"As if I'd look his way."

You Had Me At Goodbye.

No One's POV

"UGH! I'm going to be so late again!" Yoona said breathlessly.

This has happened for the past 4 days. This is ridiculous. I feel like each day is like one of those anime shows where the main character wakes up all late with messy hair, tripping over nothing. Honestly, why couldn't they have woken up and told me it was 7:29AM!! But no, they had to go out gambling again, like always. Either coming home broke as hell or with just enough to feed us then spend it on whatever else they wanted. I really wish I hadn't broken my alarm the night before... This is so lame, got to get to school gotta run faster now.. A bit further down the streeeeee- BAM

Collision with a very hard and large object, most likely a person.

"Oh gosh, I am so sorry! I was in a hurry, I wasn't looking, oh crap I made you drop all your pape-" Yoona was cut off by the person she crashed landed into.

"Whoa whoa, hey it's okay, I'll just pick it up, you're in a hurry right? Don't worry about it." He said already starting to pick up the papers even though some of it started to whisp further away by the incoming wind. She shivered and thought aloud murmuring "Good God, why does it have to be so damn windy todayyy.." 

He had already gathered most of his papers looking up at her saying,

"Hey, it's okay just uh, leave it to me and stop giving me those eyes. They make me feel like I stabbed a puppy." He chuckled at the look of her pouting expression, causing her to scrunch up her face more. It was a guy, and really she doesn't like them all that much but she was still the one who decided to rush into him like a train without brakes.

"I- Okay, um.. Sorry again, I'm gonna go then." She said looking at him full in the face this time. His features were sharp and yet the lines were still soft enough to give his face a not so menacing look. He was handsome. 

She paused a bit captivated by just that face. His eyes were brown and his hair a slight shade darker with brushed up bangs tipping a lighter brown when the light hit i- WAIT A SECOND. Why was she so interested in the color of his hair?? This was so annoying. All she did was bump into him not fall dramatically into his arms waiting to look up at his perfectly chiseled face. This is becoming a lamer and lamer day. She dashed out to the side in the direction she was originally heading before she bumped into this stupid boy who made her later and later by the second.

Finally, she was able to see the school now. Dear lord, if she could see her teacher's face right now. It'd look like a frown made of wadded paper, yeah her teacher can make that kind of expression. She was stomping through the door now and soon on her way to class, slowing down now she let herself think more clearly. That boy... What was his name anyways? No no no, it doesn't matter what his name is, he's not worth remembering.

"Damn..." She grumbled low, glowering at the door she has to walk through with people staring at her, she never liked being the center of attention, and the teacher will give one of her pointless short lectures, that everyone has been looking forward to for the past 4 days. Since they can do whatever behind her back when she comes to greet  Yoona, oh so nicely, with that crumpled paper look. She opens the door anyway.

"Oh look! Yoona.. So sooooooo, glad you could join us 8 minutes after class has already started." Her teacher said with a sarcastic smile instead of a frown.

"Yeah.. I'm really sorry, I got held up on the way to sch-"

"NO. No, excuses." Her teacher said with a clipped tone.

Cut off again.

Her sarcastic smile still playing on her face, told Yoona how obvious she was not interested in her story of crashing into an extremely hot- into some random idiot. God, when was this being late for almost a whole week going to end? She went and slumped into her seat watching her two best friends wave at her with apologetic smiles, it's not like they were the ones late anyway still. Both Yuri and Jessica had a habit of doing that, they're always so sweet. Yoona's pretty glad to have them as her best friends, they've known each  other since around kindergarten, that's a LONG time. For her anyways. Their pretty faces turning back to one another giggling, she knew why, being late every day some how amuses them.

The day starts out pretty slow for her, always fiddling with her pencils. Snap.

Crud, she broke it. Yoona got up to go sharpen her pencil for the third time. She stumbles as someone's foot flies directly in front of hers causing her to drop the pencil THEN as someone else kicks it out under everyone's desks.


