Beach Bums

Beach Bums



Smelling the cool ocean air as the bright sun illuminated above her, the girl laid motionless with her eyes closed behind her dark sunglasses on her blanket. The temperature was perfect enough that the light breeze cascading across her nearly body didn’t make her chill. “Unnie…” the girl called out to the one laying on the blanket but there was no movement, “Unnie!” the black haired girl called out louder, but still no movement. Get annoyed, the girl took the edges of the blanket and flipped the girl over into the sand.


Krystal kept her distance from the girl who was practically breathing fire, “Sorry but you wouldn’t get up.” The other girl just glared at her so she scratched the back of her head as she was now walking on ice with the angry girl, “Anyway… umm it is Yuri’s turn next. You do remember we came here to help cheer her on?”

The girl now sitting up on the blanket looked around and saw people crowding around to watch the surfers, “Are they all excited to see Yuri?” The girl question as the people seemed really excited for the current surfer in the competition.

Krystal stood with her arms crossed, “Doubt it, but I heard there is an amateur female surfer that is pretty good. They say she will win this whole thing. Maybe that is who they are watching? Did you want to watch Jess?”

Jessica thought about how her resting time was long gone so seeing the competition was the best thing to do as that was why her and her sister came to this specific beach today although it was 5 hours from their home in California. “Fine, you woke me anyway.”

Krystal smiled and started packing their things as lazy Jessica wasn’t going to do it. With everything gathered, the sisters made their way into the crowd of people before looking not the sea of waves crashing in the ocean before them. Looking for the surfer, Krystal spotted her first and helped Jessica locate her, “She looks small…”

Krystal laughed, “How can you tell when she is way out there?”

“Because she looks like an ant behind all those waves.”

Krystal rolled her eyes, “Oh look there is Yuri in the waiting area.”

Jessica followed Krystal’s finger and smiled at the girl who also spotted them. Yet all attention returned to the surfer in the water as the crowd started cheering. What Jessica remembered was nothing less than magical, it was like the girl was controlling the wave than having it decide her path. She was cutting her way through the spiral before going dangerously close to the top of the wave and pulling out a few tricks to get extra points from the judges. The girl rode the wave with such expertise that Jessica started cheering for her to win the competition. Her friend Yuri was good, as this was a pro competition, but this girl seemed to be on another level. With the wave ready to crash ashore, the crowd started running to the surfer that finished a perfect run.

Jessica let out a giggle when she finally spotted the surfer, “I told you she was short.”

“Really that is all you have to say after seeing her in action? I don’t even know why you and Yuri are friends when you clearly know nothing about her profession.” Krystal walked away from her sister to say some encouraging words to their friend.

Jessica stayed behind for a few seconds as she was still entranced by the smaller girl, “Short but cute…”


Smiling, Jessica went over to Krystal and Yuri, “Ready?”

Yuri gave a nervous smile, “Not after watching that girl. I might have overestimated her since she was new to the circuit but all the rumors seem to be true.”

Jessica and Krystal patted Yuri’s back for comfort, “Don’t think about it, just do what you do best and hope your form is better or whatever they score for.”

Yuri smiled before pumping her fist in the air, “Fighting!”

The loud speaker signaled Yuri to go in and prepare so Jessica and Krystal went back to the viewing area and watch their friend, but her run was disappointing compared to the previous girl in that the claps and cheers weren’t as loud. They knew Yuri lost to that girl but she did well enough to get a placing that was clear enough.

“You think the short girl won?” Jessica asked to her sister that knew much more about surfing than she did.

“Yea.” The black hair girl said with certainty.

The judges gathered around the surfers while the host took the mic, “We had some narly girls show some sick tricks but their can only be one winner. Starting with third place, Kwon Yuri!” Jessica and Krystal cheered for their friend as she accepted her prize. Once the cheering calmed down, the host smiled, “Second place we have Booora!” Krystal smiled knowing the girl was well known in the surfing world and she didn’t win first so that means, “… with her first win in the pro circuit, first place goes to Kim Taeyeon!”

