Chapter 7

Change of Heart
Author's POV
When Chorong and Eunji saw the two girls half on top of each other, Chorong was beyond pissed and immediately ran to the bed shaking Bomi to wake up. Eunji, on the other hand, stood still. She was still in shock and wondered why her heart started to hurt so much. She grabbed her chest (where her heart is; not her s) and watched as Chorong stomped to the bed. 
"YAH! Pabomi! Wake up! Why do you reek of alcohol half in your bed with Naeun?! What did you two do last night? Me and Eunji were worried sick about you when you decided to lash out at dinner last night!" Chorong yelled while shaking Bomi.
Bomi had a headache and the screaming wasn't helping so she asked Chorong if she could lower her voice. "Wait what?! Naeun is in bed with me?! Why am I half and can't remember anything last night after I ditch Lizzy at the restaurant?!" Bomi thought to herself "Even if I explained right now, she wouldn't believe me since she's so mad. I'll explain later when she has calmed down. Why is she so mad anyways? She has Eunji now..."
Chorong's yelling also woke up the innocent Naeun. When she realized she was half on Bomi's bed, her face turned red and quickly grabbed her clothes, headed for the door. 
Eunji was at the door so Naeun stopped right in front of her with her head down.
"Naeun ah" Eunji said with a soft, worried tone while squeezing her fist.
Naeun felt really bad for some reason because Eunji had to see her like this, but she remembered what Bomi told her last night; how her and Chorong were dating now, so she just looked at Eunji with a cold glare and said "Can you please move. You're in my way."
Eunji's face looked like she had lost her soul and slowly made way for Naeun to leave the room.
"Yah! Yoon Bomi! Are you gonna explain or not?" Chorong continued her interrogation.
"Why do you care.. I can sleep with who ever I want. You got Eunji remember.." Bomi said coldly trying to go back to sleep because the headache was so intense.
Chorong immediately stopped and walk to the door and grabbed the soulless Eunji's wrist. "Lets go Eunji ah" Chorong said with a disappointed and depressing voice.
Bomi peeked at them as they walked out holding hands."Ughh. Why is nothing turning out right for me. Maybe I should just go back to the regular me and ignore my feelings for this girl." 
Eunji POV 
"Chorong unnie can I pleaseee tell Naeunnie about or plan! I don't want her to misunderstand!"
"But.. What if she tells Bomi? And what's the point. She already slept with Bomi last night" Chorong unnie said while trying to hold in her tears.
"Don't worry unnie. I'll make her promise not to tell anyone. But are you sure you want to keep your feelings to yourself? Bomi seemed really depressed and hurt. You should just tell her your feelings and see if she likes you back."
"Aiish fine you can tell Naeun. But what if she doesn't like me back? She probably likes Naeun since they seemed so intimate earlier and probably last night" Chorong unnie said while pouting.
"I've known Yoon Bomi since we were kids unnie, if she didn't like you, she wouldn't have reacted that way when you told her we were dating or when you jumped onto my lap and hugged me. Like you said, she's the ice princesses, she can be so oblivious at times, even though she is technically a genius in school, she would never confess or even admit these feelings unless you do it first." I explained "and about this morning and last night. We should give them a chance to explain unnie"
"Ugh. I hate it when you're right Eunji. I'll go talk to her when she feels a little better. And by the way. Do you have feelings for Naeun? Just the way you look at her is different from the way you look at other people."
I don't know why but I blushed when unnie asked me this question. I never really thought about it even though Ilhoon says he noticed the way I look at Naeunnie too. Is it that obvious? Am I the only one who doesn't know that I'm in love with her?
"N-no. I-i mean I don't know. She's different from other girls, theres something special about her, but I doubt she likes me back. She thinks I'm a gross player that doesn't take any relationship seriously, which is reasonable since I've dating almost half of the girls in Pan University." I answered with a chuckle.
"Aiish Eunji just stop being a player and show Naeun how sincere you are and maybe she will accept you! I'm sure she doesn't hate you or think you're gross, you guys are close friends after all!"
After thinking about what Chorong unnie said, I have always treated Naeunnie different from other girls and just the way she looks at me made my heart flutter often times. Maybe I was in love with her.. I have to make her not mad at me and clear this misunderstanding! I rushed to my room since that was where Naunnie was staying, while Chorong unnie was staying in the fifth floor. 
"Naeunnie? Are you in there?" I asked while knocking on the door.
"No. Go away" 
I heard faint sobbing and sniffling sounds so I knew Naeunnie was crying.
