The beginning

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Hani stared at her Miss Kim.


"Omma, i know that you're mad at dad but, why are you answering me using that whiteboard??!  are you seriously not going to talk at all!?!? Omma !!! i'm talking to you !!!"


Miss Kim pull the small whiteboard that was hang around her neck and doodle something on it. Then, she show it to Hani.


"HANI, I HEARD U. Y R U SCOLDING ME??!?! IT'S YOUR APPA WHO WENT OVERBOARD !!!!!!!" is what written on the whiteboard.


Hani rounded her eyes as she turned her head to face Mr. Song. "APPA !!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THIS TIME THHAT OMMA HAS STOPPED TALKING AGAIN?!!" shouted Hani.


"it's not me. it's your omma. She's the one that spilled the orange juice on the customer. i scold her for that. and then she just stop talking to me. that ignorant old-lad, how old she thinks she is, still sulking at such age. just ler her be...... it's not like i can do anything to make her speaks again. she's not mute. she will talk eventually. " said Mr. Song calmly as he walks passes by Miss Kim.


Miss Kim gaze at Mr. Song while muttered some curse word in silent.


Hani pounted . she was speechless about her parent. She seriously had no idea why her parent is still together despite their cold act toward each other. Hani always wonder what makes them open the cafe in the first place.


Hani put her arm on a table then lay her head on it. "I just will never understand my parent."Hani's muttered.




Back in the days,

The real reason why her parent open The Lone Cafe in the first place is ... because of Hani. Hani's parent were never in good occasion. they will always have things to "argue" about. well...If that's how you put it.

It would be nice if they'd argue like real couple. However, that's not the case. whenever they have problems. they just stop talking to each other.


Hani's Appa, Mr. Song Jae Rim, had this cold personality and serious looks stuck on his face. Mr. Song had the skill for cooking but he didn't know how to makes drink. The last times he tried to make one, he almost burned the whole building for forgetting to switch off the water thermostat.


On the other hand, Hani's Omma,Miss Kim So Eun is an expert at making drink but failed at cooking.


Hmmm... seems like they would made a perfect couple. weren't they ?



it all started when Jae Rim and So Eun knew about So Eun's pregnanacy.

So Eun was hysterical when she knew she was pregnant and she starts to ask Jae Rim to brake up as she cannot stand Jae Rim coldness. However, Jae Rim refuse to broke up and kept on avoiding her request by being silenced.


"just have the baby. will you ?"ask Jae Rim in his deep voice after a long silence.


"No ! i'm not ! how can i have your baby in my stomach ! It really disgust me to think that you have planted your seed inside me !! how i wish i could die right now !! I RATHER DIE THAN KEPT ON SEEING THAT FACE OF YOURS !!

said So Eun furiously.


"So Eun ah... calm down... i know the fact that you hated me but i just can't ignore the baby inside you. i, too wish that i can just walke

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