
The Somerset Shortcake


She runs frantically out of her room. “Dammit!” she cursed softly as she made her way down the stairs. She’s almost late for their girl-day together with her best friend and she’s sure as hell that she’s gonna call her any second right now. And as expected, her phone rang.

“Hello,” she answered.

“Yoona! Are you on your way now?”

“y..yes,” Yoona stuttered as she opens her car’s door, made her way in, put on ear piece and buckle her seatbelt.

“Are you sure? Or are you still at your home?” the girl on the other line suspiciously said.

“Yah! Rabbit!! What do you take me as?! A liar?!?!?!” Yoona exclaimed as she turns on the engine of her car and maneuvered her way out of the parking lot. She’s 100% sure that her bestfriend knows that she is still going out of the village where her home is. But she still tries to push her luck. Dara might not catch her this time. There’s no harm in trying, right?

“Aigoo… Yoona… I know you from head to toe. You are not one of those we can call …. Mmm… punctual,” Dara said with a giggle.

“Aish! Fine. Fine. But I’m on the main road now. Are you there already?”

“Nope. But I’m near already.”

“WOAH! BABY!!! Near?!?!?! We’re far from near!” a man’s voice exclaimed on the line, it’s Kwon. Kwon Jiyong.

“Shut up!” Yoona hears Dara exclaiming on the other line. She’s sure that Dara is hitting Jiyong’s arm playfully right now.

“Yo! Im!” instead of Dara’s, it’s now Jiyong’s voice booming on the other line.

“Kyaaahhh! Give me back my phone!” Dara’s voice can be heard, squealing.

“Wait! Baby… Let me talk to Yoona for a sec.” Jiyong chuckled.

“Yah! Jiyong! Let me finish my conversation with Yoona first” Dara said.

“Im! Don’t worry we’re still …” Jiyong told Yoona but was cut off when Dara’s voice boomed again.

“Kwon Jiyong! I said, give my phone back!”

Yoona heard Jiyong laughing out loud. She can perfectly imagine Dara right now, slumped at her seat, arms crossed over her chest, pouting. She smiled at the image of her. Dara is really child-like, her cuteness endears everyone. She’s like a magnet, her mere presence attracts people around her, just like how he got attracted to her, just like how Kwon Jiyong fell for her.

She smiled bitterly at that. As she remembered how Jiyong and Sandara first met.

“Im…” Jiyong’s vpice snapped Yoona out from her thoughts.


“Everything’s set for Jay’s birthday?”

“Yup.” Yoona replied shortly as she continued driving. Jiyong is referring to their friend’s birthday, Park Jaebum. But she is perfectly aware that it’s not Jay’s birthday that he is actually talking about. It’s another event, a bigger event that Jiyong has been planning and anxiously preparing for weeks already. And he’s closest friends, including herself, all agreed to took part and help for that event, using Jaebum’s upcoming birthday as an alibi so that Dara won’t have a hint. Yes, Kwon Jiyong is proposing to Park Sandara a few days from now.

“I already did a follow-up at the shop for the flowers that you ordered,” Yoona continued, trying to stop whatever hurt and sadness emerging in her voice and heart. “I talk to Jay yesterday. He said everything’s good to go.”

“Nice. Nice.” Jiyong answered. “Kindly tell everyone, thank you.”


“And Im…” Jiyong’s voice went back to being playful. “Don’t be such in a hurry. We are still far from your meeting place. Dara woke up late!”

“YAH!!!” she heard Dara’s voice.

Yoona smiled. “Stop teasing her Kwon.”

“Well, you know how much I love to .”

“Aigoo… be careful. She might not say yes.”

Jiyong laughed again. “Don’t say that … I know she will. She will”

“Tsk. Tsk. So full of yourself.”

He continued to laugh. “ I am not. I’m just staing a fact.”


“ok. Ok. I’ll end this call now,” Jiyong said, chuckling.

“Ok” and the line went dead.

Yoona sighed as she removed the ear piece, trying to give all her attention on the road and to her driving. But her thoughts were clouded by Jiyong’s melodious laughter. She knows that Jiyong is happy and she knows that there’s only one caused of that happiness.

Sandara Park.

