Chapter 27

I Fell In Love With a Little Vampire Girl

"Jaemi~" Tao sing-songed as he went inside Jaemi's room. Jaemi opened her eyes slowly when she heard his kid like voice, when Tao beamed at her, she couldn't help but smile back

"Why are you here Tao?" Jaemi sits up slowly, carefully putting her right arm on her lap. Her eyes brighten when she saw the food tray Tao's holding. 

"I can imagine you with a tail wagging right now" Tao chuckled before putting the tray of food on the table and pushed it towards Jaemi who devoured it immidiantly. Tao chuckled as he sat down on a chair besides Jaemi's bed

"Are you that hungry?" Tao chuckled as he stood up and took a rubber band, he went beside Jaemi and tied up her hair. Surprisingly not a single stran of hair was out of place. Jaemi beamed at Tao with full of food

"whank kiu (Thank You)" Jaemi said before going back eating her fried rice, drinking her orange juice halfway. Tao shook his head before forcefully pull Jaemi's chin but not to hard and wipe off the sauce with a napkin

"Didn't anybody teach you manners?" Tao clicked his tounge before letting Jaemi go

"Says the guy who whine to the leader whenever i win video games" Jaemi stuck out her tounge as Tao stuck out his too. The door suddenly opens making both of them look towards the door together. Tao bobs his head as a greeting as Jaemi waved happily

"Yixing ge, Doctor Joen" Jaemi greeted before pushing the empty plate away, Tao picked it up immidiantly and gave it to the nurse in charge.

"How are you feeling?" Doctor Joen smiled, after the talk with Jaemi they both have a special bond

"I feel fine, better then ever" Jaemi smiled 

"You're just really hyper because you drank that sugarfull orange juice" Yixing shook his head with a smile before putting his hand on Jaemi's forehead

"I am not hyper, i just feel good" Jaemi smiled, When Yixing looks at Jaemi's smile, his smile flutter before clearing his throat

"Well, hyper or not we need to check you up again." Doctor Joen said before he took out a syringe, Jaemi groan in dismay

"No, not that again" Jaemi groaned but giving her left arm towards the doctor anyway. Someone used his hands covering her eyes and Jaemi can only roll her eyes in irritation

"You know this is nothing right?" Jaemi said but only recieved a chuckle as her answer

"Done" The doctor announced before putting a bandage on Jaemi's arm. Jaemi uttered a small thank you before glaring at Yixing who shrugged

"Well, it seems better then the usual, I think we can let you go tonight" The doctor smiled before patting Jaemi's head

"Yes, i can finally play video games and kick Tao and Chen's " Jaemi pumps her left hand still carefull of her right arm. Tao just stood there and shook his head

"There is no way you will win the master of Mario Cart" Tao said proudly

"Yeah, cause i'm winning the loser of Mario Cart" Jaemi stuck out her tounge

"That's so not true" Tao rolled his eyes

"So true"

"So not"





"Will you guys stop it" Yixing clicked his tounge before giving Jaemi a purple pill, something Jaemi had consumed the past week since her stay. Jaemi put the pill in before taking the glass of water from Tao's hands and swallows the pill.

"Tao, Doc, Can you guys get out for awhile? I need to discuss something with Jaemi" Yixing asks as the doctor nods and went out the door, but Tao stayed out

"Tao" Yixing called out

"If there's anything to say, you can say it with me here" Tao said seriously

"This is really private Tao, i would enjoy it if you can get out for awhile" Yixings tone hardend. Jaemi looks at Tao before looking back at Yixing, seeing them both glaring lasers towards each other

"Why should i leave you with Jaemi alone?" Tao demanded

"Like i said before, i have something to discuss. I'm not going to do anything to her, have you always thought so low of me?" Yixing asks as Jaemi widend her eyes. Yixing would never say does stuff, what happend?

