Frozen flame

Magical Fairy Tail

''So how do we find our way out?'' Taemin asked Agaron. All they need to do is to find the cause of the sound and get out save.


''We use my magic, of course.'' He said being confident.


''How?'' He didn't knew how wind magic would work in a cave but he let Agaron explain him.


''It's simple. Somewhere in this cave, there's a opening to the outside world, right? Now all I have to know where that opening is. And I do that by feeling the flow of the air. It's very simple if your a wind Mage.'' And it really was as simple as he said. Whenever they would meet a road that would split up, he immediately took the one that was right without a doubt.

After a while they stopped. Something dark was laying on the ground, right in front of them.


''That's a giant bat. Looks like his days of living are over.'' Agaron examined the corpse from a closer look.

''Uhm.. I don't think he is the only one.'' Taemin pointed to the frond. He was right. More dead giant bats were laying on the ground. And as they kept walking, there became much more of them.

''Don't tell me..'' It looked like Agaron was thinking of something.

''What's wrong?'' Taemin didn't seem to have a clue how all these animals could be dead.

''Taemin, how much do you know about giant bats?'' Taemin shook his head. Not much. Only that they would live in caves.

''You see, these bats have something special. When it dies, a magical energy comes free. And it goes to the closest thing around him that can collect that magical energy. I think that something or someone is killing all those bats to create power.'' His theory made sense. There will be a lot of people who want power by only killing some bats.


''But I'm amazed how powerful it already is, because these bats also defend themselves by using poison. You'll die when you breathe it in.'' Who does this kind of thing? Killing a living soul, only for some power. No reason why Agaron is angry. And for the same reason, it makes Taemin angry too. Who did this?



At the other side of the cave, the others also encountered something. It was a big room with only other big holes in it that lead an other way through the cave. But that wasn't everything. The room was filled with lava? They weren't sure because it wasn't hot as they expected. ( Not like they touched the lava, but felt from the heat in the distance. )

Every hole had a way leading towards the middle of the room.


''Omo! Minho look!'' When he turned around, he witnessed Chin Soo pointing at a creature in the lava. It was slowly climbing out of the lava and curiously looked at the boys.


''It's a lava frog! Finally you get reunited with your family. I'm so happy for you!''

The lava frog had a brown color, just like the walls of the cave. Around it's body, lines of lava were flowing. It's eyes had the same color as the lava. It looked around and slowly moved towards Minho.

''Looks like he found his own sort. Maybe it's a princess! Quick kiss her, handsome prince.'' Chin Soo really was irritating his friend, but luckily he controlled his anger.


''Oh. There are more!'' Right now. The middle of the room was filling with lava frogs. Some were still swimming in the lava, but they showed their heads. It looks like they live here.

In the meantime, the other lava frog reached Minho. He bit in Minho's trousers and tried to take him to the middle of the room.

''Alright, I understand. You can let go now.'' And the frog obeyed. Followed by Chin Soo, they finally reached the center. Now they noticed that one of the frogs were bigger than the rest. It must be their leader.


''Minho. What do they want from us?'' It's not like they did any harm to them.


''Geez. I don't know either. Why don't y-'' He stopped talking when he noticed the leader was standing next to him. It stood on his legs and looked taller than it was. Now it was around the same height as Minho. Then it placed its paw on his neck.


''Ghaaaaaaa!'' He screeched out in pain. The frogs paw was covered with lava. But Minho is a fire mage. He shouldn't be feeling so much pain from the heat. He always got used to it by his own fire. Or is it because the lava was hotter than his flames?

''Minho!'' When the frog removed his paw, Minho grabbed at his neck. Marks appeared on his body, it looked a bit like those frogs, but still different. His neck was unharmed, yet he felt the pain through his whole body. Those marks were burning.


''Why..Why did you have to remind me of my curse?'' He closed his eyes. Tying to ease the pain, but it didn't work. He only remembered.


''I'm sorry, Sir, Madam. But your son is cursed.''


''No way. How could that happen?''


''What curse is it? Don't tell me!''


''I'm afraid it is. He won't be able to use the flames he had before.''


''But is there any way to free him from this curse?''


''I'm afraid there isn't. Maybe the person who cast the spell at him can make it undone. But I doubt that. Why would that person curse him in the first place?''


''Who dares to curse the son of the leader from the Fire Salamander!''


''But dear. How do we tell him? He will be upset to hear this. And he won't be living a normal life now. What to do..''


''Now he won't be able to be the next leader of the Fire Salamander. We are known for our flames. The hottest of them all. But if he can't have those flames anymore, than I don't see much in his future left. He is now a frozen flame.''


''I don't know why you wanted to know about my curse. But if you think I'm weak because of that, then you're wrong. I'm going to protect my friends. I know I don't have many futures left and that I will die anytime soon. But not today. First I'm going to find Taemin and Agaron together with Chin Soo. We are going to make it out of here together and go back to our home, where our friends are. Where they are save. Then the time will decide whenever I go or not. I'm not going to deny the truth. I'm a frozen flame after all.'' The marks on his body faded away. The frog gave them a nod and looked at his right. Pointing at one of the ways.


