Chapter 2

Change of Heart

Chorong's POV


I just transferred from a different university to Pan University because my dad works here so it would be more convenient to commute. He also told me there was a really good martial arts program here, so I decided to give it a try. He was the head of the taekwondo program and the main coach, and being that I am his daughter, I have been training since I was a child. I have a third degree black belt in hapkido, but taekwondo was no stranger to me.

On my first day of school, my dad tells me to have a friendly match with one of the top students in this school. I thought it would be Bomi since she was the state champion and the best at this school. Although I have never met her, I really wanted to see, for myself, how good she really was.

The first person I will be fighting with at this school is Suho. We both bow and when my dad signaled for us to start, we began to strike, trying to gain more points to win. Near the end of the match, we were both sweating and getting tired. I see that he had an unprotected spot and I landed the hardest kick I could to his shoulder and he got knocked down. As I saw him fall onto the ground, I saw a very pretty, yet cool girl standing at the entrance in corner of my eye. I was about to turn and get a better look but I heard Suho groan a little from the pain and I asked him if he was alright.

"I'm fine" he said with a smile. I then helped him up we both bowed to each other. "Wow, you're really good! You know I have never been beat by a girl before except for you and Bomi!" he said. I blushed a little and said thank you, but that comment made me want to have a match with Bomi even more than ever now! When I turn back to look at the entrance, the pretty girl was gone.

My father came up to me and said he wanted to introduce me to someone very important and I quietly whispered to myself "who could it be" but I guess he heard me and said "she is one of my best disciples!" After hearing that, I instantly thought to myself "who is he talking about? Could it be Bomi?"

He put his arm around my shoulder and told me to follow him. When we turned around, I see a girl striking the punching bag repeatedly with precise kicks and thought she had great posture. I didn't recognize her until my father tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around.

It was then, when I recognized it was the beautiful girl standing at the door earlier, Yoon Bomi. I recognized her because I saw her in a photo my dad had of the whole taekwondo team. She was sweating on her forehead and had a calm look on her face. "Wow she's so hot" I thought to myself. I started blushing slightly. "Why am I blushing?!" I questioned myself. But I snapped out of it when my dad said, "honey, this is Yoon Bomi, one of my best disciples." "And Bomi this is my daughter Park Chorong." "Nice to meet you" she said as she stuck her hand out for a handshake. Because I was so excited to meet her, I said, "Omo I finally get to meet the famous Yoon Bomi!" And wrapped my arms around her waist and gave her a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. Her eyes widened like she had never been hugged before but still had a straight face on so I wasn't sure if she disliked me or was annoyed of me. I let go of her and apologize for being being so direct "Sorry! But I've heard a lot about you from my father and really wanted to meet you!"

Bomi was still in shock but she bowed and went back to practice.

After my dad and I walked away, I looked to my dad and asked him "appa does Bomi dislike me or something? Did I offend her?"

"No honey of course not! Why would you think that?"

"I don't know. She didn't smile or anything and seemed annoyed"

My dad giggled a little and said "Don't worry honey" he reassured me, "that's how she is with everyone, they call her the ice princess because she shows and has no emotions. She is actually a very kind person, but she just doesn't care about anything around her nor express her feelings. She has great manners and respects her elders."

"What happened to her? Why doesn't she have emotions?" I asked him.

"Not really sure, but for the past two years, all I know is that there was family issues. But I don't want to get involved in other people's family business so I never asked."

"Ahh I see" I responded. "Appa I'm gonna go wash up! class is about to start!"

I kissed his cheek and ran to the showers.

"Ok have fun on your first day of school sweetie!" He yelled as I ran off.

Bomi's POV

"What a weird girl" I thought to myself. No one has ever hugged me or kissed me on the cheek like that except for Eunji, once, but I gave her a death glare and she never did it again. I was a little bit shocked but I didn't want to be rude and push her off, say anything mean, or give her the death glare, she is my coach's daughter after all. I calmed down and bowed to them with a straight face. "Why was I being so considerate?" I asked myself, being that I don't care about anything around me. I brushed all these thoughts out of my head and continued practicing. Since class was about to start I had to wrap up my practice and hit the showers really quick.

