Chapter 8

Anything For You

Krystal's POV

L: Uhm.. My ideal type is a girl with long wavy hair and innocent." L blushes while telling his ideal type.

MC: Oh! so who would you say that is closest to your ideal type in the kpop industry?"

L: I actually haven't met anyone like that yet so I can't really say anyone."

"It's surprising he hasn't found anyone like that yet but that sounds like Sulli!!!!" Amber says and I quickly denied it "Haha no it can't be Sulli.." I said while covering my mouth with my hands. "Wae?.." Amber says to me as she raises one eyebrow in suspicious. "I know how he's like.. He doesn't like Sulli plus Woohyun is hitting on her.." I said to change the topic. "Really?!" Amber says. I nodded my head in agreement and Amber runs off to Sulli's room. "Was I too suspicious..? but why do I feel like this.?" I just shaked my head and suddenly my phone rang and I saw the caller ID and it was Jb.

Phone conversation:

Jb: What happen last night?"

Krys: Ohh sorry my phone died on me..

Jb:Ohh.. well are you going to be free today?..

Krys: No sorry..

Jb: It's okay well I have to go then bye.

I hung up the phone and walked with Sulli to go buy groceries.


Myungsoo's POV

"Aish finally it's over yah! let's all go out and eat some food together!" Dongwoo said with excitement. "Yah. we have nothing in our fridge!" Sunggyu complained. "hyung its your's and Woohyun's turn to go buy food!. I just sighed and got up and put on my shoes and walked out the door. "Wae? is he like that..?" Woohyun said while catching up to me. I was just walking side by side with Woohyun now. "Woohyun what is it called when you see a friend with someone else and they keep on talking and laughing together and you can't do anything about it but you feel really angry?.." Woohyun just scratched his head "Well it seems like that person is jealous and they probably like their friend.. so one sided love.." "O-one sided love..?" I just fake laughed "but what if you don't like that friend.?" Woohyun stopped walking and observed me. "Yah! why are you asking all this anyway?" he raised one eyebrow at me. "u-uh it's nothing.. let's just go." while walking we spotted Sulli and Krystal so Woohyun walked over to them. "Annyeong girls." I gave Krystal a cold stare and just turned away after she looked at me. "Do you guys want to shop together?" Woohyun said while smiling at Sulli. "Oh! Myungsoo whose your ideal girl? AMber kept saying it was me." Sulli asked Woohyun gave me death glares and I took the chance to tease Woohyun "Well you're pretty aha but Greasy man already has his eyes on you." I replied and we all started laughing and seeing Krystal laugh at something made me happy and my heart kept beating fast and suddenly I wanted to make her laugh even more.. Woohyun playfully hit me on the shoulder. "Yah!" I just smirked at him and we all began shopping. "arasso since were gonna shop i want to shop with Woohyun oppa so.. You and Krystal?" Sulli said and I was shocked. "U-uh sure.." I replied then I was walking with Krystal and there was slience between us then I decided to break the slience. "Yah the other day why did you call me?" "Oh I called you because I wanted to know how you hurt your hand." She said while staring at my hand so I kept it in my pocket. "You should know." i said. "How would I know you did it?" "But i did it because of you.." Those words came out of my mouth and I could tell she was shocked. "M-me but i didn't do anything..?" She replied. "can I ask you something?." She looked at me "Why didn't you stay with me that time when i wanted to walk you home?" She became blank "Oh.." "Aren't you going to answer me?" i said again. "Well i'm sorry I did that I wasn't thinking everything just happen so fast so don't hate me arasso?" I just smirked and grabbed her hand and ran walked towards the park and no one was there but us. "Why did you bring me here?.." She asked "I just wanted to be alone with you." "Why me.?" she asked I looked at her and went closer to her face and she was blushing a bit. "I don't know either." then I moved away from her. "Oh.. ny the way you know the song you wrote when we did a duet." "Neh?" i replied. "It's touching and it reminded me of my appa.." she said wiping her little tear. "Did something happen to him..?" "He died in a accident." I looked at her "my parents died from an accident too." She looked at me and wiped her tear "Oh how?" "Well I was actually in the accident but i manage to survive and they died from crashing into a pick up truck and that person in the pick up truck also died that day." "when did they die..?" "March 5th 1993" I said and opened. "My appa died that day also and he crashed into a couple with a little kid.." "So, our parents crashed into each other!?" I said while wiping her tears and I smiled at her "You shouldn't cry arasso I'll protect you."  Woohyun and Sulli came running towards us "Yah! we looked everywhere for you two!" Sulli said. "Eyy~ what did you guys do here alone?" Woohyun said teasing me. "Yah! let's just go home arasso."


Jiyeon's POV

Seungho came to my house with his camera and he sat on the couch with a cold look. "I got some things here for you." He passed me the camera and I looked through and it showed Myungsoo comforting Krystal. I sat the camera on the table with anger "That Wench!" Seungho just got up with annoyance "Wae?" I said and he gave me a cold stare. "Why are you even doing this you could ruin your career if this gets exposed!" He said. "Why do you care and I'm doing this for love my fans will understand."  "You're right why do I care!" He took the camera and walked out my house and drove his car away. "Gosh what's wrong with him these days it's like the time of the month for him." I recived a letter from Soojong

Text Message from Soojong: Annyeong unni please come over to the beach were having a party and you are invited you can invite the rest of your members if you would like!

I just smiled evily "Oh yeah now I can get Myungsoo this time for sure and make him fall for my beauty!!" I jumped up and down on the couch and my members walked in "What are you so happy about?" Eunjung asked. "Were invited to a beach party with Infinite!"

