School just became less boring.

You Had Me At Goodbye.

Yoona's POV

Yesterday was just awful... I got to school late because some weirdo ran into me, I get chewed out by my idiot teacher, then IU, little , decides to mess with me for no reason because she has no life, and last but not least I find out that the kid I ran into yesterday morning is joining my class!

His name is Ok Taecyeon, he's got the heart of nearly every girl in my school, in the palm of his hand. He sits a few seats away from me but today is when we get a new class arrangement and I am praying my off that he doesn't sit anywhere close to me. I can imagine all these dumb chicks drooling at his feet and squealing high enough to break all the windows in the school, right next to me. It'd be hell if that happened, and then there's the sad fact that he tried to say hi, but of course I ignored him hoping he wouldn't even bother. He did. What an idiot. I don't have time to waste on guys? I mean, I have studies, housework at home, er... Things and stuff. He just doesn't matter! Ugh, now he's actually bothering me. No. I will not let this newbie distract me from my goals of good grades and my no-need for a guy motto.

"Yoona-shii~!" Said Yuri from behind me.

"Yeah? Oh, hey Yuri, where's Jessica?" I answered back without turning to face her, still in deep thought, odd though, Jessica wasn't with her. I looked around her to see if she was somewhere close in the classroom, though of course being in school right now could mean you're doing whatever since it's lunch break. Bathroom, flirting with boys, since that seems to be the thing Jessica has always been good at...

I sighed at the thoughts and turned to face Yuri.

"Oh she's with the rest of the girls, gazing wonderfully at that new boy. Don't you just think he's.. HOT?" She was asking me this as if it were the most natural thing in the world. But I guess she got my look of distaste and huffed, waving me off to go where ever this fangirl group was. Liiiiiike I care Yuri, he's hot sure but I'm not interested in people like that.

There was a huge commotion right after she left, sounding like a chair or desk got knocked over. And of course it's none other than Wooyoung and Nichkun. They would have to be the biggest class clowns I know. They stick to each other like glue too, never leaving the others side. At least I hope they follow one another to the restroom. Now that would be awkward. Wooyoung knocked over the desk from behind him because he was laughing too hard. He's getting chewed out just like I had yesterday for being late. But hah, serves him right.

"You shouldn't be horsing around so much that you're knocking things around in my class over on their sides to cause so much ruckus!" Said the annoying as ever teacher.

"Nehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, can I go now pleaaase?" Pouted Wouyoung trying to act cute. 

That baby face of his almost always gives way with the teacher, guh. Even more annoying. But whatever, I'll just go back to my studies and stop worrying about people I won't even remember 5 years from now.

"Hey." Said a deep voice to my right.

Noooooooooooo, it's him. Ok Taecyeon.

"Welllll, if it isn't the dashing Ok Taecyeon, do you need something?" I asked in an obviously annoyed tone not even looking at him. I could almost hear the smirk that pulled up over his mouth, his voice gives it away too easily, hmph.

"Hah, well I wouldn't say dashing but you can call me Taec if you like. And yeah I do need something. Since I'm a bit new,-" A BIT new? "-I was hoping you could give me the grand tour of your school, prez" He said in that ridiculously deep rich voice, he makes me shiver with that tone of voice he pulls off.

Oh and that's right.. I'm the class president.. This succcccccccccckkkkkkkkkksssss. I could just blow him off and go back to studying but if it weren't for the fact I that I could feel my teacher's beady eyes trying to stab me through the air where we stood, I would have. So, instead. I sighed gritting my teeth as a bunch of girls who were probably looking for him stop by the door to see me getting up while he faces me. I'm friends with most of them, or at least I could say acquaintances with, still give me that dumb "I'm so jelly, that girl should be me" look. It's sad enough because he grabs my arm and drags me off to the other door that connects to the 3rd hallway.

"W-whoa, hey what are you-" He cut me off quick under his breath with a more serious expression, I think that's what shut me up more than his interrupting whisper.

"Just come with me please, I'm a little tired of these girls tailing me around the school and even when I go to piss, it's not exactly convenient." He murmured.

Since my school is built where there are four main halls and if you have the 3rd to 2nd row of class rooms then there are 2 doors on each side of your class room while the other side class rooms of the 1st and 4th row only have one door that lead into. 

So, inevitably I'm dragged by this crazy iron grip he has around my arm that's only short of painful, it causes us to avoid the fangirl-group of non-stop-drool all over you because you're oh so good looking. We wade out and around other students, some gawking a bit because he's just so dazzling, others just move out of the way since he's a bit intimidating looking because of his height and build. I wonder if he did any sports.. Doesn't matter! 

Soon enough we come to the to the side doors that leads out to the other building connecting to the larger gym by side walk over a pebbly terrain, most of the students don't even know this route because of the main opening to the gym that even the teachers take nearly always. So much for a grand tour if he already knows how to break out of school for a skipping get-away. 

