Chapter 8

I Fell In Love With a Little Vampire Girl

Jaemi stood outside the class, heart thumping against her chest. She breath in and out for awhile before knocking the door softly, She opened the door gently when the teacher had stopped speaking for awhile

"Ah, i see you are late" The ridiculously handsome teacher put his hands on his waist. Jaemi gulped before walking and stopped when she is in front of the hot teacher. The teacher started to sniff the air, while Jaemi inwardly rolled her eyes. She had grown to get used to them

"What are you?" The teacher leaned closer to Jaemi which in reflex, Jaemi leaned back.

"SHE IS A SINT!!" A boy shouted making the teacher smirk

"No wonder you got lost" The teacher said smirking making the class burst out in laughter saying how weak and stupid Jaemi can be. The teacher calmed the class down when he noticed Jaemi did not say or react. Jaemi only had her bored face on.

"Are you done yet, songsaengnim?" Jaemi asked in a bored tone. In all honesty, Jaemi is fuming inside and started imagining really brutal things. The class gasped a bit when they heard the new student talked back to the most jerk-of-a-teacher.

"No, i'm still laughing at the fact you can't even find your way around" The teacher said again making the class snicker towards Jaemi's way. The teacher stopped laughing though when Jaemi give him an unamused look

"For your information songsaengnim, the reason why i'm late is not because i got lost. I am late because--"

"yeah yeah yeah i am so interested" The teacher faked a yawn making Jaemi clench her fists

"Well you will be more interested when you know my reasons you old hag" Jaemi lost her cool making the class gasp in shock of her breavery. The teacher's eyes went red immidiantly

"What do you say" It was much more of a demand then a question actually. Jaemi felt her heart thump into her chest but she will not back off now. She can be nice when she wants to but when someone is ticking her off. Say goodbye, creature or not.

Just think of it as your annoying fat teacher who always fought with you Jaemi. ignore the deadly eyes. 

"You heard me. Just because i am a SINT doesn't make me that weak. I was late because Mr Go had told one of the students here to give me a tour around the school for awhile. If you don't believe me, ask your boss yourself. Just don't come crying of embarrasment because of it." Jaemi finished before turning her body around, eyeing her shocked classmates.

"Hi, my name is Jaemi. And i am a SINT" Jaemi said before walking away towards an empty seat near the window. She looked up infront to see the teacher's eyes got really really red. Jaemi wasn't showing any reaction. But in her heart, she was chanting--

i am dead. I am so frickin dead. Curse you Chen for telling me to act as the strongest creature in the world. Curse you ZAPPY!!. I'm going to die so bad--

"Sir, i believe we have a strict rule for not using your powers in class." Suddenly a boy next to her raised his hands. The teacher's eyes slowly become normal again but he had a confused look on his face

"Why isn't it working?" He mumbled before glaring at the boy

"You have no rights to tell me what to do. Protector" The teacher mocked before turning his body around to face the blackboard.

Seriously? even the teachers?

Immidiantly students started to look at me. But for the first time, it isn't a glare, well for some students, it was awe. Jaemi suddenly turned her head towards the boy when she saw a paperball hit his head. When he open it, He clenches his fists hard before ripping the paper into pieces.










When the bell rang, Jaemi picked her bag from the floor and started packing up her books, when she looked forwards she jumped when she saw her table was crowded with five or six students

"Woah you're really cool, no one had ever stood up to that sick of a teacher before" A girl with pink hair had said while smiling.

"Yeah, he is so hooooooooottt. But so noooooooooooot" A girl with red eyes had fanned herself.

"How did you get so brave anyway? Didn't you see his red eyes?" Another girl had asked her

"Uhm.........i was annoyed?" Jaemi answered uncertainly.

"Woah! just because she was annoyed" Some students "wow"-ed while Jaemi just look very confused. What's so great about talking back to annoying teachers?

"You see, he was rumoured to had hurt some students because they did some wrong things to him. Like Messing up with his mental and he had went into a coma" As if they had read her minds.........or maybe they did. Jaemi stared wide eyed at them

"Really? It was that bad?" JAemi asked while shuddering. This is getting to thrilling for her.

"Yeah, didn't he use his powers on you?" The girl with pink hair asked while Jaemi looked at her in confusion.

"You know, the red eyes? He was intrudding your mind" The girl with red eyes, which Jaemi assumed a vampire, looked at her. But when Jaemi just stayed there and look at them wierdly, they all gasped

"Wow, you must be powerful then." Someone commented.

"I guess we can't mess with a SINT anymore huh?" The pink hair joken making everyone around and even Jaemi herself gave a little laugh


"Once a SINT is always a SINT, They are weak" A boy commented loudly making everyone look at his way.

"Ugh, what do you want Jaebum?" The pink haired girl shot him a look

"I'm just stating the truth. SINT's are meant to be weak" Jaebum smirked while putting his legs on the table. Everyone just rolled their eyes at him

"Yah! how dare you guys insult our leader by rolling your eyes" Two boys said at the same time while lifting up their hands making the girls shierk. Jaemi felt her skirt went up a little but she immidiantly put her bag on it. It's a good thing she was sitting down

"One more time, we will rip it off and eat you guys up" The boy said making the girls actually shiver in fear.