The crowd was so hyped up that Jessica felt she was in a rock concert with the massive amount of cheering. Of course she acknowledged the girl’s skills so she cheered along with the crowd. With the prizes sorted out, the crowd gathered around the surfers for pictures and autographs, “Should we go back to the hotelarrow-10x10.png?”

Jessica was busy looking at the girl name Kim Taeyeon that she barely acknowledged Krystal’s words, “Uh huh.” Reluctantly, Jessica pulled her eyes away from the girl as Krystal pulled her to the suite, the three of them were staying at since it was Yuri’s sponsor who gave Yuri such a huge place to crash during the competition and some extra days for training.

Seeing a bed, Jessica did what came natural and that was to crash into its soft sheets, “Ah such a tiring day!”

Krystal looked down at the girl who was once again immobile, “You should really change out of that bikini before you take a nap.”

Jessica put her arms up, “Change for me.”

“Ewe no! Although I am your sister I am not going to undress you, just get your lazy up. We are taking Yuri out for a congratulatory dinner tonight too.”

Jessica groaned at her sister who was acting like her mother, “Fine….”



Dressed in summer dresses, the three girls walked into the four star restaurant with Yuri’s trainer already waiting for them near the hotelarrow-10x10.png. “To Yuri’s placement in the tournament today!” Everyone clanked their glasses and cheered a bit although Yuri wasn’t all that happy about third place. “Aww cheer up! At least you placed.” Jessica rubbed Yuri’s back to comfort the girl who wasn’t her normal chirpy self.

Yuri sighed, “I am happy, just thinking how to beat those two girls that have so much natural talent.”

Jessica frowned knowing that life wasn’t always fair to the hard workers like Yuri that worked extremely hard to get this far, “I know you will just work harder because of this. Don’t beat yourself up and enjoy tonight with us.”

Yuri finally showed her bright smile, “Yea you are right! I have a three days vacation with my favorite pair of sisters now and we are all going to have fun!”

Krystal and Yuri’s trainer looked over to the determined Yuri and laughing Jessica but shrugged it off as they already missed the whole conversation.



The next day, Yuri groaned at her head feeling like a baseball hit her, “Ah such a fun night.” She looked over to the sisters who were still sleeping in the bed near hers, “God I have some great friends.”

Stirring, Krystal opened her eyes and made contact with Yuri, “What time is it?”

Yuri rolled over to look at her phone, “Almost 3pm…” Both girls looked over to Jessica, “Should we wake her?”

Krystal maneuvered to get out of the bed, “Nah, lets go out and do something while she sleeps. I am not dealing with a tired and hungover sister; that would be like a death sentence.”

Yuri laughed at the younger Jung’s explanation of her sister, “We should leave her a note in case she wonders where we went.”

Krystal stretched a bit, “Humm that makes sense.”



A beeping made the sleeping beauty stir enough to grab her phone, “Met some old friends, eat dinner on your own.” Jessica closed her phone after reading the message, “Dinner?” Looking closely at the timer n her phone Jessica hopped out of bed, “7pm already!? I am going to kill that sister of mine for letting me sleep this late.” The girl looked around the empty room, “I can’t believe they went out without me…” After a few minutes of pouting, Jessica decided she should shower and then go down to the beach for food.

It didn’t take long for Jessica to get down to the beach as their hotelarrow-10x10.png was located right next to it. Jessica would occasionally kick sand while mumbling things like ‘I should have ordered room service’ or ‘I should have went to the hotel restaurant,’ but yet she still walk forward along the beach front to the day quickly darkening with each step. Occasionally she would look up and out to the beach and that was when she saw something particularly interesting near the rocks.

Making her way closer, Jessica recognized that it was a person she spotted in between the waves and rocks. However, once she got closer, Jessica found out it wasn’t just any person but a surfer by the name of Kim Taeyeon. Deciding she had nowhere to be, Jessica took a seat down in the sand and watched the surfer practice. During the practice, the girl would attempt bigger ticks making Jessica entranced with the girl’s abilities. Although many attempts resulted in a hard fall, Taeyeon would just get up and try it again. Maybe was wrong about the girl only having talent. She seemed to work just as hard or harder than Yuri.

