Wolves' Prey

Target Locked On

“Agent Suho to Agent Kai, go assist Agent Sehun and Agent Tao in keeping the guards busy, I’ve sent Agent Baekhyun in to hack this department’s defense in the security room, but we’re maybe up to a bump in the road.”

“What happened?” Kai asked.

“Baekhyun’s got a little problem in hacking into the system, there has been some kind of detector that could immediately warn our target if it was accessed by non-employee installed in the system.” Suho answred right back through the intercom.

“Isn’t that common though?” Kai asked back as he ran towards the end of the hallway.

“He said it’s a new variety. He usually only handle the upgraded ones from the one he already knew. It’ll take a while.”

Kai went downstairs towards Sehun and Tao, backing them up while making sure no guards escaped and interfere Baekhyun’s work just at the end of the hallway.

Kai took down some guards while making sure his nearest teammates were fine when he noticed Tao got a little bit startled.

“Hyung, transmission, eh?” Sehun asked while he ducked from a fly kick.

“Yup, cover me up for a little bit, will ya?” Tao said as he tried to balance between focusing on the intercom and defensing himself form upcoming attacks.

“Got it, hyung.” Kai answered as he landed a side kick at one of the guards’ side abdomen.

After a few minutes, Tao broke the news.

“I’m ordered by Kris ge to cover more to the south of the building, a back-up team is coming and Xiumin ge needs a back-up to cover Lay ge’s work.”

“What’s Lay hyung doing at the south part of the building?” Kai saked while frowning.

“Lab’s work, taking samples and you-know-what-other-things-they-do.” Tao answered as he swerved from a punch charged towards his left arm that was vulnerable few moments ago.

“But, Chen will come to aid Baekhyun so your work here might gonna take less time.” Tao continued.

“About time he arrives. Combat is my best aspect, but if the guards keep coming, I’d be lying dead on bed by tomorrow.” Commented Sehun.

“Well, wouldn’t we all?” Kai added.

Kai defensed his lower torso from an incoming attack as he positioned himself to get more coverage area, taking over half of Tao’s coverage as he left the duo to help his other teammate. Sehun positioned himself to take over the other half of Tao’s coverage.

“I wonder how D.O hyung’s doing.” Sehun blurted as he charged to his right.

“Still waiting for “the” time I think.” Kai answered right before doing a spin kick.

The duo fought until the current guards were all down. Kai contacted one of his teammates through the intercom.

“Yes, Kai?”

“D.O hyung, what’s the status?”

“I’m almost in, just need to get a little bit more clearing.” The sound of thrown punches and yelps from the guard can be heard from the other line.

“Who’s backing you up there?” Kai asked in a worry tone.

“I’ve got Suho hyung and Chanyeol from K sub-unit, Kris hyung and Luhan hyung from M.” D.O answered as the sound the guards’ struggle continued. There was a momentary silence before Kai broke it.



“Be careful.” Kai said as he sighed.

D.O chuckled through the intercom

“Don’t worry, Kai. I’ve confronted targets lots of time already. I’ll be fine.” D.O answered with his calm voice.

“Ok, I trust you, hyung.”

Kai cut the line as he saw Baekhyun and Chen retreated from the security room.

“Done with the system?” Sehun asked.

“Yep, it was nerve-wracking when I tried to shut the detector down on my own. Ahh… my freaking neck.” Baekhyun said as he stretched his hurting neck from too long leaning towards monitors.

“Turns out it was developed from half of old virus we learned in our first month of training. The other half was from the new ones we learned on fields.” Chen explained.

“I must have been too genius that I thought it was a hybrid of the new ones.” Baekhyun said with amusement on his face. Chen scoffed.

“Genius my . We could have failed if I didn’t come to help you.” Chen said as he rolled his eyes.

“As much as I enjoy you two hackers battle it out with each other, I think we might need to get going.” Sehun interrupted.

“Excuse me, but ‘you two’?” Baekhyun said in disbelieve.

“-The Hell? Yah you maknae, we’re your freaking hyung!” Chen said as he glared over the oblivious maknae.

Sehun ignored.

“Back-up guards will be here soon, we need to go to the meeting point. Sehun, have you contacted Suho the location?” Kai asked as he diverted the main topic to Sehun.

“A building two blocks to the east from here. Used to be a bank, currently unused.” Sehun said as he sets up the location in his GPS watch.

“C’mon hyung, let’s get going, the back-ups would be her soon.” Kai said as he set up his GPS watch himself and led the small pack of his teammates.

