Chapter 35

My Love from another Planet


So... yeah, I'm writing the author's note here because the upcoming chapter is one of my personal favorites :) its all Sehun and Tiffany and I hope you guys appreciate exactly what is going on kekeke. In my defense, I did say Sehun is oblivious :D Also,Sehun's beast is awesome :) you'll love his snark XD 

Do comment and let me know your take on it. 


Sehun was still with Tiffany when it suddenly started pouring out of nowhere. At first, he decided to use his powers, create a minor air barrier around both of them so the rain wouldn't soak them through but a minute into it, he realized he had no control. The power was fluctuating so wildly – almost as if something was pulling it out of him – that it was impossible to maintain that steady, low key barrier.

So, he gave up on that and grabbed her hand instead.

'We'll make a run for it.' he told her and she nodded, eyes scrunched against the raindrops falling steadily faster. 'On three.'

He may have used the excessive power that had built inside him all of a sudden to give them a boost but then again, it could've been completely unconscious. He couldn't say anything with any guarantee these days.

However it was, they were saved from getting thoroughly soaked as they snuck under one of those broken guard posts – why did they have those inside the university premises in the first place, Sehun would dearly like to know – that were scattered around, appearing out of unlikely places.

Once inside the rather cramped space, he let go of her hand and her towards the only rickety chair inside – being the gentleman he was – and took the window ledge himself. Only, the ledge was wet and the water soaked into his pants moments after he sat on it.

Uncomfortable as it was, though, it was nothing compared to the freezing draft that had decided to accompany the rain, turning all the shower in their direction. He suspected it was his own powers going awry and he was fluently cursing the whole maturing deal – again – when Tiffany spoke up.

'Guess you're stuck with me, huh?'

Sehun blinked. She sounded rather contrite, as if she understood her company was unwelcome. He thought about it for a moment.

'I don’t mind.' He sounded surprised to his own ears but it was the truth. Could be because he was feeling rather overprotective of her, after seeing her getting harassed, but then again, he was a damn nice person. Besides, she was Kai's girl so…

'The hell!!!' He yelped as wind prodded like knives into his back, the freezing water digging into his shirt and soaking his back.

He turned to glare at the sky – like it had any control over his powers…

Big mistake.

The flash of wind was sudden and it resulted in a huge splash – like when a car speeds through a huge puddle – and he sputtered, spitting the water out of his mouth, wiping his drenched face with equally drenched hands.

' you!' He screamed at the wind. Tiffany giggled at that and he smiled at her but turned back immediately to cuss some more. Because dammit, why was the beast turning against him?  

It bared its teeth at Sehun when the boy tried to peer inside himself. The beast was still a new presence inside him, yet familiar at the same time. Sehun had known it existed – all powers had an associated beast that resided in each of the Legends – but it had been like a presence buried inside his unconscious, a sleeping creature, hibernating, until the time was right for it to wake up and come to the forefront.

Which was well and good but now Sehun was developing a new respect for his elders for having mastered the art of communicating with the unintelligible creature. All it did was growl and snap, bare its teeth or whine and whimper – none of which formed any part of Sehun's vocabulary.

Which made it impossible for him to understand what the beast wanted or what was setting it off.

Like now. He had no freaking idea why it was suddenly so angry at him, of all the people. What sort of beast turned against its Legend?

It snorted. Snorted. As if Sehun should've known what the problem was.

'Well excuse me for not speaking wolf.' He snapped, irritated by himself. Dude, he was going crazy.

'What?' Tiffany asked, sounding surprised.

'Nothing.' He reassured her, scowling at the laughter he felt howling inside him. The more he was interacting with the beast, the more he didn't like it. It was cocky, irritating and found amusement in the weirdest things…

Hey that sounds like me, his mind spoke up.

Shut the up. He advised himself, choosing to ignore the bolt of amusement that went through him. He was in no mood to be sassed, he was too cold for that.

