In the club

Bom's Wish

author note: before you read this chapter make sure you read all of the previous chapter. I added on a small part to the end shortly after updating. Okay please continue~ One year ago...

She could feel his warm breath on her neck and feel him breathing at her side. Her heart seemed to flutter a million beats per second. He reached over, and with one hand gently her hair.

"You're beautiful, " he whispered.

It was a simple, soft complement but hearing it from his lips made Bom's  heart soar. She stared into his deep, dark eyes full of love and passion and found nothing but sincerity in his words. 

Her words left before she could think about them, or maybe she had really meant them, from tbe bottom of her heart. 

"I love you,"

He pushed himself up so that he hovered over her, staring face to face. He lowered his face and kissed her. First her lips, then her jaw line, then her collar bones.

"Seunghyun," she whispered as he kissed her soft lips again.

"I love you too," he answered. "Only you,"

For a long time she believed him. She held on tightly to his words with the belief that she was his one and only. He had a way of making her feel special, like royalty even. She felt powerful when she stood at his side, stronger.

However, she soon learned that things this good aren't meant to last.

One night Bom went out with Sandara for drinks. She had been helping Dara through a rough break up. The two women entered a small bar late on friday night. 

The world seemed to freeze, time stopped. From across the room Bom saw him. Choi Seyung Hyun. For a moment happiness flared inside her. She started toward him and was about to call out when she suddenly stopped abruptly. Right before her eyes a tall slender woman in a mini skirt approached Seunghyun. He turned and he kissed her. He kissed her. Bom turned quickly suddenly feeling shocked and embarassed. Tears started to roll down her face as she made her way quickly to the exit. A type of pain completely foreign to her started welling up in side. A confused Dara called out from behind,

"Bom! Ya! Where are you going??" 

At the sound of her name Seunghyun looked up alarmed. For a brief moment his eyes met Bom's, then she quickly broke off the connection. He watched Dara run after her best friend. He felt physically sick as the reality of his mistake hit him like a truck. How could she ever forgive him?

That night on a park bench Dara learned, between Bom's sobs the full extent of her tragic love story. As Dara wrapped her hands around her friends shaking shoulders she heard her whisper,

"I will never love again," Her tears then drown out her vision.

Present day...


Here he was, right in front of her, the man who had haunted her dreams every night. She stared into his eyes. A feeling of anger and sadness started to form.

"Seunghyun." She said curtly, turning away from him. He put a hand on her shoulder but she shrugged it off. She made eye contact with Dara who started toward her but Bom held up a hand to stop her. She mouthed, I got this. Dara nodded in understanding.

"Bom please listen to me.. just give me a minute," She turned face him.

"Listen to what?" She snapped. It was a weird feeling to her- acting so cold, especially to someone she had once cared so deeply for. "You lied to me."

He bit his lip. He reached out to touch her again but quickly stopped himself. "I made a mistake, a huge one,"

"So did I," she cut in angrily. He closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, losing you was the worst mistake..." Bom covered her own eyes to hide inevitable tears. Many times, she'd imagined how this moment might play out, but never had it seemed this pathetically cliché.

"I can't do this right now." She said. Upon seeing the tears in her eyes Seunghyun stopped at a loss for words. She wiped her face and stood up taller.

"Wait!" He begged, "wait.." he pleaded. She turned and walked away ignoring him and the huge pain it caused her to leave him. She didn't know where she was headed but she knew she needed to get far away from him. She spotted Minzy in a booth and sat with her.

"Hey, Champ. How you doing?" She asked once Bom was seated. Bom breathed deeply before answering, "I've been better. You?"

Minzy smiled. "It's all good here. Look, you gotta check this out." Minzy pointed across the room to where Dara was dancing with Jiyong. CL's  jiyong.

"No way!" Bom gasped, momentarily forgetting all about Seunghyun.

"They're pretty cute," Minzy giggled. Bom nodded in agreement. It made her feel better to see Sandara looking so happy.

"Excuse me," said a male voice distracting Bom and Minzy from their spying. Bom looked up, it was a different member of BigBang, Daesung.

He bit his lip, Bom had never seen anybody look so awkward.

"Yeah?" Minzy answered.

The man scratched his head and eyed the dance floor before turning back to look at Minzy.

"Doyouwannadancewithme?" He asked quickly.

"What?" Bom asked.

"Was that a different language?" Minzy asked.

Daesung breathed deeply his face turned vibrant red.

"Do you, Gong Minzy, want to dance with me?" Before waiting for an answer he quickly added, "if not that's okay." Minzy laughed. 

"Yeah, sure."

"I understand- wait what?" He asked.

Minzy stood and looked at Bom,

"You'll be okay right?"

"Girl, go have fun!" Bom replied, putting on a smile.

She watched the pair until they disappeared into the crowd and then sighed. She rested her head in her hands. Thoughts of Seunghyun slowly started to fill her mind again. She wondered if she'd ever be able to get over him.

author note: Here's another update for y'all. Hope you liked it. Because it was sad i tried to end on a happier note. Does anyone else ship Daesung and Minzy? I so do. Also, question of the day, skydragon or daragon?

Please comment and subscribe! I love you all!! ~~♥

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blackjackfoureva #1
Chapter 8: This is a good story author! Well done :)
blackjackfoureva #2
Chapter 6: Minzy and Dae could be a good couple tho ^_^
iNyLmYa #3
Chapter 6: i hope you'll update very very soon authornim..i want to know what happen with topbom...
lexiekau #4
Chapter 6: I was hoping to see what Seunghyun has to say to Bom but this little chapter on the other members was great! Dara should def stick with Youngbae in this story. Although I never really ship them (or daragon), they're cute being all shy. Can't wait for your next update! :)
Chapter 5: GOD..... better be update soon authornim. why you leave me hanging for this story? authornim... you meany
seunghyun, you must have a better explanation why you cheat on bommie. show her that you are truly sorry what have you did to bom. and don't you DARE to do it. aaaah i wanna punch your handsome face to make you realize *ehem... now you're realize it, but i still wanna punch your face. kekekeke
lexiekau #6
Chapter 4: I'm so glad I found this story! My heart literally broke when Bom and Seunghyun finally met. I hope Bom doesn't fall back so easily because Seunghyun is an so far. I mean yes topbom forever but let him suffer a bit more hehehe. Subscribed and eagerly waiting for you updates! <3
haneul024 #7
Chapter 4: take that you bastard TOP.hufh but Authornim pls let topbom together in the end :))
Chapter 4: i soooo lurveeee it but please don't make it too easy for Tabi to get Bommie back (-_-) i would really hate that *pouts* UPDATE SOON!!
Chapter 4: neverrrrrr will you everrrrrrr get overrrrrr him so get togetherrrrr alrrready woman!
iNyLmYa #10
Chapter 2: i don't get first & second chapter it seem bom really hope seunghyun come back to her..but it now in chapter 4 she ignoring seunghyun..but if the reason because seunghyun cheated it make sense but why in the chapter 1&2 bom still want seunghyun...for the first time i thought bom was the one who make the mistake and cause them broken up...
can't wait for next chap authornim..fighting..