Chapter 9: Reunion

You Predominate My Life

                “Tick- tock, tick- tock…”

                The clock on the wall kept ticking its time away. Four girls were waiting at the cafeteria, as, according to Victoria, there will be a special guest with them that day.

                Victoria felt her stomach twisted into anxious knots when the clock struck one, thirty minutes left till the end of lunch break.

                “What if Soojung doesn’t want to see us after all?” Victoria couldn’t fight back the uneasiness. She looked at her dongseangs, eyes filled with curiosity and   impatience.

                “She won’t fail her unnies and friends, right?”

                Meanwhile, L was sitting with the INFINTIEs at the other end of the cafeteria. He noticed the f(x) girs, and he kept glancing at them, especially towards Victoria, when he thought about his encounter on Monday: the girl who looked exactly like Soojung chatting with Victoria. There must be something between them, he was sure about that…

                “L-a, L?” Dongwoo’s voice snapped him out from his mind.

                “Oh, oh. What?” L asked blankly, unaware of what had just happened.

                “Stop spacing out while you are with your hyung.”

                “Ok, ok.”

                On the other hand, Sunggyu could sense there was some special aura between Woohyun and Sungyeol. The was the younger nudged the other, the way they whispered, the wat the older pouted. He felt a fire burning in his heart, and got an urge to punch the younger, out of jealousy, maybe?

                Krystal finally arrived at the cafeteria just when Victoria and the other f(x) girls were about to give up waiting.

                “She’s here,” Victoria announced, recognize the girl who always had her mask on.

                “Final...” Amber mumbled, but her voice was droned once she was Krystal.

                All the girls stared in astonishment, as Krystal came closer and closer. Their eyes wide up, mouth hanging down, as they was the familiar figure. Her mask couldn’t contain her beauty, and with her straight long hair, she looked like a fallen angel. It was as if they were in a movie, time slowing down, the sound fading.

                Victoria looked at her dongseangs, who all stood up abruptly and lost the ability to speak. Krystal stood in front of them. She tried her best to compose her posture, trying hard to hide her anxiety. Although Victoria told her that the f(x) girls missed her every day, she still felt uncertain. What if her familiar unnies had changed? What if they have already formed another group of friends, whom she knew none of them? What if after these two years, they were already not close as before?              

                They stood at there in silence for a while, and Sulli was the first to break the silence.



                “Soojung-a…” And soon the whole f(x) chorused.

                Upon hearing her name from her dearest unnies’ mouth, Krystal made her smile. The uncertainty she had before, were all cleared. They were still her best unnies.

                “Her name is Krystal,” Victoria reminded them, concerned that Soojung probably doesn’t want to expose her original name.

                “Oh, Krystal-xi, long time no see.” Amber said half-jokingly.

                “Oh, hi, you are Amber-xi, right?” Krystal answered playfully. And both of them laughed. Everything was still the same in these two years.

                Krystal was extremely great that she could finally reunion with her unnies. And none of them realized that there was a pair eyes watching at them for the whole time.

                The INFINITE wandered off individually after finishing their lunch. Sunggyu asked Woohyun to go with him, but the younger still refused to talk to him. He was not angry at the older one anymore, instead, he was too shy to talk to him after Sungyeol encouraging him to confess.

                Sunggyu knew none about what Woohyun was thinking, he thought that it must be due to that Lee-Sungyeol. If it was really that Lee-Sungyeol interfere their relationship, he probably kills him. They were best friends, but at that moment, he couldn’t care more.

                Sunggyu could easily find Sungyeol as he hadn’t gone far. He pinned the younger on the wall, staring at him the fiercest he could shot through his eyes. Sungyeol was trapped under the Sunggyu, he was totally confused. What had he done, that could make his dear hyung burn in rage like this, and be this strong?

                “What did you say to Woohyunie?” Sunggyu asked the trapped one dangerously.

                “What did I say?”

                “Don’t lie, I saw your two whispering while glancing at me during lunch!”

                Sungyeol finally figured out what was happening, he smirked.

                “Don’t smirk to your hyung. I am serious!” Sunggyu was angrier seeing the younger smirked.

                “Why? Why do you care thiiiiiiis much?” Sungyeol relaxed after knowing the situation, and decided to tease his hyung.

                Sunggyu blushed unknowingly, “Because he is my best friend.”

                “Oh, really? That’s all? Just best friend?” Sungyeol acted innocently.

                “LEE-SUNGYEOL!!!!” Sunggyu didn’t know why he shouted at his top of his lung. “Just answer me, what did you say to Woohyunie?”

                “Hyung, maybe you answer me this first. Do you love Woohyun hyung?”

                “What?” Sunggyu was taken aback by the younger’s retort, “Why on the earth I would in love with him?”

                “Because … Because according to my sixth sense.” Sungyeol said, while pointing to his head, and smiled stupidly.


                “No, but I see how you look at your Woohyunie…” Sungyeol tried to imitate how Sunggyu said Woohyun’s name.

                “Don’t you dare call him in the nickname I gave him,” Sunggyu cut off Sungyeol’s speech fiercely.

                “Hyung, look at yourself. You are furious just because I call him in the ‘love name’ you gave him. You are getting more and more obvious, just admit it. What is this, if this is not love?” Sungyeol said teasingly, causing the older flustered.

                L was behind the pillar which was next to the f(x) girls. He heard everything, literally everything. He was there when Krystal arrived. He heard them calling her “Soojung”, he heard how Krystal address Amber casually. He was sure this time, he was sure that Soojung was back, in another name.

                He felt rage burning in his heart. Girls were always as complicating as maze, he couldn’t understand why Soojung denied her real name on Monday. She gave him a confess letter, that means she loves him, right? Then why she didn’t want to reunion with him?

                He got an urge to pull her out and question her, but his rationality stopped him from do so. He should kept his reputation in front of f(x), they were Soojung’s best friends. What if they do not trust him to be Soojung’s girlfriend?

                L stared at Krystal, who looked to be very happy with her unnies. And memories two years before started flashing back…

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I'm very sorry that I can't update this story very often, due to the hectic schedule of mine and also I'm writing the one-shot stories.


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Christina_wolf #1
Chapter 13: Hey authornim, please update the story soon. Why do u have to leave the story hanging at the most exciting part. LOVE the story by the way.
Hi authornim, if english is ur third language, then wats ur second and first language?
Please update soon! I really miss this story

/throws hearts
vanzhun #4
Chapter 13: Thank you for the update!
rahmi123 #5
Chapter 13: I like this story.
I want more moment myungstal :) , update soon please. :D :D
Chapter 13: great chap!! i love it^^ update soon please:)
Chapter 13: Cant wait for the next chapter. Myungsoo already confident that she's soojung. Now its soojung's time to recognize him without doubt. I want to see them close soon. Update soon
vanzhun #8
Chapter 12: Please update soon :)
Chapter 12: update soon please...^^
Chapter 11: ok now i understand..update soon please^^