'Ugh!' He grumbled, stepping back from the ledge. Not that it provided him with any cover but it seemed like after soaking him, the beast was temporarily satisfied. In fact, it felt like it was content, all the mood swings – thanks to the moody inside him – and power surges, dying away.

He wondered why it had calmed down but shrugged it off, concentrating on more immediate matters.

Like how not to freeze to death. He was shivering violently, not in the least because his felt like a block of ice, frozen and just as hard. But more than his frozen , it was his wet shirt that was bothering him.

The thing was sticking to him like second skin and not in a good way. His breath felt like it would constrict any moment.

Rather than risking death of such a stupid cause – like who in the hell died because their beast was a son of a , literally, and had decided to freeze them with watery gales and made them unable to breathe? Not him, that's who – he grabbed the hem of his tee and pulled.


Tiffany was confused.

Sehun, the creep, the rudest guy she knew, one who could give even the worst of her exes a run for their money in jerkiness, was actually being nice to her.

Don’t get her wrong, she knew he had his moments.

But he'd saved her from her drunken ex, then accompanied her when she'd been so shaken after her close encounter and then, saved her from getting soaked through, almost covering her as they ran so barely any drops landed on her.

As if all that wasn't enough to make her believe she was hallucinating, he'd then proceeded to push her into the dry – and only – chair inside the guard post, then placed himself on the ledge so the rain spewing inside would be blocked by his back.

What added more evidence to her hallucination theory was the fact that he hadn't cracked a snide remark or made any rude comments about her in this entire time.

Either she was hallucinating, or this wasn't Sehun. Feeling out of step – they were always exchanging rude remarks, that's how they communicated – she decided to make an opening for him and prove her body-switch-and/or-hallucination-by-kissing-Kai-because-he-was-possibly-addictive-and/or-poisonous theory wrong once and for all.

'Guess you're stuck with me, huh?'

She mentally braced herself for the worst. Hit me.

'I don't mind.'

She stared at him in shock. Okay, this was definitely someone else pretending to be Sehun because that creep never let any chance to insult her pass by.

'The hell!!!' He yelled, his voice – a broken record these days – rising and getting unattractively pitched; then he turned his face towards the window.

She wondered if she should stop him – the wind was in their direction, he'd get a faceful of cold rain…

' you!' He screamed at the rain and Tiffany couldn't hold back the giggle. Oh, it was him alright. No one else would be so foolish to pick a fight with the elements. It was kind of cute.

He turned to smile at her reassuringly – as if his fight with the sky was natural and she shouldn't worry about it because he'd beat its – and with his hair flopping over his eyes wetly, water drops clinging to his pale skin, he looked cuter than ever and…

What the hell is wrong with you???? Her mind screamed at her and she blinked. Really, this was the creep they were talking about.  Why was she thinking he was cute?

Admit it, he's got all that. The other, less reserved and more earthy side of her mind, raised its voice. He's exactly the sort of guy you fall for…

Nope, nope, nopeity nope.

She did not fall for any guys but Kai these days. Or any other day in the near future… or late future even. Kai, not Sehun or anyone else, was the definition of Mr. Perfect and she'd be damned if she let her wandering eyes settle on anyone less.

He's not any less than Kai, wandering side spoke up again, he just as nice and you know it.

Trouble was, she did know.

He might have a mouth that made her want to wash it with soap and then add a surface cleaner for additional sparkle but his actions were always well-intended.

When, last semester, she'd twisted her foot – thanks to him because she just knew the sudden winds and gales around him were no coincidence – but he'd been the one to help her out. And then later, he'd spend who knew how long with her, just pouring cold water over her aching ankle to make sure she'd be alright.

And after that first day when she'd asked him for help, he made sure to hang around at the end of the class – which they usually spent arguing with each other about anything and everything from test results and who was maintaining a better GPA to who would do could roll their tongue into a circle (Tiffany couldn’t no matter how hard she tried) – so that she was never alone with the bullies who spent the class throwing chits at her and giving her more verbal abuse.

