Q-uiets down your fears ♥ JinKook ♥

ABCs of Love ♥

Hello Lovelies!

It has been a month since I last posted the previous chapter :( I'm really sorry for not posting this sooner :((

I already entered college and this month has been a bit tough bc of the new adjustments and stuff :(((

I really missed you guys and I am sooooooo happy  that I was able to finish and post this chappie :)

Tbh, it was really stressing in college even though it has just been a month and I'm still quite struggling :(

Seeing you guys continuously supporting this and my other works lifts my spirits up and gives me strength :))) I read all your feedbacks and it made me very happy ^___^

Thank you so much, guys, really ^w^ It really really really meant a lot <3

I can't promise to update soon but I can finish this :) only 10 letters left :((( The plots are ready for the next letters, I'm just going to write them :)

'Til the next chappie!



Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Jeon Jungkook ll JinKook ll




 Jungkook was awoken by the sound of the loud rumbling of the thunder and as soon as the lightning flashed and illuminated his room, he quickly pulled the sheets over him.


'Just sleep, Jungkook.' he told himself with a sigh. Jungkook never liked thunderstorms-especially the lightning. He could bear with the thunder but not the lightning because he thinks that it might hit him. Even when he was a child, he would sneak to his noona's room when there are thunderstorms.


     The next round of roaring thunder and flashing of the lightning was enough to make him jump from his bed and set him on his feet. He immediately scampered out of his room not caring if his feet made contact with the ice-cold floor. He passed by the others' rooms like a banshee in the eerie night. As much as he protested with himself, his feet are dragging him towards Seokjin's room.







     It was Jungkook's first day in kindergarten and his noona dropped him off the gates. She can't go with him because she needs to go to work already and that made the little boy more nervous than excited.


"I'll pick you up later, okay?" Seungyeon said with a smile as she unbuckle his seatbelt. "Do well on your first day. Be a good boy."


"Yes, noona." he clambered out of the car and entered the gates, clutching the straps of his backpack tightly. The moment he entered inside, he immediately stopped in his tracks. The school was big and there's lots of people inside. Some were excited and playing around, some were reunited with their old friends; some children who were around his age cried while clutching to their parents, never wanting to let go. Jungkook gulped and look around searching for his classroom. He really wished his noona was there with him.


     As he timidly walk around the crowded place, he bumped into someone causing both of them to fall on the ground.


"I'm so sorry!"  he heard the other say. Jungkook look up to see a boy wearing glasses and has lush, pouty lips. He helped him to stand up and hand him his fallen things. "I'm really sorry. Are you hurt?"


"I-it's alright. No I-I'm not." he stuttered looking down at his shoes. "I'm sorry too."


"It's alright. It's my fault-I wasn't looking." the taller boy said then reach out his hand. "I'm Kim Seokjin. What's your name?"


     Little Jungkook look up and saw the boy-Seokjin- smiling at him. He was scared because he didn't know anyone in there and he was alone but he somehow felt relieved bumping to the other because he seemed friendly. He took his hand and Seokjin shook them.


"I'm-I'm Jeon Jungkook." he mumbled shyly.


"Nice to meet you! Oh! You're in kindergarten?" he said when he noticed the smaller boy's uniform. "This is the first grade building."


"I-I can't find my classroom." he stuttered again. Seokjin gave him a bright smile then he took his hand, startling the little kid.


"Come on, I'll take you there." they walk towards the classroom. Jungkook was still a bit shy but he slowly warmed up to the older. Seokjin knows that he feel nervous so he tried to ease it away by telling him nice stories. They've reached the building and Jungkook felt his fears rushing in. "Here we are! Come o-Jungkook?"


     Jungkook just stood there staring at the door like he'd seen a ghost. His tiny fists curled up into balls while clutching his bag straps. Seokjin noticed that he had gone pale and his eyes were glassy. He rushed to him and pat his head.


"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, worried. Jungkook stared at him with wide, doe-eyes.


"I'm-I'm scared hyung. I-I want to go home." he said, panicking. "What if my classmates are not nice? What if they won't like me? What if I don't have friends?"


