
Moon Flight

"This is so illegal!" I whispered in a hushed voice, hiding behind the conductor's machine thingy majigy. I didn't know what it was called because I hadn't been in one since last year and my brain had other things to occupy.

Minhyuk shot me a disbelieving look. "And this surprises you, why?" He went back to the machine, muttering about how girls were so confusing and the hormones.

"Okay, so remember to say these exact words: You must take us to Seoul or else the guy holding you at knife point will slit your throat. Arasso?" Sehun asks me, worried. I roll my eyes.

"I'm not stupid." I take my position behind the conductor's chair and wait. The entire plan is pathetic but it's the best one we've come up with. Basically, it consists of Dongjun holding the conductor with a plastic knife and I would jump out, tie his legs with rope and threaten him. If the conductor calls our bluff, Minhyuk tinkered with the machine enough so that one with one press of the button will blow up one object at a time in the entire train. I tie knots like a sailor so I'm 98.9% sure that the conductor won't be able to escape. If he tries to turn on his gravity, the entire ceiling is already rigged so he's screwed on that point. The reason why we need the conductor and why we can't disguise ourselves is because there are guards patrolling the station and each cubicle. They also ask for confirmation by a simple demonstration of turning on the gravity and floating. We got onto the train by escaping through the station master's way which is entering through ticket booth and going down 2 sets of staircases to enter the conductor's cubicle. Dongjun is hiding with Minhyuk behind the machine and Sehun is literally on the alcove behind the door. Nothing is rigged so far but as soon as the conductor comes in, that's when the action will happen. The train has an automatic system so even if the conductor gets killed, it would keep on going. 

The first set of doors squeak open and I hear loud footsteps. The second set of doors swing open and in comes the mustache conductor. He sets down his coffee and taps a few buttons. Outside, a robotic female voice calls out for remaining passengers. Once the announcement is done, he presses a bright green button and the doors make a swishing noise before closing. And that's our cue. Dongjun leaps out, and I crawl under him.

"Make a sound and I promise you, those buttons will be the last thing you see." He sounds so threatning, I stop to shiver before I continue with my path until I'm standing in front of him.

"Ah-hem." I clear my throat like that Umbridge woman from Harry Potter. "Mr.-" I pause to squint at the mini name tag he has on. 

"Mr. Choi, you shall take us to Seoul and will let us walk out of the conductor's passage AND will not ring the alarm or else I will chop off your nuts. Understand?" Above, I can see Sehun facepalming himself.

"I recommend you don't touch anything right now, including the gravity lift or else you will find yourself detonated. And believe me, you don't want to explode like the people you sentenced to death. The train is rigged so if you want to eff yourself, go right on ahead." I stared at his dark brown eyes, daring him to call my bluff. He doesn't and I relax a bit but not noticeably either. Dongjun and I stand in this stance, leaving Minhyuk and Sehun in the dark in case the conductor has something up his sleeve. I take out my rope from my bag and start tying multiple knots around his legs and his arms. Then, something odd happens. Mr. Choi starts laughing uncontrollably. His laugh sounds insane, maniacal even.

"Mr. Choi," Dongjun sounds so uncomfortable. "What are you doing?" His laugh grows even louder until we can hear another pair of footsteps walking in. I nod at Minhyuk's concealed face, expecting this. He types something in and outside, something loud explodes. The footsteps stop and then run back to wherever they came from. Mr. Choi's face turns pale, then becomes sullen. I smirk under my black mask. All of us are covered in black, from head to toe. Dongjun, Minhyuk, Sehun and I are wearing black leather jackets that we stole from a broken down Goodwill that wasn't open anymore, black jeans, combat boots, black sunglasses, black leather gloves, a black cap and a thin black mask. We even spoke in a disguised voice. Speaking of which...

I slap away the camouflaged recorder leaning out of his pocket. "We're not stupid." My ninny voice sounds horrible, even to me.

Finally, Mr. Choi speaks. When he does, it doesn't sound pretty. "Spare me." Desperation leaks out of his voice. I glare at him in disgust.

"Are you serious? Give you the mercy that you didn't give out to the Walkers?" I pick up the recorder, erasing the recording and picking apart the back until the recorder itself is a mess of wires and metal bits. Sehun is still silent, giving me a warning look. I slowly ease back to my defensive stance, still tense. 

"Now, when we get to Gangnam Station, you will brake the train, open the other door, let us out unscathed and will not ring the alarm no matter the circumstances. If you do which we will know about, your chair is going to detonate." Soon enough, the female voice announces that we are here. True to his word, he gestures towards the lever which opens a small opening in the right. He presses a red button which stops the train from moving. Minhyuk gets out from the machine and hustles us out. I let Minhyuk pass me by before I grab the microchip planted on his nametag and giving him three good kicks to his nuts, though I doubt he had any. I also spat on face before exiting. Sehun was going to stay until the next stop where he observed the conductor's behaviour afterwards and would knock out the conductor regardless, scouring the cubicle for any other cameras or CCTVs. He would then destroy them and meet us at a meet up place. I ran down the stairs, not bothering to look back. The foramtion was like the other station but with cleaner stairs and less litter. Minhyuk entered first, spraying knockout gas as he passed. We had planned the entire thing so that we wouldn't be bothered by trivial thing ssuch as Lunarstrikes buying boarding tickets. Usually, at this time of the day, there were rarely any Lunarstrikes on board. The ticket master looked at us in a expression of shock before dropping dead. We snuck out of the booth and we sprinted to the guy's bathroom. I wasn't fazed by the fact that this was a guy's bathroom. 

