
Strawberry Season

"Okay. Follow me," says Changmin, motioning for Yunho to follow him into the field. Changmin steps out of the office for the first time today. The sun splashes onto his face, but it's the rays coming from Yunho's beaming face that's really bothering him.

Yunho stands there in front of the vast strawberry field, and Changmin thinks that he probably needs to hire a couple more people for the work to get finished. Changmin sighs.

"All right," says Changmin, and he personally goes around to the back to get out two crates for Yunho. Actually got his fingers dirty and everything. "How we usually do it is, we pick the ripe strawberries into one crate and the unripe ones in the other. That way we can sell the ripe ones locally and the unripe ones can be sold further away, although..." Changmin looks around at the field. "I don't think we'll have enough strawberries to do that this year."

"Oh," says Yunho, looking genuinely concerned. "That's too bad."

Changmin shrugs. "It happens." He then looks at Yunho. "If you want to make your own system, go ahead. As long as you're efficient."

"Sure," says Yunho. His face has lit up again at the mention of getting at strawberries, and his voice almost shakes in excitement. "Hey, Changmin, did you know, when I was a kid –"

"I'm not interested, actually," says Changmin, "And it's Mr. Shim."

Yunho pouts again. "You're so mean."

"I gave you the job," reminds Changmin, but a small pang of hurt digging into his heart.

"That's true," says Yunho, and the kitten smile is back. "This is my dream come true. Every year, I'd been wanting to work at your strawberry farm, and I hadn't been able to, because I was helping out at my parents' farm."

Changmin raises his eyebrows. "Why aren't you working for them this year?"

"Because I have to work here," declares Yunho decisively. "Have to."

Changmin is starting to get just a little bit freaked out. "O – kay," he says. "Uh – I'll be in the office if you need me."

Yunho smiles and waves at him before practically running at the strawberry field with the crates in his arms.



Changmin forgets about Yunho for the whole day, and stays in his office. Really, though, he needed to see just how many strawberries they'll have to do any real work, and for that, he'll need to see how many strawberries Yunho has picked at the end of the day.

It wasn't the best year for strawberries, but not horrible, either. But it's still hard to estimate, so Changmin isn't going to do anything today.

At least that's what he tells himself as he lies on the couch, watching TV the whole day.

He has half a mind to check on Yunho, but from what he can see from his window, Yunho hasn't left the field or anything, so Changmin figures that he's doing fine, at least until it's getting pretty chilly and the sun's about to set, and Changmin realizes that Yunho hasn't eaten all day.

So Changmin contemplates whether he should treat Yunho to dinner, since he did forget to give Yunho his lunch break, and maybe they can get to know each other, if only a little bit. Plus Changmin feels a little bit bad for how curt he was with Yunho. If he'd known that Yunho was such a hard worker, he wouldn't have been so mean.

Changmin picks up the phone, and makes an unnecessary reservation for two at a restaurant at the nearest place that resembles civilization before stepping out and calling for Yunho to stop.



The amount of strawberries that Yunho picked is impossible.

Impossibly little.

Changmin can't believe how little he picked.

"What's going on," says Changmin, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes.

Yunho looks up at him innocently, albeit a bit nervously. "W-What do you mean?"

"How come you worked for the whole day and you only have two and a half crates of strawberries picked?"

Yunho swallows and the front of his teeth with his tongue under his closed lips. "Um…"

Changmin frowns. "I know it wasn't the best year for crop, but I know it wasn't this bad."


"Show me," says Changmin, pointing at the strawberry field. "Show me how much you did."

Changmin knows that one row of strawberries comes to about three crates, and there is no way that Yunho, a young, strong guy, could only get done one row of strawberry today. His men average six rows a day.

"Um," says Yunho. He walks to a corner of the field, the one where he started from. He then eyes Changmin. "So… I started at this corner, and then I kind of went… like… that way first, and then I made a turn because there were nice bushes on that side, so I went – that way, and I ended up doing, like… an 'S'…"

Changmin's eyes widen.

"Mr. Jung, are you telling me that you didn't do this row by row, but you just randomly walked around choosing bushes you wanted to pick from?"


There is a long silence as Yunho shuffles his feet, and Changmin stares him down.

Then Yunho finally looks up at Changmin and clears his throat.

"Um… it's Yunho."

Changmin almost falls to the ground with his hands in his hair in exasperation.

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Chapter 2: This is so cute! And I'm soo glad you uploaded this fic here, I remember a couple of weeks ago I started reding it on another site but then I forgot where and couldn't find it. So I'm super duper happy! :D love the way you write btw, loving it!
Chapter 2: OH MY GOD! Yunho is so cute!!
XD I can't believe he only picked
a small amount of strawberries XD
Can't wait to see what happens next!
Great job :D
Chapter 2: Hahahah Yunho is so cute.
Chapter 1: Awww this is so cute!
I can so totally imagine Yunho
pouting and being all happy XD
Can't wait to see what happens
next~ Good work :D
Chapter 1: this sounds pretty interesting so far ^^
looking forward to your next update XD