III. So Close

Neverwhere: A Tale of A Lock and Key

(Song : Jon McLaughlin - "So Close" From "Enchanted" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad7ejBn3KSQ)




“You’re in my arms, and all the world is calm,

The music playing on for only two.

So close together and when I'm with you,

So close to feeling alive.”




“Joohyun, can we talk?” 



The princess stops swinging her (short) legs from the stool in the kitchen and spots a serious-looking mortal shortie stepping out of her bedroom. That girl has literally locked herself up there, all night, alone. 




Joy already told her quite indirectly that it’s not only for the sake of the research. Sadly Joohyun cannot quite figure out stuff in this world yet. And she doesn’t have the chance to ask.



She then frowns at the obvious dark circles around her mortal friend's eyes, “Yes, Wendy?”




“I found my father’s other journal.” The girl flips the said object as she speaks, with her eyes glued to it instead of the only living creature in the house except herself. Joy is in school. “I think he has been there.” 



Joohyun is officially lost, “Where?”



“Your world.”







“Wonder Valley. He marked it on a self-drawn map.” Wendy finally spares a glance at Joohyun and makes the latter a bit intimated for no particular reason. “The well's there, right?”



“H-how?” She stutters. She is confused, of how Wendy could act like nothing happened.




“He could have been hiding in your world. He left us......” Wendy shoves the book to the princess’s hands in a not-so-gentle manner. “Bring me there, Joohyun.”



She stares into her trembling orbs, knowing that she tries to hide. Whilst little does the mortal know that the princess not only has magical powers but also a kind heart.




So she reaches out for her hand, “Are you okay, Wendy?”



The slightly shorter girl surprisingly stays still with her head hanging low. Lips pursed. She has been holding up on her own for too long. 




“Are you okay? S-Seungwan?”



There is no reply but only muffled sobs.





“Seungwan, I am here.”



She waits a little more and finds the petite figure latching onto her all the sudden, like a koala to a tree. She smiles to herself before circling her arms around this little koala. She rests her head on hers, hands begin to her back gently. She used to do so to her baby cousin Yeri when the latter was still in her diapers.




And then, sobs slowly turn into weeps.



She buries her face into the princess's hair, she knows she doesn’t mind. It smells nice, although they share the same shampoo. Funny as it sounds, it cleanses her a little from head to toe, in and out. Her tears drench her mickey mouse tee, she knows she doesn’t mind. It is hers to begin with. She feels safe, like her heart has landed on something fluffy and warm.




“C-can you …. hold me a little longer?”  Wendy has no idea why she has the guts to ask so. But she wants to. And she’s glad she can hide her blush right now. She is also glad that how Joohyun is still willing to be close with her.



“Sure.” Joohyun hums softly. To be honest, she is happy to see Wendy letting out her emotions than locking herself up a moment ago. She is also happy to be the one whom Wendy opens up to. “I’m right here.”




Wendy soon pulls away as she can’t supress her embarrassment any longer. It’s her who wanted a hug. It’s also her who felt awfully embarrassed having her need of leaning onto someone fulfilled. 



“Feel better?” Joohyun still has her smile hanging on her gorgeous face, while looking at the other girl still has her hand hanging low. And she knows it’s not because of gravity.




“Yes….. Thank you.” Wendy is usually loud and bright. Correction, she appears to be loud and bright. But her inner self now reveals and her voice is so damn weak, as weak as her knees do at this very moment. She swears she is going to fall anytime. Lack of sleep maybe. 



Still she refuses to cling on her new friend anymore. She finds it strange. And she is thinking of why would she feel in such way in the first time, why would she never have an urge of being spoiled by Seolhyun. Perhaps she’s younger? Wendy has always been the one who takes care of stuff in her life. Always.




However, our dear princess with pink sparkly hands here, pats her head as if she is her new pet. “You should get some rest.”



As if she is triggered by such contact, Wendy looks up with a jerk of the head, “Oh. Or we could just head to Professor Collins’ house right away.”




