One-shot Collection: Shinee


This where I'll be posting all of my Shinee One-shots :)



Let me know if you'd like a personalized one!


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English101 #1
So basically, this is the cutest thing of my lifeu and I want a Jinki story. For you and me. :)<br />
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No pressure, though. Lol. I should really just freakin' write my story, right? Then I would have a Jinki story to entertain myself with. <br />
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I am hyper. Can you tell?<br />
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I really like the name. I'm pretty sure you named it after your friend, really fits in the story. You are good job. *Winkeu* I also like how Kim Jjong was like, 'we can't walk together', but when it came down to it...and he was worries worries for her, he abandoned that and just went after her. It was so cute. And I truly believe it was totally a Jjong move. I think he's really kind of traditional romantic sweetheart in real life. I don't know why. But it's good.<br />
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Anyway, I'm going to go try to read the BTS chapter before I have to go. YOU ROCK!!!
TheCartoonHero #2
OH MY GODDD, MY LITTLE FANGIRL HEART CAN'T HANDLE. THERE WAS SO MUCH ACCURACY WITH THE FANGIRLING, YOU KNOW MY THOUGHTS, YOU LITTLE CREEP, YOU <3 You described my thoughts PERFECTLY. You deserve all the awards, omg. Lmao, ohmahgawd, ju did ah-mazingly gurlfran <3 <br />
I KISSED JONGHYUN, UGH OMG. & Lol @ your husband finding Jjongie and I gross. -sigh- this is my future, okay? <br />
Kay. <br />
vocbirdpic #3
I can't believe I just found this. Sorry!!! XD<br />
This was so cute! 'Specially the last two sentences. <br />
Short but sweet. ^-^
English101 #4
Who is the girl?<br />
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I bet you'll never guess who my favorite character is. (By this, I mean you will know because you know me so well and you write things that may be for you, but because we are actually the same person, you write them specifically for me too.)<br />
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I love that Taemin says Daebak. He should say it a lot. :) I think in my head, it's one of his 'go to' phrases.<br />
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This is really cute. I like it.