The sun was setting fast so Jessica thought about going to get her dinner but she wanted to see the surfer catch one more wave. It didn’t take long for a decent wave to come that Taeyeon decided to catch. The run was going well and it seemed that the girl would ride it out until she hit the beach, but the wave was making her go dangerously close to the rocks so Taeyeon tried changing her direction, but that caused her balance to falter and she fell. Jessica stood up in shock as the fall looked rather painful. Looking around, she didn’t see the surfer resurface but saw the tip of her board. Without much thought, Jessica ran out of her flip flops and dived into the water.

From living next to the beach since she was an infant, Jessica was an excellent swimmer although she had such a lazy demeanor. Putting her all into getting to the surfer fast, Jessica reached the board bobbing in the water within seconds. Taking a huge gulp of air, Jessica dove under and felt the rope connecting the surfer and her board was pretty tight; meaning the rope was probably stuck on something and Taeyeon was trapped. Using her brain, Jessica followed the rope until she felt where the rope was stuck in between rocks. With one forceful pull, Jessica released the rope and went up for air. She looked to see if the surfer would resurface, but the girl wasn’t coming up so Jessica went back under and grabbed the girl who was unconscious.

Luckily Taeyeon was small so Jessica didn’t have an incredibly hard battle bringing the girl to shore. Performing CPR, Jessica plugged the girl’s nose and forcibly put air into the girl’s lungs until some excess water was coughed up from the surfer.

Taeyeon looked up after regaining consciousness and thought she was seeing an angel as the girl was too beautiful. “Are you okay?” Feeling her wet hair and skin sticking with sand, Taeyeon remembered that she had just fell while surfing, “Do you remember your name?”

“Taeyeon?” Jessica sat back into the sand with a flood of relief as Taeyeon seemed to be okay. Suddenly feeling dead tired, Jessica leaned back into the sand trying to regain normal breathing, but this shocked Taeyeon and that girl quickly got up to see if her savior was okay, “Is something wrong?!”

Jessica kept her eyes closed while her stomach was now rumbling, “So hungry!”

Taeyeon started to roll around laughing as the girl was only tired and hungry. “Did you want to get something to eat with me? It is the least I can do for you helping me.”

Jessica opened her eyes to see the other girl wiping away her tears from the laughter, “It would have to be amazing.”

Taeyeon got pm and gave the other girl a hand, “I know the best fish n chips place on this beach.”

Jessica got up and tried rubbing off the wet sand, “Will they let us in looking like this?”

Taeyeon rubbed her chin while eyeing out the girl, “I think you are my size. I have a locker with extra clothes where I keep my board. It isn’t far from here.”

Jessica looked back at her hotel which looked rather far from her now, “I hope it is close because I am getting pretty cold now.”

Taeyeon showed a bright smile, “If we run we can get their faster!”

Jessica laughed at the girl, who was nearly dead a minute ago, full of energy and life. Then went after her so she could get out of her wet clothes. It was a small boat rental shack that the girls went to. Taeyeon let Jessica change first as the girl was shivering but she peeled off her body suit while waiting. Jessica nearly had a nosebleed seeing the surfer in a tight sports bikini which showed a tightly packed body. Taeyeon didn’t notice the girl eyeing her out and went in to change into something more comfortable.

The surfer in casual clothes was still making Jessica’s cheeks red while she looked at the girl getting their orders, “Okay! Two fish n chips with coke for you and water for me. Enjoy!”

Jessica looked down to her plate of food before looking back at the surfer, “Looks normal.”

Taeyeon raised a brow while still grinning, “It is the taste and not the appearance that is special.”

Jessica carefully went to take a taste and her eyes lit up with joy when the flavors exploded in . Taeyeon caught on that the girl enjoyed her food and felt a warm feeling of satisfaction in making the girl happy. Both enjoyed their food so much that neither said a word until Taeyeon who was a faster eater finished, “So you know me but what is your name?”

Jessica munched on a fry while looking up, “Jessica.”

Taeyeon smiled at the girl’s beautiful American name, “Are you from around here?”

Jessica leaned back in her chair, “I am from California but not this area.”