His girlfriend.

Her bestfriend.

And it ! No. Don’t get her wrong. She wants Jiyong to be happy. But what is to know that she is not the reason of that happiness. Yes, Kwon Jiyong is already a happy man even before he met Park Sandara but he is beyond happy when he met Dara, when he fell inlove with her, when she love him back.

Yoona chuckled bitterly as she remembered how the two met. No scratch that. How she introduced the two. Jiyong is coming back from Paris after he finished his studies there. He and Yoona had been friends since forever. Their families are close. And even when Jiyong was at Paris, their communication remains open and their friendship did not falter despite the distance.

While she met Sandara at the University. They were roommates at the university dorm and instantly clicked. They had each other’s back, supporting and pushing each other during tough university times. They shared laughter’s at the high times of their lives and shoulders for the other to cry on. Never in Yoona’s wildest dreams that they will share one more thing…

… Love interest for that one man. The man named Kwon Jiyong.

It was summer and Dara was spending her summer break with het at Im’s residence when a knock at their front door came. Dara offered to get the door and when she opens it, there he was, Kwon Jiyong, visiting Yoona and her family. He just arrived from Paris the day before.

That was the first time that they saw each other, the first time they were introduced, the first time they uttered their hello’s, the first time they touched when they shook each other’s hands, the first time they exchanged smiles with each other and eventually laughing together. That was the beginning of their story, happening at Yoona’s home, right in front of Yoona’s eyes.

And just like a song, Sandara and Jiyong’s story bloomed beautifully. And she’s there. She was always there, not part of the beautiful song but part of the crowd listening on how the song grows to its fullest.

Yoona immediately wiped the first drop of tears. “Dammit!” she cursed. Not wanting to cry, not wanting to get sad, not wanting to get hurt. Because all she want to feel right now is nothing but happiness for the two people she love and cherish. Just happiness.

But the fact remains the same. She is hopelessly inlove with the guy, totally inlove with him for the longest time already. She doesn’t know when did it happen but what matters is it did happen and it’s killing her.

When she started to feel something for him, she initially thought that maybe, just maybe, they have a chance. Although Jiyong did date other girls she still held on that tiny rope of hope that they are friends. Heck! Close friends. Jiyong was always there for her and even if they were away from each other, Jiyong remains one of her most trusted friends and she is to him.

But everything changed when Dara came into the picture, when she came into his life. She remains one of his most trusted friends and Jiyong remains to be there but he’s there after making sure that Dara was fine; That Dara’s not in trouble that Dara’s alright. She remains his friend while Dara becomes someone more special than her.

Yoona went out of the car after she parked it on the road side and made her way towards the restaurant where she and Dara will meet. She scanned the whole place as she set foot inside. And there they were, sitting closely with each other near the window, the man who stole her heart and the woman who stole his.

Dara turned her head and saw her. She smiled brightly as she waved her hand, signaling for her to come over. Jiyong also look at her direction and smiled. Yoona smiled back as she made her way towards them.

“I thought we were having a girl date. Why is boyfriend here?” Yoona playfully asked as she and Dara gave each other a hug.

Jiyong chuckled as he heard Yoona’s question. She and Dara move out from the hug as she moves towards Jiyong and also giving each other a hug. Yoona fought back the tears that is threatening to fall the moment she feel his warmth around her as the thoughts of his upcoming proposal to Dara brushed her mind.

“He is happy…”Yoona keep chanting on her mind, repeating it like a mantra, reminding herself why she should also be happy.

“Well,” Jiyong started as they moved out from their hug. “Baby girl can’t stand being alone waiting for you. So as a loving boyfriend that I am, I decided to accompany her for the meantime,” Jiyong confidently said with a playful smile tugged at her lips.

Dara slap Jiyong’s chest jokingly as Yoona rolled her eyes to him, hiding the pain emerging in her heart.

“He loves her,”she thought, repeating it over and over again despite the hurt of having the thought. “He loves her so much…”

“Shut up,” Dara muttered, pouting her lips.

“Ok. Ok. Ok. I’ll stop now,” Jiyong said while chuckling. “I’ll go now and leave you girls to have your date.” Jiyong stood up after giving Dara a peck on her lips.

