Sorry (pt. 2)

Ending Page

The news was officially out now. Sulli was leaving f(x). The members themselves knew for a while now. Hell, even before Sulli knew she was going to leave, the other four knew. That’s what happens when you live with someone for six plus years. You can read them like an open book and Sulli was practically an open coloring book. They colored in the blank spaces long ago.

Knowing beforehand, however, did not ease the pain when the news popped up online. Now that it was official, there was nothing they could do; no way of persuading their fifth member—of ex member—to stay. She wanted to focus on acting and they were going support her. Krystal felt she was the most broken about it. They were the f(x) maknaes; always engaging in friendly banter was their relationship.

Everyone was there now; in the dorm they all once shared. It had been months since that one “fight” Krystal and Amber had. Krystal got over it like she always ended up doing. Now was the time for the goodbyes they didn’t think they’d need to say for many years. It was surreal for Krystal and Luna to watch as Sulli packed up her things from the room she and Krystal shared together.

All three girls were silent, tears rolling down their cheeks for the past ten minutes. This was what Sulli wanted… So why did it hurt so much? She couldn’t look her members in the face, ashamed at her final decision. But she wasn’t that excited twelve year old girl who wanted more than anything to be a singer. Her dreams had changed.

Luna looked to the wall considered to be Sulli’s half. A portion of the wall was covered in pictures of Sulli with her friends and family and notes and such from her fans. One picture in particular caught her eye and she pulled it off its tack to look at it better. She couldn’t help but giggle at it. Krystal and Sulli both turned to look at her curiously.

“I’m so short.” Luna said through her laughter. Uninvited tears leaked down her cheeks and she wiped them away. “Or you’re a giant.”

Krystal laughed through the knot in . “You’re just a midget.”

The three of them laughed as they stared at the picture.

“That’s one of my favorite pictures of us, Unnie.” Sulli said, absently placing a shirt in her suitcase. “I just love that smile you have.”

“Are you taking all of these with you?” Krystal asked, looking at the cork wall of pictures.

“I am, but I’m coming back for them. I don’t want to mess up any of these things.”

They were quiet again, not knowing what to say to each other.

“Really though,” Luna started, still look at the picture of them. “How can you be so much taller than me in this picture?? That’s not really how it is is it??” They started to laugh again.

Sulli gave up on packing and joined the other two on the bed, falling on top of Luna in a bear hug; Krystal piled on top of them.

“Krystal.” Sulli said from under the seven month younger girl. “When are you going to tell Amber?”

Krystal rolled off of the other two and onto her back to look at the ceiling. She let out a sigh. “You know I can’t do that. She’s my member. I can’t make it awkward for us.”

“It’s already getting that way, don’t you think?”

“It’ll get more awkward if something happened, you know that.”

Luna sighed from under Sulli. “How can that girl be so thick in the head?”

“Yah…” Krystal pouted. “I’m not thick in the head.”

“I’m not talking about you.” Luna said. “Though you are thick too. I’m talking about Amber. How can that girl not see that you are—”

“Say it and I will smack you right now, Unnie.” Krystal threatened. “Sulli is pinning you down right now so I swear I’ll do it.”

“Okay, okay.” Luna surrender. “Gosh, you’re just like your sister. How is she by the way?”

“I don’t really know. I haven’t seen her since I showed her the leaked Catch Me If You Can video a few days ago.” Krystal said. “Our schedules have been too packed.”

“I just hope you two realize you’re being stupid soon and get together.” Sulli gumbled, resting her chin on Luna’s arm. “The Kryber fans are lonely. More lonely than Jungli nowadays.”

“Jungli is never lonely.” Krystal said. “Well, it will be now…”

With that depressing note, Sulli climbed back off the bed and continued packing. Krystal looked above her to keep from crying anymore.

“I can’t believe this is happening…” Luna said quietly. “No one expected something like this to happen to f(x).” She whipped her nose and looked away from the other two.

Sulli stopped packing again, facing away from the girls. “I’m so sorry…”

Luna sighed. “Don’t be… You’re doing something you love. That’s all that matters.”

“You’ll be just as fine without me.”               

Sulli finished packing and the girls left the room. They found Victoria in the kitchen, cooking up dinner for their final meal as a group of five and making snacks for Sulli.

“Ah, there you are.” Victoria said when she spotted them. She had a big smile plastered on, but her nose was red and her eyes puffy. She’d been crying too. “I’m almost done cooking. Where’s Amber?”

“In our room.” Luna said, gesturing down the hallway to her and Amber’s shared room.