Whether he was doing it because he'd figured out what was going on or not, she was grateful. She knew, from previous experience, the bullies weren't so easily pushed away, even with her determination to never be bullied.

And recent events didn't need any refreshing.

So, basically, he was a nice guy.

He is, her mind insisted.

Okay, so maybe she could swallow her pride and agree to that. But that didn't explain this stupid thought that wouldn't leave her head. It just kept popping up at the weirdest timings. Like now.

It worried her. A lot. She had this bad tendency to fall for the wrong guys at the wrong times for all the wrong reasons and it started with innocent little thoughts like this – hell, she'd thought Kai was cute, hadn't she???

And yet, here she was again, thinking Sehun was cute. She loved Kai, how could she betray him like this? She really had no morals, maybe those bullies had it right…

She swallowed, blinking rapidly as some of their harsher accusations rang through her head. Finding another guy attractive counted as two-timing, right? God, she was hopeless.

No, her mind spoke up, you're not hopeless. You're going to stop this, right here, right now. You love Kai, okay. So, Sehun's cute – that's a fact. Like the sky is blue or Earth is round. It's not betraying anyone, now stop beating yourself over it and stop looking for ways of harming your perfectly fine relationship. Get your head together, silly, and don't let those es cloud it.

The voice inside her sounded a lot like Mei and she smiled, relaxing a little. Her mind was right, Sehun was cute, objectively speaking, and it really had nothing to do with her finding him attractive or anything. Yup, that was it.

Satisfied, she lifted her face to say something to him – anything to break the uncomfortable silence she'd let stretch between them for her silly thoughts – but she choked on her tongue at the sight of his smooth, hard stomach.

The sliver of exposed skin was steadily getting bigger as he raised his shirt higher; the wet shirt was molded over him like second skin and it was like unravelling a treat and hot damn, were those abs???

She swallowed, a little breathless and fanned herself. He's handsome, like earth is round. You're not attracted to him, you're not.

'W-what are you doing?' she stammered, forcing herself to look away.

'Hmm?' He sounded disinterested. Like taking his shirt off in front of a girl was no big deal. 'The shirt's soaked and I'm getting too cold so…'

She wondered if she should ask him to keep it on – given he was in the 'nice' mode, he'd probably even agree to it but the rain was letting up now, the gale had pretty much died down and she couldn’t find it in her heart to keep him in wet clothes any longer. What if he got sick?

You just want to see him completely shirtless, naughty side of her brain spoke up. She flushed because she suspected it might be right.

Shut up, and don't look at him, she advised herself.

'O-okay.' She fixed her gaze on the floor, watching his feet shift around as he moved. The wet tee landed on the floor with a plop and she swallowed, biting her tongue and hoping the pain would distract her from the suddenly overwhelming impulse to look up and take a peek.

With just one eye, her naughty side whined, and we'll look away immediately. Swear.

She cleared loudly, hoping the sound would drown out the loud debate going inside her head.

The sound of teeth chattering made her look up and a part of her gave a triumphant yes!!!

So, she might've stopped for a second – only a second, mind you – on his spectacular chest and goddammit, no one should look that good while shivering in the cold.

She looked at his face and all thoughts of his spectacular chest or extremely inviting abs vanished from her head. His teeth were clattering together like those drummer plate-thingies, his lips rather blue and he looked like a wet puppy.

'Ohmygod!' she yelped, pulling him away from the window and pushing him into the seat. It was in a corner and neither rain nor wind was passing through that area, making it significantly warmer and the floor, thankfully, was also dry.

Sehun slumped into the chair but his chattering didn’t stop and he wrapped his arms around himself, rubbing up and down to warm himself up. He looked so lost at that moment, her heart went out to him.

Hurriedly taking off her warm button-up – because fall fashion was incomplete without one – she dropped it onto his shoulders. He glanced up in surprise. 

'Wear it, you'll catch a cold.'

'I don’t need that.' He told her, sounding a lot like the bratty creep she knew, but the effect was ruined when he sneezed immediately afterwards.

