Am I dreaming???


For a while I have been feeling empty...
I have everything that a common man requires... Yet I am feeling lonely....

I have a loving family who understands me well, good friends who support me during my worse situations, moreover I am earning for my living.....
But still..... something is missing. I feel lonely...

As soon as I finished my work, I left for my place. I laid down staring at the ceiling still thinking what's missing in my life. Even with the lights on and people around, I sense the room as a dark hole and feel like I was lost in the mid of the sea....

Memories flashed in my mind giving me the glimpses of special moments...

Am I dreaming???



I got used to stay at home. I never had an individual life. Wherever I went, I mostly hung out with my family. I rarely went out with my friends. And all of a sudden there was this offer letter and I had to leave home.. 
Now how did I survive this? How did I take things? Loneliness crept over me... Did I fight back the loneliness?? 


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