda13 #2
Chapter 28: uah uah uah ! your back!!! it's so fiery !! feisty! love it !
AKTFReign #3
Thank you to my new subscribers :) would love to see comments x
ForeverFive #4
Chapter 27: Damn that was hot... Really hot. Jae in the bathroom looks delicious hahaha.. And last but not least... Junsu! he really does love to ruin it. Hahaha.. Well well well let's see what happen between junsu and Jae. I bet he's going to die haha. Thank you :)
ForeverFive #5
Chapter 28: Well yes i am still interested to know what happen next. I'll be waiting
amanda13 #6
Chapter 28: yes continue it please !
AKTFReign #7
Chapter 26: Omgosh! I can't believe I have abandoned all my readers for so long but ive been so busy with uni and life its crazy but the weirdest thing is that I can't even remember the story line for this story so i'm gonna have to go over it and hopefully continue and thank you to my new readers!
AKTFReign #8
Chapter 26: Omgosh! I can't believe I have abandoned all my readers for so long but ive been so busy with uni and life its crazy but the weirdest thing is that I can't even remember the story line for this story so i'm gonna have to go over it and hopefully continue and thank you to my new readers!
amanda13 #9
i really like your story!!!!!!!! huaaaa jaejoong is sooo hhoott!
you're going to do a sequel ? hua! yesh please! even though i'm a new reader heheheh
New reader here! I like the story so far. Keep updating! (: