
Don't worry, I'm alright



The adrenaline had already left all seven bodies as they got out of the car, happy but tired.

"Fortunately we don't have any special shedule tomorrow. Only our regular dance practice," Jaebum smiled as they entered the apartment building they lived at. 
Mark swallowed at his words, unseen, while everyone was cheering. Of course they liked the fan events and TV appearances but when they were exhausted like this they were just happy to be able to stay inside their company. But as much as Mark wanted to not have to go out the next day, dance practice wasn't exactly what he wanted either.

Deep in his thoughts about how he could survive the next day, he didn't notice that the group of boys had stopped so he bumped directly into Yugyeom's back. He was just about to apologize as Youngjae's voice was heard, reading out loud what was written on a paper stuck on the elevator's door, "Out of work. Please use the stairs."

A load groan went through the whole group.
"Why now? Why do we even have to live in the 13th floor?" Yugyeom whined, already forgetting about Mark.

While the other boys were complaining, panic was taking hold of Mark's body as they reached the staircase. Hundreds of stairs they had to climb.
His hand were shaking as he gripped the banister and forced himself up the stairs. He was able to stop himself from limping but couldn't help but grimace lightly with every step.

He did his best to hide the pain he was in, but not good enough to hide from Wang Jackson.

Mark was startled as he felt a warm hand wrapping around his wrist, in the next second he found himself on Jackson's back.

"Jacks, let me down," he whined, "I can walk by myself."

"Just. Shut. Up," was all he received. Mark flinched, his face went sadder. He didn't want Jackson to worry but in the end he made him angry.

Mark stayed silent all the piggyback ride long, just like the others. No one dared to say something after Jacksons outbreak. It happened rarely but when it did, it was better to stay quiet.

Mark's arms were helplessy slung around Jackson's shoulders, his head burried in the latter's shirt. His heart was beating fast while he took Jackson's soothing scent in, praying that he wouldn't be too mad at him.

As soon as they reached their dorm Jackson carried Mark to their shared room and sat him carefully down on his bed. Mark moved backwards as Jackson turned around to him, a serious expression plastered on his face, eyebrows narrowed.

Mark gulped as he noticed how angry Jackson was. He understood his feelings but still he didn't want him to be angry at him.

It took Jackson a few long seconds, seconds in which the tension between both of them grew bigger and bigger, until he opened his mouth.

"I just don't get it," Jackson finally said, shaking his head. He didn't look angry anymore, more sad. "I don't get why you didn't tell me. I thought we were friends. I thought we would share everything."

Mark had awaited everything from Jackson, that he would yell at him, tell him how stupid he was, everything. But in the end he received the only reaction he couldn't live with. Jackson wasn't angry, he was disappointed.

Mark gulped. He felt tears forming in his eye corners as he listened to the Hong Kong natives words.

"I… I didn't want you to worry," he finally said in a small voice, his head hung low whilst he tried to get rid of the tears in his eyes. Crying wasn't exactly what he wanted to do in front of Jackson.

"You know that I always do worry about you," Jackson said after a moment of complete silence, "That I always care for you. And you know I only do more when you don't tell me what's up with you."

Mark didn't answer. His head still hung low while his fingers were fumbling with the bed sheets.

"Really, what did you thought would've happened when you told me? Like I said I worry anyway and you know that so that's no answer."

A first silent tear runned down Mark's cheek. Happily, Jackson couldn't see.

"I'm sorry Jacks," Mark's voice was barely above a whisper. It costed him a lot to even bring something out of his mouth.

Jackson laughed. A short ironical laughter. "You're sorry? Because you didn't tell me? Damn Mark, that's not what this is about. You ing didn't trust me, that's the case!"

More and more tears left Mark's eyes, leaving wet strings on his face.

"What would've changed if you had known?" He asked, "What would've you done?"

"Maybe I couldn't have took your pain away but at least I had known. I wouldn't have had to figure it out the whole time. I could've helped you with changing or walking. Or I could've excused you for the tricking."

Mark could clearly hear the pain in Jackson's voice. A disappointed Jackson was something what hurt Mark even more than an injured ankle.

Mark sobbed accidentaly what catched Jackson's attention. He took a closer look and felt a stabbing pain at his heart as he saw the tears on Mark's cheeks.
The younger felt guilty within one second, so he sat down beside the older one. He hesitated at first but then he let his fingers run through the red bangs of the Taiwanese.

"When I say you can tell me everything, I really mean everything. Even if it's something banal like a nightmare or a hurting leg. I want you to tell me each and every of your problems."

Mark nodded, still sniveling and still not looking up.

"Alright," Jackson said while sliding down the bed and kneeling in front of Mark. His hand carefully went to the older's legs. "Where did you get hurt?"

"My… my ankle," Mark said shyly, pointing down his leg. He felt too embarrassed because he cried. Because he showed his weak side, something he hadn't wanted to happen.

