
Forever...Finally Came To An End... [Hiatus]

“News?” I asked.

“Yeah... news...” he sighed.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Your parents want you to come live with them...” he said looking down.

“WHAT!? HELL TO THE ING NO!” I screamed getting up. He grabbed my hand.

“Wait... you have a choice...” he began.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Either you come live with them... or you stay in an apartment alone...” he looked at me with sadden eyes.

“WHAT!??? That’s cruel!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed.

“We know...” Joo-Eun and Soon-Yi walked into the room.

“But... but... you guys... I can’t just leave you guys here...” I said sitting down as SeungHo hugged me.

“We promise to visit everyday...” they smiled encouragingly.

“I...I... I don’t know what to do” I sighed.

“We think you should stay with them... just to see how it’s like...” Joo-Eun said sitting next to me.

“I agree...” Soon-Yi said kneeling in front of me.

“And what about you guys?” I asked.

“We’ll go back home...” they said... I was not going to return to my so called parents’ house! Hell no!

“I’ll rent the apartment” I said standing up.

“You don’t have to... they know the owner of it very well” SeungHo oppa said.

“Whatever, I’m not going to stay with them!” I said walking into my room and I begun packing my bags.

“Yah! What are you saying?” Soon-Yi and Joo-Eun ran up to my door asking.

“Exactly what I just said now can you please help me pack?” I asked.


They walked into the room and helped me pack without saying a word. Wait... don’t we have school today? What day is it? Aish! I’m so lost!!!


“What day is it?” I asked them.

“Wednesday but we don’t have school due to bad weather.” I looked at my watch.

“Where and when do I have to go and be there?” I asked.

“The car will be here in an hour and we’ll come with you” they smiled.

“Sorry I can’t come... I have to leave now” oppa kissed my forehead and left.

“It’s fine... I understand” I sighed and waved him goodbye.


After exactly an hour a car drove in front our house and we assumed it was for us. The driver was an old man by the name of Seji, he was kind and jolly. He drove us to a huge building but because of the rain we could not see the name of it. entering it I saw my ‘parents’ talking with an older looking man who looked as though he was in his late 50s. They saw us and notified us over to them.


“Ok... shall we show you your room?” my ‘mom’ asked. I nodded.


They led me to the 3rd floor and my room was 628. I sighed as they handed me the key and told me to open it. I would admit. Inside was very impressive... it almost felt like a first class room... or whatever you call it. They told me they’d leave and gave me some time to say my goodbyes to Joo-Eun and Soon-Yi. I hugged them tightly and they began crying. I tried not to cry but my emotions got a hold of me.

Wiping away their tears they said they’d leave me to get familiar with my new apartment. I sighed deeply and reluctantly let them leave. CAN THIS DAY GET ANY MORE ED UP!!???????  I heard a knock on the door and opened it to see TREMELY familiar faces!


“Hi! We are SHINee! And here to welcome our new neighbo—“ they stopped in the middle of it.


“Lovely choice of words” I heard key smirk.

“ you!” I slammed the door in their faces and stomped of to my room.


Grrr. I so ing hate my life. Of all the people why did SHINee have to be my neighbours!??? Why!? Why friggen why??? I sighed flopping on my bed. Ahh! I feel so sleepy! I need to get groceries and stuff... gosh... why do I feel so responsible all of a sudden? I grabbed my jacket and walked out of the apartment looking out for any SHINee members. Thankfully I didn’t see them. Whew. That’s a good thing!

I was in the lobby, my hand on the door knob when I heard a voice behind me.


“And where do you think you’re going?” I turned around to see Key standing there arms folded.

“Somewhere you’re not!” I opened the door and quickly ran out... or tried to run out when he caught my arm and pulled me to where our lips where almost touching... again.

“Why are you here?” he asked.

“Why do you care” I asked.

“Because... you’re my noye and as your owner... don’t you think I should have knowledge on my possessions?” he smirked. Did he just call me his possession? This dude is seriously corrupted!

“Shut the up. I am not your effing slave!” I hissed at him.

“So... where are you going?” he asked.

“Nowhere” I said glaring at him.

“So then why’d you sneak out of your apartment wearing a jacket and about to exit the lobby?” he asked.

“Because... because... because” he looked at me content that I didn’t have an answer for him.

“I was going to buy food! You happy now!!??” I asked.

“Oh... well buy our groceries one time!” he smiled handing me a list of items and then left! What the !! I’m not your maid!


I growled and stomped off to the grocery. During the walk all that came out of my mouth was ‘ you key’ everyone stared at me in shock.. it took me a while to realised they were looking at me... I grinned sheepishly and quickly walked into the store. After buying the necessary things and doing Key’s shopping I returned to my dorm. I place my things away and went next door. I didn’t bother ringing the doorbell I banged on their door until someone opened it.


“WHAT!?” the person whom I recognised as Jonghyun opened the door annoyed at my loud banging. I rolled my eyes and pushed the bag of food onto him.

“Piss off. And tell your ing Key I’m not his ing maid!” I said looking at the lost guy in front of me.


I walked opposite their dorm... which was now... my apartment... went inside and slammed the door. Stupid key! Did I mention before that I hate him? Well if I didn’t then I ing hate him!!!!!!!!!! I grabbed my towel and went to take a bath. I came out and looked at myself in the mirror. Thank god my hair was longish enough to hide the hickey! Gosh! I touched it... it didn’t hurt... sighing I walked out of the room and changed my clothes. There was a knock on my door.

I opened it to see Onew standing there. He smiled at me but I looked at him expressionless.


“What do you want?” I asked.

“Here... sorry about Key earlier” he apologised bowing.

“It’s fine keep your money...”I said about to close the door but he stopped it with his foot.

“Wait... Ha-Neul...” he was cut off by a familiar voice.

“Oppa...” we turned to look at the person who said that piece of word. Why the was ‘she’ here!?

“Krystal... what are you doing here?” he asked turning to the girl.

“Oppa... you left this at my dorm...” she handed him a... SHIRT!???? WHAT THE !!!?????? Onew!!!??????? I gasped.

“Wait... Ha-Neul... it’s not what it looks like!” he said. I pushed him away from the door.

“You don’t know what I’m thinking about. Goodbye” I said closing the door as that lump in my heart returned.




thanks so much for the comments guys!!!!! btw yes.. i changed it to a rated fanfic...


lolz.... there will be indecencies later on... i'll notify you so chillax for now... ^^


hmm.... onew... why did krystal have your shirt??

And wtf!! they are neighbours now!????

lolz... you must think i'm crazy for being surprised at my own writing... right?

well get use to it cuz that's me!! ^^

hmm.... i think imma write a minho fanfic... whaddya think???.... hmm... we'll see ^^

lately minho's been on my mind a lot ^^



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Chapter 9: Trashcan,I love you! :D
Chapter 24: Please update!!!!!!!!
i love this story^^
SHINeeOnew143 #4
update more please!! <br />
love your story very much! ♥ ♥ ♥<br />
ohmigod the kid with the cancer TT-TT <br />
nice updatee,,,update soon^^
koreanguysarehawt #6
minho ^_^ ♥
Omo who's he?!? o.O<br />
And I didn't expect Minho to be this fun XD!
ykoreansroxx #8
omg!!!!!!! who who who?? it was awsome!!!!!! im likin minho!!!!update soon!!!!!
yaay update! i love all your stoirs so much this ones soo good!