Joohyun's smile grows bigger seeing how Wendy’s round eyes resemble a puppy’s.  She cheerfully nods and head off to get changed, leaving the puppy girl wondering why she is in such a good mood today.












“I told you it’s fine.” Wendy raises her voice to the phone. “I'm not repeating myelf again.”



Joohyun peeps out from the car window, while the supposedly driver is leaning on the hood of her car talking on the phone. She can roughly hear the talking and can comprehend some words reading those lips. All of a sudden, she feels awkward staring at her lips for too long.




“No. Just a few days. I’m not gone forever.” Wendy taps her fingers on the hood forming a weird melody. “No! Don’t bring Joohyun in this. No no no…… I’m outside Collins’ place now. I guess we won’t see each other for some time then. Yeah...... Bye.”



Joohyun quickly retreives her gaze back to her lap as Wendy shoves her phone into her back pocket. Joohyun has the ability of sensing people’s mood but she chooses to keep it away from Wendy.



“Are we leaving tonight?” 







“I think, Seolhyun'd understand eventually.”



“No, she doesn’t.”






“Just focus on the search, shall we? Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.”




Joohyun knows she’s lying but she keeps quiet once again.




Upon their arrival. Collins tells them if Wendy’s father is still alive and he is really in the Above, he would be their best shot to find the book since his journal contains so many clues which match their previous findings. He also gives them his notes for their journey. Indeed, he would love to go too but he could not go missing for days and he is kinda too old for an adventure.




And Wendy still hides her little suspicion towards the pendants of hers and Joohyun’s. She isn’t sure and she has a bad feeling.




“So Joy isn’t going?” Joohyun timidly asks when they are packing at home. She spent nearly the whole night telling Joy stories in the Above and the younger girl is definitely intrigued. She wants this bubbly girl to come too.



“Nah, she got school to attend.” Wendy sternly replies. “I talked to her. She’ll be fine. My friends can come over.”




“Anyway, it’s gonna be fun.” She makes her best atempt to lighten up the mood.



“If you say so.” She heaves a sigh before turning back to her pile of stuff that needs to be packed.












They get back to the car and drive all the way back to where they first met. The lake. Wendy carefully parks the car in the bushes so that no one would spot it easily. 



They stand in front of the deep water, hesitating.




“So we are jumping down?” Wendy flings her backpack on her thin shoulders. 



“Yes?” Joohyun grins. “Don’t worry. I got this, remember?”




Wendy gulps and nods seeing those familiar sparkly hands. She thinks she hears some weird noise but Joohyun tugs her shirt.






“You jump, I jump.” Wendy chuckles recalling that famous line from a certain all-time romantic movie.












Wendy does not know how to swim but Joohyun is right beside her, holding her hand. She is not scared plunging into the deep water.



It is dark.




They plummet more.



Then there’s light.



And it’s dark again.




When she opens her eyes again, she sees a bright sky and a bright smile. 



Her brain reboots in the fastest speed ever and she jumps, “Why are you here, you brat?!”




Joy immediately scoots behind Joohyun for cover, “I wanna help. He’s my father too. And I called a sick leave at school.”



Wendy shoots draggers to her sister with her fierce puppy eyes. But she guesses she can’t just push her back into the well. “You were in the backseat of my car the whole time?”




“I-I guess so? Haha.” Joy shows her sister a big smile from Joohyun’s shoulder. 



“I think it’d be fun with her tagging along.” Joohyun steps in to comfort the furious puppy. “She’’ll be good, right?”



“Yes, I promise!” Joy beams.




“Okay then.” Wendy suddenly realizes their clothes are dry and thinks they should settle down first anyway. “Joohyun, lead the way please.”



“My pleasure.” Joohyun salutes and walks with Joy clinging onto her arm, while Wendy follows like a little cute dwarf.












Their way to the palace is not easy. It isn’t a long walk but they are walking with a princess. People are thrilled to meet them, too thrilled that the sisters constantly think maybe they should bow to her or send her gifts too.



