Nothing's Sweeter than Summer

It all began the night when The Twilight Saga: New moon came out. Yerin was working at the local movie theatre saving money for a trip to  visit her grandparents that coming winter break. That's the night she met Kris. All the soon twelfth grader guys came to my cash before their movie. Yerin was self consious to be seen in her read and white uniform by the popular guys but Yerin made the best of it and tried to play cool... after all she was only a soon to be a tenth grader

Kris was the last in his line is friends.  Yerin tried not to be a loser so she attempted to make a conversation with him.

'Do you like twilight?' Yerin asked

He lauged and replied "no, there was just nothing to else to do tonight."

Yerin smiles ro him and said 'I love twilight... i cant wait to see the movie.'

Kris gave Yerin a perfect smile that make yerin to faint and said 'ill let you know how it is then.'

As promise, he message Yerin on Facebook that night and told that the movie ... offcourse Yerin fought back saying. 'Thats impossible.' They teased each other back and forth until Yerin went to see it and admitted it wasnt the greatest. They talked all the time after that. They seemed to click as they never ran out of things to say.. but Yerin though being a guy he was, had a reputation for breaking hearts and she dint want to be just another girl to him. Yerin wanted to be the girl that stole his heart and made him fall in love.. 




Over the time they began to trust each other. Yerin told Kris about her troubled childhood with her dad,seeing her mother being abused by her own father.. she told him how it affected her and how to this day still affected her,even after the divorce. Kris also said how his father died and his mother died through cancer.. They helped each other what life threw at them and it brought them even closer..


'He's never going to change Yerin, that's just how he is.. he isn't a good guy. He's going to hurt you.' Her best friend Hyuna told her,well most of her close friends told her this exact thing. Well Yeein wont pretend that there are those times that its not easy.. there were times that Yerin spent countless nights crying over him and sometimes it seemed like he dint care. But she knew that was just the anger speaking. The truth was no one seem to know him like Yerin did. She knew that she was good person straight to his core even if he made a mistake sometimes. Just like she knew he never meant to hurt her. 



Summer rolled around again and Yerin was in love for the first time. They spend a perfect summer together learning from each other and falling even more in love every day. Days were spend driving in his red pick up truck (his favorite color) with the windows down,as Yerin's hair were flying everywhere  and singing along to what ever was playing.Nights whete spent gaoing out for dinner or watching movies. They would cuddle under a nice warm blanket and make popcorn with a lot of cheese in it (yum). Yerin loved Kris' arms around her and the tender moments when Kris would kiss her shoulder and slowly whisper 'i love you' in her ear. Yerin will never forget they way Kris smiled around her. Whenever i did something he thought was cute, Kris's face would light up with the most amazing smile in the world. It was a smile that could any girl fall in love. It was the smile that made Yerin do just that. Yerin gave Kris her heart with no hesitation or guarantee that he woudnt hurt it, and he gave his in return .




There are moments from that summer that Yerin will remember for the rest of her life. She'll always remember lying on the bench with  Kris,looking at the stars above while Kris held her in his arms.she'll always remember when he dance with her in his room. But most of all she will always remember the things Kris taugh her. He showed her what a real friend was. He showed her that loving someone with all of her heart is a never a mistake. He showed her that no matter how impossible it may seem she should always foLlow her heart..



They spent their last two weeks together enjoying the end of summer and end their time together.  The last week was the hardest for them, because they knew that their goodbye was coming and it broke their hearts. Yerin had given Kris a piece of who she was,her heart was his. Kris was and will always be Yerin's first love. they had been through so much together and come so far, it felt wrong to end it. But the time couldnt stop for them, no matter how much they wished it could.




The morning Kris left for university . He came to say goodbye to Yerin. With a promise to stay in touch, Kris kissed Yerin for the last time. They pulled aways from eachother reluctanly.

'I love you' Yerin said with unsteady voice as her tears slowly sliding down her face. Yerin watched him walk away from her, get into his truck and drive away to start a new chapter in his life, talkinh Yerin's heart with him wherever he went..







This story consist of my past life and experiences...  

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Thank you for reading this one shot story of mine and i hope you guys enjoy reading it~ ^^ 




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