Sick Day (NxYou)

Vixx Drabbles

You didn't know when the heck you fell asleep, but you were annoyed that a fit of coughing had woken you up.  It took a few seconds for your anger to placate before you hauled yourself up to check on Hakyeon. The poor thing was running a fever when he came in last night and you let him know how irresponsible he was for staying out so late when he wasn't feeling well. 

"....S-says the person who constantly calls me to bring her stuff when she leaves it at home." he retorted before collapsing on the couch with a groan. 

"I'm dizzy..." Hakyeon complained.
Turned out, the idiot had a temperature of 101. That night you immediately put him to bed with a cold compress. You opted to sleep on the couch so whatever he had wasn't planning on invading your immune system any time soon. As soon as your head hit the pillow you heard him hacking up a lung and thus began your all night into the daylight task of taking care of Cha Leadah. It was at three in the morning when you were cleaning up his vomit (that he profusely apologized for) that he mumbled "The guys tried to send me home earlier, but I wouldn't listen. I thought I was fine...Just tired." 
You sighed.  Hakyeon loved to work himself to death.  
From then on, you were up for almost seven more hours making sure the man hadn't died.  It was almost 11:30 before you finally had some time to yourself. 
Now it was going to start all over again. A glance at the clock told you it was 12:25.  At least you almost had an hour of sleep. 
Groaning, you groggily shuffled to the bedroom. You hoped he was at least keeping his soup down. Peeking around the corner, you saw him slowly sitting up. He cleared his throat a bit and winced. Poor baby, he must have had a sore throat.  Just as you were about to retreat back to the couch, he noticed you were there.
"Oh, h-hey. Feeling better?"  You hesitantly entered the room and plucked a few of his used tissues (ew) off the bed so you could sit. You instantly pumped an insane amount of hand sanitizer into your hands as you faced him. Hakyeon gave you his signature stank face.
"I am not that gross." 
You stifled an obnoxious laugh. At this point, you were delirious.
"Didn't say you were, derp." you replied as you felt his forehead.
"Looks like your fever's gone. Did you take any more cough syrup?"
He gave you a pleading look.
"Anything but's so nasty~ I took enough of that stuff last night! That's why I threw up!"
You rolled your eyes at him. He was such a drama king.
"Have it your way, Cha," you shrugged.  That nap sounded really good right about now. You hauled yourself up when you were pulled back down.
Two clammy arms were wrapped around your waist.
"_______~"  He whined. 
You sighed.  "Yes, babe? Need more pillows? What about some soup? Do you need water?"
His mop of blue hair shook no.
"Watch a movie with me?" You could hear the pout in his voice.
He was so dang cute without even trying. 
"I don't know..." You drawled.
His arms left your waist and he sat up again.  Flicking more used tissues away (ewww) he cleared up more space for the both of you. He straightened up triumphantly with a childish grin. 
"After you~" he gestured to your side of the bed.  Shaking your head, you climbed to your spot.  You swear,  he was a giant weirdo.  But he was YOUR weirdo.
You two picked Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (it was HIS choice, really) and kicked back while the movie started.
Part of the way through, Hakyeon was fast asleep with his head on your lap.  As exhausted as you were, the movie was too good to fall asleep on though you yawned every ten minutes.  One of your arms were draped across his chest, the other near his head while occasionally carding through his hair.  Even though Hakyeon could be a straight up pain when sick, it was no trouble at all. He was always there when you needed him, whether it was to show up at your job with flowers or to just bring you food when you were down.  You glanced down at him, admiring how handsome he looked when sleeping. 

Yeah. Taking care of a sick Cha Hakyeon was no trouble at all.

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Chapter 1: Totally cute~~~~~~~ >3<