Games part 1

Halloween Special

YoonMC: " welcome everybody back to our Halloween Special! As you all know our couples will play some games today! woohoo!

BoomMC: " Yup! but it's not the normal games HAHAHA! "

Bom: "Omo! what kind of games is it then? "

BoomMC: " well you see each couple will have a different game and task. Some of them may require going out of this warehouse. That is kind of scary now that I think of it. It's so dark outside! Hyung do we have to participate in the games too? *holding onto YoonMC's arm* "

YoonMC: " yah! are you a man or what? why are you holding onto me? geezz. So the first couple is the TopBom couple! "

BoomMc: " Bom please pick out a piece a paper out of this pumkin please."

Bom sticks her hand in the pumkin and takes out a piece of paper. She opens the piece of paper. it said SCARECROW

Bom: " What is that suppose to mean? "

YoonMC: " oh no! you picked the scary one! "

Top: " Yah Bommie why did you pick that one! "

Bom: " ehh don't blame me. it was fate. "

YoonMC: " Well this task/game you both have to go out of the warehouse alone and search to find the scarecrow in the fields. May I add it is very difficult to find. There will be clues along the way and some obstacles. The items that you get to bring with you is a flashlight and camera. You guys have to take a picture with the scarecrow to prove you guys have found it. "

Bom: " wahh! go ooout ttthere? its so scary! can chaerinnie come too? "

BoomMC: " nope only you, Top and the cameraman are going with you guys. We will stay here and watch you guys on the screen. GOOD LUCK! "

Chaerin: " FIGHTING UNNIE! "

Yoo In Na : " its ok you have Top with you! FIGHTING! "

Krystal and Nana: " good luck unnie! "

Jaejoong : "Dude don't get scared yourself! " saying it to Top.

YoonMC: " Bom! hold Top's hand so you won't get to scared! "

Top and Bom were walking out of the warehouse. Bom was walking behind Top grabing the back of his jacket. It looked like she was giving him a back hug.

Bom: " Tabi-ah its even darker out here than it was in the warehouse. "

Top: " are you scared? "

Bom: " noo. "

Top: " Here give me your hand so I can see you. " they intertwined their hands together. Bom blushed a little. She's holded Top's hand before but never out in the open. Except it was dark so no one can really see.

Back at the warehouse.

Everybody was watching Top and Bom on the screen. Everybody was sharing a blanket with their partners. Jaejoong and Chaerin were sharing blankets. Since the blankets were kind of small for two people and it was really cold in the warehouse they had to basicaly hug each other so they could get warmth. Same goes for the other two couples. Except the MC's did not want to share blankets with each other. They had their own.

Pointing to the screen. YoonMC: " omo! look!look! Bom is giving Top a back hug while walking. hehehe soo cute! Top looks so manly protecting her haha! "

BoomMC: " its so dark out there how are they going to find the scarecrow. we don't even know what it looks like! "

Nana: "look! their hold hands! I wanna hold hands with someone! "

Donghae showed his hand to her. "you can hold my hand. " Nana put her hands over Donghae.

Leeteuk: " Not fair! I can't hold hands with anyone! "

BoomMC: " how about Krystal? "

Leeteuk: " her sister warned me that if I touch her sister I will be D-E-A-D! "

YoonMC: " aww sorry too bad. Don't wanna mess with the Ice Princess. "

Back to Top and Bom

They found a paper that told them to walk on the trail for about a quarter of a mile. So they did as they were told.

Bom: " Tabi-ah how come you didn't tell me you were on the show too? " she said still holding onto his hand.

Top: " I wanted to surprise you? haha just kidding. Sajangnim told me last minute."

Bom: " ohhh. it's so scary out here. " as soon as she said that something jumped out at her. Bom screamed and she started hitting the thing that jumped out at her. Top tried to stop her. The thing went away.

Top: " your the one that is scary.hahaha! "

Bom: " Yah! tabi its not funny! " she let go of his hand and walk off.

Top: " hey! wait for me! what happens if a monster eats you! " he caught up to her and holded her hand again.  Bom took her hands out of Top's hand.

Bom: " i'm not holding  your hand anymore. "

Top: " fine fine." he said with a smile. He just put his arms around her shoulder.

Bom: " Tabi! I found another clue!" bom shone the flashlight on the paper" it says the tallest person has to do the chicken dance and try to name all the candies that exist in 30 seconds. kekeke Tabi your tallest you have to do the chicken dance! "

Top: " are you serious? first the shaking and now chicken dancing? "

Bom: " you have to do it! kekeke I'm going to take a picture of it! "

Top: " Yah! don't! "

Bom: " time is ticking it says if we don't complete it we will lose! I don't want to lose! hurry tabi do it do it! "

Top complied to Bom's order. He started to dance to the chicken dance and naming the candies he knows. Bom was laughing nonstop until she bumped into something. Bom let out a little yelp. She turned around and there was someone with white powder in their face and black circles around their hands. He was their to give the couple the next clue. Bom took the paper. It said they were getting closer to the scarecrow but not close enough. The challenge. Top had to piggyback Bom.

Top: " I have to what? why does this thing keep making me do stuff."

Bom:" kekeke i don't know. anyways you never piggybacked me before. this will be the first time."

 Back to the warehouse.

BoomMC: "hahaha! poor Top first he has to do the chicken dance and then piggyback Bom! are you guys worried on what you guys are going have to do? "

YoonMC: " the girls will probably like it. hahaha seems like the boys will be punished today. right Jaejoong? "

Jaejoong and Chaerin weren't paying attention. They were having little conversations together and giggling the whole time.

BoomMc went over to Jaejoong and put ice down Jaejoong's shirt.

Jaejoong: " ahhh! cold cold! *he stood up* what was that for? " chaerin giggled at him.

BoomMC: " I called your names many times but you wouldn't reply." he said innocently.

YoonMC:" aish! why are you bothering them! they were having there moment! "

BoomMC: " i was jealous. "

Back to Top and Bom

Bom was talking to Top while he was piggybacking her. They were flirting back and forth where at one point the cameraman told them stop flirting or else he can't film anymore since it was soo cheesy. Top and Bom laughed at the camerman when he said that.

Bom whispered into Top's ears Happy Halloween. Top smiled when he heard it. After a while they came upon a sign. It said BEWARE! right under it they saw the paper that contains their clue. This time Top wanted to open it.





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Lyca_Myx #1
Chapter 5: TOPBOM!!!! HWAITTING!!!
Lyca_Myx #2
Chapter 3: Ohhhhhh~~~~~ scary wistle
Lyca_Myx #3
Chapter 2: shaking T.O.P. kekekeke
Lyca_Myx #4
Chapter 1: KYAAAA!!!!!!!!!
NaNa198892 #5
Wow i didn't see that coming TopBom already a couple!<br />
it was really cute ^^!<br />
nice story ^^!
rawrxshirley #6
oh so Top and Bommie were already together? haha didn't see that one coming but cute fic :D
NaNa198892 #7
Haha TopBom were so cute and funny<br />
poor Top he had to wear a corn costume<br />
I wonder what's in store for Chaerin and Jaejoong <br />
cant wait for next update ^^!
lilmissmelros #8
@Kay37541 @gjie2cute yeah the cameraman was sick of them because they were to sweet! Haha
gjie2cute #9
Lol cameraman just being jealous because of their interaction hehehe
Kay37541 #10
Hahaha camerman! There's no such thing as too much Topbom flirting or cheesiness:D