“Oh? What brings you here then?”

“I am friends with Yuri who was in the competition you won yesterday.”

A flash of shock went across Taeyeon’s face knowing that the girl might have watched her surfing, “She is a good surfer too.”

“Yes but you were better.”

A faint blush filled Taeyeon’s cheeks, “T..thanks.”

Jessica leaned forward and eyed out the girl, “So I am curious to know why you became a surfer.”

Taeyeon smiled, “I am originally from Korea but moved to Hawaii when I was younger. It was there that I embraced the love for surfing and now I am here I guess. Sort life story. What about you? What is your job and how did you get into the surfer crowd?”

“Well Yuri and I have been friends since kids because she went to my beach to practice surfing. For a job I write for a gossip magazine.”

“Do you do any stories on athletes?”

“If there is a scandal then of course.”

“Oh then Yuri and I should be careful around you so we don’t end up on the front page.”

Jessica giggled, “How did you find out my true intentions for saving you?”

Taeyeon let out a fake gasp, “So I was tricked! I knew something was wrong when I fell.”

Jessica giggled at Taeyeon who happened to be making fun of the serious situation that she was in just a while ago. Overall. Jessica was on the verge of getting a stomach cramp from Taeyeon’s antics during the rest of their meal. It was one great meal.

After a while, Taeyeon walked Jessica near her hotel, “I need to give these clothes back to you.”

A smiling Taeyeon was rubbing her feet on the sand, “I have to get your clothes back too. Are you busy tomorrow?”

“Will you still be around?”

“Of course! Where there is waves, I can be at work.”

“Okay. I will meet you by the rocks maybe around 5pm?”

“Of course! I will see you tomorrow Jessica. Have sweet dreams.”

With one last eye contact “Sleep well Taeyeon.”



Jessica groaned when she felt the pocket in Taeyeon’s clothes was empty….she didn’t have a room key. Hoping it was late enough she knocked on the door for Krystal or Yuri to answer. “Where were you! Do you know how late it is and without your phone?”

Jessica walked past her sister, “I am fine mom and I forgot my phone.” Seeing Yuri on the couch watching TV, Jessica went to sit next to her and away from her nagging sister, “So what friends did you see?”

Yuri could hear the venom coming from Jessica’s mouth as she knew the girl was still upset for her and Krystal ditching her at home, “Yoona, Soo, and Luna.”

Jessica sighed, “I miss Yoona….”

Yuri felt bad now for not letting Jessica come, “She does too. Just because you used to be in a relationship doesn’t mean you don’t have to see her ever again.”

“But she will never see me as just a friend. I hate seeing the longing in her eyes but I miss her as my friend.”

“Maybe when one of you gets into a relationship things will go back to normal between you two.”

Jessica sighed, “Yea maybe.”

Krystal came back into the room, “So where were you all night? And these don’t look like your clothes.”

“Someone almost drowned and I saved her.”

Both Krystal and Yuri started laughing hysterically, “What kind of trouble did you get into that you have to tell a lie like that?”

“No way on a million years would the lazy princess do that.”

Jessica huffed in irritation, “Go ask Taeyeon yourself if you don’t believe me.”

Yuri almost cramped up with the laughing fit she was having, “Taeyeon? Kim Taeyeon? She is a surfer and knows how to swim. God Sica this story doesn’t sound believable at all.”

Jessica was tired of getting laughed at so she stood up and left the room. It was a tiring night so she just went to get ready for bed and ignore the girls who were laughing in the other room.



“Now you are ditching us?” the black haired girl exclaimed.

“Serves you right for abandoning me yesterday night!” Jessica took the spare key and was making her way out when Yuri stopped Jessica.

“We only have tomorrow left together, are you going to really leave that day too?”

Jessica sighed, “I know I came here to spend time with you Yuri but we have always been together and I will see you another time. I am just meeting someone else for this trip. We will always have other trips together.”

Yuri was feeling deflated when hearing Jessica was meeting another friend when they promised to have this vacation together, but who was she to decide what the older Jung did? She should just be happy that they spent the first half of today together. “Fine be safe.”

