Just a day's work

Moon Flight

I dozed off on my shift, guarding the makeshift camp we made. I had fallen asleep with drool and leaves tuck to my face. I had looked like I had gotten a mud facial to be honest.

"Ya! Pabo!" Sehun's voice was killing my eardrums as I shielded my ears. I scrambled off, my sleeping bag falling off.

"Arasso!" I put my hands up in innocence, surrendering. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry isn't going to let us live!" Sehun snarled and I stared down at my mud covered boots meekly. Dongjun fell out of the tent, half asleep.

"Let her breathe. Honestly. It's not like you haven't made a mistake before." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes of the dried eye boogers he still had on.

"Lunarstrikes almost caught us last time." He pointed out and he lookes so funny with his Hello Kitty pajamas on, it was hard to take him seriously. I bit back my smile as it fought towards my face.

"I won't let it happen again. So, who's up for breakfast?" I rubbed my hands in anticipation.


We all had a personal story that kept us together. Just like that Pretty Little Liars show that fans used to obsess and rave about. Except we didn't let those stories shape our future. The backgrounds just made us relatable. Take Sehun. His family was a Lunarstrike family with wealth until it was revealed that they were smuggling the Walkers into Greece. Bang, bang. Just like that, they were murdered. Minhyuk as the sole breadwinner of his family, and since they were third class and a Walker family, Lunarstrikes killed them off because they were consuming too many rations. Dongjun was a comedian for the Lunarstrikes until the second wave ruined everyone's rations, jobs and money so they had a plan to poison him but Dongjun had overheard and made sure he escaped. As for me, my parents were killed off in the first wave but I was glad because they wouldn't have to witness and go through the injustice that they would have gone through.

We all met each other on the run. Me, I was running away from North America, where the police was offering a reward of $300 for bringing in 10 Walkers, alive or dead. On the train, we were forced to share a cubicle and Dongjun had noticed that we weren't speaking at all which meant we had something to hide. Sehun had figured it out and introduced himself with a "I know you guys are Walkers". Sehun was 13 at the time, while Dongjun was 14 and Minhyuk was the same age as me. We ended up spilling our stories and background knowledge because we were still kids and running away still hadn't hardened us.We all planned to run away together, fleeing the authorities and to this day, we still haven't been caught once. Our current destination is Seoul since all of us have some Korean blood in us. I'm a mix of Korean, British and French. Sehun was more uptight, Dongjun was the cheeriest and Minhyuk was the most athletic.

"Isa! Get your over here! We're eating beef jerky!" Minhyuk called. All of them were huddled around the charred remains of last night's fire.

"Wow. Holy crap. Damn, this is good." I was munching on the jerky when a sudden thought occured to me.

"You didn't steal or anything right?" I asked uncertainly. We didn't steal from anyone unless it was necessary and even then, we stole only from the Lunarstrikes. We had never encountered a Walker anyway, since it was rare for them to be alive. The Lunarstrikes had made sure they made the Walkers extinct. 

Sehun rolled his eyes. "No, we made it appear out of thin air. Of course we stole it." His voice was dripping of sarcasm. Screw whatever I said about Sehun being uptight.

"So, I was wondering if we could play it off like last time's plan." I encountered the topic of heading to Seoul. 

Dongjun shook his head. "Too risky. No one's going to believe two seventeen year olds, one eighteen and a nineteen year old travelling to Seoul alone. We'd be executed immediately."

I crossed my arms. "What do you suggest then?"

Minhyuk grinned. "We do what we do best."

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awwww, so good!!!!