Mark shivered as he felt Jackson's long fingers slipping under his pant leg, over his bare skin.

"It's swollen," Jackson stated, sounding like some doctor from a hospital TV show, "I'll get you some ice to cool it."

The Hong Kong native stood up, ready to go as Mark's hand reached for his, holding him back.

"Please don't be mad anymore, I can't stand it," he whispered, his heart racing rapidly and painfully in his ribcage. Jackson turned around once again. A gentle smile sneaked on his lips as he bent down to Mark. He cupped the older's cheeks, pinching them between his fingers and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"I couldn't even get mad at you, Mark."

Slowly, Mark lifted both of his hands and placed them on top of Jackson's.
Tell him, the voice in Mark's head screamed as his fingers slowly intertwined with Jackson's. He got nervous, his heart beat increased at speed as he felt Jackson's soft warm skin on his own.
But still, he couldn't bring any word out of his mouth.  He just stared into Jackson's beautiful dark eyes and the latter stared back.

All the stabbing pain in his ankle was forgotten as he leaned forward, resting his own forehead against Jackson's. The latter who clearly felt the increasing tension in the room smiled gently at this action. His hand, which was still on the other's cheek, started to caress the soft skin beneath his fingertips. Jackson's body tingled as his finger's slowly traced the track the tears had left.

"You look so beautiful," Jackson suddenly whispered, still over the older's face. 

Mark gulped at this compliment. It wasn't the first time Jackson told him that he looked pretty or cute but it never happened in such a situation where their faces were just inches apart.

"Jackson... I…," the Taiwanese begun but hold on then. 
What was he about to say? 
While he was scanning his mind for maching words, Jackson had already bent forward, closing the last inches between their faces. Soft lips met plump ones as Jackson captured Mark in a sweet kiss. Both boys felt equally surprised than pleased as they slowly started to move their lips against each other. After the first seconds had passed Mark closed his widened eyes and fully enjoyed Jackson's warm lips on his own.

Jackson's hands begun to search for Mark's which were just resting on the bed sheets, intertwining their fingers again once they found them.

The Hong Kong native finally broke the kiss, his lips still near the others so he could feel Mark's hot breathing through the latter's lightly parted mouth. Jackson's lips then ghosted over Mark's face, planting light kisses all over his smooth skin.

"I don't want you in pain," he breathed near the older's ear. Mark's hands clutched onto Jackson's upper arms as he listened to the latters words. Jackson's breath tickled his skin. 

"I don't want the boy I like in pain," Jackson added, placing a last soft kiss near Mark's ear before he leaned back to build up eye contact with him. 

Mark's lips tugged into a wide smile. 
"I like you too," he whispered before he captured Jackson in a kiss once again.

So~ That's it! Finally! lol

I wanted to upload this with my phone since I wrote it there but in the end it didn't work so I had to turn my laptop on... Only for you, dear readers~ // Please feel special now^^

By the way... 21 subs and 1 upvote with only this crappy foreword posted?! Srsly, you guyz are crazy >-< Thank you sososo much, it was a lot more than I expected!

(I hope I didn't disappointed you with the actual story x.x)

If anyone is wondering, I typed 3260 words for this 

So... If you enjoyed reading this (or not), please feel free to comment or to upvote~

I would really appreciate it!

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zyjizhang #1
Chapter 2: DAE. BAK!!!
it's really sweet!!!! I'm almost crying by read this ff... they are just so....arrghhhh!!!
thanks for the story author-nim!!! I lap ya
Chapter 2: This is so cute and beautiful~~
They are adorable as always, and please don't do the tricks if you're hurt YiEn ㅠㅠ
Thanks for this fiction author-nim <3
aiista #3
Chapter 2: Sweet ending ><
Chapter 3: Kyakyakyakyakyaaaa Jackson's character here TvT I love it! He cared about Mark so much, aww the two lover :3

Liked the part where he's kinda angry tho... OH THE STAIR PART! He's just <3
Chapter 3: thank you for the story ><
it's sooooooo fluffy aaak aaak :D:D
You write really well!! Loved this, I always wanted to read this kind of plot. Keep writing, you're awesome!!
Wokith #7
Chapter 2: This was soooo good. I really enjoyed it, it was sweet and cute and had all the feels. It makes me wish/hope this stuff was real (as weird as it seems).
Great story! I'm so happy to see such a well-written and happier story (there always seems to be so much angst in this pairing when authors write it. They need to be happy and in love! Hahaha)
Chapter 2: Oh sweet lords that ending was cute :D
I squeaked, I literally squeaked in bus full of people who are now staring at me, when they kissed. My smile is wide and I liked the story. Oh the fluff! XD
wang00girl #9
Chapter 2: i wasn't disappointing at all . i liked it soo much . good job ^^
Chapter 2: I love this!! This isn't !! Oh, and my upvote was because your forward was very well written and I wanted to read the story! :D