Author's POV

Even though Bomi and Chorong went to shower around the same time, Bomi went to the showers on the east wing of the gym and Chorong went to the one on the west wing. They both quickly shower and start heading to class. Chorong, being new to the school, was already lost on her first day. The campus was so big and the map was not very detailed. She was really desperate so she stopped a student and asked them for directions. "Hey do you know where the CBA building is?" Chorong asked the student. "Yea it's down that road and will be on your left, you won't miss it!" She pointed to that direction with a smile on her face.

"Thank you so much! What would I do without you! By the way, I'm Chorong, nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too! I'm Son Naeun" the student replied. "I'm actually headed towards the CBA building too. I have my first class there, want to walk together?"

"Of course!" Chorong said with a big smile. "The people here are so friendly, I'm glad I already made a friend on my first day. Naeun is really pretty too. And that smile can make anyones day brighter" Chorong thought to herself. As they walk to class they have a small conversation.

"So Chorong what are you majoring in?" Naeun asked.

"Accounting, what about you?"

"Omo me too!" Naeun said with a surprising yet happy tone.

"I guess we will be seeing each other a lot then!" Chorong said with a sincere smile

"Yup! Lets be good friends!" Naeun said smiling back.

The two friends arrive to class a few minutes late but it was alright since the professor hasn't arrived yet.

Autho'rs POV

Bomi and Ilhoon both majored in business management since they will be taking over their family businesses and Eunji majored in finance. Accounting, business management, and financing all fall under the College of Business Administration so the requirements were almost similar. When they registered for classes, they picked the same professor and same time. Their schedule was almost identical except for their last class. Eunji had a different class from Bomi and Ilhoon. They left a gap between 11am- 12:30pm so they can have lunch together everyday.

It was time for class and everyone was in their seat waiting for the Professor to come except for Chorong and Naeun.

Eunji POV

"Damn, first day of school and ten girls already already asked me out on a date." I bragged to Ilhoon. "Of course I only said yes to 3 of them since they were too hot and I couldn't resist." Ilhoon scoffed at my cockiness but still gave me a fist bump.

"I had a few girls ask me out this morning too but they seemed annoying so I told them I was busy" Ilhoon said. "Come on man you have to give them a chance" I said, patting him on the back. And he nodded.

Bomi sat in the back corner, near the window as always. I sat next to her and Ilhoon sat next to me on the other side. Like always, Bomi had her headphones on and head down sleeping. "Or was she pretending to sleep so people don't bother her?" I thought to myself.

It was already five minutes passed the start time and the professor was still not here. I heard footsteps so I thought it was the professor at the door. I turn only to see a goddess and the new transfer student walking into the room. They were standing looking for seats and perfectly two were empty in front of me and Bomi. I quickly waved to Naeunnie signaling her to come sit with us. "Hey Eunji, Ilhoon this is my new friend, Park Chorong." Naeunnie introduced us to her new friend and we all said hi except Bomi because she was still sleeping with her head down.

Naeunnie sat in front of me while Chorong unnie sat in front of Bomi. "Hey why are you guys so late?" I asked the two who just sat down. "Funny story, I'm a new transfer student and I got lost so I asked Naeun for directions. Now we became good friends!" Chorong unnie answered. We all giggled and I told Chorong unnie that if she ever needed any help she can ask me anytime. I gave her a wink and right after I winked, I felt Naeunnie glaring at me. I wasn't sure if it was because she was jealous or she was mad at me for trying to flirt with her new friend. Chorong unnie said thanks and gave me a smile then turned back to face the front of the class.

Naeunnie was the only girl who didn't flirt back with me when I flirted with her. We've been friends since freshman year of college. We became close friends and talked to each other everyday.

Naeun's POV

"Ugh! Stupid Eunji! Always flirting with every girl she meets! Why is she such a player? She should at least have the decency to not flirt with my first new friend of the semester!" I though angrily to myself. I wasn't sure why I was so mad, I already knew she flirts with everyone in the school. I just don't like it when she flirts with other people in front of me. I get irritated and ignore her for the rest of the day. Sometimes when she's making out with a random girl in the hallway, I feel a weird painful sting in my chest.