I quickly stripped down to my undergarments, donning a pencil skirt, a dull coloured blazer and a pair of pumps. I twisted my hair into a bun and put on a pair of narrow glasses. I grabbed my small beige workbag out of my bag and stuffed my clothes into the bag. I unlocked the door, stepping out and I was instantly blinded by half men.

"Ya, guys. Could you not change any faster?" I shielded my eyes. I had seen them plenty of times half- but it was strange. Sure, both of them had abs but it didn't mean they were hot.

"Why? You know you like it." Minhyuk teased.

"Done." Dongjun said and I uncovered my eyes. Dongjun slicked his hair back, wearing a navy blue suit with leather shoes. Minhyuk was wearing a plaid version of Dongjun's suit and had combed his hair back. Both were carrying black suitcases that held their previous outfits. I nodded appreciatively before Sehun entered the bathroom.

"How'd you change so fast?" Sehun had a Rolex watch that seemed pretty new. I must have been looking at it in envy as Sehun noticed and smirked.

"Don't worry. I'm pawning it in. So, what should we do in Gangnam, the city of the rich?" Dongjun asked, his eyes on the mirror while his hands fixing his hair.

"I was thinking we could go rob some department shops or boutiques." Minhyuk suggested, his face twisted into a devilish smile.

"I want to do whatever Isamine's going." Sehun shrugged, using my full name. I shot him a death glare. He knew I hated my full name.

"Let's hit the food court." I decided with a decisive clutch to my bag. I halted in my tracks and the guys noticed.

"What's wrong?" Dongjun asked, concern showing all over his face.

Sehun sighed. "Don't tell me you have the period. I heard it's like you're pissing yourself, but it's all goopy and-" I covered Sehun's mouth with a slap to his face.

"Do you mind? No, I don't have it. And since when did you learn that? You literally have no social life." I hissed. I calmed down, smoothing back my hair. "I was thinking that if we're going to the mall, we have to dress informally. None of this crap." I gestured to the buisness suit I was wearing.

Minhyuk let out a deep breath. "Don't you girls go to the mall for shopping? Getting new clothes is part of shopping. Gawd, we'll just go to this random lady, beg her so that we can be her charity case and she can feel good about herself. It'll be a like two stones and one bird."

I rolled my eyes. "It's two birds and one stone idiot." I walked out of the bathroom, looking inconspicious.


Sure enough, Dongjun did the aegyo face and the 'noona' as she preferred to be called as gave us her credit cardwhich had a maximum of $25, 500 and as we walked away from her, Minhyuk called her a rich . Minhyuk hated Lunarstrikes. We went to American Eagle Outfitters, Hollister and Aeropostale in which we bought football jackets in different colours, jeans, flannel sweaters, denim hoodies, actual leather jackets and aout a thousand sweatpants. We also bought Converse, Vans, winter boots, and the boys went off for about 10 minutes and came back looking sheepish, carrying Calvin Klein bags which I didn't need to guess what was in there. I bought army pants, a trooper jacket, cartoon shirts, jeans, sweatpants, pullover hoodies, a Burberry trenchcoat and this dress which had a navy blue top with a subtle bow across the bosom and a plaid buttoned skirt.

"Do you want to have a full makeover?" Dongjun ventured nervously as we stepped out of the chaotic store.

"Why not?" I shrugged and in we went. The salon was a bright blue and as soon as we stepped in, the receptionish greeted us.

"Do you have an appointment?" She was blonde and had a sweet voice. Her cleavage was an entirely different story. She looked like a stereotyped white chick. Minhyuk shook his head and she smiled.

"Well, we're closing in an hour so why not? All costs will be free since we're cleaning up anyway." I guess you can't really judge the inside by the outside. A few minutes later, we were given white robes and fluffy white slippers which we changed into and were thrown into instant chaos.

"We should shave off these two sides and leave the thick middle to be permed into a lift." One hairdresser suggested, getting a little too close to Dongjun. I intervened.

"Oh hey Dongjun? Didn't you say you wanted a trim last month?" I interrupted hastily, pushing aside the jet black haired stylist. She lifted her eyebrows but didn't say anything. Sehun was in the middle of getting a massage and he enjoyed it way too much. 

"Aaaah, oooooh. The shoulder is aa-mazing!" He was probably in paradise, the loser. Minhyuk was deciding on a foot rub at the back. I shook my head at them. 

"I'm going to head on to the pool at the back." I whispered to Sehun but all I got was a "HOLY FRUG THIS IS SO DAMN GOOD!" I shrugged, taking the fluffy white towels, a bikin since that was the only option and stripped down, switching into the bikin and stepping out. I waded into the sparkling water, the refreshing temperature cooling me. I relaxed at the edge, finally taking a break for once in our nonstop life. The spa and salon people were Lunarstrikes and they didn't know we were Walkers for which I was glad for. I started getting up, intending to swim laps but I never got the chance as a pair of tanned arms wrapped around my stomach. Oh frig.   

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awwww, so good!!!!