“Come to think, has Sehun ever even called his hyungs properly?” Chen asked under his breath while setting his intercom to call his sub-unit leader.

“Lately? Sad to break this to you, but he only goes with his mood these days.” Baekhyun answered as all of them picked up their paces to avoid crossing path with the back-up guards.

“I heard that, hyung!” Sehun yelled in front of them while running.

“Damn, we’re busted.” Bakehyun complained still in whisper.

“At least he finally call us hyung.” Chen added before his intercom was connected to his leader.

“Agent Chen, how’s the stat?” Asked a low deep voice across the line.

“Kris ge, Baekhyun and I are done with the defense system. We’re proceeding towards the meeting point now along with Kai and Sehun.” Chen stated.

“Good. Agent Lay, Agent Xiumin and Agent Tao are already there.” Kris informed.

“Okay gege, thanks for the information. Be careful gege, Lu-ge too.”

“I will, you too.” Kris said before Chen disconnected.

After another few minutes running, they finally made it to their meeting point.

“Kai, Sehun, Baekhyun, Chen, over here!” Xiumin called the group that has just arrived.

“Hyung!” Kai greeted as he slowed down his pace after entering the safe zone.

“Oh, Lay-ge, how’s the lab work?” Chen said after he stopped his pace.

Lay hold up a suitcase to his head level which contains samples form the lab.

“I’ve collected some samples regarding the possibility of hidden poisonous chemical compound.”

“So, anything indicates ‘poison’?” Baekhyun asked.

“Ne, a lethal dose of caustic soda.” Lay said as he lowered back down the suitcase.

“I know I’m field agent and I don’t have the requirement to understand other than some basic compounds, but isn’t that a common compound to be found in a lab?” Sehun said out of the blue.

“Wow, you’re good there, maknae. It is quite a common compound in a lab.” Lay said amused.

“But in a small beverage product company? You could just drink it in 40% ratio and you’ll be saying goodbye to your life by tomorrow.” Lay added.

“Just how does it work in our body?” Tao asked as he included himself into the conversation.

“It’s very corrosive that it could burn your mouth and throat, and its effect is immediate that you could already feel it within a small amount.” Lay explained.

“Ouch.” Xiumin cringed.

There was a momentary silence before Xiumin’s intercom came to life.

“Duizhang, we’ve assembled in the meeting point along with Kai, Sehun, Chen, and Baekhyun. How’s the confronting team going?” Xiumin said hold his intercom to focus on what the M sub-unit leader was saying. The background noise of the guards was too loud.

“D.O is already in, we’re still blocking the guards from entering our target’s office.” Kris answered while his struggle to keep defensing himself was evident in his voice.

“You okay there, Kris?”

“I’m fine, but change of plan.” Kris said before Xiumin’s teammates in the area’s intercom was connected to Kris.

“Listen up guys. Escape Plan B. I’ve contacted the base to pick you guys up now. It’s too heated up in here, might gonna need a quick pick-up once we’re done.” Kris informed as faint voice of Luhan fighting in the background was heard.

“Whoa whoa.” Baekhyun said as he started to understand the situation.

“Is it hell already down there? We rarely use Plan B to end our mission.” Chen said in shock and confusion.

“Gege, is it really that bad? Should I get Sehun, Kai and Xiumin ge to assist you guys?” Tao said as he started to panic.

“No, I’ve discussed with Suho about this. We’re gonna need your shooting skills to shoot the guards with special sedative mixture.”

“Mixture? So it’s not the usual barbiturate?” Lay asked while focusing on the drug.

“No, I don’t know about the compound yet, I think it’s newly prepared by SM. Agent Chanyeol will be sending you guys the detail of the compound, its structure and which part of the body to shoot.” Kris said before he was heard either kicking or punching his opponent.

“The pick-up team will arrive at the rooftop in ten minutes. I’m cutting the line, Luhan’s having a rough time now.” Kris added.

“Okay, we’ll be going to the rooftop now.” Kai said.

“Kris ge?”

“Yes panda?” Kris said before the sound of him defensing himself was heard.

“Stay alive, will ya?” Tao said with worry lacing his voice.

“Sure, just don’t make me buy you more Gucci anytime soon.” Kris said as Tao could feel the older one was smirking on the other side of the line.

“Ugh, fine.”

“Okay, I’m cutting it now. Be careful guys.”

The line was off. Xiumin walked to Tao side and put hand on his shoulder.