Jessica smiled and made her way out. Her face grimaced when she saw it was already 5 and she hadn’t left the hotel yet. Hoping the girl was still waiting for her, Jessica fastened her pace but still arrived thirty minutes behind the promised time. She quickly looked around but felt her heart drop when the girl wasn’t in sight. “Why look so glum?”

Jessica straightened up and turned around with the familiar voice, “Were you waiting long?”

Taeyeon stood opposite of her in axial wear holding a bag, “Not really and I brought our clothes.”

Jessica showed her bag, “And I have yours.”

The girls exchanged bags but Taeyeon looked down at hers conflicted, “You know it wouldn’t be fun to just part after coming out here to exchange clothes, did you want to have a bit of fun?”

Jessica smiled with the girl voicing that she wanted to spend more time with her, “What did you have in mind?”

Taeyeon took Jessica’s hand, “Just come with me!”

The girls went to a boating area and Taeyeon went to talk to the owner of one of the larger boats, “He is going to take us somewhere to watch the sunset. From your swimming skills I doubt you are afraid of water?”

Jessica hopped on the boat before Taeyeon, “You should be extremely thankful that I am not afraid of water.”

Taeyeon smiled as she climbed into the boat after the younger girl. Both girls sat close together while the boat pulled farther and farther from the shore. With the sir a bit chilly, Taeyeon took out Jessica’s cardigan from the bag of clothes and draped it over her. Just watching the waves crash across the boat was enough for the two with little words needed to be spoken. Eventually the boat stopped at a dock and the man gave Taeyeon a bag, “I will depart in 4 hours so be back by 10pm.”

Taeyeon smiled while taking the big black bag that was handed to her, “No worries! Thanks Mr. Lee.”

Looking back at Jessica, Taeyeon took her hand, “What is this place?”

“Just a small town away from the main beach but much more beautiful if you know where to go.”

“And how do you know? Also what is in the bag?”

Taeyeon smiled, “Some equipment. Also I know because Mr. Lee and my father did some business together in the past. So when in was younger, Mr. Lee took me here.”

Jessica looked at the locker rooms Taeyeon stopped at, “I need you to change into this and this.” Looking at the swimwear and wetsuit Taeyeon was holding, Jessica really wondered what she had planned and how she knew her size. “Don’t look at me like I’m a ert. I had your clothes last night and umm I just looked to see if you and I might be similar size which we are. These are spares of mine.”

Jessica hesitantly took the items handed to her, “What you are showing me better be worth me thinking you are a ert.” Taeyeon could only stand back and laugh with Jessica’s comment before going to get changed as well.

With both girls suited up, they made their way over to a rocky area of the shore. Taeyeon once again dug around in the bag and gave Jessica some flippers, goggles, and snorkel, “We are going diving?”

“Kind of.” Taeyeon pointed at a ridge with more rocks, “There is a cave over there that faces the sunset but the only way to get there is to dive under. It is worth all this work I promise.”

Jessica put the goggles on her head, “Looks like the sun is setting so we better hurry.”

Taeyeon skipped over to Jessica happily since the girl was willing to go along with her plan. Ditching the black bag by some rocks, Taeyeon put on a small backpack and dove in with Jessica following. Afraid she might lose Taeyeon, Jessica kept close and dove under right after Taeyeon. She was amazed at the underwater world before her but she didn’t have too much time to look as she followed Taeyeon. There was a generous sized opening for them to go through before Taeyeon started surfacing.

“Wow.” Were the only words that left Jessica’s mouth when she saw the cave sparkling with fresh condensation.

“It is a bit warmer in these caves so it feels pretty nice right now,” Taeyeon claimed while taking the flippers off and pulling out some water shoes for her and Jessica that were in the pack she brought. With the new shoes on, both her and Jessica went to the opening where the sun was currently making its decent. Taeyeon helped the girl up the rocks so they could get a fuller view of the sun set. Once both of them settled on a larger rock together, Taeyeon pulled out two sampler bottles of champagne, “Not super fancy but it will taste the same.”

Jessica giggled at Taeyeon’s planning, “What should we toast to?”

