Chapter 5

Change of Heart

Author's POV

"Omg my dream is finally gonna come true! My match with Bomi!" Chorong thought to herself excited as ever.

Bomi on the other hand doesn't want to fight Chorong. "What if I hurt her? What if she hates me for beating her?" This is the first time Bomi felt stressed out about a taekwondo match.
Both Bomi and Chorong get on the mat and bowed to each other. They put on their helmets and get into fighting stance. "Fight!" Chorong's dad says and lifting his hand up signaling the start of the fight. Chorong starts it off with a front skip turning kick combo and Bomi immediately counteracts it with a step back turning kick. When Bomi tries to do a high turning kick, chorong quickly kicks the other leg causing Bomi to fall on the ground. At that moment, Bomi suddenly has a flashback of Eunji kissing Chorong and Chorong kissing her back. She gets mad and gets up from the ground. Once Chorong's father signaled the start of round two, Bomi immediately does a roundhouse kick and caught Chorong off guard. Bomi landed it on Chorongs head, knocking her down unconscious. 
"KAKSJABWUFIEGJAI! What have I done? Why did I kick her so hard?!" Bomi wakes up from her mad dream world and realized what she has done "Chorong unnie! Unnie ah! Wake up! Are you ok?!"
Chorong started to bleed from her nose so Bomi quickly carried Chorong on her back and race to her car, then to the hospital.
"Please be ok Unnie." Bomi said in her head while holding Chorong's hand in the car. 
Chorong is still unconscious.
They arrive at the hospital within minutes. (A/N: cuz Bomi's Lambo is so fast you know)
They quickly transfer her to the stroller thing (A/N: sorry idk what it's called lol) and get a MIR scan to make sure she doesn't have any brain damage. "Please you have to help her. Give her the most expensive medicine you have. Money is not a problem!" Bomi pleaded the nurses and doctors.
She waited outside of the hospital room for a few hours and the doctor finally came out.
"Don't worry, your friend is just suffering from a minor concussion. She will wake up soon after she gets some rest." The doctor reassured Bomi.
Bomi finally feels relieved, like a big rock has been lifted from her shoulder. "Can I go inside to check on her?" She asks the doctor.
"Sure but don't wake her up. She needs rest"
"Ok. Thank you so much" Bomi said shaking the doctor's hand.
She just sat beside Chorong the whole time staring at her, hoping that she will be alright when she wakes up. "She's so cute even when shes unconscious. Yoon Bomi just admit it, you've fallen for this cute paboyah laying in front of you" she thought to herself. 
Bomi grabbed Chorong's hand and held it tightly while kissing it once in a while. "I'm sorry for what I did. Please be ok, please be ok" she begged. And this time, she kissed Chorong's forehead and lips.
Chorongs's POV
Where am I? Why can't I open my eyes or move my body? Am I dead?! I panicked because the last thing remember was Bomi landing a super hard kick to my head. My head still hurts by the way. 
Hmm? Why do I hear someone sobbing and begging for me to be ok while holding my hand super tight? I would tell them to let go because my hand is getting sweaty but I can't. I tried my best to move my hand, but nothing worked. It kind of sounds like Bomi but I know she would never do this kind of thing.
"Yah yah yah! What are you doing?! Why are you kissing my forehead and lips?!" My heart started to beat really fast. I didn't even know who was kissing me but I could feel how sincere and passionate they are just from that kiss. 
All of a sudden they stop kissing me and said,"that'll teach you not to make out with Eunji."
"What?! I made out with Eunji? When?" I asked myself.
Author's POV
Chorong suddenly felt light headed again and knocked out. Bomi calls her coach to tell him his daughter is fine and he can come visit her tomorrow. She also apologized to him for what he did to Chorong and he forgave her because he understood these kind of things are inevitable. 
Not long later, a nurse comes in and flirts with Bomi. "Hey you've been here for a couple hours now. Wanna go get something to eat?"
"No it's alright. Thanks for the offer though, I really appreciate it" Bomi said with an eye smile. "What's wrong with me. Why am I even smiling to strangers now?" She thought to herself.
Bomi stayed for the rest of the night and the next morning she heard knocking on the door so she opened it and it was Eunji. 
"Is unnie ok?!" Eunji said rushing in, going to the side of Chorong's bed.
"She she'll be fine once she wakes up" Bomi told the worried girl. "I'm gonna go do the paper work and pay. You stay here and watch her, arraso?