''Then prove it, frozen flame and friend.'' The sound was echoing through the room. Without opening its mouth, it still spoke to them. They thanked them and went to the direction where the frog pointed at.


''Good luck, frozen flame.''




''Jonghyun. Are you sure?''


''Yes. I'm absolutely sure. It was one of the monsters from Kim Kibum.'' Jonghyun was determined.


''But is that even possible.'' One of the guild members asked.


''Yes, it is possible. If I remember correctly, he never showed up again after Onew's dead.'' The master said.


''Maybe he's dead? Or finally killed by someone.'' Someone else said.


''I don't think so. He's very powerful. And if he was dead, someone would have found him. And if he was killed, wouldn't that person brag about how he slayed the Almighty Kim Kibum?'' Amber said.


''Ah, yes. That's true. But how will you find him? Only the people who died know his face.'' Now all the guild members were talking through each other.


Victoria was walking back to the bar. Back to Key. ''This is bad. How awful. What do we do?''


''I'm sorry, but who is this person you are talking about?'' Victoria looked surprised at Key.

''You don't know?'' Key shook his head.

''He has been pretty famous for a while in Flarior. That's why you don't know about him, because you're not from this area.'' Key nodded.

''Then let me tell you...


..Kim Kibum showed up in Flarior 10 years ago. No one knew where he came from or what he wanted, but one thing he did was for sure. He killed people. He killed them by his owns hands, or with his powerful monsters. Not many people knew how he looked like, so they pictured him as an male adult, having red eyes. But later on, he didn't looked like that at all. When he killed someone in a town in an open area at night, he got spotted by some guards. Even tough they couldn't see his face, they still knew it wasn't an adult but a little boy. More people got frightening by the thought how powerful and cruel a child could be. To think that even strong Mage adults couldn't hold him. But he has been walking around Flarior all those years and probably is still out there, but he isn't killing anymore. The last person would be Onew then....''


Victoria's tears were rolling down her cheeks. Key immediately went to her to give her a hug.

''I'm sorry. It's..It's jus-'' Key interrupted her. ''It's alright. When I hear all this, I also want to cry. It's not nice knowing there's a murderer walking around your hometown and just kills for no reason. I would also live a life in fear. Everyday, hoping that you or someone you know isn't the next one. Now let's hope this Kim Kibum isn't going to come back anymore. But if you're still afraid than you have to know that we all are there for you.'' Key released her from the hug to look at her face. She smiled with tears in her eyes.

''You're right. Thanks Key.'' Both smiled at each other.

''I'm going to leave now. I'm going home, waiting for my Taemin to return safely.'' Victoria nodded and dried her tears.

''Okay. Be careful on your way back home.'' She waved at him.


''Of course I will. Bye.'' And with that he left the Guild. But what Victoria didn't noticed is that he had a weird look on his face. What was he thinking at this moment?


The sound of thunder echoed through the cave, but this time it was louder.

''Looks like we're close.'' A silent followed after that. A long silence when they walked. Agaron broke the silence.


''So who is your best friend? Like, who do you spend the most time with?'' The sudden question made Taemin confused.

''What do you mean? We're all best friends.'' He answered with a smile, but still confused.

''Of course, I understand that. But I expected you to say Key, because you know each other longer right?'' Taemin nodded. ''Yes, we already were friends before joining the Guild. He came with me because we're great friends.'' Taemin kept smiling by the thought of how Key has been a wonderful friend to him.

''And if I didn't knew that then I would say that Minho is your best friend.'' Agaron looked away, avoiding Taemin's gaze. Taemin didn't noticed himself but it was true. Lately, he hangs out more with Minho then with Key. But why?

''Huh. Why?'' He said, getting back to reality.

''Because when you joined the Guild, you only hang out with Key first. But when you got to know the others more, you hang out with Minho more than the others. Not that it's a bad thing. I just wanted to know your answer. Never mind.'' He scratched the back of his head. Agaron really isn't the talker. Maybe he wanted to make a conversation with Taemin, but kind of failed by asking such question. Luckily Taemin noticed and chuckled.


''Say Agaron.''




''Do you want to stop the fighting between you and Chin Soo and become friends?''


''Ehh... What made you think of that?''


''I thought you looked very sad when you said that in the carriage. But I guess I'm wrong?''


''No, you're not wrong.. Well, a bit. You see, I'm Chin Soo's little brother.''


''WHAT!? I didn't knew that. Does he-?''


''No, he doesn't know. He doesn't remember anything we have been through.''


''But Chin Soo said that his parents died and that he got raised by a dragon.''


''Our parents didn't die. Well, now I'm talking, I'll tell you the whole story...