Taeyeon thought a bit before holding up her tiny bottle, “To unexpected meetings making the best memories.” Jessica clinked her small bottle with Taeyeon’s and they tipped it back finishing their sip.

Jessica looked at her bottle, “I think this tastes better than the original. They probably put something better in the samplers so you will buy a bigger bottle.”

Taeyeon laughed, “That could be.” With the sun setting, both girls went back to a comfortable silence to take in the Earth’s beauty. Both might not admit it, but as the sun set, their hands grew closer together her until fingers touched. The cave got dark quickly so Taeyeon took out her underwater headlamp and turned it on, “We should go back now. The cave gets really dark.”

Jessica agreed that the cave was getting a bit scary with the little amount of light coming through. With everything packed up and flippers on, the girls went into the chilly water and back out of the cave. The shore wasn’t far and they could see the lights that illuminated the land. Taeyeon helped pull Jessica ashore, but with her arms being very muscular from surfing, she misjudged her strength and pulled Jessica on top of her.

Both girls laughed at the position but Jessica was the first to stop while looking into Taeyeon’s eyes. The girl’s face glistened from the fresh water and dim lights above them. The girl was so beautiful to Jessica that she leaned down and kissed her. Taeyeon quickly closed her eyes to saver the soft and inviting lips. Although both thought the sunset was amazing, this kiss was nothing less than magical and the perfect end to one amazing date.



~2 Months Later~

Jessica and Krystal once again found themselves at yet another surfing competition to cheer on their good friend Yuri. This time the competition was on their beachfront so they didn’t have to go more than a few feet from their home to see the competition.

After slots were picked, Yuri was the second surfer to go so Jessica and Krystal found her quickly, “Hey buddy!”

Yuri went to hug her friends, “Ah I missed you two!”

“Not our fault you immersed yourself in training for several months.”

“I had to for even the slightest chance to beat my competitors.”

“Well do your best.” Jessica said not too convincingly.

“Yah! Jessica you better be cheering for me!”

Jessica just waved her hand as if she was listening.  Since Yuri was up so soon, Jessica and Krystal found a sport to view the competition. It starts off quickly when Yuri found the perfect wave from the start. Krystal and Jessica commented on how her form was much better than last time. Maybe all that dedicate training really paid off. With her run finished Jessica left for a few minutes before going back to her sister, “Taeyeon is next.”

Krystal smiled as she saw her sister eyeing out the shorter girl once again but this time, Taeyeon looked back and waved at the sisters before heading into the water. Jessica was smiling the whole time Taeyeon performed which was yet another perfect run, “Taeyeon unnie is unbelievable.”

Grinning from ear to ear, Jessica agreed.

Taeyeon finished her run and paddled back to shore in which she was greeted by fans and reporters as they already knew the girl won the title once again. Yet this time she pushed aside the swarm of people for one particular person who was busy chatting with her sister. The surfer was clad in her sports bikini with her surf board in hand while ily making her way to the one girl.

Jessica was surprised to see Taeyeon making her way over and push her board into the sand right before reaching her. Krystal was saying how she was so cool but Taeyeon walked past the sister towards Jessica and cupped her face, “How about a little gossip for your magazine?” Jessica was going to answer but Taeyeon leaned forward to capture Jessica’s lips. A very stunned Jessica stood still until Taeyeon whispered on her lips, “Number one surfer Kim Taeyeon dating columnist Jessica Jung for two months…”

Although there were many flashes from photos being taken around them, the two continued to expose their intimate relationship to the public.




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Soneisa #1
Chapter 1: This is cute, chick flick worthy movie plot
Chapter 1: Its just.... So cuteee🤭🤭
Chapter 1: This is ultra fluff uwu
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 1: Wished it was longer! But enjoyed it
Chapter 1: I was grinning the whole time reading this!
Chapter 1: Awww so cute♡
wish this was longer.. hahaha.. ^^
Iriseapril #8
Chapter 1: The best gossip title ever!is there is sequel for the way i really like this story..taengsic is alive T_T ^_^
Chapter 1: Reading it again. This story is so cute!
Chapter 1: Can't wipe this stupid grin off my face. ?