Chanyeol's diary

Choose your husband

Dear Yeollie (his guitar),

Woehoo, tomorrow I’ll date Bomi. I’m really excited about it. It was always so fun to play with her. Normally my brothers will get tired of me. I’ve too much energy compare to everyone in the palace.  Bomi will never say that she’s tired of me, but I could notice that she’s tired. I’ll suggested something lazy thing to do then.

It’s a long time ago that I see Bomi for the last time. I don’t think Bomi will like to do something childish like playing sand or the swing in the garden like we always do.

I remember I met Bomi in the garden. She seemed so boring at that time so I walked towards her.

“Yo, what are you doing?” I said and Bomi looked up.

“Oh, hi, I’m just waiting for my parents. They’re having a meeting with your parents.” Bomi said

“Why they brought you here while they’re having a meeting with my parents? You really seems bored right now?” I said

“I don’t know. They said that I could play around in the palace, but I don’t know what to do.” Bomi said

“How about we play in our sandpit?” I suggested

“Sandpit? You’ve a sandpit in the garden?” Bomi excitedly said

“Why are you so surprised? You don’t have one in your garden?” I asked wondered

“I always like to have one, but my parents refused. They said that they don’t want to see a princess all dirty.” Bomi said with a pout.

“Your parents aren’t here right now. So……let’s play in the sandpit?” I suggested and Bomi excitedly nodded.


I quickly grabbed Bomi’s hand and I let her to our sandpit.

“Here is it.” I said

“Waaaah!” Bomi shouted and she ran in the sandpit and I laughed

“How cute.” I murmured.

“Let’s build a sandcastle.” Bomi suggested and she started to gather the sand together.

“You can’t build a sandcastle with dry sand.” I said and she confusedly looked at me.

“You don’t know?” I said

“How can I know if I never build a sandcastle?” Bomi said with a pout.

“Just wait here and we’ll build a castle together.” I said and I walked away to grab the material to build a sandcastle.


I saw Bomi was playing with the sand when I arrived at the sandpit.

“I’m back.” I said

“Finally, let me see how to build a sandcastle.” Bomi excitedly said

“You need to help too, cutie.” I said and I throw some water over the dry sand

I gave Bomi a mini shovel and told her to mix the sand a little so I won’t be too wet or too dry. After that I gave Bomi a mini bucket.

“Now you need to fill the bucket with sand and turn the bucket upside down. The sand need to stick into each other before you turn it upside down. Otherwise the sand will fall apart.” I instructed her.

As the good girl that she always is, she listen to me and start to fill the bucket with sand. After that she pressed to the sand with the shovel.

“I’ll help you.” I said and we put the bucket upside down.

“So this will be our basic to build our castle.” I said

“I want a big, big castle.” Bomi said

“Then we need to put at least five times of this besides each other.” I said

“Let’s do it then.” Bomi said and we started to fill the bucket again.

After we’ve a pretty big basic for the castle, we started to decorate our castle.


After 1 hour, I need to admit that we build a beautiful sandcastle.

“I really need to take a picture of it.” I said and I quickly went in my room to search for a photo camera.

In the meantime, Bomi made a door and a canal around the castle. I took a picture of Bomi working on our sandcastle, before I approach her.

“Here I am” I said and Bomi looked up

“Quickly take a picture.” Bomi said and I snapped a picture of our castle.

“Can you send me the photo?” Bomi asked

“Of course.” I said

“Bomi, where are you?” We heard someone shouted

“I’m here.” Bomi shouted back.

“Why are you so dirty? Didn’t I told you not to play in a sandpit?” her mother scolded Bomi as soon as she saw Bomi in the sandpit.

“I’m sorry. I won’t do that anymore.” Bomi apologized

“Let’s go clean up.” Her mother said and she dragged Bomi with her.


I still don’t understand what was so wrong to play in the sandpit. It’s not that you’ll be that dirty. A hot shower and you’ll be clean.

Maybe we should have a sandpit date. Hehehe, who am I kidding? It’ll be such a stupid date.



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ginaalee #1
Chapter 21: Aww.. The new chapter is so sweet.. Keep going author!^^

PS: sorry for being silent reader all this time hehe
coverkpop #2
Chapter 15: yes, Cinderella.... :D
Chapter 10: Can't wait for suho
Chapter 8: Aw I want a nice Kris.
Rainbowlovelydovey #5
Chapter 6: A www so sweet
FANGIRL2003 #6
Chapter 5: Hi, I absolutely love the different perspectives and can't wait to see how this unfolds! Please make more!