April (Part 2)

Speed Dating

Sehun brushed some stray strands off her forehead as he pulled the beanie snugly on her head. Withdrawing his hand, he watched as her chest rose up and down as she breathed out steadily, her eyes closed. It was the first time in a while since she’s been able to sleep so soundly. For the past week, the doctors had to have her on a respirationary system. An oxygen mask was on her face to ease her breathing. She didn’t sleep a wink; constantly waking up in the middle of the night saying that was difficult to breathe. Of course, Sehun didn’t sleep much either. He was a light sleeper in the first place so any movement that stirred from her woke him up instantly, not that he minded.

Moments like this were always bittersweet as the darkness would skim by and keep him awake. The night air was constantly cold and still, and his only companion was the thick silence as well as the subtle beating of her heart. It was also in moments like this that he was worried about leaving her alone. Or rather he was worried about her leaving him alone.


Eyes landing on her figure, he gazed at her tenderly, a smile tugging on his lips. She looked beautiful showered by the glow of the moonlight. It was simply enchanting; he’ll never be able to get her out of his mind for sure. Reaching out, he played with her fingers; thumb caressing her knuckles. He wanted to hold her in his arms so desperately; to hold on tightly and never let go. .


He wasn’t sure when he began to nod off but he only began to realize that when he felt slender fingers comb through his hair. “I know you love to be a sloth but I don’t think you hold the ability to sleep like that without snapping your neck.”


Gosh, he missed that sassy voice of hers.


“We’re in a hospital aren’t we?” Sehun mumbled, turning his head to the side. Peeking a glance at her, he continued, “Snapping my neck? Sounds nice, I’ll be able to be beside you 24/7 then.”


“No, stupid. You’ll be dead.” A sliver of a smile graced her lips. “Hmmm, maybe that is a nice idea. I won’t have to see your ugly face anymore.”


“Yah!” Sehun lifted his head from the bed in an instant, his lips set in his signature frown.


She smacked him lightly on the arms and smiled. “Oh, relax Sehun. You know I’m just kidding.”


Then it was quiet. It was a comforting kind of silence as they simply stared at each other in the eyes. The silence was a like a blanket or a bystander that was watching the tender moment shared between the two. Sehun was a hyperactive kind by nature so this kind of silence had always bother him to no end but right now, he adored it. Rising her hand to his lips, he kissed her knuckles and continued to hold her hand tightly in his. Actions has always spoke louder than words.


“Aren’t they pretty?”


He was completely clueless at what she was referring to…. Was she talking about his face, the moon, his face, the skies…? It was only when he followed her line of version that he realized what she was referring to.


Sehun had never noticed it before, but hundreds of little plastic glow in the dark stars dotted the ceiling. Surprisingly, they weren’t the typical tacky, ugly green stars that he would always find in the dollar bucket at stores. Instead they looked like actual stars with their polar white colors, gleaming like scattered moondust on the ceiling. It was like she had her own little galaxy to herself.


“You know what I’ve always wanted to do?” She smiled, her eyes never leaving the ceiling.


Sehun squeezed her hand lightly to tell her he was listening.


“I’ve always wanted to lay out on those cool summer nights on a blanket in the grass, somewhere completely apart from the bustling city. Just to lay that and bathe in the moonlight, listen to the summer breeze, and count the stars.”


Tucking a strand behind her ear, he told her softly, “We’ll do it sometime, I promise.”


As if she didn’t hear his words, she smiled lightly and somewhat bitterly as she shrugged. “At least I have this, I guess.”


Tugging at her hand harder this time, Sehun leaned in close to her. “Stop that. Stop saying things like that. Just stop.”


“It’s okay, Sehun.” She whispered softly. Running her fingers through his locks, she said, “We both know what’s going to happen.”


Running a hand down his face, he rasped, “No. I don’t know what’s going to happen and I need you to stop making me think the way you’re thinking.”



“No, stop. I’m not going to listen to the words that’s going to come out of your mouth if you keep on talking like this. Just no.” Closing his eyes, he laughed bitterly. “No. Stop believing that this is a hopeless cause because it’s not. I have hope and faith in this and so should you. I may be a brat but I don’t play around with things like this. I may not be around as much as I hope and should be but you have to know that there are many who shine but there’s only one that’s real among them. Upon that stage, I see and greet thousands of fans but the way I love them is not the same, okay? My heart grows bigger for you and it closes its door for everyone else. So remember that and don’t stop believing, in us, in me, in you.”