"That's enough, Jaeho, Kibum" Jaebum said before walking towards Jaemi with a smirk. Jaemi looked into his eyes, that suddenly turns into some colors before became normal again. When Jaemi looked around, she saw her classmates look at her in shock

"What?" Jaemi asked confused

"What the hell?" Jaebum muttered before he pulled Jaemi by her collar. Jaemi yelped when her neck sting a little from his power. He must be a werewolf, She had thought

"You think you're powerful? just because my powers has no effects on you, you have to be proud of it?" Jaebum growled making the boys behind his back smirk in satisfaction while the girls just shut their mouths, scared.

"I did not ing do anything" Jaemi choked while looking at the boys eyes. The boy let go of Jaemi for awhile making Jaemi realise a sigh of relieve but when JAemi looked forwards she saw a fist coming her way. Jaemi shut her eyes tight. But when she herad a crack sound, she opens her eyes slowly to see herself in a different position. Before, she was leaning against the wall but now.................................she was behind Jaeho and Kibum. 

Jaeho and Kibum turned around looking at her in shock when she didn't got hit. Jaebum, who made the wall crack, turned to her and showing her his red eyes. He let out a yell before running towards Jaemi's way. Jaemi had her eyes wide open when he throws his fists again. She was waiting for the painfull strike but suddenly she felt her body moving on it's own. She ducked twice when a pucnh was delieved towards her way and turned her body to the left when a high kick was aiming towards her head. She jump onto the table and back on the floor again with wide eyes. 

What the hell?

Jaemi look down on her body still with wide eyes. When Jaebum was about to kick her again, she jumped and did a kick hitting his head making Jaebum fell down and hold his head in pain. Jaemi look around her and saw her shocked classmates. When Jaebum was about to go up and punch her again, Jaeho and Kibum had stopped him.

"Jaebum hyung, just stop it. or we'll get in trouble" Jaeho hissed before dragging the raging werewolf away.

"I WILL GET YOU, YOU " Jaebum let out a yell before yanking his arms away from Jaeho and Kibum and stomped away. The girl's who were left in the class cheered for Jaemi once they saw Jaebum and his gang went out the door

"That was ing amazing, how did you dodge those lighting punches?" The girl's all shout in excitment while Jaemi just rubbed her neck confused

My phisical skill isn't that good, so how did i dodge those?

Suddenly a boy stood up and walked away making the class suddenly fell into deep silence. Jaemi noticed it was the boy who got his head hit by a paperball. The girl's suddenly start whispering and glared at him

"What a wierdo" The girl's all whispered

"Who was he anyway?" how come i didn't notice him when i was dodging those deadly punches Jaemi continued in her heart.

"Oh him? he is a failure. He can't protect this world. I once thought he was the best but i was so wrong. He and his brothers should not eeven be here alive. They should just die" The pink haired said while cheking her nails. JAemi who heared the comment slightly clenches her fists. She didn't know why but hearing those words just makes her feel sick in her stomach

"What's his name?" Jaemi stiffly asks

"Oh? Kim Jongin. Kai for short. He's hot yes but ugh i rather die then hang out with a loser like him" The red eyed girl said before taking out her phone. Suddenly outside the class was very noisy. Jaemi look outside to see a crowd of students outside her class.

"Why is it so noisy?" Jaemi asked still looking outside

"Wait, Nari-ah what day is today?" The girl with red eyes asked

"It's Wednesday, which means---" Nari (The pink haired girl) Said

"KYAAAAAAAAAA" The girls shouted making Jaemi jump before running out of class. Jaemi took one of her classmates arms yenking her back

"What does it mean?" But the girl yank her arms back while glaring at Jaemi. 

ooops, wrong one

"Ugh, don't touch me you disgusting thing. Don't you know there's an annual rap battle for every wednesday?" The girl shook her head before running out the door. Jaemi stayed still for awhile before the corner of her lips quirked up into a small smirk





"Rap battle, huh?" Jaemi softly murmmured before walking out the door and blend into the flock of students


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Chapter 33: I found this story again. am happy
Chapter 32: this is good. please update
Merooh #4
Chapter 32: Update please it's been along time
Prancis #5
Chapter 32: Update please , it's been so longgggggg OMGGGG
fayepopper #6
Chapter 32: The you're a man part got me. I was laughing so hard, tears were coming out. Anyways, I hope you update really soon. I love this story
Chapter 32: Woah it was good
But what's going to happen now
It's just gonna get more intense
Anyways update soon
Ok,bye now
sebaek_0391 #8
Chapter 32: Omg Omg Omg!!! This story is sooooo good!! I want to have a mind like yours!! Its amazing!! xD.... Pls update soon Author-nim!!
(I have read more than 100 story but this is my first time commenting on a story! hehehe)
Chapter 32: That's a LOT for one chapter... So is Jaemi ending up with all of them? >.< I'm not a big fan of Rosa...
Update soon!!