"Yixing, how could you say that? He's your brother" Jaemi scolded but Yixing seemed to not care

"Well what an immature brother i have" Yixing spits out as Jaemi slapped his arms hard. Tao looked down before making eye contact with Jaemi, giving her a small smile

"I'll be outside, call me if you need anything" Tao said with a small voice before turning his back and went outside the door. Leaving Jaemi glaring at Yixing

"What the hell was that Zhang Yixing? How could you say that to your own brother? He was only worried about me" Jaemi glared. Yixing sighed before sitting down

"I'm sorry, i was just........stressed out" Yixing said with a tired voice

"Tired or not, Stressed out or not, it's still not a good excuse for you to treat your brother that way. Did you saw his expression? Imagine how hurt he must've been" Jaemi scolded

"Why are you siding with him so much?" Yixing asks with down eyes

"Because i care" And that word made Yixing shuts his mouth. He sends Jaemi sad eyes before sighing. Jaemi sighed too before putting her hands on Yixing cheeks, her warm hands felt good on his skin

"Yixing, if you have any trouble you can tell your brother's, if you need anything you can come to me too. But treating people like this isn't right, and i know the real Yixing would think so too" Jaemi said with a soothing voice

"Have you seen the news?" Yixing said out of the blue making Jaemi's hands shook and she let's go of his face

"You saw?" Jaemi said with widend eyes

"Jaemi, i'm not going to think that your a monster, please don't think like that of me" Yixing pleaded as he held on Jaemi's hands, which became colder by the second. Jaemi's eyes soften a bit

"Yixing.......what am I?" Jaemi said with a scared voice

"That's something you need to find out. I don't know what you are but i know you're the same Jaemi. This thing inside you, and your identity, it's your job to find out. We're only here to support you........I'm here to support you" Yixing stared at Jaemi's eyes as she made eye contact with him

"I'm scared Yixing. There's people out there after me" Jaemi said with teary eyes, Yixing reached out his hands and wiped them away slowly

"I'm also scared Jaemi. I'm not going to lie. I won't make promises that i won't keep. If i say i'll protect you forever, that would be a lie. I am not that powerfull, you should know it too. To say that i'll protect you forever, is a big word. It's not that i don't want to protect you, but i'm afraid i can't fully protect you. But i can promise you, that through the troubles that we had, wether it involves our lives, i will still be there to push you up. I'll use my life" Yixing said as he smiled painfully, Jaemi threw her arms around Yixing's neck, not caring about the stinging pain on her right arm

"Thank you" Jaemi whispered as Yixing hugged her back


I came to realise things as time went through.........


"What for?" Yixing asked as he hugged her back


I kept on wanting to protect her more and more, i kept on saving her life......


"For telling me the truth, But Yixing, you should know one thing" Jaemi stared at his eyes 


Every single time I think to myself. Why did i do that? Why do i feel fire burning in me when Tao interact with her so much?


"What?" Yixing asks with soft eyes


I came to realise things, things that i had been trying to avoid. But i know i can't avoid it anymore...


"Even if you say that, i will forever believe you will protect me to the end" Jaemi smiled as she kissed Yixing's cheek



I've fallen for her








Tao Look inside before clenching his fists, his eyes turned hard and his heart is beating fast. He couldn't hear anything, but seeing them interact made him feel sick in his stomach

"Yixing Ge, you better not fall for her" Tao whispered before leaving the sickening scene


Oh my gosh, i'm finally updating, I'm so sorry but i've been practicing for dance competitions and i just had the competition yesterday. And guess what?! I won first prize!!! I got some money and trophy, My brother is going to be so proud of me HAHAHA. Anyway i hope you guys like this chapter, it's probably a bit unexpected but that's the unique thing about fanfics~



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Chapter 33: I found this story again. am happy
Chapter 32: this is good. please update
Merooh #4
Chapter 32: Update please it's been along time
Prancis #5
Chapter 32: Update please , it's been so longgggggg OMGGGG
fayepopper #6
Chapter 32: The you're a man part got me. I was laughing so hard, tears were coming out. Anyways, I hope you update really soon. I love this story
Chapter 32: Woah it was good
But what's going to happen now
It's just gonna get more intense
Anyways update soon
Ok,bye now
sebaek_0391 #8
Chapter 32: Omg Omg Omg!!! This story is sooooo good!! I want to have a mind like yours!! Its amazing!! xD.... Pls update soon Author-nim!!
(I have read more than 100 story but this is my first time commenting on a story! hehehe)
Chapter 32: That's a LOT for one chapter... So is Jaemi ending up with all of them? >.< I'm not a big fan of Rosa...
Update soon!!