And they look outstanding here, with strange fashion. People still welcome the sisters even they don’t seem to live here, or they think they are from another distant kingdom.




Wendy makes sure she remembers every little bit of this new world with her eyes and pen. 



They arrive at the gate of a grand palace, escorted by the crowd. Guards open it up as soon as they see Joohyun.




“Princess Irene, we have been waiting for you.”



“Thank you Felix and Flynn.”




Felix and Flynn give the sisters a smile too despite the fact that they are strangers. And Wendy genuinely thinks people here are really nice.



They walk down on an avenue with gigantic gardens on the sides, the palace visible up ahead. 



Joohyun hastens her pace spotting a figure running towards them. Wendy notes to herself that the princess must have good eyesight, maybe all her senses too.




“You’re back!!!” The girl hugs Joohyun affectionately.



“Yeah. And I brought two friends.” 




Joohyun breaks the hug and introduces her new friends to her cousin, “Seulgi, this is Wendy and her sister Joy. She saved me and showed me around. And girls, this is my cousin, Seulgi.”



Wendy greets the mono-lid girl with a warm smile. Meanwhile Joy is happily shaking Seulgi’s hand.



“Thank you, Wendy. And Joohyun, your parents have been waiting. Come in first.”




The two mortal girls are guided to their room, to settle down and get changed.



Joy throws a shy glance at her sister after seeing the provided clothes. Wendy just gestures her sister to turn around as she takes off her shirt.




“Man, I hate dresses.”



“We’re meeting the king and queen. Shut up and wear it if you don’t wanna embarrass yourself in front of Seulgi.”




“What?” Joy turns around and nearly gets punched in the face witnessing her sister’s almost bare body. 



“ert.” Wendy quickly slips into the blue dress. “I know you. And green suits you.”




“I’m going to look like Princess Fiona.” Joy pouts childishly.



“Maybe Seulgi chose theses for us. Kid, hurry up.”












Wendy thinks she was going to be choked to death by the king and queen with their big hugs soon after Joohyun softly said “she saved me”. Luckily she spared the detail of her poking her  with a tree branch.




“You are such a fair maiden, Wendy.” The queen scans her from eye to toe with a smile and affectionate eyes. “And your sister too. Joy is such a good name, isn’t it?”



The king nods, “Yes. And we know why you are here. But we should keep it down and deal with it later. We are having a party tonight to welcome Joohyun back.”




Joy’s eyes almost pop out from her skull. Joohyun was only gone less than a week and they have to celebrate her return?



Wendy just shrugs.




“The people insist.” Seulgi speaks up on the side. “Princess Irene is precious to them. So they are grateful to you two also.”



“It’s going to be fun.” Joohyun gently pats her friends' arms. “Well, most of the time.”




“A prince came by two days ago. He was so depressed knowing you were not here.” The queen adds. “I think he would come again today.”



“I don’t think he can make it in half of a day.” The king chuckles and throws a look at her daughter. “Anyway, there would always be princes since you are a princess, Joohyun.”




“So it’s not going to be fun.” The princess unknowingly puffs her cheeks. “Let them chase after Seulgi instead.”



“Hey,” Seulgi’s eyes shrink into two curves smiling innocently. “It’s none of my business. I am just a loyal cousin.”



“And you are the princess after all.” Joy interrupts.




Knowing what’s going on, Wendy casually changes the topic. “Well, I would like to meet some princes too.”



“You fancy princes?” Joohyun frowns and swings her head back to her friend.




“That would be nice.” The queen answers. “They'd find her lovely too.”



“I’ve met a princess already and it’s natural for me wanting to meet a prince too, no?” Wendy's silvery giggles sound a bit too loveable to the princess's ears however. 



“Wendy, I like you.” The king's pearly whites shine amidst his raven beard.




Wendy just keeps her radiating smile on while Joohyun is still pouting next to her.



And Joy steals glances at the oblivious Seulgi whom is staring into space.












Joohyun steps into the hall and her eyes just automatically dart to a petite figure in the corner. She has no idea how she can spot her right away.