Jiyong moved towards Yoona and give her a hug. “Thank you,” he whispered softly to her before releasing her from the hug. “Enjoy girls.” Then Jiyong leave them, making his way out of the restaurant.

Yoona knew what the ‘thank you’ was for. It is for helping him in planning for his proposal, giving him ideas on how to make it beautiful, to make it more memorable, more romantic. To make it perfect, just for Dara, for his baby girl. It’s a thank you for being a friend.

“Friend.”Yoona smiled cynically at the thought.

She brush the thoughts. She’s here to enjoy the day with Dara. She looks at her and saw her looking at Jiyong’s retreating figure, with warmth in her eyes. Her orbs gleaming with affection.

“And she loves him too…”





After having a lunch and walking around, going to different shops buying different stuff, Yoona and Dara saw a shop – an ice cream parlor.

“Kyaaahhhh!!! Let’s get some ice cream!” Dara exclaimed, dragging Yoona with her, walking fast towards the shop. Yoona chuckled as Dara keeps on holding her. She is really like a sister to her. No, they already are sisters.

“Welcome to The Creamery” a girl crew at the counter welcome us, beaming. “What’s your order ma’am?”

Dara and Yoona looked at each other for a second before smiling brightly. They both knew what they want.

“2 Somerset Shortcake please.” Yoona ordered.

“aigoo… ma’am. I’m sorry. But there’s only one available order for Somerset Shortcake.” The crew said with apologies in her voice. “You can try other flavors.”

“Omo… Tsk.” Dara muttered. “mmm.. Ok. I’ll just order …”

“No, it’s fine Dee. I’ll just order other ice cream” Yoona cut in, cutting Dara’s statement.

Dara looked at her with her eyes wide open. “Are you sure?!”

She nodded.

“But … it’s really fine with me if …”

“Nope. I know you love Somerset more than I do.” Yoona told her with a wink. “I’ll just have Cherry Quist instead,” Yoona continued, now talking to the crew.



Instead of eating their ice creams inside the shop, the two decided to walk to the nearby park and have their ice creams there.

“Aigooo… This is really yummy!” Dara said while savoring her ice cream. They are now seated at a bench in the park.

“You always say that no matter what the flavor is.” Yoona commented with a chuckle as she eats her own ice cream.

Dara pouted. “It’s because I love ice cream!” Dara exclaimed.

Yoona just laugh as she continued eating. Looking at the playground infront of them, were a lot of the kids were already fetched by their parents. It’s almost dark.

Yoona smiled as she looks at the remaining kids playing with each other, running around. The scene reminds her of her childhood. A childhood with Jiyong.

She smiled a little at the thought of it. They were two innocent kids when they met and who would have thought that they will remain friends after all these years. When they were growing up, a lot of people would tease them telling them that they will eventually end up marrying each other. And both of them will retort saying that it will never happen because they will never fall. She was wrong. She fall while he … he did not.

She can’t help but feel pain with that realization. She fall inlove with Kwon Jiyong, fell so hard that it’s hurting right now, hurting so much knowing and seeing that she’s the only one who had it. And now, the man she loves is inlove with her bestfriend. How was that? She thought that these things only happen in movies or books and never did she think that is will happen in real life. And the catch is it’s happening to her. Cool. Just cool.

“Yoona…” Dara called her, putting her out of her thoughts.

She looked at Dara and saw her looking intently at her. “Yes?” she asked.

“You’re ice cream’s melting.”

Yoona immediately look at her ice cream and Dara’s right, it’s already melting. She immediately the melted parts and smiled. “Thanks” she muttered.

Dara smiled at her as she shook her head. “No. Thank YOU.”

Yoona raised a brow at that. “For?”

“For letting me have the Somerset Shortcake…” she said. “I know you like it … I mean .. you love it too.”

Yoona chuckled. “It’s fine.” Yoona look back again at the kids playing. “There’s still other ice cream flavor there so that’s fine. And besides, you love it more than I do.”

“But you still love it.”

“I do.” Yoona replied as she continued eating her ice cream. “But that doesn’t matter. What matters now is you have it and you’re happy to have it.”

