He’s drowning himself with alcohol for the nth time. It was once again a dark moment of his life. Sure he had gone through a lot and these one’s supposed to be easy already, but no its not. It will never be. He will never get used to it.



He will never get used to seeing his loved ones disappointed with him. He will never get used to seeing them hurt. They’re indeed his weakness. He’s not affected because it was him on the news, for he knows he’s at fault, but he’s affected because of them, his family, friends, fans and most of all HER.



All throughout their relationship, she’s always the understanding one, she always make sure to hear his side first before reacting. Sure there are times that her patience was tested but she never left his side. Sometimes he’s thinking if he’s worthy of having her. But after having those thoughts, his selfish side would outgrow him. He knew it himself that he can’t leave without her. Yes, there are a lot of times that he screwed, he played with fire, but he knew that she’s the only one that can have his heart. No one but her.



But now, after thinking about all the things that happened, he’s thinking that he does not deserve her. That maybe someone could give her happiness instead of tears. Someone better than him.



‘’jiyongie, open the door pls, babe its me’’ her voice that he would recognize wherever and whenever. The voice of his angel, the voice of his life.



He doesn’t want her to see him like this for he knew it will make her sad. He don’t want to face her because he don’t have the guts to. He can’t face her because he’s afraid of becoming selfish again.


‘’ji, you know, I’ll always be here for you right. I will never leave you baby, I trust you, I believe that you’ll be able to surpass this, we’re all here for you’’ she said.



Yeah, and that’s what hurts. They were always there for him. s; Top, Youngbae, Seungri even Daesung who’s going through a tough time too showed his support to him. Everyone was there for him, his family by blood, his mom, dad, and sister. He hates disappointing someone he loves.


‘’baby, don’t ever think that we’ll get tired of you, we wont, because we love you” she said.



He’s trying his best to keep his tears from falling, when he heard a soft strumming of guitar. Whoever’s playing it sure is a beginner; there are lots of missed chords. Who could that be, he thought.



♫♫♫when its black take a time to hold yourself

Take a little time to feel around before its gone♫♫♫



Then he heard her sweet voice. The tears that he’s trying to hold starts to fall down one by one.



♫♫♫You won’t let go

But you still keep on falling down

Remember how you save me from all of my wrongs?♫♫♫


Now that he’s thinking about it, flashbacks of all the hard times they faced together came through his mind. They have gone through so much, yet they’re still together, she’s still there for him.



♫♫♫IF there is love just feel it

If there is life we’ll see it

This is no time to be alone

I wont let you go♫♫♫



Up to now, he’s still wondering what good he did for him to deserve someone like her.  He indeed is so lucky to have her in his life.





♫♫♫ If your sky is falling

Just take my hand and hold it

You don’t have to be alone

I won’t let you go.

And if you feel the fading of the light

And you’re too weak to carry on the fight

And all your friends that you count on have disappeared

I’ll be here, not gone,

Forever holding on♫♫♫


She’s tearing up while singing. Trying to relay what she feels through the song she’s singing. She just know the basic of guitar, she practiced hard just to learn this one for she knew, music is his life, therefore he may not listen to her, but maybe he will if she uses music.



She thought music is his life but she was wrong. Because she is, She is his life



He’s covering his mouth to suppress the sound of his cry. Tears are falling endlessly from his eyes. Every lyrics pierces through his heart.



♫♫♫ I wont let you go♫♫♫



The song may have ended. but it will be forever be remembered in his heart. With his trembling knees, he weakly opened the door.



He saw her holding the guitar, drying her tears.



He met her gaze.



And that’s the time he breaks down.



Her eyes, he can see her heart and soul through her eyes.



He saw the love and the longing she feels in her eyes.



His suppressed cries were not there anymore.



His crying his heart out now, hoping all the guilt and the pain he’s feeling goes away.



With her frail hands, she hugged him. She cooed him like a baby, like everything’s going to be fine.



Her past made her strong enough to believe that someday everything going to be fine.



‘’I’m sorry Dara.. I’m sorry’’ he said between his sobs. He was sorry, he was sorry for every pain and tear he had cause her. He’s sorry because he was selfish, he is always selfish, because no matter how he feels he doesn’t deserve her, he won’t let her go. Its like dying for him.




‘’shhhhhhh… its okay ji, I will always believe in you, I will always love you, and I wont let go… never’’ she replied as she kissed him softly. Tears are falling from both of their eyes. Their heartbeat as one.



‘I promise I won’t let go Jiyong. I will always be by yourside’ she thought as a promise



‘I promise to be a better man for you Dara. I will never let you go’ He thought as a promise

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Feiruru #1
Chapter 1: This story is so~~~~~o touchy...

/I'mma cryyy/
rudelysweetk21 #2
woaaaaa you made me cry.. the song is so meaningful..aigoo love the shot.. thanks for making this shot! it was short,teary and good shot!!<br />
@GDroccthamic..i also do hope GD is doing good for real..
omo!! so touching! <br />
it's simple but well written! it's full of emotions! that's why i got teary-eyed!
teary eyed -_- i love it so much!
GDroccthamic #5
LOVED IT! Simple but with so much emotion. You had my heart soaring....and racing. Beautiful song. Hope GD is doing good for reals. <br />
lanae1976 #6
wow!<br />
what can i say?<br />
i am teary eyed right now<br />
i love it<br />
well thought one shot<br />
i like the words and the scenes you used<br />
I LOVE IT very much<br />
i hope i can read more of your stories
i'm touched..... i like this...
i'm touched..... i like this...
darong1824 #9
did you try listening to the song...? its really nice... <br />
btw, thanks for reading and for liking it.. =))
tetzitro #10
this is why i like reading one shots stories!!!!! simple but you can feel the story!!!