
If only

Minseok starts to feel his back is aching. He scratches a bit to loosen his stiff back. It is almost 5 pm which means freedom for all employees. Minseok checks his paper works again to make sure that he doesn’t miss the tiny details. As a perfectionist monster, Minseok always check his works at least three times after he finished. Actually Minseok doesn’t love his job just like what his colleges think. He does all his works diligently just to make sure that he won’t lose his job and gets the proper salary.

After making sure that all the paper works are perfectly done, Minseok tidies up his desk and collects all his belongings to his postman bag.

“Minseok hyung!” Minseok stops and looks around to find the one who called him. Baekhyun waves from his desk as he walks to Minseok’s desk.

“What do you want?” Minseok asks shortly after noticing Baekhyun presence. “Why so grumpy hyung?” Baekhyun pouts and poking Minseok’s shoulder.

“We are all tired, Baekhyun-ah. And I don’t know but I always think that when you come to me, it means trouble” Minseok explains.

Baekhyun is Minseok’s junior in the trading company. Baekhyun joined the company 3 years after Minseok, but that fact never bother Baekhyun to pay more respect to Minseok and stop being clingy. “I always feel that you are my long lost brother, Minseok hyung” Baekhyun reasoned when Minseok asked.

“You are so mean hyung. That’s why god never send you a really nice guy” Baekhyun teases which make Minseok glares at him.

“I just want to ask you to grab some coffee. It’s on me hyung” Baekhyun says happily as he grabs Minseok’s hand and dragging him to the elevator. Minseok can’t help but being suspicious. Baekhyun doesn’t love coffee as much as Minseok. He only drink coffee when he needs to work overtime and he also said that he is going to pay for the coffee.

“Just tell me the truth” Minseok pulls his hand from Baekhyun. He is not going to buy Baekhyun’s sudden kindness. There must be something hidden.

“What’s wrong hyung? I just want to buy my favorite hyung a cup of coffee from his favorite coffee shop” Baekyun keeps his serious face to make Minseok believe.

“I know you are hiding something Byun Baekhyun. I know you for 3 years and it’s enough for me to know you inside out” Minseok starts tapping his right foot. It’s his habit that always appears when he can’t hide his impatient.

Baekhyun just can let out a sigh. “Okay. You got me hyung. Let’s just go to get that damn coffee and we will talk”



Minseok gets his favorite Americano. And Baekhyun got a bottle of orange juice which made Minseok protest. “You can’t be serious Baekhyun-ah. We are in a coffee shop and you order orange juice?” Minseok protested when they ordering. “Shut up hyung! Just get your damn coffee so we can sit”

Baekhyun promised that they will talk, but he doesn’t let out a single word after they got their order. Minseok starts tapping his fingers and Baekhyun notices it.

“Ehem…” finally Baekhyun starts. Minseok stares at Baekhyun as he waiting the next word.

“How… How are you lately hyung?” Baekhyun asks lamely. Minseok really wants to hit Baekhyun’s head but he can’t since they are in public place.

“If I say that I’m fine, would you let me go home after that?” Minseok says skeptically. “Just go to the point, Baek-ah. I don’t have much time. I need to cook for dinner and I bet Sehun is waiting for me”

Baekhyun takes a deep breath. “Okay hyung. If that’s what you want”

“Do you remember Chanyeol? The guy from steel company?”

It takes a minute for Minseok to understand Baekhyun question. Of course Minseok remembers that guy. The freaking tall guy with weird smile. They met him at a meeting last week. Baekhyun and Minseok were forced to attend the meeting. Minseok tried to enjoy the meeting but he couldn’t since Chanyeol kept glancing at him. Minseok caught him glancing more than he could count and he found it creepy.

“The creepy guy with weird smile?”

“He is not creepy hyung!” Baekhyun defends Chanyeol. Minseok thinks that’s weird. Why Baekhyun defend a guy that he just met once.

“Fine! What’s wrong with him? Are you going out with him?” Minseok can’t help but ask. Baekhyun can’t hide his surprise expression.

“N..No hyung! What are you—“ Baekhyun can’t finish because Minseok kicks his leg. “What the hell hyung!”

“I said just go to the point! Sehun is waiting!” Minseok barks.

“He likes you, okay! And he asked me to help” Baekhyun finally says his intention.

Minseok can’t say anything. He just massages his temple. “Baek—“ he can’t think anything to say. This is not the first time Baekhyun trying to be a match maker. It’s not wrong for Baekhyun to be a match maker, if only Minseok were not with Sehun.

“Hyung, I know you want to kick me again. But please, just let me explain” Baekhyun begs.

