First Trial : Impatience

Trials Of Our Engagement.

Yejin's POV 


Today me and Key had one of our "secret" dates as he called them. I wouldn't really call it a "secret" because the others know about it. He said it was for the thrill of being caught. What a weirdo. But I love that weirdo. Today he took me out to the park with not much people. Of course he would choose a place where not much people go to. He is after all an idol and it would affect him big time if he had a girlfriend. Much more if he had a fiance. That night he proposed to me we both agreed not to reveal it to other people unless it was the "right time". Though the SHINee members knew, plus their manager. They all agreed it was best to keep it a secret for a while. I sighed at the thought. I was feeling anxiety everytime but I tried my best not to show it. To my misfortune, Key noticed my sudden change in mood. 


"What's wrong babe?" Key asked me worriedly. 


"It's nothing." I lied. 


"Come on baby. You can tell me." He said using his aegyo face on me. 


I looked at him and giggled a little. He pouted at my reaction. 


"Pabo oppa. You know very well that I'm immune to everyone's aegyo except Taemin's." I told him. 


He frowned but insisted on me telling him what was wrong. Knowing Key, he is very persistent and out spoken kind of person. I shook my head everytime he asked and he finally dropped the topic. And I was glad he did. 


"Are you hungry?" Key asked. 


I nodded my head. I guess he noticed my stomach grumble. We were eating in his favorite noodles shop when he asked the question from earlier again. 


"Yejin-ah. Is there something wrong?" He asked. 


"Aiyoo~ Can we just forget it for a while Key? Lets just eat." I suggested. 


He sighed in defeat and continued eating. After dinner he offered to take me back to my apartment. The car rise was really awkward. I could sense a bad atmosphere between me and him. He dropped me off at my apartment. 


"Hey, babe. You know I would tell you, right?" I looked at his disappointed face. 


He looked up and nodded a little. I kissed him before I left his car. I sighed. I entered my apartment. Plopped down on the couch clutching the phone on my chest. I gave up and called him. 


"Hello?" I heard him in the other line. 


"Hey. Did you get home already?" I asked. 


"Yeah. I did." He said shortly. 


I could hear a tint of irritation in his voice. 

"Hey, I love you and you know that right?" I asked. 

There was a moment of silence. Then he spoke up. 


"Of course I do. Why else would I ask you to marry me?" He asked back. 


"I don't know Key. Its just that recently... I haven't been feeling it. And honestly I'm getting impatient." Yet again there was a moment of silence. 


"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it." I sighed. 

"Is that it? You were worried that I didn't love you because we didn't announce it yet?" He asked in disbelief. 


"Errr.. Sort of." I admited. 


"Neo Paboya! You really think I would do that to you?" He asked me. 




"Good. Because I wont. EVER. Remember that. Its just that... its not the right moment. Please wait a little longer. I'll find the right time." He said. 


"Ara. ara." 

"I love you.." He said. 


"I love you too..." I replied. 


"Go to sleep now. You'll need it for tomorrow." He said. 


"What's with tomorrow?" I asked. 


"Something." He said. 


"Aigooo~ Tell me!" 


"No. Now go to sleep or you're never going to find out what it is." He scolded. 


"Ara. ara. I love you babe~" 


"NEE~ I love you too! Now go to sleep~!" He said. 


I giggled before putting the phone down and drifting off to neverland. 


Author's Note : FINALLY AN UPDATE. How's this guys? :D Exams are over. I'm not very confident with all the subjects but heey, at least the subjects I need to raise my grades are doing well now. :D Anyway, sorry to bring you guys bad news again... BUT I will not be updating up until dec. 29. Because I will be on vacation and my mom said to leave the laptop and everything else here at home. :( too bad. I really missed you guys too. :/ Anyway, COMMENT AND SUBBIES GUYS! :D 

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Nah its all right... I hope you keep writing!
omg no! :(
noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!!! poor thing. *hugs* as much as i want to, i just can't be disappointed with your situation. well, it's okay though, i've been experiencing the similar fate as yours. anyways dearie, if you've new stuff coming up, let me know aite? just PM or leave a message on my wall. love lots!!!
GingerP0P #4
17mangageek17 #5
Yay for supportive parents! AND UPDATES!!!!! :)
Yeay!!!!!!!!! Green light for them love birds!!!! Oh, I was nervous as I read line by lines when Key was to announce his proposal for her hand in marriage. O_O! Thank god, the parents were more than delighted. Wooooohooo!!!!
GingerP0P #8
17mangageek17 #9
Yay for the first chapter!
Good luck with the exam!!! Gambatte kudasai ne!!!! ^_^