'Sure you don't.' She replied sarcastically. Pouting a little – cute, too cute – he put it on, his long arms barely fitting inside it. Good thing she always preferred big, baggy stuff that hung loosely over her frame. It was a bit tight around his shoulders but it was warm and obviously comfortable.

And because his lips still looked blue and the tips of his ears a raw red, she unwrapped her long, cashmere scarf and wrapped it around his neck.

His usually small eyes looked big and wide as he stared at her while she was wrapping the scarf, for once not looming over her, and the effect was potent. She had to look away so she wouldn't pinch his cheeks.

'Fanks.' His voice was muffled behind the scarf and she awkwardly rubbed her hands before dropping them to her sides. 'No problem.'

Except that it was.

The rain had let up for a while but it was gathering strength again and the wind was picking up speed and soon, she was beginning to shiver, now standing in the same place where Sehun had been. She managed to step out of the way before rain splashed her completely wet but it was a close call.

And stepping out of rain didn't stop the wind from following her. A sharp, whistling blow nearly unbalanced her and if Sehun hadn't grabbed her, she would've fallen. She shivered in his arms from a mixture of cold and fear – that had been a close call.

'This is bull.' He spoke, voice still muffled, before he ripped it off unceremoniously and dumped it on her head. 'You'll catch a cold yourself.'

'I-I'm…f-f-fine!' Her teeth chattered.

'Tch.' He let out an annoyed sound before making a move to remove her button-up.

'Don't be stupid!' She snapped, gripping his hand to stop him. 'You really wanna end up with pneumonia or something?'

'Nemo-what?' he raised a quizzical brow before moving on. 'Whatever, what makes you think you won't catch it yourself?'

She opened to retort but came up empty.

'Didn't think so.' He snorted, then started ing.


'I'm not taking it off.' He told her, pushing her away so he could it completely. Once he was done, he patted his lap, stretching his long legs out. 'Come on.'

'I'm not sitting in your lap!!' She was scandalized. Had he completely lost it? 'I'm perfectly fine with this scarf and…'

As if in response, a wild blast of wind picked the scarf from her head and she watched helplessly as it floated outside, immediately getting whipped out of view.

'You did that on purpose!' She turned to snarl at him, pointing her finger accusingly.

'What?' He sounded annoyed. 'You think I made the wind blow?'

'You did that and don't try to deny it!' She stamped her foot, shivering when some raindrops landed on her back and then slid excruciatingly down her spine.

'How did you even get into college, thinking like that?' He muttered, before glaring at her. 'Are you coming or do I have to drag you?'

'Excuse me?'

'Ugh, are you really gonna be that stubborn? It's only until the rain lasts, okay? It's not like I'm going to touch you or anything, geez.' He rolled his eyes for effect, annoying her.

What did he mean to say? That she wasn't good enough for inappropriate groping?

What the hell are you even thinking, Tiffany? Her rational side sounded like a completely frustrated Mei. She was used to hearing that tone from Mei when her and Sehun's arguments got too ridiculous.

As usual, she ignored her rational side and jumped into his lap, deliberately pointing her knee so it would poke him.

'!' He yelped, putting his hand in place just in time to avoid getting completely unmanned. 'Ya, careful.'

She didn’t get the chance to say anything because he started moving, pulling her in and wrapping his arms around her so that she was snuggled comfortably against his chest. After the cold wind, his chest felt especially warm and she placed her cold hands on it, making him squirm.

A moment later, she felt his fingers on her back and straightened hurriedly, hitting her head on his chin.

'Argh!' He grumbled, eyes watering because he'd bitten his tongue. He glared down at her. 'I'm buttoning this up so you won't get cold, idiot. Don't move!'

She let him button them up. It was a snug fit inside with two people, one of whom happened to be a giant. But she'd be lying if she said it wasn't comfy. In fact, his warm chest was rising and falling rhythmically and with her head resting against it, it was extremely comfortable. She yawned a little, then shook her head, hitting his chin again.