“He’s gonna be fine, he’s an amazing leader that our sub-unit can have. He can take care of himself.” Xiumin said, giving a light squeeze on Tao’s shoulder.

As the oldest one among the team, whether in his sub-unit EXO-M, or as the whole “EXO” along with the EXO-K sub-unit, he observes his fellow dongsaengs well. Including how he understand the close friendship between Tao and Kris. And how the younger always got worried when the older one is in the confronting team.

“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.”

Tao sighed.


The whole team at the meeting point made their way towards the rooftop. While waiting for another five minutes until their pick-up team arrives, they observed the building they infiltrated a few moments ago, checking the confronting team’s status from the two kilometers view with the aid of observing instruments. Lay was studying the mixture substance used for sedative later on.

“Wow, this is new, I’m so checking this out in the lab after this.” Lay mumbled to himself.

“Oh, is it really new?” Xiumin asked as he joined Lay while opening the sedative detail itself in his multifunction watch.

“Ne, never seen this structure before. And the fact that it has the ability to erase someone’s memory 12 hours back after injection makes it even cooler!”

“Woah woah wait, memory eraser?” Kai said in disbelief as he joined the duo.

“Hell yeah.” Tao said as he also joined himself into the conversation, already opening the drug’s detail.

“So, shoot at the right side of the neck, huh?” Sehun asked while he also diverted his attention from observing his other teammates to the drug detail.

“Yup, right at the nerve branch for instant memory loss and induced sleep.” Lay answered as he kept studying the new structure.

Before they realized, the pickup team has finally arrived with an AgustaWestland AW139M helicopter.

The lab doctor and the duo hacker seated themselves in the safest part of the helicopter, setting each of their handguns for defensive later. It’s important since they were going to go low enough for their other teammates to get in. There were some possibilities the guards will try to get inside the chopper.

On the other hand their combat and gun specialist teammates, licensed to use all kinds of firearms, positioned themselves to get a clear shooting sight after picking up the tranquilizer gun.

They went nearer to the target’s building, staying high enough to not get caught and stayed quiet, focusing on their current assignment, before the voice of both leaders of EXO from their respective sub-unit broke down the silence.

“Agent Suho to EXO.”

“Agent Kris to EXO.”

“Ne, leader-nim.” They all answered in unison, knowing that when both of the leader have activated intercom connection between K and M and not differentiating their own sub-unit, it must be something really important for them listen as a whole unit.

“Listen up, Agent D.O has done his job, and he has rendered him unconscious successfully after confronting him despite the fact that the target himself was able to defense himself well. And we’re wrapping up from here” Suho informed.

The chopper was filled with relieved sigh. Some even cheered.

“But the guards here are in an overwhelming number. So we’ve decided to send Agent Chanyeol and Agent Luhan back first to assist you guys in sedating the guards. We’ll catch up later along with D.O, he’s gonna need some back-up.” Kris added.

The cheer lowered down. Some went into worried state.

“We’ll be fine though. But I need you all to get ready.” Suho said assuring his teammates to not worry about him.

“We’re sending Chanyeol and Luhan now.” Kris said before disconnecting.

The chopper went lower as they get themselves in their own respective mode, whereas Lay, Baekhyun, and Chen in defense mode, prepared themselves for sudden attack and to welcome their teammates. Meanwhile Kai, Sehun, Xiumin, and Tao prepared themselves in attack mode, ready to pull the trigger.

They waited for several minutes until the door to access the roof top was banged open and revealed a deer eyed person and a tall person with big ears, followed suit by some guards, and this time they were armed with handguns and shotguns. EXO’s attack team poured their focus on each of their target, shooting the guards with the prepared drug. Luhan grabbed the rope of the chopper, followed by Chanyeol. Both agents climbed up the rope until they were greeted by some hands.

“Luhan ge!” Chen greeted as he pulled his sub-unit’s gege.

“Yah, Chanyeol-ah!” Bakehyun chirped playfully when his best buddy was on board.

“Okay, where’s the tranquilizer gun?” Luhan asked after he was able to stand inside the chopper.

“Here!” Lay handed the guns to both Chanyeol and Luhan.

Chanyeol and Luhan grabbed the gun and went to join Xiumin, Tao, Sehun and Kai who had already shot down all guards below them. As Chanyeol and Luhan joined, the six of them relaxed themselves for a while, rearranging their gun holds while waiting until the two leaders and D.O come.