"Yah pabo I know you're in there. I'm coming in!" As I opened the door and walked in I saw someone running to hug me. It was Naeunnie. She jumped on me and squeezed me really tight, crying on my shoulder. 
"Naeunnie why are you crying?" I asked while the back of her head and hugging her.
"Why do you have to be such a player. Why did you have to fall in love with Chorong unnie and why did you see me with Bomi unnie this morning" she cried, while hitting my back softly.
"What? I didn't fall in love with Chorong unnie." I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away so I can see her cute crying face.
"B-but Bomi said you two were officially dating and was very serious about each other" she said while crying.
"That's what I need to explain to you about! I was gonna tell you that Chorong unnie likes Bomi so I was helping her get Bomi jealous enough so that she would confess her feelings. But as you can see it's not working out really well" I explained to her.
She stopped crying and hugged me, this time hiding on my chest.
"Oh sorry for misunderstanding" she mumbled.
Naeun so cute when she's like this. So cute and innocent. It's making me feel nervous and like my heart can jump out any second.
"Eunji ah why is your chest beating so fast?"
I started blushing and it began to beat even faster "uhh no reason I have high blood pressure?" I said trying to make up an excuse.
"Naeunnie umm watcha doin down there?" I said, trying to and change the subject.
"Yah Jung Eunji! Not only are you a big player! You're a big ert too!"
"Well you're the one on my chest!"
She said "fine!" And tried to push away from me but I pulled her back into a tight hug. 
"Yah! What are you doing ert?!" She cried.
Anddd the old Naeun's back. I switched to a serious tone and said "Naeunnie what happened with you and Bomi last night? Why were you half on her bed"
"I'm not sure. All I remember was drinking a lot with Bomi last night the  waking up with Chorong unnie yelling at Bomi" 
"Oh I wonder who took you both home?"
Then a familiar groan walked pass our room door. It was Ilhoon. I let go of Naeun and call for him.
"Yah Ilhoon did you see Bomi and Naeun come back last night?"
"Of course I did! I was the one who took those two drunkards home! I even had to ditch my girlfriend! They were causing too much of a ruckus and the owner of the bar asked me if I could take them home..." Ilhoon replied angrily.
"Ooh so Bomi and Naeun didn't do anything else last night?" I asked.
"Of course not! They were too knocked out. I practically had to drag them to the bed and I was too tired to take Naeun to your room so i jus left them both on Bomi's bed, since her room is on the second floor"
"Then why were they half ?"
"I don't know. Maybe they got hot and took off their clothes. Who knows~"
"Aiish. You ert. Thanks for taking them home though. And who's this girlfriend of your's? how come we still haven't met her yet?!"
"No problem. What are friends for right? And you will soon!" Ilhoon said as he went downstairs.
"Welp that explains that" I said giving Naeunnie a big eyesmile."now where were we? Oh yea" I hug her again and this time I can feel her heart beating really fast too.
"Yah what are you doing pabo? Let go of me!" She cried while trying to get loose from my arms.
"Naeun ah what if I told you I love you"
"Psh you love everyone" Naeun scoffed.
"I'm serious. I have feelings for you and I'm not sure if you feel the same way about me but when ever I see you smile or look at me my heart flutters and I try to hold it in because I thought you hated me. I know I'm 'the biggest player' on campus but the other girls mean nothing to me. I want to change for you and be in a serious relationship with you and only you" I said as I poured my heart out for 
She froze after hearing my confession. 
Naeun's POV
"Am I dreaming? Did Jung Eunji the greatest player of all time just confess to me?!" I thought to myself. I just froze when she finish because I don't know what to say. 
My heart was beating really fast and my whole face turned red. I mean I do have feelings for her but what if this was just a trick to try to sleep with me? I didn't want to risk getting hurt, no matter how sincere she sounded and how much I wanted those words to be true.
I pulled her away from me slowly and said "Eunji ah, I don't know if I feel the same way about you and I'm too scared of getting hurt"
"I promise I won't ever hurt you. I love you too much to hurt you..."
I giggled a little.
"How about this? You don't answer to my confession until you are ready, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to change your heart and prove that I am sincere and serious about you" Eunji begged with her puppy face.
"Aish who could say no to that face" I thought to myself. 
"So is that a yes?" Eunji asked with a big smile.
I nodded my head. She hugged me super tight and whispered 'i love you so much Naeunnie' in my ear and I couldn't help but fall harder for her.
Author's POV
After that big scene Bomi fell asleep again. She finally woke up after an hour and goes take a shower. "Aiish I'm gonna be late for class" she said to herself. She only worries about this class because her teacher is very about attendance; if you're tardy twice or have an unexcused absence, you get 10 points off your entire grade. But it doesn't really matter for other classes since all she does in class was sleep.