She smiled at what she just said. Is she still talking about the ice cream? She doubts that. “What matters now is you have each other and both of you are happy.” Yoona thought.

“I’m sorry” she heard Dara softly said.

Yoona shook her head no, perfectly understanding that they were not talking about the ice cream anymore.

“There’s no reason for you to say sorry, Dara.”

“There is. I am such a loser. I should have known earlier that you love it too. But I learned it too late. And after knowing it, I did nothing about it.” Dara’s voice broke. Yoona knew she’s about to cry. “I am selfish.”

“Who said you did nothing?” Yoona answered. “You did a lot, a lot!”

Dara bit her lip, preventing to cry stronger. She bow her head down and looked at the Cartier Love Bracelet at her left wrist given by Jiyong in their 3rd year anniversary.

“You know what you did?” Yoona continued, letting her tears fall. “You love him with all of you. You made him happy. You made him a better person.” She answered, perfectly letting out in the open what and who are they talking about.

“But you knew him first!” Dara exclaimed. “I … I stole him…”

“Yes, I knew him first, so? You did not steal him. For he was never mine.” Yoona choked. She is not just telling it to Dara but more to herself.

“But things might have been different if… if I did something about it.” Dara continued.

Yoona chuckled as she wipes her tears. “You’re right. Things might have been different. You might have been so stupid in breaking up with him and pushing him to me. Things will be a lot different. You will be hurting because you push the one you love, he will be hurting because he was pushed by the woman she love and I will be hurting even more for I know that the man I love is hurting because the woman she loved, whom I love too, pushed him away because of me.” She continued wiping her tears. “That will hurt more Dara-yah… It will hurt more.”

Yoona sighed as she looked up. Now, the playground is completely deserted.

“I’ll be fine. I will be.” Yoona muttered, more to herself than to Dara.

 “I’m sorry” she hears Dara muttered.

Yoona shook her head once again. “Stop it Dara. You did not do anything. It was not your fault. It was nobody’s fault. I love him, yes. But you love him too and he loves you back. You are happy and he is too.” She turns her head to the side and looked at Dara straight in her eyes. “And that makes me happy,” she continued with a smile.

She was caught off guard when Dara threw herself to her, hugging her tightly, sobbing. She smiled as fresh set of tears fell down in her eyes. Hugging Dara back, she whispered:

“Don’t give up on each other okay? I know that both of you are for each other. I know that and I believe that. Give a hard slap to those girls who were flirting with your man, we both know how chick magnet that guy is. And most especially,” she paused as she moved out from their hug, a smirk tugged at her lips “Punch Jiyong harder when he flirts back…. harder than you usually does to him”

“Yah!” Dara shouted as she slaps Yoona at the arm playfully. They laughed like they usually does as Yoona imitates Dara’s “punches” that she throws at Jiyong when they are having their petty argument.

After a moment, they looked at each other once again, their laughter’s dying.

Yoona’s eyes mirroring the warmth that Dara is emanating too in her eyes. Dara lifted her hand and began wiping Yoona’s tears.

“I love you, okay?” Dara mumbled as she keeps on wiping Yoona’s tears.

Yoona nooded as she smiled. “I know. And I love you too” she answered truthfully.

“I’ll take care of him.”

She nodded once again, knowing full well that she will – she has been and she will be forever.

“I know that. That’s why I am happy that it’s you.”

Dara giggled as fresh tears streamed down her face.

“Aigoo…” Yoona muttered as she too lifted her hand and wiped Dara’s tears. “You look like a mess, Dara-yah. If Jiyong sees you like this, she might think that you got into some rumble.”

“Well, you look like a mess too,” Dara replied as she continued giggling. “We could just tell him that we some guy.” She winked.

“He’ll went crazy, I’m sure” Yoona replied, grinning as she imagined Jiyong’s reaction if they tell him that, knowing that Jiyong can’t take a joke that constitutes Dara and another guy.






After dropping Dara in her house, Yoona drove once again, back to the metro. She pulled at the side of the road and went out of the car, wanting to walk around before going home. And as if her feet know where to be, she was back at the park. She smiled a little as she remembered what happened earlier. She made her way towards the park and settled herself at the swing at the playground.