Breathing a bit hard I look at him skeptically asking, "Alright, so what was that all about Houdini? I'm pretty sure you asked me for a tour around the school when it's plain as daylight that you don't need me to know how to ditch school."

"Hey, calm down hot-head-" Who the hell are you calling a hot-head? "-I wanted to ask you a question and I didn't think you would talk to me if I used any other option."

I looked at him still disbelieving. "Well. You obviously have my full attention, ask away so I can get back to what I was doing." I enunciated "was" to make sure he got the message that I didn't have time talking to him about anything special.

He just sighed and closed his eyes for a moment before grinning at me unexpectedly. I looked at him like I just found a fresh dung heap that smelled like rotten eggs.

"What?" I asked.

His expression changed but he still had that smile, he had a look of when a little kid's parents watches their kid do something bad but can't help to smile at them. That is definitely not how I wanted to be looked at by anyone right now, especially him. I was ready to just walk away and leave until he finally opened his mouth to ask me that worthless question.

"Do you hate me?" He asked sounding meaningful.

"What, can't stand having one girl not want to throw their clothes off at a moments notice for you?" I said, uncalled for but I was getting irritated. It's his fault for dragging me out here without a really good reason.

He barely frowned at this but it didn't give me that triumph I was hoping to feel. More like I felt guilty, since when do I feel guilty for things like that? I've said worse.

"No.. I just happened to notice the all around cold shoulder you keep pushing my way for no reason and wanted to know what's up, do you have a problem with me?" He asked as if he were more annoyed than me. The tone in his voice, it was so odd. No one makes me feel sorry or want to apologize, especially over something like this that's totally pointless.

I quickly recomposed myself, like I'd let him get to me over this. As if.

"Nope, at least not until you decided to bother me in the middle of my studying when you have plenty other people you could talk to." I said, this time looking away trying to look even more annoyed.

"Hey, could you please stop acting like we're in some sort of argument? It's worse than when those girls follow me to the restroom." He said still with that slight frown. Now this was an insult.

"Well, maybe if you had minded your own business we might not be arguing, huh?" I asked matter-of-factly.

He grimaced more, it seemed like he was about to give up until he suddenly grabbed my shoulders, squeezing them lightly making me uncomfortable. 

"Would you just tell me?" He asked, it sounded final.

I know I'm stubborn but I won't be this rude I guess. I guess.

"If you really want to know, it's because people like you and me DO NOT, mesh? Capiche?" I answered tartly.

"Please don't talk in riddles like we're in some sort of folk story, I'm not being entertained anymore than you are with your attitude to my interrupting your studies." He sighed out again leaning his head down so I had to stare at the top of his head.

Ugh, this is getting irritating now and even more uncomfortable. Fiiiiiine, geez.

"YOU-" I pointed to him, "-and ME-" I point to myself, making it very emphasized as if I were talking to a 4 year old, "-WEEEEE, do not mesh together, meaning we don't really co-exist in highschool, MEANING. You're popular, I on the other hand prefer to stay quiet and out of a gooey, lovey dovey, kiss filled, relationship. Every girl here wants that from you, UN-like me. I'm not trying to make a first judgement but I'd appreciate it if you didn't make me do so. SO, since you want this answer so badly. I don't like you. You bug me all the time during class, as if I really want to talk to you, I have friends already, they're girls, I don't need guys, so you can stick to having girls run around with you to the bathroom and everyone liking you. So please, leave me be, thanks." I said finally taking a bit of a breather after my wonderfully crude speech towards him. I jerked away from his grip on my shoulders and started to head back to the door.

"Yoona." He said huskily from behind me.

I shivered. Why was he talking like that? Did my answer reallllly bug him that much? Or is he just being a weirdo? Course.. I guess I can't just judge from one word he decides to say except he had much more to say to me. Great. 

Grabbing me again this time by the wrist.

"Look, Yoona. Do you want to start this over? I know this may be selfish of me to ask but. The first person I actually have contact with here in this freaking country happens to really dislike me, because I'm a guy. Now is that fair? Not exactly the greatest greeting so I was realllllly hoping, you could start over with me and we could be friends, okay?" Again he sighed this all out. I really started to feel like I was stressing him out. Maybe it's okay to soften just a bit. I was rude. And as much as I HATE to admit it, I'm pretty sure I was the one who ran my into him, he hasn't done anything wrong so why am  I picking on him so much...? I never hate on anyone this much, even if he's a guy. The only time I ever blow-up is when some guy tries to be a on either me or my friends and I usually deck the ing out of his face with my knee. Okay, I guess I could calm down. Just this once.

