My Chen Chen


"You really need to fix your table manners Aquanette." Galleria rolled her eyes at me. "First, girls don't eat with their mouths open, and Second, girls don't carry around hot sauce in their purse."


I closed my mouth and put my head down. "Sorry. But about the hot sauce thing, I love New York and all.. But y'all seriously don't know how to spice up y'alls food!" My best friend Dorinda gave me a high-five.


Galleria ran her fingers through her long black hair and let out a heavy sigh. She looked me in my eyes.


"Just don't do that when we go and see Jackal again."


I sat on my bed, doing my math homework, and I started thinking. Maybe I should pay more attention when I eat.. And I probably shouldn't bring hot sauce to school..  No, wait. Who is she to talk to me like that? We’re practically the same age, give or take a few months!


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gryndl #1
Chapter 1: The Cheetah Girls!