Chapter 6

I Fell In Love With a Little Vampire Girl

"What Powers do you all have?"

"Xiumin Hyung has Frost and Shapeshifting, Luhan Hyung has Telekinesis and Mind Reading, Lay has Healing and Divination as in the power to be able to see the future, Chen has lighting and Ultra Sound able to make the people he chose become deaf, Tao has Time control and Power sensing, I have Flight andPower Negation as in able to cancel out others powers. And we all have Telephaty" Kris answered

"Luhan, what am i thinking now?"

"How many times should i tell you that i am NOT a Transgender?" Luhan rolled his eyes and crossed his arms

"Are you all Vampires and stuff?"

"Xiumin Hyung and Luhan Hyung are Werewolfs, Me and Jongdae are Vampires, and the rest are Half Vampire and Half werewolfs" Lay answered while smiling calmly

"Jongdae?" Jaemi asked confused

"Chen. Kris's real name is Wu Yifan, Lay's real name is Zhang Yixing, And Xiumin is Kim Minseok. Tao is Huang ZiTao, And I am just Luhan" Luhan answered this time

"How old are you guys?" Jaemi asked while eyeing all off them. The boys look at each other before answering one by one

"1935 this year" Xiumin answered

"1830" Luhan said

"1823" Kris answered next

"I'm 1805" Lay said next

"1755" Chen said 

"And i'm the youngest 1655" Tao said. Jaemi look at the boys with hanging in shock. These Tall handsome man that looked like their in their teen years are actually older then her for thousands of year

"Say what?!" Jaemi asked in shock

"You see, 1 year here in the kingdom is like 1 minute in earth" Tao explained to the girl

"So basically i'm gonna age so badly here?" Jaemi asked while pointing herself earning some nods from the boy. JAemi sighed before palming herself

"Alright. Am i and Tao the only one going to this school?" Jaemi asked

"Yes. Actually, All of us are supposed to be still in school at this age, but we needed some money to live ourselfs and give Tao proper education. So Me and the others work at different places to live ourselfs or we will die" Xiumin said serious written all over his face


"Yeah. Here in this Kingdom is like a cat and mouse game. You're weak, You lose" Kris said sadness can be seen in his eyes

"Is it always like this?"

"Not always. This Kingdom used to be so peacefull and We all get along. But ever since our Quenn is dead and The Princess is lost, Everything changed. Even the King changed his personality" Xiumin said bitterly

"And it's all that Bastard EXO's Fault. Some Protectors. They can't even protect the Queen" Chen spat out

"It's not technically their fault Jongdae. They tried their best" Lay said softly. Chen then stayed quiet after hearing the statement

"Well, Is the Princess ever coming back then?" Jaemi asked symphaty can be heard from her voice

"That we don't know" Tao asnwered

"Well, one last question" Jaemi clapped her hands, hoping to change the tense atmosphere, making the boys flinch.

"Ask away" Luhan said

"Am i going to be Killed at my new school?" Jaemi asked with so much seriousness the boys can't help but laugh out loud earning a glare and an annoyesd look by JAemi herself

"Hey, i'm not joking. The first time i come here, i was almost killed by some wierdo's in a black suit" Jaemi rolled her eyes. When the boys had calmed down they all sighed

"I don't think you will get killed. Since We can't scent you out and we don't know why but you managed to block some of our powers, well Mental Powers. You will be safe if you only shut your mouth and not tell anyone that you are just a mere Human being" Chen said smiling but a little bit worried

"Yeah! You can even enter with the title SINT" Luhan clapped his hands

"SINT?" Jaemi asked confused

"Supernatural In Training. It's like a supernatural being that haven't found out their powers yet, so they are trained and being educated until their powers showed up." Kris explained

"We haven't had a SINT for years" Lay said while looking at Kris worried

"Yeah, and Usually, SINT's can be scent out. Jaemi here can't be scented"  Chen said also looking at Kris

"Jaemi is a human if you guys have forgotten. And besides, we have Tao here by our side. He can just beat them up if they try anything with Jaemi" Kris pointed at Tao while having a smug look on his face

"He's right" Luhan sided with Kris

"Alright then, but are you ready Jaemi?" Lay asked while looking at Jaemi. The boys then stop whatever their doing waiting for Jaemi's respons

"Well, i couldn't hurt to try. SO when are we going?" JAemi asked while smiling at the boys making them all freez at the breath taking smile.

"Guys?" Jaemi knoked on the table

"Oh right. Stand up" Kris ordered

"What? Why?" Jaemi asked. Kris hold out his hands making Jaemi took it immidiant;y and He takes Tao's hands too. Jaemi looked at Luhan when He took out his arms. Luhan pointed at the doo and the door opened when Luhan bend his shoulder

"Oh wait. What's His power again?" Jaemi look at the smiling Chen

"Flight" Chen smirked making Jaemi chukle awkwardly

"Hey Kris. You're not Thingking about- KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" JAemi yelled out another piercing sound when Kris yank her and Tao and fly away to the sky. The Boys inside the house closed their ears when pain hits them.

"Geez, her screaming can really reach Jongdae's Maybe even higher too" Lay complained while rubbing his ears

"WUUUUUUUUUUUU YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FAAAAAAAAAAAANNN" The Boys closed their ears again when they hear Jaemi's cat like screech

"I wonder, is Tao and Kris deaf yet?" Xiumin wonder

"We can't let them be deaf yet. They have chores to do" Luhan said while standing up making the others do the same and went to their own rooms getting ready for their work


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Chapter 33: I found this story again. am happy
Chapter 32: this is good. please update
Merooh #4
Chapter 32: Update please it's been along time
Prancis #5
Chapter 32: Update please , it's been so longgggggg OMGGGG
fayepopper #6
Chapter 32: The you're a man part got me. I was laughing so hard, tears were coming out. Anyways, I hope you update really soon. I love this story
Chapter 32: Woah it was good
But what's going to happen now
It's just gonna get more intense
Anyways update soon
Ok,bye now
sebaek_0391 #8
Chapter 32: Omg Omg Omg!!! This story is sooooo good!! I want to have a mind like yours!! Its amazing!! xD.... Pls update soon Author-nim!!
(I have read more than 100 story but this is my first time commenting on a story! hehehe)
Chapter 32: That's a LOT for one chapter... So is Jaemi ending up with all of them? >.< I'm not a big fan of Rosa...
Update soon!!