Seat partners

Our Stars

Chanyeol POV

"Hey Chanyeol man!" I turn around at the voice and grin from ear to ear to my best friend, Byun Baekhyun. He jogs over to me and tousles my hair.

"You better watch it! Do you how long it took me to do my hair this morning?" I joke. Baekhyun has been friends with me for as long as I can remember. He's the second person in our foursome group of friends. We mess around as we walk into the school campus. I casually glance around and see everyone staring at me and whispering. The girls are all fanning themselves, their faces red. I smirk confidently. 

"Already used to all the attention, huh?" A lazy and low voice calls me out. Oh Sehun and Kim Kai saunter over to us. Their uniforms are worn effortless and their ties aren't tucked in, just like Baekhyun and me. I raise my fist and Kai bumps it. Sehun and Kai are also part of our foursome. The four of us had sticked together ever since we were placed in the same group in kindergarten. It's amazing how we're still friends, in my opinion.

"If you're someone as well known and popular as myself, the attention gets old quickly." I brag. Sehun rolls his eyes at me and run his fingers through his rainbow colored hair. 

"What do you have for first period?" Kai asks.

"Pabo. We all applied for the same classes remember? We have Latin first." 

"Let's go. Building D is pretty far and the bell is about to ring soon. I don't want to be late. Everyone says the Latin teacher is a witch." Baekhyun laughs. As we walk over to building D, I see a tall and slim girl wearing a very ill-fitting uniform, frowning at a piece of paper. Probably just a new student, I think absentmindly. It has nothing to do with me anyways. I push the image of the girl to the very back of my mind and resume my joking with the boys.

I think the next four years are going to be great.

Seulbi POV

I race into the classroom with a minute to spare. I silently thank that janitor that I ran into who was nice enough to point out building D to me. After I catch my breath, I admire at the classroom.Woah. I catch my jaw before it drops open. The inside of the classroom is so big, it can fit three of my old school's classroom inside. But there's only fifteen desks here, each of them made from good wood, sleek, long, and stylish. Every single of them holds two models of the newest Apple laptop and a few thick textbooks. Even the seats are thick, plushy red wheely chairs. I assume that each desk is long enough for two people because there are two chairs at each table.

I duck my head and search around for an desk where I can't be seen when I realize that there's names on each of the desks. Shiz, I curse mentally in my mind. I find my name engraved onto a desk by the window. I release the breath that I didn't even know I was holding. At least my seat isn't that bad. I slide into my seat as silently as I can, trying not to draw any unwanted attention to myself. I glance fleetingly to my right and spot my desk partner, who has already sat down. I quickly pull my long hair to my right side to form a long, dark brown between the two of us. I don't need a partner and I certainly don't need a friend. Maybe if I act hostile to others first, they will leave me alone.

But I'm so curious about the slouching boy sitting next to me. 

I peer behind my curtain shyly. He's so tall that he can barely fit into the chair. He's talking to the boy with the puppy-like eyes and rectangular smile in front of us. Are they friends? No! I can't be interested in him, I scold myself mentally. But despite my conscience telling me to stop looking at him, I slowly peek at him again. His ears are so peculiar. They're kinda big and pointed at the top. Like yoda. I giggle to myself. I resume my speculation and discover that he smiles a LOT. He's always laughing or smiling. In conclusion, he gives off this bright and sunny aura that really announces his prescence in the room. Like, there's no way to NOT notice him.

Suddenly, his big shining eyes glances back at me and we make eye contact. My breath catches in my throat.

I frantically tear my eyes off of him and back to my notebook in front of me. I feel my face heating up until even my ears are hot. Stupid, stupid, STUPID. This is what I get for looking at him. My heart won't slow down at all. It's so loud it's a wonder that the boy can't hear it. I sense his eyes trained on me and I try to ignore him. I swiftly open my falling apart notebook and start to doodle a pattern onto the first page. Please please just drop it and stop looking at me.

"Hi! I'm guessing that you're my new seat partner. I'm Park Chanyeol, nice to meet you!" 

Oh god.

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junebune #1
Too cute!!
Chapter 13: Dead sister?! JINJJA??? Daebak!!!~~~ Author-nim, Update Soon!!!
Fatima90 #3
Chapter 12: please update soon
it's getting so exciting !! :)
Exo880408 #4
Chapter 12: OMG! O.O
One update that is enough to blow me away hahahaha
Thank you for the update and keep it up, auhornim! ^^
Chapter 12: WAH!!!!!!!!!!!! They kissed each other!!!!!!!! Author nim, update soon!!!
Chapter 11: WAH~~~ Do Kyungsoo is in the house! Author-nim, update soon!!~~
Fatima90 #7
Chapter 11: please post chapter 12 as soon as possible :)
Your story is great :)
Chapter 10: Man his father is really rude. Update Soon!
Exo880408 #9
Chapter 10: O.O i didn't expect his father to be that rude! Can't wait for the next update :)
Chapter 9: No! Kyungsoo dont!!! Author-nim, update soon!!!