Chapter 1

Peter Pan

"Where are they?" A loud voice rang as panic began in the EXO hideout. Of course the other members noticed the fact that their two brothers weren't anywhere to be found. Their departure wasn't so much a surprise, rather it was the fact that they didn't bother to tell anyone else that they wanted to leave. "Oh pipe down Suho, you know that they're bound to come back sooner or later," a calm voice that belonged to a tan boy named Kai replied.

Suho gave the boy a glare and continued to tap his foot as he stressed about the fact that his brothers didn't tell even him about their want to return to Earth. You see, Suho was the eldest of the group, following Luhan, and he felt as though he was responsible for all the other members. Still young, at only 18 years old, he was found by Luhan on the streets who told him about the wonders of a little planet called Neverland. Now also know as EXO Planet, it is ruled by 12 teenage boys who defeated the evil group called Big Bang.

When Luhan first described the wonders of Neverland, Suho thought that he was on drugs but being at the lowest moment of his life he decided to follow this strange boy. After arriving however, he knew that this would be his home from then on. Back then Neverland was divided into two sections, the land was where they were allowed to reside and the sea which was owned by Big Bang. After years of war, EXO defeated the evil pirates who are rumoured to travel the seas underwater as mermen. The newly titled EXO Planet is full of strange creatures like mermaids, fairies and ofcourse boys who never grow old. There are other people living in Neverland ofcourse, humans such as EXO who also stop aging at their arrival. However, unlike EXO who have lived on the planet for hundreds of years, they don't posses powers as them.

When Luhan was looking for someone who would join him on his adventures to Neverland, he opted to look in places where one doesn't ususally look for friends. Most of the members come from orphanages or from the streets but Kris, Lay, Xiumin and Luhan have been friends ever since he returned to Earth at 13 years old. Xiumin isn't just a boy like the other members, he lived in Neverland once before as a fairy. Xiumin witnessed Luhan meeting Wendy during the 18th century and although he would never admit it, he was glad that Luhan decided to leave Wendy and come back to Neverland with him and their newly formed brothership. 

"Why don't we go after them?" Xiumin surprised even himself at his suggestion as all the boys, including Luhan, had vowed to never return. "Are you crazy? Why would I ever want to return to that place where noone cares about you unless you're royal?" 

"Aish Chanyeol, the Earth has changed a whole lot since the last time you were there," said Chen. "All of the new arrivals at EXO Planet talk about this new strange place and since both Luhan and Kris broke their vows I think we could too," he added.

A few minutes passed as everyone processed what Chen had said. The members looked around waiting for someone to say something and finally Baekhyun broke the ice. "I say why not. It's been too long since anything interesting has happened around here." Xiumin glanced around to check what the other members reactions were and the quiet D.O spoke up, "I agree that we need to do something. I've been going crazy with boredom lately."

Suho cleared his throat and as Luhan wasn't around, he had to make the decision for the entire group. "Speaking on behalf of everyone as Luhan isn't here, I think that we should go to Earth." This had caused everyone to cheer and sighs of relief were heard as the boys finally had something exciting lined up. "I wonder what Luhan is doing right now," spoke the maknae of the group who was known to rely on the older boy.


"Luhan it's been 2 weeks since we got here, maybe she's not alive anymore," said Kris only to be replied by with a glare from the slightly shorter boy. "I know that she is and we'll find her soon enough," Luhan was stubborn, but doubt began creeping in.

"Dude it must have been around one thousand years on Earth since we left, right? I mean it's the 1900's already." Kris kept pushing "you don't actually think that there ismore than a zero possibilty of her being alive?"

"Look, I know that she won't be but I just need to keep looking, alright?" Luhan fully understood that Wendy couldn't humanly live for one thousand years but he had a hunch that he just needed to keep searching for something. Although he would never admit it, he had always regretted not forcing her to return to Neverland with him, the regret sometimes burned him on the inside. 

"Seriously, I know that you're weird Lu but you really look like a psychopath right now." Kris was beginning to feel rather freaked out by his friend's obsessive behaviour and dark aura which he hasn't seen since they left Earth over a thousand years ago. Luhan was known for always being happy, having the ability to possess more joy than anyone else so this depressing attitude didn't sit well with Kris at all.

"Fine, if we don't find her in the next 2 days you have my word that we will return to EXO Planet." Luhan bribed his friend who sighed and gave a small nod. The pair kept walking around the small village in Seoul, dust from the ground gathering on the bottom of their hanboks. "So what did she look like?" Kris questioned the brunet. A small smile appeared on Luhan's face as he felt the nostalgia he always did when thinking about her. "JouNa had the longest black hair that I've ever seen. Her white translucent-like skin resembled a ghost, and she had sparking curious eyes that had mystery." Kris raised his eyebrow and said "she doesn't sound very Korean." 

"Well she's not, she's from mainland like us. Although if I recall correctly, she didn't speak a bit of chinese" Luhan replied, the small smile still visible. "If she's alive she'll be very easy to spot then," Kris spoke and the pair looked around at all the people at the market, their skin darkened through working outside. A sigh could be heard from Luhan's lips.


"Excuse me agassi, how much is it for this book?" The girl looked up at the young man standing infront of her then lowered her gaze at the red book he was holding. "Its ten thousand won," she replied. "Then I'll take it please," he said, giving her a slight smile. As Wendy packaged the book for him, Xiumin kept staring at the girl infront of him, feeling a sense of de ja vu. "Do I perhaps know you?" He asked her when curiosity got the better of him.


A/N Thank you so much for theading the first chapter :) Please tell me what you think in the comments! ^^

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