"Hey, it's okay to feel that way. I was like that when it was my first day too." he rub the younger boy's ear gently. The gesture help make Jungkook calm down a bit. "But don't be scared, Jungkook. I'm sure they'll like you! If they're not nice to you, just ignore them or tell it your teacher. Plus, you already have a friend."




"Yes! I am already your friend, silly~" Seokjin giggled and grinned at him. Slowly, a smile appeared on Jungkook's face. "There's that smile! How about I'll go back here later so I could introduce you to my friends-they're really nice too!"


"Really?! Okay hyung!" he exclaimed, a more enthusiastic tone replaced his worried one earlier.


"Yay! Go to you class now. Tell hyung about your day later, okay?" Jungkook nodded vigorously making his hair bounce, earning another giggle from  the elder. "Do well! Bye Jungkook! Fighting~"


"Fighting~" he mimicked the gesture. He watched the older boy walk away with a huge smile plastered on his face. He didn't feel scared anymore all because of that kind hyung. He entered his classroom with a bright smile. Seokjin was right. He got along well with his new classmates and gained new friends.


     Later that day, Seokjin did came back and fetched him. He eagerly told him everything about his first day in kindergarten and the other was glad that he was okay and that he enjoyed. He brought him to meet his group of friends. He went back to being shy but easily warmed up to them. They're all nice and friendly. Jungkook was glad that he was part of their circle of friends. Without his knowledge, these are the people are the one he'll grow together and be with until the end.


     Jungkook was really glad and lucky that he met Seokjin that day.



     There was also one time in middle school, Jungkook was part of a dance troupe along with two of his best buddies, Jimin and Hoseok. They were competing for their school in the Interschool Dance Competition. They were in a room waiting for their turn. His team mates were just chilling as they wait while Jungkook is really uneasy and extremely nervous.


"Hey guys!" Namjoon greeted them with Yoongi, Taehyung and Seokjin tailing behind. "We brought you some refreshments."


"Thanks guys!" Hoseok grab a bottle and threw a bottle each to the other two.


"Ooh! I can't wait to watch you guys!" Taehyung squealed excitedly. "I made a support banner for you guys-Yoongi hyung! Don't forget to film everything! Don't you even dare to sleep!"


"Oh for crying out loud- for the hundredth time Taehyung, I won't." the pale boy groaned making them laugh. Seokjin noticed that Jungkook barely spoke nor smiled so he walked towards him.


"Kookie? Are you alright?" he asked and the younger male noticed the worry lacing his voice. He let out a sigh.


"I-I'm fine hyung. It's just-" he paused, letting out a deeper sigh. "it's just-I'm just-I'm so nervous! This is my first competition and my first solo dance part in front of many people! What if I messed up? What if-what if I make many mistakes? I-I don't want to disappoint my team-"


"Shh..." Seokjin hushed him while rubbing soothing circles on his back. "Take deep breaths as I count okay? One...two...three...four...five...." Jungkook did as he was told and managed to relax himself a bit.


"But hyung-"


"Kookie~" Seokjin started and the younger pursed his lips. He chuckled and reached out to rub his ear. "It's okay to be nervous. Every feels nervous in doing big things for the first time. Don't think that you're going to mess up. I've seen how hard you, Jimin and Hobi practiced-you all did very well.


" It's okay to make mistakes-everybody makes mistakes. Do your best out there. Don't think too much and be really serious. If you did a mistake, just let it be and continue. Don't let it control you. You should also have fun and enjoy yourself on stage too, okay? Stop worrying too much, you'll get older than me anytime soon."


"Hyung~" he whined but with a small smile playing on his lips.


"I know you'll do well, Kookie." he said. "Win or lose, we're proud of you. What matter is that you get to show the world your talent. We'll be there to support you guys."


"Thank you hyung~" he launched himself at him. He heard Seokjin chuckle and hugged him back. He felt all his worries and anxieties fade away as his Seokjin-hyung continued telling him encouraging words.


