Chapter 6

I have a dream

Being trainee is hard. I'm feeling so sorry upon Sam,since we're not with her at all. Since we came to the Seoul, all our time is now for our trainee life. Since Sam didn't want to bother us,she left Seoul early and went back to the Australia. MinAh and I cried a lot when she left,but she told us she indeed misses her family and to not be bothered by her leave.

Our school starts again in October and now it's middle August. But when school starts,our CEO told us to finish it since it's our senior year. Because they have their agency even in Japan,MinAh and I will have a duty to go in that agency and train everyday. Our lifes indeed are changed. Since I'm not Korean,I attended Korean extra classes in agency. Since we are learning languages in university,we didn't go to English classes. CEO also told me not to be bothered by my not Korean nationality and to work hard. Other trainees didn't bully me too.

Our trainee life looked like this: we get up,and we need to be in agency by 10 o'clock. Then,3 hours for dancing and 3 hours for singing,one hour for lunch and break,then lessons about Korean for me and more singing lessons for MinAh. By the 10PM,we were over.

But one day one trainee ran into the room breathless:

,,Everyone....I...I heard this.... Infini...Infinite Oppas....are...going to come here....."

,,WHAT????" - we all answered together. I totally forgot about Infinite!! Since my trainee life begun I even forgot we're at the same company!!

,,Their activities are done for today so they want to greet new trainees!" - my heart jumped. It's almost one year since I saw them! I was so exited. Half an hour later, one new trainee runned into the room screaming ,, THEY'RE COMING!!!!"


,,Annyeonggaseyo! Infinite nida!" - Infinite screamed their name as coming inside our practise room. Since everybody in here are Inspirits,we screamed hard. Even MinAh screamed.

,,We came here today to see you guys! Since you all came here thanks to your hard work,please continue to work even harder from now on!" - Leader Sunggyu told us.

,,Actually,he made that speech last night and practised before we came here." - WooHyun started to .

,,Yah! W...Why'd you tell them that?" - Sunggyu blushed a lot! It made me laugh a bit!

,,You think you'll courage them that way? Can't you see here are all girls right now, they don't need college exam entrance speech!"

WooHyun continued. Other members started laughing.

,,Then.. If you're so smart,tell me what they need?" - Sunggyu asked WooHyun kinda seriously.

,,They will need... HEARTS!!! " -he started his famous throwing hearts! We girls went crazy! I was so happy since they are the same not different when cameras shut down.

,,Exuse our immature members,it's not their fault for being like this." - Sungjong politely answered and bowed us. As he straighten himself,he throw a look at us trainees and caught my eye contact. He made that confused face and as Leader Gyu continued his talking,Sungjong whispered something to Hoya. Hoya then looked at me and whispered to Sungyeol. I started blushing. What are they saying? I'm confident it's about me... As they whispered to each other it interrupted Sunggyu's speech.

,,What again?? Can't you see I'm talking right now?" - he complained.

,,It's okay,Hyung nobody wasn't even listening to you anyways..." Hoya said that and Sunggyu made an unhappy face ,,...Can that girl come here for a second? " - Hoya pointed at me and I trembled. I was anxious,but exited as well. Why did they called for me? I approached. Hoya carried away in my face and said ,, Wow,they're indeed green!" , and then other members tried to see how my eyes are green I guess? The last in the line was Myungsoo and I blushed when he came and said ,,I remember those eyes!" I bowed my head a little from blush. I heard WooHyun saying ,, Aish,you did it again, makig poor girls blush because of you." I was so happy. He remembered me... I heard how girls screamed in the back,but I couldn't belive what's happening to me right now.

,,So I guess you're not Korean right? When I come closer,I can see you're not Korean right? - SungYeol asked me. Then I told them everything,from where I come,about university,etc...

,,Woow,you're so smart! You speak 4 languages? I barely know even my language,hahahahahhaha"-DongWoo started laughing with his famous laugh and it made me laugh. Then we all laughed and it made my day. I noticed L was looking at me while I laughed. As I turned to him and we had eye contact. I smiled at him. And he smiled back. Later I needed to introduce MinAh to them. But she said to them she's not an Inspirit but B2ST biased and that made them awkward.

After Infinite left,they told me bye and see you again. See you again. SEE YOU AGAIN. Does that means I'll see them again???

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Buttefly #1
Chapter 29: I feel so sad because it ended T.T anyways,really good story,I was so amazed by it!!
Keishandvr #2
Chapter 29: Such a great story!!!! Love it!
Chapter 25: Sounds so good! Can't wait for the next chapter it's really interesting!
..I'll marry Sunggyu ^.^
Gogofangirl #4
Chapter 17: When u'll post the next chap. ? I rlly love ur storyy
Chapter 1: Ohh this sounds very interesting! :D
Keishandvr #6
Chapter 16: Great story!!! Please update soon!