For him, she passed his mind and occupied his thoughts on a daily basis. There wasn’t a moment where she was gone from his mind. Even in his sleep, he would dream of her. Sometimes it was hard for him to decipher what was a real and what was not. Just like this moment right now, she was too good to be true.


Sighing heavily, he pushed his anger down and looked at her in the eyes. Their eye contact only lasted for a mere second before she averted her gaze back to the stars.


His words were quiet and he wasn’t sure if she heard them but he whispered them softly anyways. “You’re not allow to leave until you’re part of my light ocean. Even then, I’ll be selfish and I won’t let you go. You’re stuck with this brat, forever. Remember that.”


Turning his head, he allowed his thoughts to wander elsewhere and his eyes set on the moon in the sky. He simply refused to believe that their story was going to end like that. He absolutely refused it. Even if fate was determined to end their story like this, he was going to fight and never let it win. He wasn’t going to let fate take her away from him. She meant too much to him for him to allow a silly thing as fate take her away.




At the sound of his name rolling off her tongue, Sehun turned his head and faced her with his undivided attention. What happened next was something that he did not expect to happen at all. Completely far from his expectations, considering he just finished spilling out his whole heart to her.


“Happy Birthday, brat,” she smashed a cupcake into the side of his cheek, smiling gleefully at his shocked expression.


Frosting was smeared all across his cheek, some even landed on his nose. His lips were pressed together into a tight line as he eyed the cupcake in her hand with a glare. But his glare was quickly adverted to the girl laughing uncontrollably behind her hand; her cheeks flushed and her eyes turning into a little crescents.


“Thanks…,” Sehun murmured as he proceeded to wipe the frosting off of this face in disgust.


Taking a nearby napkin, she reached up a helped him clean his face. Her movements were lagging but he figured it was probably the fatigue getting to her. She then pinched the side of his cheek and attempted to make him smile. With that twinkling gleam in her eyes, she said, “Oh, stop being such a brat, Sehun. It’s your birthday, smile a little.”


“Maybe I don’t want to.” Sehun took the napkin out of her hand and wiped off the smear of frosting that she missed.


At his comment, she shot him a ‘are-you-kidding-me’ look. Just like that, her crinkling eyes turned into piercing daggers.

Gosh, he loved her so much.

[A/N]: I miss writing for this fic so much. I do apologize for the delay, this fic is my baby, I seriously have no idea why I haven't focus on it as much. Oh, I know why... school, that's why. I'm not sure when I'll be able to update next since it's exam season for me and apparently comeback season as well because y'all know what I'm talking about~ Exodus Era will be the death of me. But thank you for supporting and reading the story. Tell me what you think in the comments below~

Also, Happy Birthday Sehunnie!

생일 축하합니다 세훈 오빠! 
태어나줘서 고마워요 ♡

Aww look at his dork all grown up~ Haha, don't mind the gif spam.

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Chapter 4: Why am I crying so hard, I just can't. I can't handle this, woah, I read everything today and I need an update. Don't tell me this is it. No! I'll have a panic attack if you tell me this is the end. I don't even know why I love angst stories, seriously, I can't explain it. Maybe it's because of stories like this that makes me think that there's still hope in everything, and in fanfiction, like, this story isn't even like those cliché ones, I mean, this seriously made me cry. I sometimes hate angst stories because they make me sob, but I still love angst anyways, omg, I don't even make sense XDDDD I love this fic, too. I usually don't read Sehun fics because I tend to read Luhan fics or just Hunhan in general, but I think this is the first Sehun fic I've read, and I don't regret reading this.

//goes back to sobbing//
kpopj3 #2
this is so cute and i love angsty stories, keep updating if you can(:
Chapter 3: That's heartbreaking...
She was waiting for him while he was on tour, so sad. I'm glad Sehun didn't accuse her of not telling him anything, like it happens in so many stories or movies. I really like their relationship. It's not complicated, they're straightforward with each other and they're super sweet, but not the sweet like too cheesy. They're sweet like... I don't know how to explain. It just make me smile how they act.
And your writing is perfect for this story ^^
Chapter 2: Wow... I wasn't expecting this. Did she cut her hair because she's ill?
It was so sweet how Sehun tried to make her smile. And when he gave her chocolate and a paper crane for luck it was just adorable <3
Chapter 1: Oh my God! I just loved their first encounter! It was casual and funny =)
“Now be a gentleman, and keep me company.” <== The girl's personality is the best, seriously lmao
One day, I'll say the same thing to a stranger while I'm waiting for the bus xD