

There are times when Sunggyu feels Sungjong doesn't give him enough attention.  His boyfriend has time for everyone else, but him and it pisses him off.

"Sungjong, stop ignoring me. Pay attention to me~"

Sunggyu whined as he laid his head on Sungjong's lap.  Sungjong sighed and placed down his textbook on the desk.  He played around with his boyfriend's soft hair.

"Sorry, I just have an important test to take, I have to study."

"What? You've been studying for awhile now! Take a break and and play with me. If you know what I mean."

Sunggyu winked and playfully stuck out his tongue.

"You're a ert, gross."

Sungjong flicked Sunggyu's forehead and laughed.  He pushed his head off his lap and got up.

"Ehhh, Sungjong!? I meant play videogames or something! Not like..... do it. No no no, nothing like that. Unless.... you want to?"

Sunggyu grabbed Sungjong by the waist and threw him back on the bed.  He hovered above him, his lips at a close distance.  Sungjong couldn't help, but roll his eyes.  Sometimes, his boyfriend was just too much.

"Seriously, hyung, I have to study... pleeeeease leave~"

"Fine, fine, fine. Get back to your studying. I'll leave my little baby maknae to study."

Sungjong pouted.

"I'm not little or a baby, hyung!"

"You're still the maknae, which makes you a little baby.... and you're mine. So you're my little baby maknae."

Sunggyu formed a heart with his hands.  Sungjong threw his pillow at the leader, just as he went running out the room.  Sungyeol and Woohyun were sitting on the couch, with Sungyeol resting his head on Woohyun's chest.

"Hey hyung, did Sungjong kick you out again?"

Woohyun smirked and Sungyeol snickered.

"Hey, no, that's not what happened. I left on my own will."

The leader folded his arms and glared at the younger 2.

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure that Sungjong's been practically ignoring you for his studying...."

Sunggyu smacked Woohyun on the back of his head and made an attempt to smack Sungyeol as well, but the choding squeaked and held up his hands, trying to protect himself.   Sunggyu laughed at his dongsaengs.

"That'll teach you to mess with leadergyu!"

The door to Sungjong's room opened and out popped the maknae.

"Guess what guys!" He seemed to say excitedly.

Woohyun, Sungyeol, and Sunggyu exchanged glances with each other then looked back towards the maknae.

"Uhhh, what?"

"I have another test scheduled! Isn't that just great! That means for studying for me! I hate life."

Sungjong frowned and quickly rummaged through the kitchen for some snacks.  He came out of the kitchen, carrying a handful of snacks and drinks and scurried back to his room to study.  The 3 members just stared at the empty air that was previously occupied by Sungjong.

"So.... want to get frozen yogurt, Hyunnie?"

"Right behind you, Yeollie."

Woohyun and Sungyeol rushed quickly to put on their shoes.  They ran out the door, sweatshirts in hand, and shoes barely on their feet.  Sunggyu blinked rapidly, realizing that his dongsaengs were already out the door.

"Oh.... that was..... okay...."

Sunggyu shuffled from foot to foot and just decided to go back to sleep.  If he had to, he'll wait until after Sungjong's tests and exams were over.


Sungjong woke up the morning after all his tests were finished to an aching body.  He felt extremely tired and exhausted for no reason at all.  He felt discomfort in his chest and coughed a few times already.  He feebly got up out of bed and walked towards the kitchen.  He was teetering from side to side, but Sungjong finally managed to reach the kitchen.  He just plopped himself onto a chair and sat staring at nothing.  He felt disgusting and his head was slightly throbbing.  He felt diminutive compared to how he usually felt everyday.  Today was just the worst of them all.

Sunggyu opened the front door and walked inside.  He was carrying grocery bags, since they were low on some things.  He did a promenade to the kitchen and placed the bags on the counter.  He saw Sungjong, looking ill and placed his hand against his forehead to feel if he had a fever.

"Holy , Sungjong. You're burning up, you have a fever."