"Ugh, okay. Sure, fine, whatever. Just, let's not get too friendly got it? I'm not really used to having any "guy" friends, mmkay?" I said a bit quieter now, looking at the ground pretending that it was the first time I had seen such an interesting sidewalk. Mm, pebbles, what fun.

He grinned widely and gave one of those half chuckle and half breathy laughs. It was disturbing because I felt drawn in to it. So of course, I looked up to see him giving me a toothy smile that would make any girl fall to their knees and melt. But I held myself pretty well, he's not that great. It's still high school, he has no acne whatsoever, we don't have uniforms here so he has a great sense of fashion spilling off his built looking body. He's not that great. I feel like I may just have to say this to myself every time I see him. 

Maybe starting over was a bad idea. 


No One's POV

Yoona began to head home as both her girl friends trotted up to her side talking about cosmetics and fashion. Yoona, not being the type who was interested in these modern teenage things was reading a book as they walked. Occasionally she would laugh at something her friends joked about and made some small talk in the conversation but quickly went back to burying her nose into the book. 

They were walking up to a crosswalk by a mainly busy intersection. Both Yoona's friends stopped seeing the the red light of a hand to signal they should stop while Yoona, went straight on ahead without noticing a thing. It was traffic hour and there's always that one driver who doesn't care who's in the way but to just keep going and yells with driver's rage. Walking further out crossing the curb that should be where she ought to have stopped, her friends notice too late.

A car comes at about 50-60 miles an hour swerving, a drunk. Honking loudly the car comes closer and closer, finally Yoona realizes that she's almost in the middle of the road to the intersection, dropping her book with a look of absolute fear. Just as her book hits the dark cement someone barges in from behind her, tackling her while spinning off to the side hitting one of the wooden electric power lines with a loud thud.

Screeeeeechhh-Honk! HONK!! HONK!!!

Yoona: "OH MY G- AHHHH!!"


Unknown male: "Awh, . Ughh, that hurt."

Yoona: "Omaigod, are you okay?-" She gets up abruptly to look at her savior.

Yoona: "WHUT THE HELL are you doing here!?" She looks at him aghast. She realizes who it is. Taecyeon.

Taecyeon: "Hey, it's not like I don't have a name you know? Call me Taec, I told you this before." He groaned trying to get up while holding the side that hit the pole. 

Yoona: "What, were you stalking me or something? And what is WRONG with you? You could have gotten yourself killed, you idiot!" Obviously fear, relief, and anger played about her expression. And little something like worry.

He just grinned up at her though wincing just barely as he stood up still holding his side, he wore a stark white shirt that was unnaturally white which brought out the nice dark color of red blood.

Yoona: "Holy freaking crap, you're bleeding. A lot. What the hell did you hit-" She looked over at the wooden pole with disbelief that he could have really hit himself that hard. There was a large jagged piece of wood sticking out near the stump of the wood, it was decorated in the color of his blood. She ran to him and lifted his shirt. Luckily the cut wasn't as deep as her mind over exaggerated but it was oozing blood. He'd end up passing out if he just stood  their smirking like an idiot.

Her friends pretty much stood there in shock until Yoona yelled at them.

Yoona: "What do you guys think you're doing? Gonna wait for someone to grab that phone your holding to dial 911?!" She was yelling and in shock from what just happened, she took a break and tried to calm herself down while they both fidgeted with their phones dialing at the same time not bothering to mess with the other even if it wasn't necessary to call at the same time.

Yoona bent down to the side of his stomach, not looking him at all in the face she examined his cut. She noticed there were bits and pieces of wood in his skin. Oh geez, this is bad. It'll definitely become infected if we don't get someone down here soon..

She did her best not to panic and finally looked at him, it was only a few minutes but she could tell he was losing a bit of blood. His face was starting to lose that flush of tan color replacing with a more his skin has never-seen-the-sun look. Her heart was picking up speed now. 

She could hear it, but faintly. Soon enough the sound became blaring, an ambulance. She noticed someone stumbled beside her. She knew it, Taecyeon had stumbled and grasped the same pole that jabbed him for support. His face trying not to show he was getting tired, still cupping his side as the blood gushed out from behind his shirt and over his hand so that it was coated in the thick coat of his blood. 

The ambulance reached them she was hoping, just in time for everything to go blank.


Yoona's POV

Oh dear Lord, for heavens sake, mother of all-

"Yoona!" Came in Yuri yelling at me.

"W-What? Is he okay?? Is he-" Taecyeon came up behind her. Of course, she wasn't bawling or had the look of terror streaked across her face like mine, cross out the bawling part. No no, she was smirking deviously along with Jessica who soon came up slowly looking Taecyeon up and down. He either didn't notice or ignored them without a care. So no, the horrified faces I had imagined were replaced with something more along the lines of I-just-saw-the-largest-bowl-of-cherry-pie. He was half with a bandages reaching all around his middle where the gash was covered, it still bled through a bit but not enough I thought I would faint. Like I did earlier.