.He was seven years old and I was five. We lived at the east side of Flarior, in a small village called Grenor. We had a farm and lived a normal life, without magic. Because the last Mage of the family was my grandmother, but my mother never took over that power and was just a normal human. So everyday when our parents were working, we went outside the farm to play. We were forbidden to go to the high hills, but once Chin Soo didn't obeyed it and pulled me to that place. He said it would be fun and adventurous. But it was the worst choice we made. We were climbing the hill, but what we didn't knew that there was a lake beyond that and at that time we couldn't swim yet. So he decided to make a race of it and ran to the top as fast as he could, of course followed by me. But when he reached the top, he couldn't stop anymore and rolled from the hill into the lake. I remember that I cried and ran to home and that everyone helped with searching but it was to late. There was no sign of him. I'm relieved knowing he's fine now.''


''But how come you went to Fairy Tail and got your magic power? And did you found him before or after joining?''


''Before joining. And I discovered my powers when I was eleven. Our farm was being robbed by thieves, and they tried to take me hostage to get more money. But by seeing how my mother cried, not wanting to lose another child, not again. I got angry and suddenly used wind magic against them. Everyone was surprised just like I was. The thieves got arrested and I trained everyday, practicing my magic. When I turned 13, my parents told me to find a master and live my own life. Not that they hated me, but I would never learn more without a master or teacher. So in the end I wound up training by the Council EXO.''


''What? Really? The Council EXO? But I thought they never gave lessons to unknown Mages.''


''Yes, I was very lucky. At the same time I wanted to learn more, Se Hun, the new generation of wind magic from EXO, was also about to learn it from his father. But he didn't wanted to practice it on his own and was happy to have a friend to practice with.''


The boys got startled. Another loud sound of thunder interrupted the conversation, but this time some voices were heard. Only they couldn't hear what they said. But it seemed like there were people singing. And as they proceeded closer, they heard more.


'No way, those voices. It's not.. Right?' Taemin thought.


The text of the song became clear.


''Everyday I shock. Every night I shock.''


And every time they said shock, a sound of thunder was heard.


''This song. There is no mistake.'' Taemin froze when he saw the sight of the two Mages who stood in front of him, killing giant bats with thunder magic.


''Gikwang and Yoseob...''


 A/N: Thanks for reading so far! I makes me happy to see the comments. Come here and give me a hug! *Hugs*  You really have to now I love you, my subbie's. So please, support the story to the end \ ^^ /

So when I was rereading my story, I noticed that I didn't told anything about there clothes but I promised to tell. So here, have a picture of Minho and Taemin how they should look like in the story. ( At the foreword, drawn by me ^^'' *I'm not a pro, okay :P*) So for Jonghyun and Key it's also the same. Lucifer outfits and Hello Baby hairstyle.

But I've also got a question. This story is 2min and jonkey ( Maybe others.. *Like GikwangXYoseob?*..), but I'm kinda bad writing romance. ( But I wanted to try and I still try my best! ) So the question is: Do you think the way I write now is okay? Like sometimes there is a sort-of-romance moment and it's slowly getting more. ( You don't have to answer if you want to ;) )

But still, many thanks! xxx May.

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Hey. I'm very busy and will update again in the beginning of July because of school. I hope you understand.


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Serynyty12 #1
Chapter 12: Its so good please update soon
Chapter 12: Oh this is getting more and more interesting! I wonder what taemin role in the project?
Yunie1827 #3
Chapter 10: Wah....the plot became sooooo intresting :))) it seems that taemin and key are hiding something....earlier i thought the kim kibum was the one from super junior but then when victoria had her doubts i was like...'wth!?' Anyways imma wait for your next update :)))
shilpatv #4
Chapter 9: story is interesting....... update soon........wil b waiting...
FFiolet #5
Chapter 9: So they are related? Wow! This story gets more and more interesting! :D

KYAAAA~ Yoseob and Kikwang are in the story! Yaaaaay! WAIT, théy are the one who are killing the giant bats?!
*slams the piano*
Kekekeke. It's nice that you used the 'shock' thing. Let the pairings come! xP

Oh, and about your question:
As for my opinion, you writing skills and story line is fine and you're doing OK, yesh? Just go further with the things you have in mind and in the mean time, make a little room for some lovely dovely fluff. :D
That's all! Kekekekeke!
Chapter 8: hehe thanks for replying to my comment ^^
omgosh plot twist!!! but it cant be kibum right?? arrgghh :O thanks for updating lovin it ^^
Elfeira #7
Chapter 8: Oh dear...
FFiolet #8
Chapter 7: Can I cry now? :'(
I'm spazzing right now inside, I still don't believe it. Our Onew! Our precious Onew! ;____;
The way you wrote about the flowers was nice. :D Onew liked flowers and colors and probably chicken too. x'D
And really May, stop disturbing me when I try to read your chappie, yeah? *pats your head* Kekekeke. >:D
May-Stardust #9
Chapter 7: @ Bluemoonluvkpop0596: Your welcome! Yes, only I know what will happen. But what, I won't tell yet.
I do like happy things, but also sad things. ( And thanks for reading so far. I will updated soon ;) )
Chapter 7: i see onew died...:(
but i read fairy tail not the lastest chapter i should catch up but something good will happen in the end? right? ;D
thanks for updating!!