One of his hands pushed her head down, back against his chest. 'Don't move.' He told her. She nodded, then bit her lip.

This was beyond awkward, all the more so because it felt so damn perfect.

'So…' Sehun's voice rumbled inside his chest, against her ear. 'You wanna talk about it?'


This is so awkward.

Sehun had been fluently apologizing to Kai inside his head for the past however minutes he'd been with Tiffany, seating her in his lap and then wrapping his arms around her. Even more so because it felt damn good, holding her and letting her warmth soak into his body.

   Rationally, he knew it was just sharing body heat so they could both stay safe but it was still really intimate. And if he was in Kai's place, he'd totally beat himself up for touching his girl.

The beast snorted inside his head, annoying creature, before whining. Sehun closed his eyes, trying to pick on its emotions. It was pushing him, Sehun could feel that loud and clear, towards… what?


He glanced down at her at the same time she lifted her head, banging his chin. Pain bolted through his jaw but his hand had risen of its own accord and grasped her head protectively, pushing it down so she wouldn't hit him again.

'Don't move.' The words left his mouth unconsciously.

What the ? Was it the beast's doing? He tried to probe the creature but it was too busy being… content? The hell was going on here?

He was unable to fathom the creature, he really was. Instead of wasting time with it, he let himself ask the question that had been bothering him all this while.

'So…' His voice came out unusually low and husky and he frowned at that, knowing somehow the beast was responsible. 'You wanna talk about it?'

She was silent for so long, he thought she wasn't going to reply but then, she spoke up. 'Don't tell Kai.'

He frowned at that – seriously, she wanted him to keep this sort of thing a secret from Kai? 'Why not?'

'It's done now and you gave him a pretty good scare, so I doubt he'll come back. And I don’t want to worry Kai.'

'Like you don't want to worry him about those bullies?' Sehun spoke to the ceiling, feeling her tense in his arms.

'How…?' She left the question hanging. A smile twisted his lips. 'I'm not stupid, you know. And I read one of the chits they threw at you.'

She straightened quickly, making him jerk as well because the neck could stretch only so far. She looked mortified. 'You read…?'

'They hit me by chance.' He shrugged, resisting the urge to pull her back into the comfy, snuggly position. 'You should've told him about that, you know.'

She didn't say anything, instead tried to struggle away, ducking so she could slide out. He grabbed her waist, blocking her and pulled her back up, intent on saying something but stopped short at the sight of her tears.

She was crying? No, please no. Don't let her cry! 

Inside him, the beast had sat to attention as well, a low growl building inside him.

'Ya,' He said weakly. 'Don't cry.'

She shook her head before burying against his chest again. 'I'm not.' She told him, the wetness against his collarbones belying her statement.

'Good.' He tried to cheer her up the only way he knew. 'Cause you look ugly.'

There was a snort of laughter, followed by more heartfelt chortle. 'As if you look any better.'

'Better than you, in any case.' He declared, relaxing at her laugh. She straightened again, her mascara a little runny but it only made her look prettier. 'He's my ex – I dated him for about two weeks, maybe, right before I got selected here. We broke up because he didn't know the meaning of 'no'.'

'Looks like he didn't learn it either.' Sehun commented, making a mental note to beat the guy up again once he was on his own. Stupid .

'But he's a coward and since you beat him up, I doubt he'll come back.' She finished, awkwardly raising her arm to tuck her hair behind her ear. It made her elbow poke harshly against his chest but he didn't say anything – he was being sensitive here.

'So…' She met his eyes, smiling winsomely. 'No need to tell Kai.'

'Do you think he'll judge you because of that?' Sehun didn't know how but for some reason, the nearly desperate look on her face made it crystal clear why she wanted to hide this.

She thought Kai would judge her like everyone else had so far, labeling her a '' or something equally outrageous – like it was her fault the guy was a jerk. It made him see red but he pushed that back, focusing on her for the moment. She swallowed and bit her lip, a sheen covering her eye before she quickly blinked it away. 'I know he won't but…'

She was afraid, he realized with another flash of insight, of losing him.

