The truth hidden (Part 1)

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Yosh party people, here is ahjumma *flip fat belly* How's everybody?

Anyway, thank you for reading this supposed-to-be-short story and for commenting. Ur comments are my energy *shake butts* And some of u guys even commented about the story poster hehehehe it's made by 2Nyism (@Kebab: You have grown so much kid huhuhuhu don't grow too fast, ahjumma loves you) Ok, ok, let's stop this dramajumma thing and I hope you like this chap. 

Ahjumma out!




I turned around to face her, to see her reaction. I know that she didn't expect that, but she just gave me this silent treatment that I hate so much.

"AMBER!" I yelled at her "For once, just this once, be truthful to me. Tell me, do you love me or not?!"

She lifted her face to look at me.


Why am I so weak when I look in those brown eyes?

She looks like she's holding the burden of the world, it's like she's hurting so much inside.



"Just answer it"

Her lips are trembling "You know I do, I always have and it won't ever change." 

Tears started flowing down my cheeks.

"Then why, Amber? Why won't you fight for your feelings? Why won't you fight for us?" I was sobbing, all my defence is down. 

"I don't want you to get hurt..." she whispered

"Who would hurt me, Amber? You?"

"I would never ever do that. I would never hurt you"

"But you do! Have you ever thought how much you hurt me?! Leaving me and keeping me in the dark for two years?!"


"What is it that you're hiding?! If you love me, why won't you fight for me?"

"Because I'm not worth it!" She was screaming her answer, I choked as I saw her crying "Because everyone around me gets hurt."

"Amber..." I approached her and pulled her to a hug. Her whole body was trembling

"I'm scared, Krys" she said, hiding her face on the crook of my name 

"What is it that broke you so much, Amber? Who hurts you this much?" I her hair. 


Amber wrapped her arms around my waist, crying silently in my arms. 

"Stop avoiding me, Amber. Stop thinking that I might get hurt. I'm tired being left alone in the dark" I kissed the side of her head "I love you, Amber Liu. Let me decide for myself if our love worth to fight for" 

I broke the hug gently, Amber was still clenching to my shirt, refusing to let go. I put my forehead on hers "I don't expect you to tell me everything in one second. Just stop pushing me away. I am not as weak as I look, Amber" 

She slowly nodded "Listen Krys. I'll understand if someday you'll say you don't want to stay any..."


Amber's body went tense as she felt my lips on hers. I was even surprise at my own action at first, but having her lips on mine felt so right. I flung my arms around her neck and deepened the kiss. Her body stayed tense for a while, until she finally relaxed and kissed me back. Our lips stayed lock for a while trying to satisfy the longing, all the feelings kept inside until now. I didn't even care if someone is going to see us. I'm tired of hiding.

"I think you should shut up..." I whispered to her as we broke the kiss.

Amber smiled and said "Ok" before she gave me a peck on the lips and hugged me tight "I love you, Krys"

"I love you too, stupid" I slapped her shoulder "That's for making me cry so much" I slapped her again "And that's for keeping me waiting"

She giggled as I was slapping her shoulder. "I'm sorry" she whispered before she kissed the top on my head "My life is complicated, Krys". 

“I am not asking you to tell me your whole life story in a day, Amber Liu. Just stop pushing me away. I want to be a part of your life”

I placed my hand on and glare at her “No buts!” I said firmly to her and let go of my hand first after she nodded.

“Yes, Princess” she said jokingly.


We laughed as Jackjack and Gongu run happily between our legs.

“Hey, guys, stop it” Amber said “You guys are going to trip us like that. Why are you guys so excited about anyway?” Amber lifted Gongju and shook her playfully “You like it now that Krys is going to play with you guys again?”

“Woof” she barked, making us both giggled. Being ignored, Jackjack started to bark and look for attention.

I laughed and lifted him in my arms “I think he’s jealous. Are you jealous, little guy?”

Jackjack barked a few times as if he said yes. I kissed him and he was busy my face happily.


“Yah! Yah!” Amber said, hold Gongju with one arm and took Jackjack from my hand “Excuse me, young man. That’s my girlfriend you’re kissing right now”

“I never said I want to be your girlfriend” I said lightly and started to walk away.

Amber was dumbfounded and chased after me “What? But…but…but… Didn’t you say…? But you said you l—l—l---lo---“

“L—l—l---lalala lalala?” I stuck my tongue out

“Krys….” She was whining like a kid

I just giggled, I walked to her, stood on my toes and kissed her on the cheek "Not everyone gets a second chance, Amber Liu. You better treat me right"

She rubbed her cheek happily, grinning like a dork.


I like this side of Amber better.

The dorky one, not the mysterious dark one who always pushes me away. 

Amber put both puppies down, took my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine "Let's bring these two home. I think they are hungry"

"I am too" I pouted.

"You didn't eat anything at  the party?" Amber raised her eyebrow

"No appetite"

"Because you missed me?"

"Psssh, you wish, Liu"

Amber laughed and kissed me on the cheek "Thank you for not giving up on me" she whispered

"Just keep your promise" I warned her 

She nodded "I'll tell you everything. But one at a time?"

This time I nodded and smiled to her "Yes."

I didn't know when it was the last time I felt so happy. It must be around 2 years ago, as I spent a lot of time with Amber. She's my fire and ice, she brings me happiness and sadness in a way no one could. Sometimes it's scary how this thing called love can influence you.



Amber opened the door, Jackjack and Gongju run inside before we could even blink. I laughed "They are hungry for sure". The short haired girl in front of me just smiled and held the door for me. As we entered the room, I saw a tall guy closing the fridge and looked at us.

I recoqnise him from last time, it's Amber's dad. I bowed to him.

There it was again, I felt how Amber's body got tensed and just like last time, she went in front of me, as he approached us, as if she wanted to shield me from him.

"Dad" Amber's said

"I know this young lady" he said "We've met before. right?" he ignored Amber

"Yes, Sir" I answered him "We met about two years ago. I'm Jung Soojung" I knew he wouldn't remember my name so I introduced myself again.

"I thought you supposed to stay longer in England" Amber's said to her Dad.

He turned his head to look at her. His eyes scared me somehow "What's your business?" he said coldly. My heart beat faster because I could smell alcohol in his breath.


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ramulover #1
Chapter 28: Still reading this fic and hoping for updates!
Appledots5 #2
Pls update 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Chapter 28: Please update author....
ssgsperera #4
Pleased update this author
VyneRD #5
Chapter 28: please update author nim please
unknown_kx #6
I came to check if this story hasn’t been deleted and to my relief it hasn’t😮‍💨 update plss
Chapter 28: Author-nim plsssss update this I'm begging with my life. It has been too long I'm still waiting TT_TT
ramulover #8
Chapter 28: Wow, I didn't even realize this story hasn't been finished yet!
Hope to see an update soon, really loving this story!
ssgsperera #9
please update this story author...
thank you