"Ok. Don't worry, I'll watch her"
Just when Bomi walked out, Chorong started to wake up. 
"Where am I? Oww my head." She then saw Eunji's worried face and holding her hand really tight. "Was last night a dream or did someone really kiss me and held my hand the hold time? Was it Eunji?" Chorong thought to herself.
"Unnie! You're awake! How are you feeling?" Eunji quickly asked
"My head hurts a little but I'll live" Chorong said holding her head with the other hand. "Were you here all night? Were you the one that brought me to the hospital?"
"Nooo it wa..." Just before Eunji could finish her sentence Bomi came back and said, "Yea Eunji was worried sick about you. She took care of you all night and rushed you to the hospital after I knocked you down"
When Bomi walked back to the door, she saw Eunji holding Chorong's hand and was furious but she couldn't do anything about it. 
Eunji was left dumbfounded and confused by those words because she was trying to get Naeun to stop being mad at her last night, so she couldn't have been there.
"Oh" Chorong said sounding disappointed, yet grateful. "Thank you Eunji ah, I can't even imagine what would have happened if you didn't save me and took care of me all night." Chorong was really touched by Eunji's actions.
"Bu.. But I wa..." Eunji stuttered and again got cut off by Bomi. "You guys would make a cute couple." 
"Bomi can you step outside for a bit I want to talk to Eunji alone" Chorong asked politely.
"Yea I gotta go anyways. Bye" Bomi waved she leaving but she was curious what they were going to talk about.
"Eunji ah tell me the truth what happened last night?"
I'm not sure, I was trying to get Naeun to tell me why she was so mad at us and why she was ignoring me." 
"So it wasn't you who brought me to the hospital and took care of me last night?"
"Nope. Pretty sure that was Bomi but you know her, she never wants to show her feelings."
"Are you sure? It doesn't se..." Chorong got cut off when the nurse from last night walked into the room. 
"Hey how are you feeling?" The nurse asked
"Better, just a little headache"
"That's good, you will be discharged this afternoon" the nurse said. And before she left, she said "Heyy I know this is bad to ask, but can I have your hot friend's number?"
"Which hot friend?" Chorong asked in curiosity.
"The one that stayed here all night, she just left" the nurse replied.
It was then that Chorong realized last night was not a dream and Bomi really did kiss her and take care of her.
"Sure" Chorong reluctantly gave the nurse Bomi's number because she now knows that she has feelings for Bomi.
"Thanks!" The nurse grabbed the paper with the number and happily skipped out of the room.
"Eunji ah, I know this is a lot to ask for and it might be awkward, but can you pretend to go out with me to make Bomi jealous?" Chorong asked while looking down and twiddling her fingers in embarrassment and scared that Eunji would reject.
"Of course! I would be so happy seeing you guys together!" Eunji agreed and gave Chorong that same killer eye smile.
"Thanks Eunji I owe you one" 
"Haha don't sweat it unnie, we're like sisters and I told you I would help you out whenever you needed me didn't I?"
They both giggled as they plot their plan to make Bomi jealous.
(A/N: Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank all of you who subscribe, comment, or just take your time to read my fanfic xD you all encourage me to update when I was about to give up on this fanfic love you all! Chomi for life!<3)
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Chapter 11: Dang what a story! but that moment of possessive Bomi is hot.. "you're mine" @_@ uwaow and everything about her, it shows the development from her cold self in the very beginning. So much drama and jealousy and comedy woo, thank you for writing this ^^
Better make an epilogue..
Hi poopy..
Chapter 11: Lol possessive bomi IS sooo [o hot. Was NOT expecting Bomi to propose... excited for the epilogue!
liltran321 #5
Chapter 11: still waiting for that epilogue. >_____> I'm going to continue writing chomi angst until you upload your epilogue :3
Eririn #6
Chapter 11: I laughed when Chorong found possessive Bomi hot :P It was too cute.
Chapter 11: omo no what wait the end already?! i'm so glad it ended well haha i can't wait for the epilogue! thanks so much for writing such a lovely chomi fic <3 my chomi heart is overflowing XD there's never enough chomi for me!
Chapter 11: OMG MY FEELSSSSS >,<
vhelzzz #9
Chapter 11: Waw.. this story very very Nice, great joob thor's kekekeke , actually iam the one who newbie for the story of chomi's , but after i read ur story make me love chomi More. Thanks you for story
CHOMI Love is reaaaaal