Damn, she really was serious about Kai, wasn’t she? And why the hell did that make him feel so uncomfortable inside his tummy? Like snakes uncoiling inside him?

He bit his lip, trying to ignore the deafening din of his growling beast – what had set it off now? Like seriously, take a chill pill and let me handle the girl.

The beast snapped its teeth at Sehun, telling him exactly how much stock it put into Sehun to handle the situation before coming to the forefront.

'Tiffany,' Sehun began, leaning closer, not really sure what the beast wanted.

Just then, the fastest gale yet blew. Rain splashed inside, spraying all around and over them but that was the last thing that registered with him.

Because the gale had unbalanced their chair as well, making them land on the floor.

And somehow, someway, their lips were locked in a kiss, eyes open and shock evident in them.

She hurriedly tried to push herself up but only managed to get even more entangled, landing on him again and making the kiss even more intimate because, wouldn't you know it, his mouth was open.

Sehun closed his eyes, fluently cussing the beast inside him.

Kai was going to kill him for this.


So... Some cute Sehun appreciation? 

 Look at this brat, looking like a puppy :3

and... of course shirtless sehun <3333333333 

Enjoy >u<

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double update... yay? I don't know, you tell me


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chasing_daydreams #1
Just, let me say that you have ruined my life with these two books. You put so much detail that my heart literally hurts from it. The tragedy after tragety made it unpredictable yet at the same time also somewhat predictable enough to keep you at the edge of your seat. I love the backstories and subplots you have included in this....ugh. Its perfect and I'm dead
corellana36 #2
Chapter 97: Bruh. I can't believe this, like i am in a state of shock. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. Y u do tis? ;_;
Silencedshadow #3
Chapter 97: This made me tear up a bit. I knew things were going to be bad, and I suspected Chen will come back, but I never expected someone else to die. I want Luhan to come back. And Xiumin to survive. And Kyra and Kris and Lay, and everyone else who's dying.
But I am glad that Baekhyun finally found his light. :))
His self hatred thoughts made me sad though. He's probably not going to get over this trauma anytime soon, and the nightmares and self guilt and self hatred will haunt him for a while even if he manages to save the day.
I'm incredibly happy for Chen though. :D welcome back, you have been missed. :)

When is the next one comming? :)) I'm sorry, I know you just finished this one, but with the ending you left us with, I'm itching to know what's happening with everyone.
Silencedshadow #4
Chapter 96: Well, Baekhyun's thoughts still manage to be funny even in the middle of slaughtering war. I'm talking about the ones he had about Lay when he went towards Kris. That made me smile for a little while.
But I'm getting depressed now thinking about Luhan deciding to sacrifice his life like that to save everyone. And maybe he could have saved himself if Mei had stayed indoors. If he dies, I'm holding her responsible for this. I don't want Luhan to die. :(

Who's going to help them if Lay is also on the verge of death? Not like he could do much with his lack of powers, but still... And DO. I'm kind of pissed with him. Everyone is fighting for their lives and he decided give up on everyone because he's broken hearted. I'm pretty sure he could still fight. And then there's Baekhyun who concludes their last hope, the sun, has fallen.
I'm blaming Kyra. And Mei. And DO. And Baekhyun for being stupid.
I'm scared to go to the next chapter. :(
Babbie #5
Chapter 97: ......... ...... ........ make Tao go bak in time to change things...please...if only krya didn't show up DO could've fought.....I was thinking Baek would be the sun bc he's light but....everyone dead lays one can be healed...make Raina kiss Tao so he gain more power to time there gonna be a last book...what is Chen gonna do himself vs evil if them all couldn't take them down how can Chen do that everyone dead? Or just Luhan,xiumin, lay, kris...ur sister May might get u for killing luhan lol
Silencedshadow #6
Chapter 95: What in the WORLD was Baekhyun doing with a fruit knife in his pocket when he decided to go to war with the abyss? I love him. He should have more confidence in himself, but he is a bit dense. He just stated how his powers were the powers of Suns combined, yet he doesn't seem to connect the dots that lead to him. Someone give him a hug. And a slap over his head.

