Chapter 14

I have a dream


,,Isn't it time for you to wake up?"

,,Agmndkmnm... no just a little bit longer...."

,,You know I don't understand your language"

,,You don't...wait what?" - I suddenly woke up and realized I slept with L. Not that ,,sleeping". But still,we were hugged all night long.

,,Have you been watching me sleep?"

,,Well,I woke up earlier than you and I didn't have to do anything. I was bored and you were sleeping for so long,so I decided to wake you up. But,as I pinched your nose and cheeks,you didn't response. Then I whispered something in your ear,and you started mumbling on Serbian...I don't understand it but you sounded so so cute!"

,,I never mumble on Serbian...What have you whispered in my ear?"

,,Eeeh... I you were just awake and could hear it..."

,,You refuse to tell me?"


,,Oppa,tell me!"

,,Well,only if you ask me."

,,I am!"

,,Not with that adittutude."

,,So,what I have to do?"

,,Hmnmm...make aegyo face and tell me you love me."


,,It won't be hard oh and don't forget to say ,,Oppa" with it."


,,You don't wanna? Then I guess you don't want to hear...Okay then.."

,,Aish,alright! I'll do it!"


,,Ugh....Oppa,saranghaeyooo!" - I made an aegyo face. As I said it I became an tomato.

,,BWAAAA,SOOO SO CUTE!" - he pinched my cheeks.

,,Nouw,shay itt." - I tried to talk.

,,Eeeghh,no." He jumped out of a bed.

,,Yah! Wanna die? YAA!" - I started running around the room trying to catch him. Even though our room wasn't big,I couldn't catch him. He jumped all over the room ,being in his playfull aura.

,,You can't catch me hehehe" - he laughed like that. After some time,I stopped to catch some breath this time. As I looked out the window,outside,everything was white! And big snowflakes were falling!

,,WOOW!" - I came to the window ,,Oppa,what are we doing let's go outside!"

,,Well,we have schedule,leave the play for the later."


L was having photo shoting for some magazine. I was at the studio,but I watched from the big windows how snow was falling. I loved snow. It remembers me of an winters in the Serbia. They knew to be cold,but every year tones of snow would fall. And as a little,I'd always go out to play. And build an snowman with my sister. Suddenly,I felt a lot of sadness. I realized I was selfish. I came here,because I really wanted to be with L. But how my family feels? They really wanted to be with me. And I said I won't come. Then I realized: today is New Year's eve! And I forogot it. I turned around. L looked bored from talking all those pictures. But all eyes were on him right now. I'm here just because...Why am I here anyway? I'm with the person I love,but why do I feel so anxious? I went to the toilet. I washed my face. Mom,dad,sis,...I'm sorry...But I need to be here with him. But I haven't forgoten about you guys. So,I'll come home but I can't do it now. I'm sorry...

,,Happy New Year,mom,dad,sister,granma...cats..." - I said that with an little smile. As I exited toilet,L standed outside.

,,Oppa? Are you done?"

,,Uhm. I'm bored here. Let's go."

,,To where Oppa?"

,,You said you wanted to play!" - he grabbed my hand and dragged me outside. We walked a lot and I was really happy. Then we went to the park and I admired how New York is beautiful. It was nicely decorated.

,,Oppa,isn't it great? Snow fell just in right time! Since it's New Year's eve!"

,,Yeah,you're right!" - I made a snow globe and hit him with it at his jacket.

,,Yaah! Now,you'll see!" - he made one and started throwing them at me. But he couldn't hit me since I was really fast and dodged it all.

,,Maybe I can't catch you,but you can't hit me,hehehehhe" - I like that. Then ,we played a lot. Then we built a snowman.


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Buttefly #1
Chapter 29: I feel so sad because it ended T.T anyways,really good story,I was so amazed by it!!
Keishandvr #2
Chapter 29: Such a great story!!!! Love it!
Chapter 25: Sounds so good! Can't wait for the next chapter it's really interesting!
..I'll marry Sunggyu ^.^
Gogofangirl #4
Chapter 17: When u'll post the next chap. ? I rlly love ur storyy
Chapter 1: Ohh this sounds very interesting! :D
Keishandvr #6
Chapter 16: Great story!!! Please update soon!