Yes yes yes. How can I not forget? I mean, I've never seen so much blood.. So, what the hell guys! Stop smirking at me like you think I did it on purpose just to see his shirt off and get over yourself. Especially you Jessica... You HAVE a BOYFRIEND.

I gave a mighty livid death glare to both of them. They shrugged off to the sides as if they didn't even see the lasers trying to zap them to dust from my eyes. They quickly ran off, so now they're ditching me. What fu- Bzzzzzz~


- hey girl, we just thought u and the hottie should spend some aloooone time together. have fun! :))

What the hell is this? She texted me this because? GUH, I wish people wouldn't always try to set me up with a guy. It's pointless. They run out the door with their tail between their legs whining all the way after spending just a day with me. This big oaf? He won't last an hour.

Smirking to myself at the time while still looking at the phone, that idiot who just HAD to save me, grabs the phone. This loser.

"W-what, whoa hey! Give that back now!" I barked at him through my teeth, a moment later he tosses back at me. A stupid grin crossing the stupid face of his.

"Hottie, huh? Didn't know you thought so highly of me princess." He said trailing of with that breathy chuckle. 

WHUT? AS IF I WOULD HAVE SAID THAT. Don't you go assuming anything mister! I'll kick your into the next century.

"HAH, as if I would say that. In case you didn't read it all the way it's a message not from me, but from your one of many little fangirls." I said huffing it off, looking to the side and leaning on the bench I sat on in the hospital. I'd been sitting here for God knows how long. It's pretty much part of the bench now it's so numb.

He started to walk over to me, getting closer, then leaning down to face. I could barely see the wince in the bite of his lip from pain. I looked down at where the gash was now covered in white gauze to see blood seeping in, brighter over the older soaked blood.

"H-Hey! Stop moving around so much you idiot, you're making it bleed more." I kind of panicked, I pressed my hand to his bare chest to push him back into a standing position and my other hand to the wound. Pressing down as if it would stop the scarlet color from flowing.

His face was a bit shocked, but he controlled it with a bit of a grin. Does he not know how close he was to dying today? Maybe he was dropped as a kid, I'm not too sure. I frowned at him, trying to say mentally that he was dumb and he should wipe that dumb grin off. He just sighed instead. He pulled me into a startling hug, I didn't even worry about the blood on the gauze touching my baby-blue ruffle tank. I was really caught off guard. 

"Thanks for showing you care at least. Oh. And I really do want to see you faint again, it was just attractive~" He whispered into my ear.

I shoved him off as he cried an "Ouch!" ever so fakely. My face, ugh my face. my CHEEKS. I knew they were hot with a scarlet color to go along with. I turned around immediately hearing him say. "That hurt!" Before I power walked as fast I could without running into anyone out of the hospital.

"I DON'T CARE." I yelled still jutting my legs and feet in front of me like I was on a march across the world.

So yes, I left his silly there to deal with more nurses and Dr. Peppers. I like calling the doctors a soda name. So what? Anyways, I finally made it home, definitely out of breath I made my way to the kitchen grabbing the container of "Simply Orange Juice" and started chugging. That is until my mom came in and caused me to choke as she slapped my shoulder, raising her voice directly into my ear. 

"YAH! What the hell do you think you're doing? That costs money and you dirty little mouth shouldn't be chugging it down like you bought it yourself you little twit!" She screamed at me. After I got done choking she snatched the orange juice from my hands and put the lid on using the container to hit me in the head with it. Sometimes I wonder why I don't run away or beat the crap out of her. Well, because she's my mom and is currently a little drunk. Still, I really don't deserve this kind of parenting. 


"Mom, you need to go lay down or something, you're swaying and you look like you're the one who chugged down a little something." I said in a semi-concerned tone. She leaves with a few obscenities trailing off about how I shouldn't tell her what to do. Then I remembered.

What was our seating arrangement?




Hey guys, reallllllly sorry about how late this one came up. And yeah yeah I KNOW! It's really slow and boring. First two chapters. What can you do?

So, I get that it's also totally unedited. And I am a person of many mistakes when it comes to the keyboard so try to deal with all the nicks of failure in typos. I will definitely have that fixed by the end of this week and a new chapter along with. <:D Anyways, enjoy!

P.S.- I spelled "off" as "of" somewhere.... anyways please read and enjoy! 

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RenaKnightly #1
Haha yeah, I tried to fit in a more haughty and stubborn attitude to her <3
this is cute. Yoona has got some y attitude.LOL XD Update soon!^^
lilosuitehart #3
nice start update!!!
I'll be waiting for your update!!<br />
Update soon!!