Victoria had flown back from China the moment the gossip turned into an article. She’d only been back for three hours and the mother member had gone straight to work making a final feast. She couldn’t dare stay away this was happening. It was bad timing, but no matter what, she was going to be here for her members. Just like the leader she is; always taking care of her members.

“Call her out.” Victoria said, looking back to the stove.

Luna fetched Amber from their room. When the tomboy came out, it was obvious what she was doing. Her eyes were red and her face was pale. Today was a sad day for f(x). Sulli took Amber’s hand in hers, interlacing their fingers and leaned her head against the older girl’s shoulder.

“Will you sit with me?” Sulli asked her.

“Of course.” Amber sniffled.

Once food was ready, they gathered at the table; Sulli and Amber side by side, Krystal and Luna across from them, Victoria at the end.

“We’ve been together for eight years.” Victoria said before they started eating. “Six years since debuting. We went from five talented individuals into one talented group of five talented individuals. I feel like without a single one of us, we wouldn’t be where we are today. How can five completely different people with completely different personalities just fit perfectly together like pieces of a puzzle? It was out destiny to be together.”

“Pun intended.” Amber said in reference to Krystal’s and Luna’s duet song.

Victoria gave Amber a knowing look before continuing. “We’re not just members of a group to each other anymore. We’re family. We love each other, we cry for each other, we’re happy for each other. What I’m trying to say is that even though I’m sad that you’re leaving, Sulli, I’m happy you’re going for what you want.”

“I love you too, Unnie.” Sulli said, tears in her eyes. “I love you all. You’re the best sisters I could have.”

After dinner, it was time for the true goodbye. Victoria had opened up Sulli’s luggage to make sure she had all of her necessities. After the over organized mother leader finished adding more stuff to the already full luggage, she gave Sulli the bag of snacks and pushed the luggage handle into her hands.

“Call us if you need anything, promise?” Victoria said.

“I promise, Unnie, but I’m only moving up two floors on this complex. I could literally just use the elevator and be here in two minutes.”

Victoria whipped her teary eyes and followed her to the door along with the other three members.

Exchanging teary goodbyes, they came together in a warm group before Sulli walked out of the dorm.

“Amber, can walk with me?” She asked.

They walked in silence up two stories and to her new solo dorm. They entered and took a look at the new scene. It was a lot smaller, only consisting of one room.

“Wow… My first time living alone…” Sullie breathed.

“I don’t get why they didn’t just let you stay with us.” Amber grunted.

“Stupid SM and their rules.” Sullie chuckled.

After looking around the empty place for a bit, they got back to the living room.

“Hyung.” Sulli said finally. She’d been wanting to say this for a long time, but couldn’t.


Sulli sighed deeply before speaking. “You do understand that Krystal likes you right?”

Amber stared at her blankly. “What?”

“Krystal. She’s totally into you. She’s been into you for forever basically.”

“R-really?” Amber didn’t believe her. Krystal? Krystal was the straightest person she knew! She couldn’t see it! I mean, there was a time where everyone speculated something about her and Krystal dating, but that was all for fan service. Wasn’t it?

“Why do you think she’s always mad at you when you ignore her or when you’re out with all those other girls? You can’t really be that thick, hyung. Literally everybody knows!”

“N-no.. Krystal? G-gay? There’s no way…” Amber insisted.

“I don’t know about gay. I’ve never heard her talk about liking other girls. I’ve also never heard her talk about guys unless it’s for TV.” Sulli said.

Amber just stared at her.

“I’m telling you for a fact that she likes you. We’ve talked about it. Luna knows, Victoria knows… I’m pretty sure Jessica knows.”

Amber still couldn’t say anything. Her mind was wringing itself with images and memories of Krystal and her’s very close friendship. Was it really true?

“And I know you like her too.” Sulli said. This got Amber’s attention. “Oh please, you don’t think I know? I know you, Amber. Trust me.”

Amber wasn’t going to deny that. She’d been crushing on the girl for the longest time. Everything about her was just perfect. Her smile, her laugh, her eyes, her voice…

“But how do I know for sure?” Amber asked.

“Oh my god, Hyung. You are not listening to me. I promise you that girl wants you to jump her bones!” Sulli had enough.

Jump her bones???” Amber exclaimed. She burst out laughing at the phrase Sulli chose.

“I’m serious!!” Sulli said, laughing. “Please, just do something about it! It to see that girl hurting for nothing! And I’m not asking, I’m telling you!” She started pushing the older girl toward the door. “Do it now and don’t talk to me until it’s done!”

She pushed Amber out of the door. Before closing it, however, she smiled and said. “I already miss you guys so much. I’ll see you soon, Hyung.”