     When it was their turn, Seokjin gave him a thumbs-up before leaving with Namjoon and the rest. They got to their seat and cheered for them as soon as they started. Taehyung brought out the banner he made and cheered with all his might ignoring the looks he get from the people around him. Yoongi was trying to film and dodge a very hyper Taehyung at the same time.


     Jungkook was still a bit nervous. It's Jimin doing his solo then he will be after Hoseok. He saw his Seokjin-hyung in front and met his gaze.


"You can do it Kookie!" he heard him say. An instant smile was brought to his lips as he also remember what his hyung told him earlier. As soon as Hobi was done, he set his worries aside and let himself loose on the stage earning cheers from the crowd.


     At the end of the competition, they were announced as second place but they were more than happy about it because it was a great improvement from the previous year. They all went backstage to congratulate them. Jungkook immediately ran towards Seokjin.




"Congratulations!" he caught him in his arms.


"We won second place! We'll do better next year!" he said happily. "I did it hyung!"


"You did well, Kookie~ I'm proud of you~" Jungkook just held his hyung tighter. He wouldn't be able to do it without him.



     Jungkook has several phobias and one of them is heights. Since their final exams has just finished, they decided to chill out and have fun. Taehyung and Hoseok suggested that hey go to Namsan Towere and ride the cable car. The rest agreed so he agreed as well, not wanting to ruin the fun. Actually, he liked Namsan Tower but he's not sure about the cable car ride.


"Come on! We're next!" Taehyung said running as he climb the stairs. "You guys are slowpokes!"


"You'll understand once you've reached our age." Yoongi mumbled.


"What the hell are you saying hyung? You're not that old." Namjoon panted and Yoongi just gave him a look. The entered the cable car once they reached the top. Taehyung, Hoseok and Jimin 'oohed' and 'ahhed' at the beautiful scenery before them and they took lots of pictures. Namjoon and Yoongi were arguing something about trivial facts. Seokjin was leaning on the hand rail, enjoying the sight outside and Jungkook just stood tensed at the corner while clutching the hand rail tightly, trying to not make the others notice.


     The oldest seemed to have a sixth sense as with a quick glance at the maknae, he knows that something is up. He edged closer to him and placed a hand his back startling him a bit.


"Hey, Kookie? You seem pale and sick, are you feeling fine?" Jungkook stared at him with wide doe eyes.


"I-I-" he tried to explain but words can't seem to escape his throat. With that, Seokjin inderstood what he meant.


"It's alright, Kookie. I understand." he said, gently squeezing his shoulders. "You could've told us- or me."


"B-but all of you wanted to go and-and I don't want to ruin the fun." he rambled, his voice was pitched higher than usual. Seokjin let out a chuckle. Jungkook might be playful and naughty and likes to mess around his older hyungs most of the time but deep inside he cares and loves them dearly. He always put them before himself and he always wanted to see them happy.


"I know but it's alright. I want you to feel alright too." the older said. Seokjin is very much like him. Since he's the oldest, he takes care of them very well that's why they call him 'eomma'. He always put the younger ones before himself either and makes sure they're alright.


"I'm-Eeeep! We're really up high! Hyung, what if the cable line snapped and we fall down?!" he sad panic. The older boy let out a laugh but deep inside, he knows that there is a possibility that it could happen.


"Don't say that Kookie." he grinned at him. "Don't look down, okay? Look over there-" he pointed at the picturesque view of the mountains and its hidden meadows. "-isn't the scenery breath-taking?"


     He look outside, indeed, it was beautiful. The scenery outside helped him to feel relaxed as he continue to admire everything the nature could give. Seokjin continued talking and telling him random stories trying to ease up his tension. The maknae, then, look at the other as he continue to speak while admiration twinkle in his eyes as he stare outside. The light outside plays with his hyung's complexion making him have an ethereal glow and his lush lips were curved in a soft, genuine smile. There was a  ticklish, fluttering sensation in Jungkook's chest. With one look at his hyung, Jungkook felt at ease.