“He is a nice guy hyung—“

“You think Sehun is not a nice guy?” Minseok interrupts. Minseok will never let someone say something bad about Sehun.

“Okay! He is a nice guy for you, but hyung, do you ever think about your future? Are you sure that you want to keep going with Sehun?” Baekhyun starts his argument. Minseok holds his coffee cup tighter.

“Baekhyun-ssi” Minseok says with his serious tone. Baekhyun is about to say something but he shut his mouth as he feels the tense. Minseok starts talking with him with formal speech.

“Hyung, I’m—“

“No! Don’t say sorry if you’re not. I know we are close, but it doesn’t mean you can say anything about my future and my relationship with Sehun” Minseok keeps talking in serious tone. Baekhyun doesn’t dare to say anything. He should have know it. Minseok’s relationship with Sehun is a sensitive topic.

“If you think that Chanyeol is a nice guy and Sehun is not just because he is jobless and sometimes he act like a brat, doesn’t mean you can just him that way. I’m the one whose in relathionship with him. I’m the one who know him better than anyone else. You just met him three times. Just three fuc—“ Minseok starts let out his anger but he realizes that he almost let his anger control him. He stops before he start saying something that might hurt Baekhyun.

“Let’s end it here” Minseok already standing up. “Thank you for the coffee. See you tomorrow” Minseok leaves Baekhyun before he can say anything.




Minseok unlocks the door with his key. He enters the dark house with heavy steps. He is so tired after walking for thirty minutes from the coffe shops. Minseok forgot to stop at the bus stop because he lost in his own thought.

Minseok turns on the lamp. He can see everything in the small house now. Sehun is laying on the sofa with his mouth slightly open and his hand holding a comic. Some comics scatter on the floor around the sofa.

Minseok starts collecting the comics in silence after put his bag on the dinning table. “Finally you’re back” suddenly Sehun says with his sleepy voice.

“! I almost got a heart attack Sehun-ah!” Minseok scolds him. He wants to hit Sehun but Sehun catches his hand before it could land in the younger flat stomach. Sehun brings his hand to his lips and starts kissing it. Minseok just lets him do it.

“What happened?” Sehun asks in his half awake state.

“Nothing” Minseok answers shortly. He wants to stand up and pulls his hand from Sehun but Sehun doesn’t allow him. Sehun pull Minseok’s hand so Minseok can’t help but fall on Sehun.

Sehun holds Minseok tightly. They don’t say anything. Sehun enjoys the warmth which is resulted from their pressed body. His hand starts moving in circle on Minseok’s back.

“I can’t breath Sehun-ah” Minseok  says suddenly when he feels Sehun starts pulling his shirt from his pants.

“I’m sorry” Sehun frees Minseok’s body.

Sehun tries to sit with Minseok in his lap. He cups Minseok face and stars kissing Minseok’s soft lips slowly. Sehun does it with his eyes close. The slow kiss changes into a passionate kiss when Sehun bites Minseok’s lower lips to make a chance to enter the elder’s mouth.

Sehun suddenly pulls his lips from Minseok. “Eww! You just drank coffee?” Sehun could taste the coffee while kissing Minseok. Minseok  just chuckles and pecks sehun lips again.

“My favorite Americano” Minseok sings song.

“Ewww…” Sehun pretends to be disgusted. Minseok really loves coffe whereas Sehun hates it so much. Minseok needs a cup of coffee in the morning to make his body well functioned. That’s why they have rule ‘no kissing’ before Minseok brush his teeth.

Minseok stands up. “Who said you can go before telling me what happened” Sehun grabs the elder’s waist so he can’t move.

“Baekhyun did it again” Minseok says shortly. Sehun doesn’t need a long sentence from Minseok to understand. Sehun knows that Baekhyun must tried to persuade Minseok to leave him again. This is not the first time Baekhyun did it. He did it three or four times before. The methods are always the same, Baekhyun would introduce Minseok to his friend or being a match maker for someone who interested with Minseok. Sehun also knows the reason why Baekhyun did it.

Sehun met Baekhyun two years ago when Minseok forced him to join Baekhyun’s birthday dinner. Sehun did’t want to make Minseok disappointed because he always refused to accompany him to a dinner with Minseok’s friend.

Sehun knows from the start that Baekhyun is so clingy to his boyfriend. It’s okay for Sehun that Minseok is close with Baekhyun and Minseok is Baekhyun favorite hyung. But the problem appeared when finally Baekhyun met his favorite hyung’s boyfriend. Baekhyun didn’t know that Sehun is younger than Minseok, so he was shocked at that time. Baekhyun interrogated Sehun as if he was Minseok’s parents.