I also didn't expect Xiumin to be the first to fall, but he had been pretty wounded before the fight started so I guess that didn't help. It seems he's in a very bad condition. What are they going to do without Lay's powers? Kyra, Xiumin, Kai, I'm not even taking into consideration Suho, Chanyeol and Sehun. And I'm close to believe Kris might be next because Baekhyun seems to put too much faith in him. And he apparently jinxed it too.

I hope Tao stays safe because he needs to keep everyone frozen in time, but at this rate, he might be the only one standing. And Baekhyun of course.
This would be a good opportunity for him to explode with power and kill all Abbies in a second.

The scene with Suho being smashed to the ground by that thing, reminded me of the scene from the Avangers, when Hulk smashed Loki to the ground. That was probably one of the funniest things in the movie. Not so much in the story or real life, because even one smash can break all your bones or kill you. So ouch.

So, is Evil unable to supress DO's powers, or did it happen because he went nuts for his love? The power of love is winning all evil. The force of will, and so on.

So, what helped DO escape the abyss? At first I thought it would be Chen, because only Chen could know what he was thinking at that moment, which was dying. Then I thought it would be the evil because he wanted him to see the death ok Kyra, but evil can't really be in 2 places at once, can he? And the thing that pushed him fought with the Abbies that were trailing DO. Now, why would evil do that? I'm pretty sure he's master and Lord of the abyss.
Silencedshadow #7
Chapter 94: Lay and Chanyeol seemed to enjoy the fight like little kids playing computer games. Even the girls, except Lily and Angel, seemed to enjoy it. Crazy girls for crazy legends. :))

I knew Kyra would do something stupid like going back to the HQ by herself. These girls never learn. I really really hope she won't die, because that would be...tragic.
And DO will go crazy-er than he already is and will probably cause the end of the world.
Speaking of DO. How in the world did he manage to get out of the abyss by himself? Or was it evil who brought him there just to see her die? That is quite evil even for evil. Never mind, I saw it now. Did he do it on purpose; or was he simply being followed by DO?

What shocked me the most was DO singing while cooking. What? Seriously, What?!?!?

Of course Baekhyun wouldn't think the answer is light. Of course he would think it's something with distructive power, like fire. They all seem to forget that the only one that managed to hurt Evil was Lay, when ironically, he was trying to heal him. I can see a great future for Baekhyun. ;) he is light after all. :D

I wonder what more can go wrong from this point forward.
Babbie #8
Chapter 94: :'(.......
corellana36 #9
Chapter 93: This is Great! I laughed at sehun's commentary on Tao's fears and baek getting patched up (Bc lets be honest we can all hear his Haunted House screams when they are fixing the wounds) XD But wow this is a really nice story! lets see what happens next....
Silencedshadow #10
Chapter 93: This chapter was strangely funny.
I shouldn't have laughed at Tao's fears, or at Baekhyun being patched up by Suho, but I did, in my mind. I'm so evil. Anyway, what was Baekhyun's fear? I think he was the only one that didn't see anything. Is it because he's the true master of illusions, and he can't be tricked like the rest of them? He was pretty cool finding all the secret passages and keeping everyone safe away from the dark corridors.

I'm glad Kris joined them. Finally.
Xiumin must be incredibly restless and frustrated for not sensing Lily through a mate link to know she's safe.

And just when I thought Suho would be the mature one, he goes and argues with Luhan and Sehun about who's mate worries more.

So...Tao actually fears Raina will leave him for Lay. Does he have a crush on her yet? Or is it just the fear of being rejected by his mate?

I wonder how DO's doing alone in the abyss, surrounded by dark creatures.
I also wonder what's going through Kyra's mind now that she knows that Kai is late to get her. What will she do? Go back by herself or stay there until Kai appears? Maybe call Raina? I do tend to forget sometimes that they have cellphones.