     Jungkook strode quickly towards Seokjin's room. He reached out a hand on the door knob but stopped. For a moment, he contemplates if he should go in or not. He didn't want to disturb the older just because of his childish fear. Plus it's an ungodly hour of the night.


'Get a grip Jeon Jungkook, you're old already. Stop it.' he muttered to himself. Before he could make up his mind, the thunder gave a louder roar and the lightning flashed brighter. On instinct, he opened the door and bustled inside, accidentally slamming the door in the process makng Seokjin stir in his sleep. Jungkook leaned on the door with his heart thumping madly.


"Jungkook?" he turned to see the eldest sitting on his bed with half-lidded eyes and tousled hair. Seokjin knows him it's him and he knows why.


"I-I'm sorry hyung!" the maknae squeaked. "I-I" the other silenced him with a light chuckle.


"It's alright Kookie. Come here." he sheepishly walked towards him. Seokjin scooted aside, patting the space beside him. Jungkook was a bit hesitant to sit down but when he saw a lightning flash, quickly latched himself to the eldest.


"I-I can't sleep. Can I- can I stay here hyung?" he asked in a tiny voice causing the older boy chuckle again then rubbed his ear-the very same gesture that never failed to help him to relax when he's in panic throughout the years-until now.


"I know." an embarrassed blush appeared instantly on Jungkook's cheeks. He was glad the lights are out so he could hide his flushed face but he knows Seokjin knows everything so there's no point of doing so. "And of course you can. Come on, let's go to sleep." They lay down and Seokjin pulled the covers over them. "Are you comfy?"


"Yes." Seokjin still hinted some uncertainty in the maknae's voice, so he pulled him closer securing him in a gentle embrace making him flush deeper. He hid his face on the latter's firm chest. The condition of the thunderstorm wasn't improving and Jungkook accidentally kicked the older on his shin when he jolted in surprise.




"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry hyung!" he squeaked in a tiny voice again.


"It's alright Jungkookie~"


"I'm sorry hyung, really. I disturbed your sleep and I know I'm too old for being sca-" Seokjin shushed him by pressing his lips on his. Jungkook was shocked and his wide, doe eyes became even wider. More heat immediately rushed towards his cheeks. Again, he hid his very flushed face on the older's chest. Seokjin laughed at his priceless yet adorable reaction.


 "I know. You don't have to apologize for anything," he pulled him even closer to him and continued to rub his ear. "It's alright to be afraid of something-everyone has fears. It doesn't make you weak. In fact, it makes you stronger. It may sound ironic but yeah, it's true. Our fears makes us stronger because we are trying to fight it. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Come, let's go to sleep. I got you and I won't let that evil thunderstorm touch my baby~"


"Hyung~" the younger boy whined with a giggle. "Thank you hyung, for always being there to calm my worries and fears." Seokjin pecked his nose then his forehead.


"I'll never stop doing it for you, Kookie. I'll your Super Jindda~" With that, Jungkook laughed out loud.


"Okay, hyung." he rolled his eyes at him. "I think we should sleep." Seokjin laughed along with him as he peppered his face with kisses.


"Goodnight Kookie."


"Night hyung~"


     Jungkook snuggled closer to him. He liked how they fit together like a lock and a key. He felt safe and secured in Seokjin's arms-it feels like home. It was always Seokjin who quiets down all his fears, comforts him through all his downs and stands by his side through everything. He couldn't be more glad and grateful that he bumped into his hyung that day. The sound of the thunderstorm is fading to his ears as the sound of Seokjin's heartbeat lulled him to sleep.






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luvkpop #1
Chapter 21: Omgeer please write part 2 for nammin ^^
luvarin #2
Chapter 20: Dear paige...this is soo soo cute.. woaa.. double jinmin in a week.. anticipating the next chapter dear! :).. and good luck in starting the class next week.. fighting!
luvarin #5
Chapter 19: That is so cute! And welcome back.. ^^… and congratulation for passing all the papers.. :).. you have worked hard.. looking forward for your next story..
churroseventeen #6
churroseventeen #7
churroseventeen #8
churroseventeen #9
churroseventeen #10