The next day!


Krystal's POV

I arrived at the beach and I saw Sunggyu cooking and I saw Myungsoo sitting down drinking lemonade then another girl arrived and it was Got7 and behind them was T-ara. I didn't know they would come which surprised me. Jb was running towards me and gave me a big hug and it startled me. "Yah! we can finally see each other!" He smiled widely and I smiled back at him and Sungyeol came running towards us "yah you guys made it, nice!" "Yeah thanks for inviting us" Jb smiled and thanked him and he looked at me. "race you to the waves?" I playfully hit him. "Yah i can't run you already know that." Then he went on teasing and laughing and I took that chance to run to the waves and I looked back and he was stilling laughing and I tripped on a rock and felled onto someone. I opened my eyes and it was Myungsoo.. "are you okay?" he asked me and Jb came running towards us and he help me up. "Yah are you okay are you hurt?!" Jb said and I just looked at Myungsoo and he just gave me a cold stare. "Huh u-uh neh im alright." "i was worried." Jb said while dusting the sand off my hair. "I can do it myself". I said adn dust all the sand off of me. "Yah! Food is ready!!" Sunggyu yelled and everyone quickly ran towards the table filled with delcious food that Sunggyu and Victoria made. I grabbed a plate and someones hand also grabbed it to and it was Myungsoo.. He let go of the plate and I took it and thanked him he just walked away. "Aish why is he being like that?"


Myungsoo's POV

"I really hate seeing her with him should i stop avoiding her..?" I said to myself and Sungyeol came and sat next to me. "You shouldn't avoid her if you like her don't let anyone steal her away." Sungyeol said. "You heard me..?" "We all know that you like Krystal it's really obvious" He said with a little chuckle. "o-oh.. do I?" I questioned myself "Well of course you do, you don't like it when another guy is protecting her or making her laugh or you don't like it when another guy is talking with her." Woohyun said while munching on his food. "Yah don't you have manners don't talk while eating!" Sunggyu said and shoved kimichi in Woohyun's Mouth. I just laughed at them. "Well i guess you all are right i'll go for it." I got up from the table and sat across from Krystal and she looked shocked with my movement. I could feel Jb staring at me but I didn't care. "Are you not going to eat your food?" i smiled at her. She started eating her food again. "Yah let's all play a game! you have to give a girl a piggy back ride all the way to that big rock arasso whoever passes it is the winner now choose your partners!!" I was going to walk up to Krystal until Jiyeon went up to me "Myungsoo-ah let's be partners?" I looked at Jb and he asked Krystal already adn she was looking at me and I thought to my head remeber what Hyung and them said Fight for her. "Sorry Jiyeon i have a partner already" I left Jiyeon dumbfounded and walked towards Krystal. "Do you want to be partners?" Jb asked her and I got angry but I kept my cool and bend down and she looked at me confuesed. "Yah aren't you gonna get on my back?" "Woah! Myungsoo is a man!!" Hoya said. "Krystal is so lucky!" Sulli said. "Myungsoo-ah you're so cool!" Sunggyu shouted. I looked at Jb and smirked. "Arasso are you guys ready 1.. 2.. 3.. GO!" Sunggyu shouted and i ran as fast as I could with Krystal on my back I saw Hoya and Luna on my right side catching up to me but I speed up and the next thing you know we won. I was so happy that I gave Krystal and hug without hesitations. 


Jiyeon's POV

"Aish! Krystal do you think you're going to win!" I clenched my fist together after seeing them hug so I walked up to him. "oppa good job!" I hugged him also. he looked shocked but gave his full attention to Krystal. I saw Myungsoo alone taking picture of the beach so I decided to walk up to him and confess my love for him. "oppa.." He looked at me "neh? "I have something to say to you and I'm being really sincere." "what is it?" I took a deep breathe. "I liked you every since high school but I never had the guts to tell you and now that were idols and were finally great friends I just wanted to let you know that I like you a lot.." I closed my eyes and put my hand on my heart after I opened my eyes he looked shocked. "Sorry Jiyeon but I don't think we can be anything more than friends.." He walked off leaving me Dumbfounded and heart broken. "This is all because of you Krystal!"


Myungsoo's POV

 I saw Krystal sitting alone and just breathing in the fresh air so I took a picture of her. "Yah! delete that!" She complained and I just looked at the picture and smiled. "You look pretty though?" I held the camera up and she tried to reach for it but she was too short. "Yah you're too short for me" I teased and laughed at her trying. I suddenly tripped and i fell on the ground and she fell on top of me I looked at her pinkish lips and her eyes and her nose but I kept looking at her lips and my heart kept beating fast. I leaned my head closer to hers and our lips were touching...



I'm sorry for not updating yesterday i was busy with my aunt's wedding but I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and have a good day everyone!! :)


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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 24: Happy ending
Chapter 24: huaaa happy ending :D myungstal feels so good heheheh wait for your myungstal's next story!^^
Chapter 24: huaaaa its ending already:(
i hope you will write another... myungstal story:))) fighting^^
Chapter 24: Yeay happy ending!! And i cant wait for your myungstal new fanfic. ^^
Chapter 23: nice chap authornim:)))
please update soon^^
Chapter 23: thanks for update :"))))
Chapter 22: why so sad authornim? please update soon..^^
Chapter 22: huaaaa poor myungstal :( update soon!^^
InfiniteQu #9
Chapter 22: Next part, update soon,,
Chapter 22: Update soon. Hope myungstal can make up after this.