She arrives to class and luckily the professor hasn't taken roll yet, so she was not considered late. When she walked in everyone stare at her but one girl in particular stood out and that was Chorong. 
They had the same account class together along with Ilhoon, Eunji, and Naeun. Bomi sat behind Naeun so she can ask about what happened last night because she couldn't remember anything. 
"Naeun ah. We didn't do anything inappropriate last night right?" Bomi whispered.
"No don't worry about it. Ilhoon was the one who brought us back and he just put us in the same bed. We didn't do anything"Naeun whispered back.
"Oh ok thanks"
 Chorong sat one seat away from Bomi so they could see each other pretty clearly. She kept glancing over at Bomi and Naeun whispering to each other and was starting to get even more jealous and mad. 
"Yah stop whispering to my girlfriend Yoon Bomi!" Eunji whispered to Bomi. She was sitting next to Naeun and she could see them whispering to each other.
"What? I thought Chorong was your girlfriend?" Bomi replied.
"Guys shut up I'm trying to pay attention! And Jung Eunji I'm not your girlfriend!" Naeun scolded the two.
"Not yet" Eunji rolled her eyes and smirked at Naeun.
Bomi ignored Naeuns request and continued to whisper "Yah Jung Eunji are you cheating on Chorong?"
"No! I'll explain later! Pay attention in class!"
It was the end of class and everyone started to pack up.
"Jung Eunji explain now" Bomi said with a death glare.
"Ummmm the this is I have feelings for Nae-" Just before Eunji finished her sentence, Chorong grabbed Bomi by the wrist and dragged her to the balcony of their dorm. 
"Yah Park Chorong I was talking to Eunji and you shouldn't drag another girl away in front of your girlfriend like that" Bomi said as she laid down on the couch.
"Eunji isn't my girlfriend." Chorong said with her head down, sitting across from Bomi.
"Then why did you guys say your were dating..."
Bomi POV
"I said that to make you jealous Pabomi! Everything was just a show.." 
When she said that, I felt relieved, mad, and confused. "How many times have I told her to stop calling me that?"I thought to myself. I just stayed quiet because it seemed like she had more to say.
"I-i know you're the one that took me to the hospital. I was conscious when you held my hand and kissed my forehead, praying for me to be alright. I hate your for lying to me, I hate you for being so oblivious, I hate when other people touch you, especially Lizzy, I hate you for sleeping with Naeun last night, I hate that I saw you two together this morning" she said to me starting to tear up.
I felt a sharp pain in my chest. "Do you hate me that much?" I whispered to myself but I guess I said that too loud and she heard me..
"OMG YOU REALLY ARE A PABOMI AREN'T YOU? IM TRYING TO SAY THAT I LIKE YOU AND I WANT YOU TO BE MINE AND ONLY MINE!" she yelled with tears dripping down her eyes and turned to run away.
Before she was able to run away, I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She was laying on top of me and I had my arms around her patting her head.
"I love you too" I whispered in her ear and kissed the top of her head.
We stayed like this for a while and no one said a word. I could feel my heart melting as she cried on top of me with her arms around my waist and face hidden on my chest.
A/N: WOOT! Chorong finally confessed her feelings ;3 Thanks everyone for reading, commenting, and subscribing. It might seem like a smal thing to you but to me, it encourages me to continue writing. You shod see the look on m face when ever I get a notification lol.
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Chapter 11: Dang what a story! but that moment of possessive Bomi is hot.. "you're mine" @_@ uwaow and everything about her, it shows the development from her cold self in the very beginning. So much drama and jealousy and comedy woo, thank you for writing this ^^
Better make an epilogue..
Hi poopy..
Chapter 11: Lol possessive bomi IS sooo [o hot. Was NOT expecting Bomi to propose... excited for the epilogue!
liltran321 #5
Chapter 11: still waiting for that epilogue. >_____> I'm going to continue writing chomi angst until you upload your epilogue :3
Eririn #6
Chapter 11: I laughed when Chorong found possessive Bomi hot :P It was too cute.
Chapter 11: omo no what wait the end already?! i'm so glad it ended well haha i can't wait for the epilogue! thanks so much for writing such a lovely chomi fic <3 my chomi heart is overflowing XD there's never enough chomi for me!
Chapter 11: OMG MY FEELSSSSS >,<
vhelzzz #9
Chapter 11: Waw.. this story very very Nice, great joob thor's kekekeke , actually iam the one who newbie for the story of chomi's , but after i read ur story make me love chomi More. Thanks you for story
CHOMI Love is reaaaaal