It just happens. Magic, maybe? 




She is happy because blue really suits her. She got another blue dress for her. Blue might mean sadness. And yes, Wendy looks sad sitting alone while Joy is nowhere to be seen. But even her back figure shines. And Joohyun is sure it’s not about the lighting. She likes how she has her hair styled into a braid and put it on one side. Wendy seems to fit in here.



As much as she wants to walk up to her, she cannot. She is the princess and she has her obligations. She has dressed up for her people. She glances around and Seulgi is not by her side this time. She sighs before heading off to join the party.




Wendy, on the other hand, just witnesses how her sister dumped her for a girl she just met for hours. And she is left alone, in a tight dress and heels. Her hand is clutched onto her pendant, hoping to get some strength from it. She can’t feel it, not even her father. She is always lonely, she isn’t alone but lonely. Now she is alone and lonely.



She once thought Seolhyun would be the one who understands her and gives her strength to carry on. She really believed so. Now it doesn’t seem like it. She thought love is powerful. Now she doesn’t know if love isn’t powerful or it simply isn’t love.



Perhaps she is going to meet her true love whom would take her away, riding on a white horse, hands circling his waist, head leaning on his back. 



Wendy laughs at herself for having such a childish thought. No one is going to notice you tonight, no one is supposed to. No one. Those romanticized fairytales only exist on books and in movies.  












Wendy finally gets to take a look of Joohyun when the music plays. She is indeed more beautiful than a few hours ago. She wonders how can she look more stunning every time. Yes, a princess. 



They stand at the two very ends of the room. They can see each other so clearly but it is also too far. You cannot just squeeze all the way through to the other end. 




Wendy flashes a smile to Joohyun, but there’s someone blocked her vision out of the blue. She recognizes him, she saw him earlier in the palace. He seems to be the head of the guards or something, because she saw him ordering Felix and Flynn. He is tall and strong so she cannot see Joohyun or anyone else at all this moment.



“Ma'am, may I?” But he is surprisingly shy when he asks for her hand. 




Wendy nods as she sees Joohyun being dragged by the others too.



Joohyun isn’t that happy when she notices Wendy dancing with Marius. It’s not because Marius is a bad guy. She thought she was going to say no - Marius is a guy and he is not a prince. A prince is someone who is now wavering around her like a fly. With a self-claimed charming smile and shiny boots, boasting his hunting prizes non-stop. Joohyun just wants him to shut up and go back to his palace.



But she can’t just stand there all night and he would not just give up. So she grabs him and joins the dance. And finally his mouth is shut.




“A life goes by, romantic dreams will die,

So I bid mine goodbye and never knew.

So close was waiting, waiting here with you,

And now forever I know, all that I wanted to hold you so close.”




Joohyun has danced with so many princes since she was small. It becomes a routine for her. It becomes dull. All they could leave is a mark of their lips on the back of her hand but never an impression. She is never impressed. 



She knows there are thousands of girls hoping to be her even for one day. But being princess is harder than it looks. So she lets herself to be ungrateful in this aspect.



She always tells herself, she is waiting for someone who loves her not as a princess, just her and her alone. She doubts if there’s really this someone and until now, no princes fit into this requirement.




She is so immersed in her own thought that she doesn’t realize she has brushed shoulders with her mortal friend, whom has already twirled away with someone else.



Joohyun looks at the pair and bites her lips. The prince daren’t speak as he knows what kind of princess she is. He knows she is hard to get but her beauty is one of the kind. Now her pretty face goes solemn, looking more fierce than any beasts he once tamed.




Wendy chooses to ignore the princess’s glares since she thinks she just saw her sister running pass the door of the hall holding someone’s hand. And she just wishes Joy good luck and prays it’s Seulgi.  



Marius is just too shy to look at her making her smiles softly. He is quite cute for a “soldier” and maybe he really likes her. He could definitely protect her since she is just his chest level tall. 




“You can call me Wendy.”



“I know.” He smiles for the second time. “My name is Marius, the commander of the royal guards.”