“… things might have been different if…”, Dara’s voice echoed in her mind as she started swinging. She chuckled at the thought. Yes, things might have been different if she actually got the courage to tell Jiyong what she feels, if she just make up her mind and flew to Paris to see him and tell him she is in love with him and not become a coward and wait for Jiyong to make the first move. Maybe things were different if she just got the bravery to take the risk and shout into the world that she is inlove with him. Now, it’s too late. It has been late the very instance those two met.

She always wondered why she just let it all happen. She shouldn’t have allowed Dara to get close to Jiyong; she shouldn’t have helped Jiyong made his move to Dara; she shouldn’t have teased Dara about the attention that Jiyong is showering her; she shouldn’t have help out when their relationship went into trouble and should have just let the two’s love went down the drain and broke apart. She should have been honest and stood between them, telling them to stop it because she is hurting. She should have done all those things but she did not. Instead she did the total opposite.


She smiled and shook her head as she thinks of the reason.

Because Dara and Jiyong are happy, too happy that their happiness become contagious making her happy as well. Despite the pain, she knew that she is happy - happy knowing that it is Dara for Jiyong and Jiyong for Dara.

Thinking about it, Yoona realized that she couldn’t have picked a better partner for the two. They fit to a T. Dara and Jiyong have a lot of differences but in love, it is not on how the two people are alike but it is on how they complement each other. They know how to work around their differences, so that the strength of one makes up for the weakness of the other.

“But you knew him first!” Dara’s voice resonate once again.

“Yes Dara. Jiyong must have known me first, but you were more special than me. And I might know him first but I believed that you have love him more than I could,”Yoona thought.

And she smiled at that, without any hint of jealousy, bitterness or sarcasm. Yoona smiled truthfully.

She looked around and saw that The Creamery is still open. She stood up and made her way towards the shop, deciding to get herself an ice cream.

That same crew from earlier recognized her and the moment Yoona stood infront of her, she smiled and greeted the avid customer.

“Good evening ma’am. I am sorry for the inconvenience earlier,” she began. “Somerset Shortcake is now available. Would you like to order it?” she asked, still with that smile.

Yoona smiled back as she shook her head. “No. I’ll get Cherry Quist again.”

“Yes ma’am. Right away.”

As she received her ice cream, Yoona went out of the shop, enjoying her treat.

It’s ironic how the events turned. After all these years, the only thing that she needed was not that little “confrontation” with Dara but a confrontation with herself. She believed that all these years of seeing the two together and having herself indulge into the dating scene, meeting new people, that she is moving on. The truth of the matter is it was not. All she did all these years are diversion. But now, recalling everything that she said to Dara, it seems like those statements was meant for herself, finally accepting that hers and Jiyong’s story ends.

As she munch on her ice cream and walked in the paved pathway at the road side, Yoona smiled onca again - a smile that symbolizes a new beginning for her, for now she can look herself in the mirror and tell herself with all honesty that she is moving on.

Yoona wiped her lips stained with ice cream and look up into the night sky, covered with stars, shining and shimerring.

She is moving on. For how can she meet the man for him if she won’t? She chuckled to herself as she thought of it. Yes, she knows that there is someone out there meant to be with her and just for her. And just like Dara and Jiyong’s song, she believes that her and that man’s melody will be in tone.

And she’s gonna meet him …

Someday …

“Oneday,” Yoona mumbled as she continued eating her ice cream.




What do you think? :)

I hope you are happy with this. XD


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soshi_bond #1
Chapter 1: interesting...
reanne_krungy21 #2
this story is sweet~
yoona will find her true one too~
aubreyLazy #4
T_T ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... author-nim!! i love you!!!
caliee #5
this is really nice and sweet..
This makes me cry...I'm so inlove with DaraGon but I feel sorry for Yoona too TT___TT author-nim can you make a sequel where Yoona will meet someone for her?
justshipit #7
Aw. Yoona is such a good friend. You'll find the right man for you soon <3
ghen58 #8
this one of the best one-shot i've ever read so far<333<br />
& its daragon, love it<333
I'm in the same boat with yoona :[ I'm crying so hard right now~ Your fic is so great!!! :DD