Ilhoon POV

When Eunji told me to give the girls a chance, I was frustrated because I know I like Bomi but she doesn't like me back. I peeked at Bomi and she was still sound asleep at her desk. I didn't notice that I was staring at Bomi until Eunji tapped me on the shoulder and told me to look at the door. I saw two very cute girls but none of them made my heart flutter.

I see the way that Eunji looks at Naeun and I know that she has special feelings for her even though if she hasn't realized it yet.

It is similar to the way I look at Bomi.

I say hi to the two girls and turn to face the front of the class.

Chorong's POV

After meeting Eunji and Ilhoon, they seem like very nice people especially Eunji since she offered to help me when ever I needed. Before I sat down, I saw the girl sleeping on her desk with her headphones on and she seemed familiar. When I sat down, I turned around stared at the girl sleeping. I saw the professor walk into the class and started setting up his stuff at the front desk, so I tried to wake the sleepy head up. I shook her shoulder and when she lifted her head she saw me and jumped backwards a little, out of surprise. I realized it was Bomi. She poked my forehead and pushed my head back. "Yah! That hurts!" I said pouting and rubbing my forehead. I told her the professor's here, pay attention, then turned back to face the professor.

Bomi's POV

I was having a dream about food, tons and tons of food, until all of a sudden I felt someone nudging my shoulder. I look up and BOOM it was her again. Park Chorong. I was shocked because she was leaning in pretty close to me. I quickly tried to scoot back because I do not like physical contact, with anyone, especially the girl that kissed my cheek earlier. I pushed her head back with one finger signaling that I need my personal space. I didn't realize I pushed her forehead that hard. I was staring at her while she was pouting and rubbing her head. " cute" Aiish Yoon Bomi what in the world are you saying to yourself?! Why are you blushing? I lectured and questioned myself because this was first time I felt like this. My thoughts were interrupted when Chorong told me to pay attention to the professor. I'm glad she turn back around so I can go back to my own peaceful world. I ignored her and turned my music back up and went back to sleep as the professor started talking.

Ilhoon's POV

"W...w..what just happened? Did Bomi just blush for the girl sitting in front of her? Did she just touch her forehead? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" I thought to myself while panicking. I was just staring at the teacher when all of a sudden I see Chorong unnie touching Bomi's shoulder. My heart sank when I saw how Bomi touched Chorong unnies forehead and blushed.

"What is their relationship? Why doesn't Bomi look at me like that?" I questioned myself more as I see our classmates also looking at them and whispering to each other. They were as surprised as I was that Bomi actually didn't give Chorong unnie a death glare when she touched her. She usually just gives them a blank look and ignored them. "What's so special about Chorong unnie?"




A/N: Hey everyone! How are you liking it so far?

I'm sorry if this chapter was boring,

I'm trying to take it slow and let their relationship build haha.

I feel like Bomi wasn't as cool in this chapter -sob sob-

but at least she's starting to change, right? ;D

I don't know lol.

I will try to make Chorong the man of this relationship. Haha.



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Chapter 11: Dang what a story! but that moment of possessive Bomi is hot.. "you're mine" @_@ uwaow and everything about her, it shows the development from her cold self in the very beginning. So much drama and jealousy and comedy woo, thank you for writing this ^^
Better make an epilogue..
Hi poopy..
Chapter 11: Lol possessive bomi IS sooo [o hot. Was NOT expecting Bomi to propose... excited for the epilogue!
liltran321 #5
Chapter 11: still waiting for that epilogue. >_____> I'm going to continue writing chomi angst until you upload your epilogue :3
Eririn #6
Chapter 11: I laughed when Chorong found possessive Bomi hot :P It was too cute.
Chapter 11: omo no what wait the end already?! i'm so glad it ended well haha i can't wait for the epilogue! thanks so much for writing such a lovely chomi fic <3 my chomi heart is overflowing XD there's never enough chomi for me!
Chapter 11: OMG MY FEELSSSSS >,<
vhelzzz #9
Chapter 11: Waw.. this story very very Nice, great joob thor's kekekeke , actually iam the one who newbie for the story of chomi's , but after i read ur story make me love chomi More. Thanks you for story
CHOMI Love is reaaaaal