God, what is her freaking problem? She has got to be the biggest I've ever met. She's never talked to me, we hardly know each other besides the fact we both have the unfortunate issue of being in the same stupid class together. So, why bother me all the DAMN time! It's annoying and always for no real reason. She's just one of those stuck up pricks who don't know how to mind their own freaking business.

"Oh wow, sorry! I totally didn't see your pencil, guess you'll just have to walk over and get it." IU said with the fakest smile a prick like her could give.

"Whatever IU, get a life." Yoona said through her teeth. IU squinted her eyes up at her, glaring at her.

"Shut up poverty bum, I'm tired of having you walk in front of me because you keep breaking your pencil. Do you have a crush on me or something? Geez, your ugly face is the last thing I want to see walk by over and over." IU hissed under her breath. 

"Why you ungrateful bi-"

"Excuse me. Yoona, is there a problem you would like to share? I'm open to stop the whole lesson just for you." Her teacher said smiling again. God damn, what is with them today. First, I bump into that kid who got in my way, got to school late with a lecture that would cause your ears to fall off out of such pure boredom, and now the biggest prick and teacher are picking on me at the same time. It's like they planned this.

"N-no Mrs. Choi. I just dropped my pencil, that's all.." Yoona said defeated.

She wanted to curse them both. 


A few more hours have passed by and lunch is almost over. Yuri and Jessica are babbling about clothes and the newest hairstyles that Yoona could care less about. Yoona sulked with her chin resting in the palm of her hand,  staring out of the window trying to keep her mind off of the boy from earlier that day, but he keeps popping up in her mind.

So annoying. She thought.

Then just as class is about to start up again, someone knocks on the door, Yoona doesn't pay much attention, she's just staring out of the window like she usually does. Then Yuri squealed followed by a light tapping noise that was probably made by Jessica to make her quiet. Can't say I wasn't curious now. So she barely turned her head, to see who it was only to let her eyes bulge out.

That guy who got in my way this morning. He was standing. In my class, with a backpack. Still standing in my class. Stillllllll there.

I knew everyone was watching him, I can't deny and say he isn't gorgeous but it it's not like I'll admit it to anyone but my own brain. Ugh, why was this happening me today? He was turning his head around to the class innocently with a toothy smile that would woo all the girls in this school. But me.

She felt a tugging on the sleeve of her T-shirt, it was Yuri and Jessica, who were both wide eyed with excitement. Because mister handsome every- girl-here-wants-to rip-off-your-shirt, is here. Lame.

His eyes landed in her direction, she looks away immediately staring back out of the window with pursed lips as she tries to focus on the clouds outside.

"Look at him! He's so cute and handsome." Yuri gushed. 

"Don't you mean y and fine as hell?" Said Jessica gushing after Yuri.

They kept prodding her with their skinny fingers.

"C'monnnn Yoona! He's so ridiculously hot you have got to seeeee!" Said Jessica with Yuri bobbing her head in agreement.

Yoona looked at them with a light hearted glare but serious enough they would pout and turn back to drool over him.

began to scrunch up in annoyance as she mumbled to herself. 

"As if I would look his way."



Sorry, for having such a slow and short first chapter! I'm going to try and make this a sort of adventure for the two (Taec+Yoona) that just includes a bunch of stuff, that in real life has to do with them too. Like the Caribbean Bay thing, y'know? But I mean more variety than that of course, I'll be sure to do some more studying up on these too, and remeber NEWBIE HERE!

Not that, it means anything 8D...

I'm going to try and introduce the rest of the main cast along with a possible set of minor characters. The view point is a bit confusing but if you really like my work bare with me please! 

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RenaKnightly #1
Haha yeah, I tried to fit in a more haughty and stubborn attitude to her <3
this is cute. Yoona has got some y attitude.LOL XD Update soon!^^
lilosuitehart #3
nice start update!!!
I'll be waiting for your update!!<br />
Update soon!!