"Noooo, what made you guess that, Gyu hyung?"

Sunggyu blinked and sighed.  He almost missed the fact when Sungjong would ignore him for studying.  When Sungjong gets sick, he turns a little meaner than he intends to be.  However, when Sungjong feels better, he's all nice again, for the most part...

Everybody in Infinite knew that when Sungjong was deviating from his sweet and innocence, they stayed away.  For Sunggyu, he had to take care of the younger.

"Sungjong, go back to bed. Sleep. Then I'll wake you up to eat."

Sunggyu's voice was stern and strict and Sungjong knew he had nothing to do, but go back to bed.

The younger waddled back to his room and closed the door shut.  Sunggyu frowned and began putting away the groceries.

"That was probably the most attention Sungjong gave you this week, hyung. Haha!"

Sunggyu pivoted his foot and looked to the source of the voice.

Hoya grinned and grabbed an apple from the fridge.

"You know, hyung. I'm sure when Sungjong gets better, he'll go back to ignoring you for studying."

"He's already finished with all his exams."

"Oh... I see."

Hoya smirked and walked back to his room, only to stop and face Sunggyu again.

"This apple tastes like ...." Hoya pouted and continued to munch on it.

"How does he even know what tastes like..... gross."


Sungjong woke up again and began having a coughing fit.  He saw Sunggyu jolt up from the ground and look around frantically.

"What's wrong, Sungjong?"

Sungjong pointed towards his bag and the water bottle on the side table.  Sunggyu quickly grabbed it and placed it on his boyfriend's lap.  He proceeded to then take the water bottle and held it out for Sungjong, who was still coughing.

Sungjong took out an inhaler, uncapped it, and puffed it 3 times.  He took the water bottle and drank from it.

"Thank you..."

"No problem."

Sunggyu had one arm behind his head and smiled, his eyes disappearing.  Sungjong sat dazed, looking at Sunggyu.  He forgot how handsome his boyfriend was and how his smile seemed to give him butterflies.  What Sungjong didn't realize was that he was blushing, not from being sick, but from Sunggyu.

"Oh yeah.... so umm.... what are you doing here?"

"Hmmm? Oh, well, I wanted to take care of you. If I was somewhere else, it would take longer to get to you, incase you needed something."

"Hnnng..... thank you, Gyu hyung."

"Are you feeling any better?"

"More or less. I just feel exhausted and tired."

Sunggyu moved to touch Sungjong's forehead and smiled.

"No fever, that's good."

"Say, Sunggyu hyung...."


"Sorry for ignoring you."

"It's okay, you had to study."

"And for ing at you."

"It's okay, you were sick."

"And for being pregnant with your child."

"It's okay, you we-WHAT?!"

"Ahaha, just kidding hyung. I'm male, I can't get pregnant. You should know that."

"Ok, thank god.... but I forgive you."

"I'm giving you attention now, aren't I?"


Sunggyu sat down on Sungjong's bed and laced their fingers together.

"I'm so tired. Sleep with me, hyung."


"And let me use you as a pillow."

"Whatever you want, Sungjong."

Sunggyu smiled and laid down, with Sungjong's head on his chest.  He the maknae's hair, singing a soft melody, which caused Sungjong to get sleepier and sleepier, until finally falling asleep.

"Thanks for the attention, Sungjong."

Sunggyu kissed his forehead and went to sleep himself.


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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 1: Sooo fluuuffyyy i love it
Chapter 1: nice story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Junellery #3
Chapter 1: I hate it -justkidding-
It's too small! Dx But it's great :'3 Very cute
AllTimeKPopFan #4
Chapter 1: *pouts* all the story end so earlily but at the same time they stop to early when it is about to get interesting (but other wise the story was perfect
naznew #5
Chapter 1: So fluffy~
ayade_e #6
Chapter 1: ahfsdskl; omg how cute!! ;~;
and the side wooyeol too haha

loved it! <3
Paper_stars #7
Chapter 1: That is cute :D