Waking Up To You And Getting Permission

Trials Of Our Engagement.


Yejin's POV 


Jagiya~ Jagiya~ Ireonaseyo~ 

Jagiya~ Jagiya~ Ireonaseyo~ 

Jagiya~ Jagiya~ Ireonaseyo~ 

Jagiya~ Jagiya~ Ireonaseyo~ 


What the heck is that? I frowned with my eyes still closed. I d around my bed for my phone to shut of my phone but then again…. It wasn't my phone. I froze and slowly opened my eyes. I closed my eyes again as soon as the ray of sunshine hit my eyes. Then a dark shadow covered the blinding sunlight. I could finally open my eyes. I found Key standing there with a smile across his face. I frowned again. 


"Good morning~" He cooed. 


I didn't reply. I buried back my head on the pillow trying to get back to my sleep. I heard Key's footsteps come closer and I felt the left side of my bed being sat on. 


"Jagiyaaa~" He tapped my shoulder lightly. 


"Ugggh~"  I groaned. 


"Jagiyaaaa~!" He tapped my shoulder a little more harshly. 


I refused to wake up. 


"Jessica Yejin Lee!" Oops~ Now he's mad. No one wants a cranky diva in the morning.


"Ughh~" I groaned as I sat up slowly rubbing my eyes to get a better vision.


"Why are you here?" I asked him in my hoarse voice. 


"Don't you want me here?" He asked pouting at me. 


I cocked an eyebrow at him. 


"Of course I do. You know what I mean. Don't you have a schedule today?" I asked him getting of my bed and fixing it. 


"Nope~!" His facial expression lightened up and stood up beside my night stand and leaned on the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. 


"I'm all yours today." He cheered happily. 


"You always mine." I looked behind me and I smirked at him. 


He looked taken a back but smiled and walked over and gave me a back hug. He rested his chin on my shoulder and I kissed his cheeks. 


"Good morning to you too Jagiya. But I have to freshen up." I told him holding on to his hands which rested on my stomach. 


"But… What if I don't want to let you go?" He asked pouting. 


"Baby~ As much as I want to… I need to." I told him faintly. 


"Shiroyo~ You look too hot for your own good." He complimented. 


I felt a blush creep through my cheeks and I faced away from him trying to hide my blush. 


"YAH!" I playfully hit his hand. 


"Aigoooo~ My jagiya is blushing." He gave me a cocky grin. 


His grip on me became tighter and lifted me up, twirling me around in the process. 


"Kyaaaa~! Key! Let me doooown!" I said a little to loud. 


He finally set me down and turned me around to face him. I gave him a serious look. 




"I'll go get ready and we'll go out. How about that?" I asked him. 


"I was actually thinking of staying here at your house until tomorrow, have a movie marathon, cuddle on the couch, sleep in each other's embrace, eat together. You know…" He trailed off. 


He pouted again. I quickly pecked his lips making him smile. 


"You're so cheesy." I told him. 


"Then what did you have in mind?" He challenged. 


"Well… I was thinking we'd go over to the river side and have a picnic, have a stroll on the park, walk on the beach side and sit there watching the sunset together." I said trying to hide the apparent blush on my face. 


"Looks who's cheesy now." He chuckled. 


"Just go and wait for me. I'll be out in a few minutes." I pushed him out of my room and got ready for out day out. 


After getting ready I opened my door and walked out to find that Key wasn't in the living room. I found him in the kitchen with my pink apron on, cooking breakfast. He turned around to look at me and he smiled with a plate in his hands. I looked at the counter and there was two servings. 


"Lets eat." He said while taking of the pink apron and hanging it up in the hook I had beside the fridge. 


After eating we actually went out and walked around the beach. He grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers together. I stared at your hands. He lifted up my chin to look at him in the eyes. 


"What's the matter?" He asked with worry evident in is expression. 


"Nothing Jagiya." I said. 


He frowned but let go of the topic. Key dragged me all the way back to the house. 