Amber decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator so she had more time to think. Krystal liked her? How did she not notice? The more she thought about it, the more she could see the signs. All those times the girl blushed when Amber jokingly flirted with her. Those shy smiles when Amber caught her looking at her from across the stage.

She made it to the dorm and entered to find Victoria and Luna sitting on the couch watching TV quietly. They smiled at her when she came in.

“How is she?” Luna asked.

“Already Lonely, she said.” Amber said. “I’m sure she wants help unpacking.”

Luna and Victoria looked at each other and smiled. “Go get Krystal.” Victoria told Luna.

“I’ll get her.” Amber volunteered.

They shot up from the couch in unison and walked out the door and toward the elevator. Seriously, why did she even have to move out??

She knocked on Krystal’s now solo bedroom. She heard the hum of welcome and walked in. Krystal was laying on her bed with a book in her hands. Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying.

“Hey.” Amber said quietly.

“Hey.” Krystal said.

Amber sat at the foot of the bed nervously. How was she going to do this?

“So uh, the other girls went to help Sulli unpack.” She said.

“Oh yeah?” Krystal said, finally looking up at her.

“Yeah, they wanted me to come get you.”

“Well, okay. This dramatic goodbye was pointless if we were just going to join her up there after ten minutes.” Krystal said. Amber laughed.

“Yeah, we just can’t stay away from each other, huh?” What the hell was that?

“Okay, well let’s go.” Krystal said, ignoring Amber’s weird comment. She got up and walked to the door.

Dammit you just missed your damn chance, Amber thought to herself. Sulli was going to be upset if she didn’t act now.

She followed the maknae to the front door. Before she opened it, Amber took her hand. Surprised, Krystal turned around to look at her.

“What?” She asked, looking down at the skinship. Amber’s hands her warm and clammy. Krystal felt a tingle in her skin from the contact.

“I… uh…” Amber was about to lose her chance again by acting so weird. She exhaled hard and shook away her doubts. Do it now, stupid.

She leaned forward and pecked Krystal on the lips. Krystal froze in her spot, absolutely struck by what had just happened. Was she dreaming? There was no way she just did that.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time now.” Amber admitted, rubbing the back of her neck.

“Di-did you just kiss me?” Krystal asked.

Amber nervously laughed. “Yeah…”

Four beats of awkward staring and silence and Amber was about to apologize and walk out. Before she did, however, Krystal came to her sense and smiled shyly. She leaned forward and kissed the girl she totally loved this time.

She pulled away this time and looked at the now stricken girl.

“Di-did you just kiss me?” Amber asked.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time now.” Krystal said, smiling more widely as she felt the blush in her cheeks.



I can't believe Sulli is leaving. Well, I can actually. I saw it coming... But it's still a huge blow for me... f(x) is my second favorite group. I honestly never thought this would happen to f(x). I'm so sad about that.. But it was aperfect chance to write the second part of Sorry! Got some KryBer in there at the end. You wanted a second part no? I wanted to do a second part XD Just a little bit of something. How do you feel about Sulli leaving? How'd you feel about this update? I should have been asleep like 2 hours ago since I have to work in the morning but I absolutely had to write this. Now I've got.... 7 hours to sleep before work! Yay me! That's why it might seem a rushed though.. Any mistakes will be fixed when I get home from work tomorrow! Anyway, leave me a comment! <3

P.S. Changed my name if you didn't notice. Check out my blog about it for more info on it!

Captain out!

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LeeornFW #1
Chapter 2: I thought Sulli departure from fx is only a rumor? Was it? It will be a huge blow for me since fx is the only group that making me stay in KPop scene
Chapter 2: Eventho there r so many negtive comments about sulli's departure, and what with jinnabit keep tweeting about how much sulli dislike fx n group promotion. I want to believe ,dat sulli at least really love fx members as her friends instead of band mate.o at least amber.but its still sad thou we saw it combing.for d ending of this one shot,I am happy dat u decided to give a happy ending for kryber.
php502 #3
Chapter 2: it's great. you make it happy ending kryber ^_^
I don't know Sulli is officially out from f(x). when is it?
Chapter 2: But I thought that it's not decided yet?
Chapter 2: Ayieeee I'm blushing too!xD
Chapter 1: Aww that was sad.:( more KryBer stories to come authornim!
aoikunieda #7
Chapter 1: wow i love it!
though its so sad.
denisha #8
Chapter 1: its sad T--T
Lysanguyen #9
Chapter 1: One sided love is ! Wait for more,author!