“So, you live with Minseok hyung?” Baekhyun started asking. Sehun just nodded as the answer.

“Where do you work Sehun-ah?” Baekhyun asked again. Sehun took a moment before answering “I just graduate from collage” and it shocked  Baekhyun even more. He never thought Minseok would date a kid. Baekhyun didn’t ask another question because it was enough for him to judge Sehun and concluded that Sehun was not Minseok’s the one.

Baekhyun is not the first person oppose their relationship. Joonmyun – Minseok’s brother – still finds it hard to accept his hyung’s relationship. And Joonmyun’s reason is the same with Baekhyun.

This won’t happened if Sehun didn’t lie.

Sehun holds Minseok’s waist closer so his head presses to Minseok’s stomach. Sehun just needs Minseok body stay close with him to make sure everything okay. Minseoks slips his hand to Sehun’s loose shirt. He stops whe he finds that spot. The spot where Minseok’s name inked. The spot on Sehun’s left shoulder. He that spot to assure Sehun that everything is okay.

“If only they know Sehun-ah” Minseok whispers.

If only they know that Sehun is actually the son of CEO of the trading company where Minseok works. And Sehun is running away from his family because he thinks that being the heir of big company is not cool and his family didn’t like the idea of Sehun wanting to be a musician.

Sehun started his career by forming a band his best friend Jongin. They started to perform in a small café. The private – Sehun’s band name – performs good music despite the lame name. That’s why they always got the offers to perform, until they met the producer from a big music company. The producer offered the private to join the company and sign contract with them. It was a big chance for the private and it was Sehun’s band mates dream. But it’s not Sehun’s dream. If they signed the contract that would make the private famous and his family could find him. So Sehun decided to left the private.

Actually Sehun never really stop being a musician. He still makes songs and sings it for Minseok with his old guitar. Minseok was his one and only audience. After met Minseok, Sehun stopped being café singer and started make music only for Minseok. Of course Minseok was happy. But Minseok thought that he couldn’t let Sehun talent wasted. So he persuaded Sehun to be a song writer. Sehun insisted that he only wanted to make songs for Minseok, but he gave up in the end. Sehun couldn’t let Minseok work and kept him self being jobless.

Sehun is Shixun, the famous song writer. Sehun couldn't reveal his real name to public. He doesn't want to risk his quite life with Minseok.


"Enough being sad panda!" Minseok doesn't want to drown them self again for the same topic. He just wants to keep going with Sehun even if everyone around him never know the truth and can't accept their relationship. 


"Let's just go to McDonalds for dinner!" Minseok suggests.


“Can’t I just have you for dinner? I’m too tired to go out” Sehun slips his hands under Minseok’s shirt.


“If you’re tired, we can just sleep and skip dinner” Miseok says as he grabs Sehun’s hands to stop them going further.


“Sleep? Okay we can sleep!” Sehun jokes. Minseok hits Sehun’s head lightly. “Minnie is being meany” Sehun call the elder with his favorite nickname.


“Call me Minnie again, I will drink coffee everytime and I won’t brush my teeth, so you will get coffee taste kiss” MInseok threads him.


“Minnie! My squishy Minnie~~” Sehun ignores Minseok’s thread.


“Fine! I hope you ready for the coffee kiss from tomorrow!” Minseok knows that he sounds childish right now.


“It’s okay~ I still have tonight to kiss you~”




As long as we are together, everything will be okay.


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1489 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hnnngh!! It's really, really cute to see how both Xiu and Hun love each other - with Xiu always defending Hun and probs keeping his whereabouts a secret and with Hun who keeps his identity a secret to live peacefully with Xiu.
baodou6767 #2
Chapter 2: AHHH This fic is sooooo good! I can feel how xiuhun loves each other! Rly nice!
shehun0123 #3
Chapter 2: Can you make a !au with a ty!min and sehun is jealous because xiumin is being a and talking to luhan Who's sehun's friend ? (Does this even make sense? XD)
Chapter 2: YES PLEASE! <3

how about romantic ? (bottom minseok tho) when sehun ask him to marry him? <3

-that is like my dream fic since ver lol-
kyaa aww and.. could i ask for more? a friend-zoned sehun?
Chapter 2: yayyy. emm how about highschool!au? sehun's jealousy for his sunbae lover's new classmate, luhan?
Lovexiu16 #7
Chapter 2: Yes, please can you make one where sehun is a ceo older than xiumin
Chapter 2: How about you make story about sehun as producer of movies and xiumin as the "gay for pay" boy. Like chezch hunter videos ♡
Chapter 2: Can I have ceo sehun with younger xiumin? Hehe