"Why are we back here?" I asked him. 


"Well, we need to officially tell your parents that we are already engaged." He said with a smile. 


I could sense a hint of nervousness in him. 


"What?!" He squeezed my hand. 


"Please? I wanted to get permission from your parents." Key said. 


"Can we not do it now?" I said with clear worry in my face. 


I guess Key saw that because he leaned in to kiss my forehead. 


"Its alright Baby. We'll tell them when you're ready." I slapped his arm. 


"What was that for?" He asked me confused. 


"We're not telling them that I'm pregnant you idiot." I said to him sarcastically. 


"Well maybe next time we can have that chance." He smirked at me. 

I blushed and looked away from him. 


"Idiot! We haven't even done it." I told him. 

He dragged me toward the house's doors. Butler Kim told us that my parents were in the living room along with my brothers. 


"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them as I ran towards my brothers who were waiting for me in their wide open arms. 


They both hugged me almost suffocating me in their bear hugs. "Gosh. I missed the both of you." I told them. 


"I missed you too noona~" Taemin nudged me in the arm. 


"DUBUUUU~!" I shouted and slung my arms around his neck pulling him towards me in my very own bear hug. 


He let out a hearty laugh. "Alright. Alright. I know you missed us but I think Key had something to announce to mom and dad." Onew said. 


I faced my parents. Mom was sitting down on her wheel chair and dad was standing right behind her. Mom had a little accident when she came back from European tour to see the new line of clothing. Unfortunately, they said that she couldn't really use her legs any more. I felt sad that mom had to go through that but I guess its alright because she told me she was happy even though she acquired a disability. I mean she smiles often and tells us its alright. So I guess it was. 


"Eommaaaa~ Appa~!" I hugged the both of them kissing their cheeks with a wide smile. 


"I'm glad your back dear." Mom said. 


"I believe Key wanted to say something to us." Dad gestured for Key to say something. 


"Uhm.." Key rubbed the back of his neck trying to find the words to say. 


I looked at him encouragingly. And he gave me a nod in return. 


"Mr. and Mrs. Lee. I would like to have your permission for your daughter's hand in marriage." He blurted out kneeling respectively to my parents with his head lowered to the floor. 


Everything went silent. I gave a panicked look at my brothers but they just gave me comforting nods. I looked at Key then at my parents. My mom and dad didn't have any words to say… Or so I thought. 


"OMO! I thought you would never ask Key-shii!" My mom squealed in delight. 


I looked at appa and he was just smiling approvingly. 


"So… Is that a yes?" I asked. 


Key sat up straight still kneeling down sitting on his legs. Both my parents nodded. 


"CHUKAHAEYO~!" My brother's cheered. 


Me and Key hugged each other. Then bowed to my parents thanking them for their blessing. 



Author's notes : SUP GAIS?! Long time no update eh? Sorry. I lost the inspiration along the way. TT^TT JEONGMAL MIANHAEYO! *bows ninety degrees* Anyway, here's an update for you guys to feed on. :) Will update again soon since I haven't updated in such a long time. :D SARANGHAE DEAR READERS FOR STAYING WITH ME! To my new readers and subbers, PLEASE COMMENT! :D 

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Nah its all right... I hope you keep writing!
omg no! :(
noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!!! poor thing. *hugs* as much as i want to, i just can't be disappointed with your situation. well, it's okay though, i've been experiencing the similar fate as yours. anyways dearie, if you've new stuff coming up, let me know aite? just PM or leave a message on my wall. love lots!!!
GingerP0P #4
17mangageek17 #5
Yay for supportive parents! AND UPDATES!!!!! :)
Yeay!!!!!!!!! Green light for them love birds!!!! Oh, I was nervous as I read line by lines when Key was to announce his proposal for her hand in marriage. O_O! Thank god, the parents were more than delighted. Wooooohooo!!!!
GingerP0P #8
17mangageek17 #9
Yay for the first chapter!
Good luck with the exam!!! Gambatte kudasai ne!!!! ^_^