“You are quite young for a commander.”



“Thank you, Wendy.”




“Thank you for inviting me too.”



“I have to. You are too lovely.”




In return, Wendy gives him a warm smile and her eyes meet Joohyun’s when she looks away. She has dumped her prince for the day already. She is with the others. And she thinks Joohyun must be dissatisfied with the prince, judging from her current expression.



It’s her third time dancing like this, after her graduations for high school and college for her bachelor degree. It is still new for her and Marius is a good partner.




“Will we meet again?” He knows she is not from here and he is desperate to know if he has the chance to see her again.



“Of course.” She nods sparing another glance of the approaching princess. “I’m staying here for a while.”




“We’re so close to reaching that famous happy ending, 

And almost believing this was not pretend.

Let’s go on dreaming for we know we are,

So close, so close and still so far.”




“Princess.” Marius politely bows towards Joohyun as she stops right in front of them.




“Can I borrow her from a while?” 



“Anytime, princess. Have a good night.” 




They exchange another smile as he walks away. 




“I thought you have a girlfriend.” Joohyun mutters dragging Wendy out of the hall.



“I think we'll break up sooner or later.” Wendy reacts rather nonchalantly. “He doesn’t know and I think he deserves a chance.”




Joohyun can't really tell if she is joking or not, “What? I thought you love her?”



She can almost taste the sourness with the tip of her tongue, “Loved. Very much.”




“Why?” The princess continues hurrying to somewhere.



“I can’t go on like this. She would figure it out too. I am tired.”




“So you like Marius?”



“Not in that way.”  




And so, the princess brings her new friend to the tree house.



Wendy lets out a shriek while Joohyun holds her by the waist flying up. 




“Next time warn me first, would you?” The traumatized mortal takes a deep breath after she has her feet landed on solid ground again.



“I have always wanted to bring you here.” Joohyun grins apologetically. 




“May I know why, princess?” 



“You’ll know soon.”




“Why me, Joohyun?” Wendy looks at her whom is looking at the scenery below.



“You showed me your world.” She answers without looking back. “And here is mine. A part of it.”




She crosses her arms over her chest, “A part of it?”



“Some is out there. Some is already gone.” The princess turns around finally. “And some, I am still searching and waiting.”




“Maybe they won’t come.”



“Maybe they’ve already come.”




Wendy thinks she spots something from the limpid eyes of Joohyun. It isn’t those creepy pink sparkles but something glows brighter. For a brief second, she thought she saw her own reflection too.



She knows this is a romantic moment and the way she thinks is very unromantic.



And something hits the back of her mind. 




“So do you often bring people here? All your friends?”



“No, ” Joohyun scratches her limbs a little while taking off her heels. “Just Seulgi, Yeri and you.”




“This looks like some cheesy scenes from the movies you know.” Wendy shakes her head as if she has something to get off from her brain. No way the princess is pulling off such cheesy stunt, on her. No way she has harbored feelings on her other than gratitude and curiosity. Who is she to charm over a princess?



“What kind of movies?” Joohyun mentally hugs herself for remembering what movies are, not having to look like an idiot in front of Wendy again.




“Romance. Romantic movies.”



“And you think it’s cheesy?”




Wendy pauses a little thinking maybe Joohyun is reading her mind like an open book, “Yes.....  But it’d never happened in real life though, at least on me.” 



“So do you like it?”  Joohyun natually leans closer for an answer.




Wendy doesn’t back away this time, “I like it so far.”







“So what do you want to show me, Joohyun?”



“A lot of things, Seungwan.” 




Stunned by such intimacy, Wendy cannot utter a single word.



And Joohyun smiles seeing the effect she has on her.






















Hey ~ I am back again.

Maybe I am becoming a master of cliffhangers.......

I guess the story has yet to be unfolded and I should drop another chapter asap.

And it's because I love you all too <3


Let me know how do you think so far

Maybe I should go for typical fairytale ending?

And hey, I added Joygi and even Yeri!!!




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