The wait only lasted for a few minutes, before footsteps and gunshots was heard. The six gun holders went into stand-by mode. Three figures came out one by one from the same rooftop access used moments ago by Chanyeol and Luhan. Suho led the way, followed by D.O and lastly Kris. Guards weren’t far from them, and Kris wasn’t kidding about number at all. There were lots of them.

The tree of them went towards the chopper, still shooting some of the guards with their shotgun once in a while to press down the number of guards. The six shooters immediately got into their job, shooting the tranquilizers towards the big number of guards in nonstop, immediately decreasing the number of guards. The handgun holder also participated in shooting the guards legs to immobilize them, thus making the guards easier to be sedated.

Despite leaving the building second, D.O was the first one to be on board. Lay halted his shooting to help D.O up.

“Well, that was a big chase,” Lay commented while helping D.O.

“Yeah, gomawo, hyung.” D.O as he steadied himself inside the chopper.

“No problem. Any wounds?” Lay asked as he went to his paramedic mode.

“Got lots of scratches, but no major ones.” D.O answered as he checked himself for any other injuries.

“Come, let’s patch you up.” Lay said as he led D.O. to take a seat.

“Oh, Chen?”

“Ne, Lay ge?”

“Go help Suho and Kris ge up and led them to me, I’ll be treating D.O’s wounds.”

“Ne.” Chen said as he reverted back to shooting, waiting until either Suho or Kris had made it all the way up to help them get on board.

Few moments later, the frequency of firing noise had lowered, indicating the number of guards had lowered. Suho finally made it on board along with Kris right when Lay had done patching up D.O.

“Oh, leader-nim, duizhang!” Lay greeted as the duo leader went to sit near Lay.

Lay frowned when he saw a large gash on Kris’ right arm.

“Omo, gege your hurt!” Lay pointed out Kris wound.

“Yeah, a little number of them played with knives.” Kris said as he slightly scrunched his face to hold the pain.

“Baekhyun, help me out here, Kris ge is hurt quite bad, need assistance here!” Lay called out to Bakehyun.

“I’m comm- Oh. My. God.”

“Just help me out here, ppali!”

“Ne, ne.”

Lay and Baekhyun started to attend Kris wound.

“Oh, Suho-ssi, do you have any wound?” Lay said while still attending Kris wound.

“Few scratches and a bruise on my leg.” Suho said as he tried to help the duo a bit in attending Kris’ wound.

“There’s a few ice packs at the very back seats. Just take one for your leg, I’ll attend your minor injuries when I’m done with this.” Lay said as he kept his focus on Kris’ wound.

After a few minutes of hissing and swirling bandages, Lay has finally done attending Kris’ wound.

“You’re gonna need some stitches once we’re back in the base, it’s a miracle you were able to climb up the rope.” Lay said as he cut the end part of the bandage.

The firing noise had died down as Lay moved to patch Suho up. The six shooters stepped inside the chopper and seated themselves and buckled up. Kai informed the pilot and the co-pilot to left the scene.

“Agent Suho to base, copy.”

“Base to Agent Suho, copied. What is the mission status?”

“We have completed our mission. Requesting order to retreat back to base.”

“Mission completed. Your permission to retreat back to base is granted.”

“Kamsahabnida.” Suho said before disconnecting the line.

D.O went to sit beside Kai.

“Phew, that was exhausting.” D.O said as he stretched himself before relaxing his body.

“Thank god you were okay hyung.” Kai said in relieved.

“I’m fine, don’t worry.” D.O said as he pat Kai’s back.

“Well, guys,” Kris said as he decided to stand up while the ride was a bit stable.

Suho joined him, both standing as a proud leader towards their teammates.

“You know what to say?” Suho continued.

No matter how exhausting the missions they have to complete, once it was completed, they will always have that face of determination, ready to face any kinds of obstacle.

“Mission accomplished!”



[A/N: Wohoooooo I’m finally up with EXO’s introduction!!! Oh GOD, I never thought I could still write it. I thought I have given myself up. Next will be inside interactions within SM agents. :D Might include other SMTown artists as cameo or mentioned! But of course, our main stars are still f(x) and EXO! I might include f(exo) side ships along the way~ ;) Anyway, please do give me feedbacks!]

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Sorry for the delay! Had to rewrite the 2nd chap (again~ -_-) Anyway, the chap is here!


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jsjxox #1
Chapter 1: woah.. great!!! ^^ i like ittt....
jsjxox #2
oh my GOD!!!! i love this kind of story!!!!! next next next........ fighting!!!^^