Chapter 16

I have a dream

I woke up in his hug. Last night ,we kinda get drunk. But we didn't do anything like... He just wanted to be with me in some other way. So we cuddled a lot,until we fell asleep. I'm so happy right now. Can this moment last forever? His hug was so warm and comfortable. I didn't want to leave this bed. I didn't want to leave him. I'm still not sure if we kissed because he liked me. But ,would he kiss me if he doesn't like me at all? I think there is some feeling for me. But I know I'm deeply in love with him. And that I love him more than he loves me. But I don't care. Oppa,please,don't leave my side. His arms were arond my neck and he holded me so tight. I wanted to look at him. But,as I looked at him,I found out he's already awake. And looking at me.

,,Finally,you're awake..."

,,O..Oppa,you looked me like that?"

,,'re funny to look at when sleeping."


,,Hehe...Happy New Year."

,,I thought we're over with those greeting since last night." - I suddenly blushed. The pictures from the last night came trough my mind. The kiss,the hug,that McDonalds dinner... I just... Can this be posible?

,,What made you so quiet suddenly?"


,,Is it the last night?"


,,Maybe that...kiss?"


,,You're blushing..."


,,You're so cute..."


,,I can't stop looking at youuuu..." - he started singing ,,Julia". Gosh,he never sang to me. I just can't decribe this moment.

,,Oppa,why are you doing this to me?"

,,Huh?" - he stopped and looked at me. I sat on the bed and made him do the same and looked him into his eyes.

,,I just don't know. Do you like me? - he didn't respond ,,Oppa,do you like me?"

,,I told you I'll tell you everything when you debut."

,,Huh...Last night,you really made my feelings anxious. I told myself I'm nothing to you. But that kiss must've meant something. Soon,I'll leave this place and I don't know when I'll see you again. Oppa, I don't even know if I'll debut... What then? If that happens,then I..."

,,Then you?"

,,I...I'll...I'll miss you,Oppa. No,Myungsoo,I'll miss you. And I can't imagine a day without you. I was so happy to be with you when I came here. You're the reason why I work so hard. I...I..just..."

,,You just...what?"

,,I..I..." - I stopped. I wanted to tell him I love him. That I'd die for him. That I'd give my all for him. But I was afraid. I don't think he likes me. He's playing with me. He'd told me if he likes me so far. But why is he quiet? I couldn't finish my confession. I'm sorry. I'll just keep it from you. But I think,you already know. And because you know,it hurts me even more. I stood up and tried to go to the bathroom to cry my all. But suddenly,I felt him. He stopped me. He back hugged me. Myungsoo...

,,I will wait for you to finish your sentence. I don't care how long it will take you,but I need for you to wait for me too. Let's not say anything anymore and finish our trip the way we want to. Tomorrow is our last day. Let's remember this forever." - he said like that. And he was right. I love how caring he is. Thinking about my feelings... Thank you Oppa.

,,Then,I'll wait for you too." - I smiled and tears had no reasons to fall.


After we finished our schedule,we went shopping a bit. I helped him pick his clothes and he helped me pick mine.

,,Not that one."

,,Oppa...Is that really important right now? I changed a lot of dresses." - i thought he wasn't that much into the clothes. Well,he's the fashion king after all.

,,I like that one."

,,This? But it's so summer like..."

,,Summer will come after all." - I changed my back my clothes. That dress was indeed beautiful. But it costs a lot. So,I had to say goodbye to it. As we bought a lot of clothes,we grabbed something to eat.

,,I don't want to go back..."

,, neither."

,,I won't be able to forget this..."

,,What should I say then?" - Oppa lookes so serious.

,,I suddenly feel like chewing some gum. I'll go to that store."

,,Wait,Chris,I'll go with you." - we entered some small store in some street. We separated for a moment. He went to look for ramen,and I looked for some gums. I bought even some more things for our trip. Since the plane flight is long. I'm so sad suddenly... For more that two days,I'll be back. I want to stay with him forever. As I approached the cash,some familiar figure approached the cash as well. Oh my God. It was...

,,K..Kevin?" - what is this kind of fate? In the smallest possible store in the biggest possible city,I met the guy who conffesed me just a day before I left for Seoul. And I couldn't even say I'm feeling sorry enough.

,,Chris chan? It's really you!" - he seemed happy and approached me and hugged me! Like,what right does he have?

,,K..Kevin...It's good to see you.." - I guess? I looked around the store as he hugged me. Where's Myungsoo? I saw him coming to the cash.Oh ! If he saw me with Kevin,then...

,,Hahaha,what are you doing here?" - I escaped from his hug and started to feel nervous. Why? Why Kevin out of all?

..I guess I didn't told you I'm living in the Big Apple. Well,now you know hehe."

,,Hahahahahahha...I see.." - I hated this situation. Myungsoo is approaching.

,,But what are you doing here?" - Kevin asked me. Can you just stop with questions and leave,please? I know I'm being nad person for thinking this,but I really wanted him to leave. Myungsoo might misunderstood something. I hated misunderstandings.

,,I'm here because my company sent me here to be with idols and help them." - I answered instantly.

,,Oh,I see...Why are you nervous? Is it because of me?" - God,thank you really.

,,Ah...oh no! No,no,no,it's just...I need to hurry...So,see ya!" - I hurried to pay and go,but Kevin grabbed my hand.

,,I'm not satistified with the answer you gave me back in Tokio. Are those your true feelings?"

,,Ah...Kevin,I'm sorry but I...need..really..." - he didn't want to let go of my hand ,,Kevin,please..."

,,I won't let you go this time." - I thought he'd kill me. His glare was really scary. Is it usualy like this when guy likes girl? I tried to make him leave me,but his hand was too strong. Oppa....

,,I think it's time to leave her alone,now." - suddenly,Myungsoo showed.

,,Who are you now?" - Kevin asked him. I swear I thought fight will break out of this.

,,Me? I'm the one she wants to see now." - he managed to make Kevin let go of my hand. L grabbed me and dragged me outside. I was speechless. But I was happy. I feel bad for Kevin,but I can't like him. My heart belongs to the Myungsoo,now. It always did.

,,Who was that guy? Do you know him? Are you hurt?" - L constantly asked me quienstions.

,,I'm okay,Oppa. He's just one guy from the dorm. He's my junior,but we became really good friends. But,he confessed to me. But,I don't like him,so he was little upset about it. Now I think he was upset a lot about it..."

,,He likes you? Good thing I saved you and good thing you refused him. He looks posessive and dangerous."

,,Oppa..Are you jelaous?"

,,What? Of course I'm jelaous. That guy touched your pretty hand and almost hurt you! Who knows what would happen if I showed later. Wha..what's so funny?"

,,Nothing,Oppa...You're cute when you're jelaous..."


,,What? What?"

,,It's the first time you said I'm cute!"


,,It sounds so cute..."


,,And it makes me wanna kiss you again."


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Buttefly #1
Chapter 29: I feel so sad because it ended T.T anyways,really good story,I was so amazed by it!!
Keishandvr #2
Chapter 29: Such a great story!!!! Love it!
Chapter 25: Sounds so good! Can't wait for the next chapter it's really interesting!
..I'll marry Sunggyu ^.^
Gogofangirl #4
Chapter 17: When u'll post the next chap. ? I rlly love ur storyy
Chapter 1: Ohh this sounds very interesting! :D
Keishandvr #6
Chapter 16: Great story!!! Please update soon!