Just One Smile


Hong Jaeyoung is known to be quiet and unapproachable.

Conversations are futile, and it's said to be dangerous to try to speak to her.

She's a beast that is to be avoided, like a monster that lives beneath a child's bed.

For this, they call her The Abominable Jaeyoung.

But one day, the outgoing Kim Taehyung makes it his goal to make her smile.


This is an attempt at another fluff fic. My insides are burning. I CAN'T DO FLUFF IT'S SO NASTY EW FEELINGS EW


This is an original work by me. Any similarities and/or resemblances to other works or to real life events, people, or places are unintentional and purely coincidental. I do not own the rights to any of the characters except for my own. PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.


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slushyplushie #1
Chapter 6: oK
when i thought everything was nOW OK, sHE SUDDENLY ANNOUNCES SHE GOES TO MOKPO
ohmygod pls dont let this be an ldr
Chapter 6: mokpo!?!? what???
Chapter 4: why did tae fall in love that fast?? hahaha nice story , update soon!!
Chapter 4: So cute~~~
Chapter 1: Looking forward to how this one goes! Pretty interesting, and new.